Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 194 Before I could recover from the shock, Jin had already completed the formalities

Chapter 194 "Before I could come to my senses, Jin had already completed the formalities"

Leiza was on duty at the "Seaside City of Shoufulabi", so he was not present at lunch while the others sat around the dining table.

Liszt brought a table full of sumptuous dishes, including both Eastern and Western dishes.

"Please enjoy your meal," he said kindly, just like a butler in a castle.

Jin took a fork and rolled up the pasta, stuffed it into his mouth, then looked up and asked curiously: "German, Xiaodi, what are you going to do this afternoon?"

"We are going to tour the entire Greed Island!" Xiaodi adjusted her glasses and answered on behalf of Germanman, showing a rare excitement.

"That's it." Germain agreed, then picked up a piece of cut beef and put it in his mouth to chew. "Will you be our guide?"

"No." Jin immediately waved his hand, "I need to spend some time to sort out the relevant information and texts about the Dark Continent, and then compare them with yours."

"Duen and Lister also have their own jobs to do. After all, to manage all aspects of an entire island, the Greed Island Management Team needs to work together."

He paused, then added: "However, I can briefly introduce the structure of Greed Island, and you can decide where to go. Is that okay?"

"Okay." German had finished eating. He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "You go ahead."

Xiaodi also put down her knife and fork and drank the juice with a straw in small sips, her big eyes blinking as she listened attentively.

Jin swallowed a mouthful of pasta and began to speak.

“Greed Island is spelled GREEDISLAND, which has eleven letters in total, and each letter is the first letter of a team member’s English name.”

"I'm G, Leiza is R, Yida and Elena are both E, Duen is D, and Liszt is L..."

Jin had only spoken halfway when Duen slapped the table and interrupted him unhappily.

"My English name should start with W, but Jin insisted that I change it to D to match the game name GREED-ISLAND. Tell me, how can this be so unreasonable?"

"President Netero set the '12 Zodiac Signs', but he didn't force members to dress up as the corresponding 'Zodiac Signs'. They are like this now because they have great respect for President Netero, and it is their own will."

"Not to mention, Jin and the Rat, Palliston, are exceptions. You two don't even intend to fit in with the Pig and the Rat."

"What about me? I didn't even have the chance to object! Before I could react, Jin had already helped me complete the procedures for changing my name. It was really weird. I haven't seen him handle other things so quickly..."

"Of course, after changing my name, my luck has improved. I have money and women. This is the truth... But he still shouldn't take the initiative!"

Duen stiffened his neck and complained to Germain and Xiaodi.

Unfortunately, he chose the wrong person. These two people were not the kind of people who would say a few words for him for the sake of social etiquette.

They all just had an expression of "So that's how it is" and that was all.

Liszt couldn't help laughing. He took a sip of soup with a small spoon and almost spit it out.

Duen didn't expect that Germain and Xiaodi would react like this, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"In short," Jin successfully took back the initiative of the topic, "Since you, Biscuit and Xiaodi are new members, you should also follow this practice."

"However, it's not easy to change the name of Greed Island. Your initials are hard to insert... By the way, what are your initials?"

Du En started to mutter in dissatisfaction again: "You never asked me what my initials were back then! You just made the decision directly! This is too hypocritical!"

"I'm the G in Gehrman." Gehrman, like Kim, ignored Duen and said, "Biscuit is the B in Biscuit, and Shizuku is the S in Shizuku."

"G... and then SB? Hmm... I thought of several combinations, but none of them seemed too good... Never mind, I'll think about this later."

Jin scratched his face with his fingers as if he was in trouble.

"Anyway, each letter represents a member of the Greed Island production and management team. We worked together for several years to complete the game Greed Island."

"We designed and materialized "cards", "NPCs", "monsters", "terrain", "treasures", etc. In order to make this huge game system run, we need a lot of mind energy."

"And these thoughts come from those "game players". When they use the "BOOK card system" or "thought ability", a small amount of their thoughts will enter the cycle of "Greed Island". "

"As for the abilities of the most core "cards", our mind energy is used to ensure their strength. For example, Leiza is responsible for supplementing the "casting spell cards."

