Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 248 Netero's Game Begins

Chapter 248 Netero's Game Begins

Netero, wearing wooden clogs with only one sole, walked a few steps along the edge of the basin that he had punched out with his punches, stroking his white beard.

This makes him, with his half-bald body and fluttering sleeves, look like a Taoist priest or a monk.

"No matter how the rear combat meeting is held, I think the final result will tend to be the decapitation strategy with the lowest cost and the highest success rate..."

"If that's the case, I need to create some space and go one on one with Meruem."

The name of the ant king - "Meruem" - was learned by the group of chimera ants who turned to humans from the dying queen ant.

Netero was at the scene at the time. Since the Queen Ant and the Chimera Ants basically communicated through radio waves, the Queen Ant's last words were conveyed simultaneously by the Chimera Ants.

The queen ant died after she finished speaking. Her last regret was that she was not able to tell the ant king his "real name" in person and see him dominate the world.

These sub-human races are so troublesome... They are too intelligent and have too many emotions. They are just special humans.

Just like the dictators in human history.

They want to rule the world for the benefit of a small group of people, which will cause the death of a large number of innocent people and drag the entire human world into the abyss.

At this moment, Netero's eyes were filled with both coldness and compassion.

"So, I need someone to distract or stop the three guards. Just don't let them interrupt my fight with Meruem. That's why I asked you to come."

He turned around and faced everyone with a smiling expression on his face again.

"But it's too early to talk about this now. Meetings have to be held one after another, procedures have to be followed step by step, funds have to be transferred bit by bit... Haha, it will be very boring for a long time."

No, something's wrong.

Zeno and Silva looked at each other and frowned together. They both had a subtle feeling, as if they vaguely saw the fox tail shaking behind Netero.

Netero extended his right index finger and gestured.

"How about this, the four of us hold a martial arts competition to familiarize ourselves with the intensity of the final battle, and also to kill time, what do you think?"

Netero looked very excited.

Zeno put his hands behind his back and glanced at Germain.

"You totally intend to use us as a whetstone for this kid, right?"

"Ah, is it exposed so soon?"

Netero stuck out his tongue, made a face, tapped his forehead in a cute way, and tilted his head.

The more Germain looked, the more familiar he felt, and soon he saw the shadow of Biscuit in Netero's appearance.

Biscuits are everywhere.

I just don't know if this expression was first learned by Biscuit and Netero, or if it was Netero who learned from Biscuit and Netero.

Netero lowered his hands and looked at Zeno and Silva with a smile.

"But, starting from now, it's not certain who is the grindstone for whom, right?"

There was silence.

Geno glanced at Germann again, hesitated for a moment, and then raised his head.

"It's not necessarily true... Although this is the first time I've seen him, I've confirmed that he is a monster. I can't figure out his background."

"If it's a fight to the death, I should be able to beat him in terms of experience."

Zeno shook his head again.

"But, Netero, this matter is separate. Being his whetstone, or him being our whetstone, is in addition to the original mission... This is a separate price."

"How cold, Genuo! I thought that since I am a close friend of your ancestors, I would be treated with some preferential treatment."

"Then give me a 10% discount."

"make a deal."

Zeno didn't expect Netero to agree so quickly. He soon realized that he was being tricked again and shook his head helplessly.

Netero had no intention of asking for the opinions of Germain and Silva. He walked over to Zeno.

"Come on, let's go have some tea and rest, and let them decide the winner first."


The two had only walked a few steps when Netero turned around again, as if he suddenly remembered something, and pointed at the basin that he had blasted out with his fist.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot to set the rules. You all see this, right? This is the range. Anyone who steps out of the range loses. Other than that, you just have to admit defeat automatically."

"One more thing. Don't let anyone get killed or injured. Otherwise, it won't be a problem that can be solved with money."

Netero waved at Germain and Silva, smiling broadly.

"Then the venue is left to you youngsters. You can play freely, right?"

This time, Netero and Zeno left without looking back. They got on the airship directly and really went for afternoon tea.

German, who is about twenty years old, and Silva, who is about forty years old, are so old that they could be father and son, but both of them are called "young people" by Netero.

But when this centenarian said this, there really was no sense of incongruity.

It looks like a fight is really coming, and there is no room for refusal.

Shiba looked at Germain, stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture.

"Since President Netero thinks so highly of you and the price has been agreed upon, let's get started." Germain recalled Netero's expression just now and gradually understood Netero's intentions. The more he thought about it, the more he frowned.

