Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 265: Germain Rushes to the Final Battlefield

Chapter 265: Germain Rushes to the Final Battlefield

German had no intention of stopping to communicate with Nob. He nodded to Nob and then ran out of the palace.

His purpose here has been achieved.

Two of the "Three Guardians" are confirmed dead, so it is impossible for the "Ant King" to be reborn as a more terrifying monster.

He had already eliminated the future troubles in advance, and what remained were the existing difficulties.

Now, there was only one thing left for him to prevent.

If possible, don't let Netero activate the "Rose of the Poor", and don't let this president of the Hunter Association and the ultimate martial arts pursuer choose to die together with the "Ant King".

Germann flew over the high wall and kept his breath in a "hidden" state.

He ran towards the abandoned weapons testing site while waiting for the rune veins in his chest to take effect.

The "Hunter Rune Vein" was highlighted, and Germain's physical strength and energy were recovering rapidly.

The "night owl characteristics" are highlighted, and his speed of walking in the night is also increasing.

Before his eyes, a series of square formations soon appeared.

When German looked closely, he saw that the square formation was made up entirely of people with blank eyes.

They have been standing here for a long time, but they are not tired.

This group of humans are the residents of the Republic of East Goto.

They obeyed the call of General Diego, who was made into a puppet by Neferpitou, and gathered here in batches, and then accepted the pollen hypnosis of Owl Yapofu.

Now that Neferpitou is dead, Marshal Diego and other puppets have of course lost control and have all fallen down, becoming real corpses.

However, Owl Yapfu is still alive, so the residents of the Republic of East Goto have not yet been freed from hypnosis.

There is even an extreme possibility that even if Owl Yapf died, the hypnosis would not be broken, but would be strengthened because of his evil resentment.

Under this extreme condition, the residents will be trapped in a permanent hypnotic state until other solutions are found.

Of course, this is the most extreme possibility, and the probability of it happening is still relatively low.

German ignored the residents and had no intention of returning to kill Owl Yapf.

His tactical goal has been achieved and he has wasted a lot of time here.

German must rush to the abandoned weapons testing site immediately, otherwise he is worried that he will miss it.

It is also possible that Netero did not wait for him, or did not want to wait for him, and directly activated "Rose of the Poor".

To be honest, the lives of people in the Republic of East Goto and surrounding countries and regions are not within his concern.

He wasn't even primarily aiming to eliminate the Chimera Ants; that was secondary.

Only if Netero died would it mean that Germain's mission tonight had failed and everything he had done would be meaningless.

This is also his attitude towards Kurapika.

He didn't want to teach dying people the ability of mind, nor did he want to help dying people fulfill their last wish.

As for the last of the "Three Guards", Owl Yapofu, let's leave it to the Chimera Ant Subjugation Team.

As he thought about it, he rushed out of the encirclement of the square formation and came to an open area in the desert.

At this moment, he noticed something and looked up.

Under the bright night sky, a huge black shadow penetrated from the clouds, circled for several weeks, and then flew towards Germann.

In German's vision, it grew larger and larger, revealing its unique appearance.

It looks like a dragon and a bird, but it is not a traditional oriental dragon. It is more like some strange creature that is a hybrid like a chimera ant.

This is a strange bird tamed by the Zoldyck family.

Standing on the strange bird's long back were indeed Zeno and Silva, who looked over with interest.

The "Career Active" banner in front of Geno fluttered in the strong wind.

He raised his hand and twirled the long beard under his nose.

"It seems that you have completed the task assigned by Netero. It was a wonderful battle... Come on up, we will give you a ride and you will reach the battlefield soon."

He put his hands behind his back and chuckled a few times.

"The next part is the highlight of the night. Right, Germain?"
Less than a minute after German had left the palace, Nob felt a little regretful.

His originally thick white hair began to fall out and land on the ground.

Nob bit his nails and trembled all over, which showed how much mental pressure he was under at the moment.

What am I thinking?
Why say that to Germain?

Why am I trying to be so strong?

I have done well enough, I saved the girl, I saved Nakulu and Xiu Tuo, no one can blame me for what I have done!
No one can say that I didn't make an effort tonight. If they were in my place, they might not be able to do what I did, at least... at least...

I did a good job... President Netero won't blame me...

Nob was trembling as he prepared himself mentally.

He hopes to be able to persuade himself to leave here quickly through the "Fourth Dimension Apartment" and leave this hellhole forever.

However, for some reason, he was unable to convince himself.

Nakulu has come out of the "Fourth Dimension Apartment".

He thanked Nob, but Nob was immersed in his own world and didn't hear his voice at all.

He had no choice but to turn to Merewon, who seemed slightly excited.

"Is the battle over? Is Yupi completely dead?"

"That's right. With the cooperation between me and the man just now, Yupi was completely killed!"