"In addition, we also have to ensure that the main storyline of the game is complete and smooth, that is, whether the "game players" can pass the level, so there are "administrators" present at the most important nodes."

"The game starts with Ida, and then other "administrators" are responsible for the game content, main line and side lines, and then converge to the most dangerous level of Leizha, and then the final level responsible for Duen and Liszt, and finally ends with Elena." "The "game player" obtains the designated 100 "cards". After reaching the ending, you can get 3 of them and can use them in places other than "Greed Island". "

“That’s the basic flow of the game.”

Jin then introduced the most important cities on the "Greed Island", including the "Bounty City·Andochiba", the "Magic City·Masadora", the "Gambling City·Durias", the "Love City·Ai Ai", and the "Seaside City·Shoufulabi".

"The City Under the Castle - Rimi Road" is where they are now, so there is no need to introduce it in detail.

"Then you can just walk around this afternoon." Jin finally said, "Duen, Liszt and I all have things to do, so we can't take you for a walk. Sorry."

"It doesn't matter." German said, "Xiao Di and I will probably just take a look around and come back."

However, the afternoon journey took longer than Germain had imagined.

Germain and Xiaodi first walked around the city of "Rimi Road, the City Under the Castle" and interacted with the people coming and going.

"Game players" cannot get here without achieving the prerequisites for the ending, so they cannot see any real people other than themselves here.

"It looks so real." Xiaodi said in amazement as she walked. "These NPCs are just like real people. They can answer many of my questions, but they always try to guide me to the main storyline."

"It's their job, after all," German replied. "Did they ask you to play cards?"

"Play cards? No. Oh, you mean those 'cards'? They do want me to collect 'cards'."

The two chatted as they walked, and soon reached the end of "The City Under the Castle, Rimi Road" and were already in the forest, so they decided to go to another city to have a look.

Cities are far apart from each other, and it would take more than half a day to walk through all the cities, so "gamers" all have special movement spell cards.

Such as "Come Again" (fly to a place you have been to), "Drift" (fly to a place you have not been to), "Magnetism" (fly to players you have met in the game), "Travel Together" (fly to places you have been to or players you have met in the game with surrounding players), etc.

However, these "cards" are limited in quantity, and there are only so many cards in total.

All of them are stored and occupied, and other "game players" cannot obtain them. They will return to the card pool after use and then be allocated to certain locations.

"Administrators" definitely cannot occupy the "cards" of "game players", so they have "administrator-exclusive mobile cards".

Germann used the "Administrator Exclusive Mobility Card" that Jin gave him, allowing him and Xiaodi to fly to their destination together.

"「Bounty City: Andoqiba」!"

A wave of mental energy enveloped the two of them, bringing them to the bustling city, where they finally met many "game players".

They are still easy to recognize, after all, there are still differences between humans and "NPCs" in various actions.

Unless it is a mission requirement or a special encounter, the "NPC" will not hinder the "game player" and will do what they do over and over again every day.

"Gamers" don't have so many concerns and are more likely to do what they want. After all, no one here will say that they are breaking the law or violating regulations.

Even if you kill other "gamers" here, you will not suffer any punishment, at most you will be morally condemned.

These "gamers" were looking at the bounty sign not far away with either excitement, depression, or worry.

It turns out that tomorrow is September 9th, which happens to be the start time of the monthly bounty competition in "Bounty City - Andochiba", and the final winner will receive certain "designated cards".

"This should be the first place where 'new players' get to experience the game." German said, "This is the so-called 'anti-refund tutorial level', right?"

"Huh?" Xiaodi looked at him, "You're saying weird things again."

"Speaking of 'weird things', you have no right to say anything about me, right?"

"Well, really? Okay then." Xiaodi actually accepted what Germain said.

Then, Germain and Xiaodi went to the "Gambling City of Dulias" and the "Magic City of Masadora".

The former is a place for "game players" to gamble and earn money, and the term "Jini" is still commonly used here. The latter is a place where "game players" use "Jini" to buy "spell cards".

In this way, more common game elements such as "tutorial level", "money-making point" and "store" all appeared.

The two of them seemed to be enjoying the show.

(End of this chapter)

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