Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 26: The Only One Who Passed the 286th Hunter Exam

Chapter 26 The Only Person to Pass the 286th Hunter Exam

The old man was wearing a loose, fluttering martial arts uniform. Most of his hair was shaved off, leaving only a long braid. His hair and beard were all white, and he looked like a very majestic superior.

He smiled and put his hands behind his back as he walked towards the handsome Germain and the naked Hisoka.

The bean-faced man followed the old man uneasily and nervously, his hands in white gloves constantly kneading each other as if he was playing with a Rubik's Cube.

"I heard from Izenabi and Ian that there are two 'interesting and dangerous newcomers' in this term, so I came here to take a look. As expected, Togari and more than 20 candidates fell, and the rest of the candidates were scared away. This is your 'masterpiece'."

Xi Suo casually grabbed the clothes of a seriously injured candidate at his feet and put them on, while asking with a curious smile: "Who are you?"

Although he was still smiling and saw all the flaws on the old man's body, he became more alert. This was an instinct to foresee danger, and he also had some guesses in his mind.

The old man replied, "I am Netero, the current president of the Hunter Association."

It was Netero after all.

This thought flashed through the minds of Germain and Hisoka at the same time.

"It is wise for you to stop." Netero glanced at Hisoka, then at Germain, "But even so, I cannot turn a blind eye to the commotion you have caused."

German doesn't want to take the blame for this.

He interrupted, "This riot was caused by Hisoka. Please don't tie me to him."

"You really hurt my heart with what you said. We are obviously 'partners'..." Hisoka smiled.

"I only said 'causing a riot', I didn't say the responsibility lies with you." Netero added, he looked at Hisoka again, "Because you attacked Togari and seriously injured so many candidates, you are disqualified from this year's exam."

Hisoka had anticipated this situation and spread his hands, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, one of my goals has been accomplished. As for the hunter license, I can come back to get it next year."

For Hisoka, who has already learned the "power of thought", obtaining a hunter license is indeed quite easy, so easy that he needs to find some fun for himself along the way, otherwise he will be bored to death.

The Hunter Association will not prohibit Hisoka from taking the exam next year.

German understood Hisoka's feelings. In the Hunter Exam, they were like two elite players returning to the Novice Village to compete with the novices. There was no comparison at all.

"It seems that you accept this treatment." Netero looked at Hisoka with a smile.

"Of course." Hisoka suddenly lowered his voice and lost his momentum, "I don't want to fight you now. It's too early, too early."

With these words, Hisoka was not expressing humility but arrogance, and what he really meant was that in time, he would surpass the old man in front of him.

Hisoka always believed that he was the strongest.

"Confidence is a good thing for young people," Netero said with a smile.

Xi Suo chuckled and didn't want to stay here and make himself look boring.

He walked towards the dense forest in the mountains and whispered a word to German as he passed by him.

"Chrollo is still my first choice at the moment, but I find it hard to let go of you because you are so interesting. You have evolved to this level after not seeing you for more than a month... I am looking forward to our next meeting."

Hisoka winked at Germain with his right eye, then walked away.

Netero, the Bean-faced Man, and the nearby hunters did not try to stop him and let him go. "Bean-faced Man," Netero stroked his white beard and said, "Call the others to come over and take Tokari and the seriously injured candidates to the hospital, and then bring back the candidates who ran away."

The bean-faced man felt much more relaxed after Hisoka left.

He responded quickly, wiped the sweat off his face with the back of his hand, and then hurriedly walked with his short legs to convey the president's order.

"He's still too scared..." Netero said with a teasing smile after the bean-faced man walked away, "But his reaction always makes me feel very funny."

Germain could see nothing interesting in this and remained silent.

"Little Biscuit is right, you are indeed taciturn..." Netero's sharp eyes, which were not those of an old man, narrowed, "But your actions are always unexpected, which is inconsistent with your cold appearance."

Netero is the founder of the Shingen-ryu school and Bisiji's teacher. He is now over 110 years old, so there is absolutely nothing wrong in calling Bisiji, who is in his 50s, "Little Bisiji".

Biscuit asked his disciple Yun Gu to send someone to take the hunter exam. Netero naturally asked out of curiosity, and thus learned a lot about Germain.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Germann was not interested in the president of the Hunter Association or the founder of the Heart Source School. He only had one goal to hunt now. "If you're done, start the next exam."

Netero laughed for a while, pinched his beard and said: "For you, the Hunter Exam is indeed very simple... But you don't have to take the next exam."

No need to participate?
Germain looked up in slight surprise: "I shouldn't have violated any rules, right?"

"Of course not." Netero explained slowly, "What I mean is that this year's Hunter Exam ends here, and there is no need for the next exam."

"Look, of the remaining fifty-two candidates, one was expelled for attacking the examiner, more than twenty were seriously injured, and more than twenty fled in panic. Only you are left here."

"I believe that the only qualified candidate for the 286th Hunter Exam has been born. I believe that no candidate will have any objection to my judgment."

German was a little surprised, but then he put it out of his mind.

He was not interested in these unimportant matters and stretched out his hand directly to Netero.

"Then give me your hunter's license."

Netero smiled again: "Don't be impatient. It will take time to make your own hunter license. Bandage the wound on your left arm first, then take the airship to the nearby Hunter Association branch to rest."

At this time, the bean-faced man came over with a group of hunters.

They nimbly carried the seriously injured candidates onto stretchers one by one and sent them to nearby hospitals.

Two female hunters also came over to help German treat his injuries.

Soon, after sending off a large number of candidates, a large area in front of the mansion of mechanisms and traps was opened, just enough for the airship to land.

So, a quarter of an hour later, German followed Netero and the bean-faced man, boarded the special airship marked with the Hunter Association, and flew towards the horizon with a whirring sound.

"Mr. German, this is your room." The bean-faced man stood in front of the door, looked up and down curiously at the only candidate who passed the exam, and handed over the key in his hand.

Germain took it: "Thank you."

The bean-faced man showed a surprised look, and then quickly replied: "You're welcome, you're welcome."

German walked into the room with a bit of surprise, locked the door, and went to the bathroom, thinking, do I look like the kind of person who doesn't know how to thank others?
(End of this chapter)

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