Merewon's pride is justified.

He really played a role, similar to the role that Kobe and I played when we combined for 81 points.

Of course, he did not forget to care about his comrades. "Nakulu, how is Xiuto doing?"

"Don't worry, I handed Xiu Tuo to the doctor. He has to undergo emergency surgery, but I think he will be fine. By the way, where's Germain?"

"German? Oh, you mean the man who killed Youpi with me? He went in that direction."

Merewon pointed in the direction outside the palace.

Na Ku Lu took a look, raised his eyebrows, and understood.

Germain must have gone to reinforce President Netero.

As expected of him.

He...has really changed a lot...

Even when Xiu Tuo, Merewong and I joined forces, we could only fight hard against Youpi.

Not only did he kill Yupi and Neferpitou, but he also had enough energy to support President Netero...

At this point, no one would question what Germain had said before, that he had killed Neferpitou.

Is that still the same Germain from half a year ago?

When did such a huge gap appear between him and me?

How much do I need to do to catch up with him?

Nakulu thought of Xiutuo, and thought of the horrible bloody body of Xiutuo that he had held in his arms just now, and heard Xiutuo's half-conscious and half-awake murmurs.

"I...I don't want to lose...I don't want to lose..."

Even in that state, Xiutuo was still thinking about fighting Yupi.

But Youpi was dismissive of Xiutuo.

However, Nakulu was unable to launch any effective counterattack when his friend was subjected to such contempt.

He never wanted to experience this kind of thing again.

Xiuto, just rest assured and receive your treatment. Youpi has been defeated by Germain, and he has regained our dignity.

Now I am going to help Teacher Mo Laowu to defeat the last of the "Three Guards".

When you wake up, the war will be completely over!

In the end, we will win, and we can celebrate with a high five without any regrets!

Nakulu raised his head and was about to look at the palace that had been blocked by smoke until now and still retained a certain structure after the collapse, when he noticed a figure appearing in the darkness.

His body suddenly tensed up, and he reached out his hand to pull Merewon, who was still immersed in the joy of victory, behind him.

Then he pointed in that direction and shouted.

"Who? Come out! Stop hiding!"

This shout not only made Merewon restrain his excessive excitement and tense up his spirit, but also made Nob break away from his own world.

Nob looked at Nakulu, and then looked in the direction where Nakulu's finger was pointing.

In that direction, a slender figure slowly walked out, and it was obvious that it was a woman.

She has long hair, a huge gem on her forehead, fish scales all over her arms, and she exudes the scent of a chimera ant.

Even though she had become like this, her face still retained some of her original appearance, allowing Nob and Nakulu, who were quite familiar with her, to recognize her identity one after another.

Nob and Nakulu's pupils shrank slightly.


At the same time, the smoke blockade of the collapsed palace not far away was also lifted at this moment!
Then there was a rustling sound of flapping wings.

A group of creatures as dense as mosquitoes and flies flew in the air, making mocking sounds.

Mo Laowu grabbed the big pipe and chased out.

He exhaled smoke anxiously, trying to catch them, but felt desperate at the agility of the group of tiny creatures in the air.

These are all Owl Yapfu.

What Xiao Yapufu laughed at was that Mo Laowu had trapped it for so long, but let it out at this moment because of a misjudgment.

Mo Laowu's "Smoke Prison Blockade" is indeed very troublesome for Xiao Yapufu.

Like Mo Laowu, Xiao Yapufu belongs to the operation department, so he quickly understood the power of Mo Laowu's mental ability.

Mo Laowu used the operation system to create the "Smoke Prison Blockade".

Then, because his neighbor system is the releasing system, he is able to achieve the effect of creating space similar to that of Nob of the releasing system.

The interior of the "Smog Prison Blockade" is an almost unbreakable space.

However, Owl Yapfu used his own abilities to create a trap.

He first created the illusion of pupation in front of Mo Laowu, then particled his entire body and passed through the "smoke prison blockade" little by little.

In this way, most of the Owl Yapfu appeared quietly outside the "Smoke Prison Blockade".

However, Owl Yapfu's body cannot be particleized.

He must remain the size of a fly, which is how his ability is named "Lord of the Flies".

It is almost impossible to transfer the main body away without letting Mo Laowu notice.

Once the real body is discovered, it will be very dangerous because most of its power has been divided among the clones.

Owl Yapufu's method of attack - "Linfennai Aiquan" - happened to be useless to Mo Laowu, who had a huge lung capacity and was holding his breath, which gave it a headache.

Then, the cunning animal came up with an idea.

Mo Laowu has been holding his breath. In the absence of sufficient breathing, his judgment ability will gradually decrease, which can be used.

 The update time is a bit unstable because 6000 words a day is indeed my limit, and I need to check it at least once, sorry.

  Thank you all for your subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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