However, the opportunity to fight against a master like Silba was rare, so Germain did not hesitate for long before agreeing.

The two kept a distance between them as they walked into the basin together, slowly moving downwards along the earth wall.

As he walked, German observed the entire basin.

In fact, Netero's definition of the field boundary is disadvantageous to Germain, which means that he, as a materialization type, must fight against Silva, a release type, in a limited space.

In this scenario, the advantage is on the side that releases the system.

If you really want to win in a head-on fight, you'll need to use power at the level of Ominous Undead or Chaos Roar.

However, the rules do not allow for casualties, which increases the difficulty.

There are many similarities to the rules Netero set in the final stage of the Professional Hunter Exam in the original timeline, except that the boundaries are not drawn.

Both Germain and Silba stretched their muscles briefly, and each made a clicking sound, as if two killing machines had started turning their gears.

"Are you ready, Germain?"

"get ready……"

Before Germain could finish his words, he noticed that Shiba suddenly accelerated like a cheetah and rushed towards him.

In order not to alert the enemy, Xiba released his murderous aura at this moment, and his mental energy also gathered on his hands at this time.

This is actually very dangerous. Shiba rushed straight to Germain's face with the help of Wu Mind Qi. Once he was injured, it would be a serious blow under the defense of Wu Mind Qi.

In order to conceal this flaw, the flow of mental energy must be completed before the German reaction is initiated, and the speed of such mental energy flow is astonishing.

In other words, once achieved, it can produce unexpected results.

Shibada succeeded. This was his honed killing skill and his instinctive action mode every time he made a sudden attack.

But even after it was achieved, German still reacted.

A flamethrower materialized in an instant and spit out a dragon of fire at Silva.

The fire dragon came over with a whoosh, enough to swallow Silva!
Shiba simply turned around on the spot and appeared in another place like a flash, then split into more than a dozen almost identical figures, rushing in from all directions.

"Dark Step"!
"Limb flexion"!
Among the dozen figures, some clenched their fists, some danced their arms like snakes, some flew and kicked, and some threw huge mental bombs with both hands, each of them was indistinguishable from the real thing!

Germann moved quickly and made calm judgments.

The fire dragon twisted and swept counterclockwise, while German himself rushed to the side in the opposite direction.

The spiral cane created a whirlwind and pierced straight into one of the figures!
In fact, each figure is the real Silba, but he completed the attack in different directions almost in an instant, making it look like a shadow clone.

However, the only ones who could pose a real threat were the moving Silva and the telekinetic bombs he threw; the rest of his punches and kicks were just for show.

Shiba's pupils shrank because German had found his current location correctly!


The two mind bombs collided and exploded, with smoke and dust billowing.

Shiba flew out from the dust, then stood almost perpendicular to the earth wall, and glanced down at the stab wound on his left shoulder.

Only a little blood flowed out of the wound, but due to Shiba's physique, it was quickly stopped.

This kind of injury is just a daily occurrence for the Zoldyck family.

So what is really important is that German actually saw through all the afterimages and found where he was directly.

Silva's secret steps and limb bends are much more advanced than those of Illumi and Killua, and are extremely stealthy and deceptive.

Even so, German figured it out in a very short time.

Is he really the German who was as famous as my stupid son Ilmi a few months ago?

Ilmi has not made such great progress in the past few months.

Not only that, Shiba also noticed a detail.

Generally speaking, for a Nen user who fights with a materialized device, the device will appear where it comes into contact with the Nen user, mostly on the hands.

However, whether it was the flamethrower at the beginning or the threaded cane later, Shiba only saw Germain raise his hand and they floated in front of him.

In other words, now that Germann is using materialized weapons to fight, his hands are freed and he doesn't need to hold them all the time.

how did you do that?
Shiba quickly figured out the connection.

Germann's strength has improved a lot now, it's an explosive leap, so he can do more.

The object that he first materialized has already come into contact with his body. It should be the mental energy condensed on his chest. Judging from its shape, it looks like a fragment.

As long as the fragment touches his body, he can free his hands, and the materialized tool will appear around him at any time without any contact, for him to use.

In fact, it is not zero contact, but it is almost invisible visually, but it is indeed connected by mind energy.

In other words, German replaced his hands with a lot of extended thoughts.

The young generation nowadays is really scary, and Germain is undoubtedly the best among them...


The strong wind created by the meat saw blew away the smoke and dust, revealing Germann in a black hunter's robe.

(End of this chapter)

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