Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 238 Disease Spreaders and Alchemical Plants

Chapter 238 "Disease Spreaders and Alchemical Plants"

The next morning.

Biscuit's "Magic Beautician Miss Cookie" reduced the pressure on Xiaodi and Menqi again, so they retrieved the "Sleeping Girl" and prepared to set off.

Coming out of the cave, the army of demons that marched at night last night had disappeared, but their footprints were left on the ground, a sense of order amidst the chaos.

The sky outside was still gloomy. Large clusters of grayish-white cumulus clouds covered the sky, blocking out the sunlight, making it look like it was still night.

The gray-white "aurora" in the distant sky had not yet dissipated, and everyone walked in that direction.

As users of Nen, they are as light as a swallow and swiftly shuttle between the gray and white rock formations, making their figures almost invisible.

In less than half an hour, they arrived at a simple stone bridge formed by the magic of nature and looked at the scenery in the distance.

All the walking dead in the wilderness gathered here.

They were bustling around, forming an ingenious circular formation, completely blocking the way forward for German's team.

Not only was the road on the ground blocked, there was no way to go in the sky either.

Those vengeful spirits floating in the sky filled with gray smoke looked like a school of sardines gathering on the sea, which was terrifyingly spectacular.

And in the very center where the evil spirits and zombies were guarding, there appeared a gray-white plant that looked like a spear, pointing straight into the sky.

There are many black balls growing on the skin of the "gray-white spear", densely packed and moving up and down like a tumor.

There are two huge "branches" at its base, bending downward like a pair of thighs, supporting its huge body to stand up.

This is the target of Team German - the "Disease Spreader".

German put down the telescope and turned around to see the others sitting cross-legged on the stone bridge, eating biscuits with a crunching sound.

"What do you think?" Germain asked, "of this huge formation next to the Disease Spreader?"

Xiaodi adjusted her glasses and said, "It feels like a believer coming on a pilgrimage."

"It feels more like a scene of an evil sacrifice." Biscuit took a bite of the sandwich cookie and got some jam on the corner of his mouth. "Look, the cultists are offering their bodies and souls."

"What you two said can actually be regarded as the same statement." Men Qi sat cross-legged, bent forward, with one hand supporting his cheek and the other hand flat on his thigh.

Biscuit curled his lips and said, "How can holy prayers be mixed up with evil sacrifices? Although I have never seen Xiaodi pray, she is considered a half-believer, right? You are insulting her faith."

Xiaodi stroked the reverse cross necklace on her chest and said, "I don't think it matters. I believe in God because I grew up in the church. The old priest protected me and taught me theology."

"Don't be like that, little one. If you say that, the old priest far away in Meteor Street will cry." Biscuit couldn't help but complain, "I suddenly realized that we are all weird here."

Jin listened to the three women easily changing the subject and coughed quickly: "Let's get back to the current situation. My idea is that this is both a sacrifice and a protection."

"Protect?" Bisiji became interested and raised an eyebrow. "Protect what? If your ancestors didn't deliberately mislead us, then it should also be immortal."

She spread her palms and said, "I really can't figure out what kind of protection the immortal "Disease Spreader" needs?" "The answer to this question should be related to how to obtain the "Alchemical Plant"..." Jin pointed in the direction of the "Disease Spreader" and the "Sacrificial Giant Array", "We can get the "Alchemical Plant" by attacking it."

Bisiji didn't say anything. She took out a handkerchief, wiped the stains from the corners of her mouth, and listened quietly to Jin's next words.

"We have to go back to the disease-spreader itself," King said. "It is actually the alchemist's dream of the philosopher's stone."

"The 'Philosopher's Stone' mentioned by alchemists is a miracle that can transform into the 'Four Elements of Wind, Water, Fire and Earth' and can also make people immortal."

"I think that just as the 'bloodletting therapy that cures all diseases' probably came from the 'Painful Bloodthirsty Apostle', the ancient legend of the 'Philosopher's Stone' came from the 'Disease Spreader'."

"'Disease Spreaders and Alchemical Plants' can indeed make living things immortal, but the price is that the soul becomes an eternal vengeful spirit and the body becomes a walking corpse."

"It can indeed be transformed into the 'Four Elements', but the price is to absorb many resentful spirits. Only by consuming them can it transform the power of the 'Four Elements'."

"In this respect, the ghosts are not immortal, because the "disease spreaders" can control their life and death."

"The wraiths are consumables of the Disease Spreader, and it is at its most vulnerable when it is absorbing and consuming the wraiths, so it needs so many zombies to surround and protect it."

"So, now is the best time to attack?" Biscuit asked.

"We have to wait a little longer." Jin pointed to the sky above the Disease Spreader, "Do you remember the 'Aurora' we saw last night and this morning?"

"Remember." Biscuit nodded.

"Now the 'Aurora' has disappeared, and the 'Disease Spreader' has not moved. I guess that is the external manifestation of it absorbing the evil spirits."

"The Disease Spreader should be digesting the power of the vengeful spirits it has absorbed, which forces it to stop."

Jin said confidently: "As long as the 'Aurora' appears again, the 'Disease Spreader' will make a big move, and it is very likely that it cannot be interrupted at will. We can take this opportunity to attack."

"If that's the case..." Germain interrupted, "Now is the time."

When everyone heard Germann's reminder, they turned their heads in surprise, and then they saw the gray-white "aurora" appear in the dark sky, which was more dense than the original dust.

This "gray-white aurora" is spewing out from the sharp point above the "disease spreader", making it look like a chimney.

The next moment, those vengeful spirits like schools of fish twisted into a huge whirlpool in the air.

With the shrill howls of "Woo-woo-woo" and "Uh-uh-uh", they drilled into the black tumors on the skin of the "disease spreader".

After a while, the "Disease Spreader" began to tremble, and more black tumors grew out with a popping sound.

These tumors, which make people suffer from trypophobia, are about to completely engulf the skin of the "disease spreader".

"It seems we have to hurry up." Jin said, "If my guess is correct, when there are enough black tumors, the Disease Spreader will be fully charged and it will be the most powerful time."

 Well... I'm stuck in writing, because I want to update with more words, and recently I have basically no drafts in reserve. Once I don't feel like it, I'll be stuck. I still have to go to work during the day, and I don't want to stay up late, so the next chapter will be updated at night, and it should be very late. Sorry, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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