Chapter 210 "Temporary Truce"

When the sky began to turn pale, the "Ancient Labyrinth City" that had been noisy, roaring, and rioting for almost the entire dark night finally began to calm down and become peaceful.

Of course, in such a huge ruins, there are always discordant notes coming from some corners - those wriggling "gold and silver ingot parasites" are still trying to search for clues of last night's target.

When the night ended and dawn came, the "night shark" that led them and always found the target first had quietly disappeared.

The "Night Attack Species" are only active in their home turf - the long dark world. Once the day turns to day, they will hand over the control here to the "Gold and Silver Ingot Parasitic Species".

The sunlight tore through the dim shadows and finally enveloped a cubic stone column, a cubic stone column engraved with the "Mobius strip".

Dong Fulisi has set up more than one safe point in the "Ancient Labyrinth City", and this is one of them.

German and his group fought and retreated in the darkness, and finally shook off the relentless pursuers not long ago. They dragged their tired bodies and arrived at the second safe point.

They had varying degrees of injuries that needed to be treated, so they lost no time, unsealed "Sambika's medical supplies" and cleaned, sutured and bandaged each other's wounds.

Even the four people who are at the top of the pyramid structure of Nen users will feel heavy fatigue after experiencing almost non-stop round-the-clock battles.

Biscuit and Xiaodi slept for at least a few hours before the "night attack", and Jin also slept for an hour.

However, after changing shifts, German had been awakened by Jin within half an hour after lying down, and then he kept fighting against the "gold and silver ingot parasites".

In addition, he had been engaged in a very intense annihilation battle throughout the entire day yesterday, so he could be said to be the one who lacked the most rest among the four.

Therefore, when German proposed to stand guard and let the others rest, he was immediately opposed by the others.

"No matter how good your 'physique' is, you still have your limits as a human being. Even if you are a robot, a robot will eventually run out of energy."

It was Biscuit who said this.

In order to facilitate fighting, she had already torn off the hem of her skirt below the knees and cut off her ponytail, leaving only short hair that was above her ears.

Smooth long hair requires a long time of maintenance for women, not to mention Biscuit who loves beauty very much. But now she has taken the initiative to change her hair into a tomboy style, which shows that she was also forced into a corner last night.

"Not to mention, you also have this..."

She pointed at the top of the silent German's head, where a "Dark Crown" flickered and continued to emit a strange aura.

That was a presence that Germain could not deny.

"Torture and tyranny" is highlighted.

In the fierce battle that could not be stopped, Biscuit had no time to clear the accumulated "pressure" for German. Finally, they reached a peak at a certain point in time and broke out.

The good news is that German was even more courageous at that time, with a momentum of killing gods and Buddhas who stood in his way.

The bad news is that German was so absorbed in the slaughter that he almost forgot about the other three and planned to force his way into the fight alone.

Fortunately, he was awakened at the last moment when he was almost at the brink of death, and thus avoided being surrounded.

At that time, he did have a feeling of "I don't know where this is, I don't know who I am, I just know that I want to kill a lot of people."

The "Dark Crown" that was worn at that time has not been taken off until now.

"It's affecting your mind," Biscuit said. "Let my Magic Beautician Miss Cookie remove it, and then you can have a good rest for a while."

"Yes." Xiaodi adjusted her black-framed glasses. There was a noticeable crack on the left lens. This pair of glasses would definitely not last long. "Let me be the sentry." "I'll be the next one." Jin's broken hat was lost in the constant transfer of positions. He sat cross-legged on the ground, scratching his short hair with his fingers. "German, just sleep peacefully."

If Jin had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have understood the impact of the "Dark Crown of Torment" on Germain. What was even more chilling was that the other three were also vaguely affected.

In the chaos before dawn, even Jin had a moment when he wanted to cater to German and join him in the battle to kill more "gold and silver ingot parasites".

Fortunately, they still had some sense and pulled away in time, otherwise they would have lost at least one person there, and that person would most likely be Xiaodi, the weakest among them.

The worst-case scenario, of course, is that German is killed.

As a result, the survivors will face the same desperate situation as the special forces of the Saherta United States.

They must force their way out of the "ancient maze city", run 400 kilometers, and then cross the treacherous and indistinguishable forest to reach the coastline of the dark continent and seek help from the "guide".

With absolutely no support, only in this way can they return to the human world.

Even if it weren't for these reasons, it was impossible for everyone to watch German continue to suffer "torture".

"You've been brave enough in the past few hours." Biscuit was not trying to comfort or persuade, but telling the truth. "Don't feel guilty."

Xiaodi nodded, agreeing with Biscuit's words.

Jin Ye said, "We came to the Dark Continent with you voluntarily, and we knew what kind of situation we would face beforehand."

"To be unlucky, even if some of our men die in the Night Raid or in the subsequent battles, it won't be your fault. People who are afraid of death won't go with you."

Xiaodi nodded again, with a feeling that "Although I can't express the same profound principles as them, I am the same."

Finally, Germain was persuaded by everyone and lay down to accept the comfort from "Magic Beautician Miss Cookie", and then fell into a deep sleep in the sleeping bag spit out by "Pop-Eyed Fish".

Bisiji had used up a lot of her mental energy, and she was the third person to take charge of the sentry duty, so she also crawled into her sleeping bag and relaxed to rest.

When German woke up several hours later, he felt that all his limbs were no longer sore from the fight, but instead felt extremely comfortable.

The Dark Crown disappeared.

This is the result of the combined effect of "Trait: Toughness" and "Magic Beautician Miss Cookie's Soothing".

After surviving the "Night Raid Bloody Battle", German also received extremely generous rewards - his "Physical Fitness" and "Mentality" quickly climbed to 133 points and 139 points.

Unfortunately, not all the "gold and silver ingot parasites" he killed or participated in killing could bring him the "Gift of Resentment", otherwise he could ascend even higher.

However, his "physique" and "magnanimity" are far from reaching the level of "legend".

Every time before crossing a level threshold, he would have a hunch and know exactly where that line is. For example, he knew that "Master Level" was 50 points and "Champion Level" was 100 points.

After crossing the "Master Level" and "Champion Level" thresholds, "Physique and Temperament" will also gain corresponding increases in "Master Aura" and "Champion Aura".

At present, Germann has no idea when his "physique and temperament" will surpass the "legendary level", let alone actually touch the existence of the "legendary halo".

The only hunch he had was that the gap between "Champion Level" and "Legendary Level" might be greater than the gap between "Apprentice Level", "Brave Level", "Elite Level", "Master Level" and "Champion Level" combined.

(End of this chapter)

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