Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 277: Chimera Ants Have Few Choices in Their Future

Chapter 277: Chimera Ants Have Few Choices in Their Future
Nob opened the "four-dimensional apartment" and let the doctors and nurses who had been waiting inside come out to bandage everyone's wounds.

However, what was surprising was that Germain and Netero, who should have fought the most intensely and fiercely, had no injuries.

The old doctor who was familiar with President Netero's body even found that some of President Netero's old injuries that kept recurring were gone.

Since Germain didn't say anything and Netero cleverly changed the subject, the matter was left unresolved.

Later, they found out that it was the effect of "Breath of the Archangel". Now they could only treat the wounds of others with suspicion on their faces.

At this time, the Chimera Ants were all thinking about what Germain said.

To start over, to start over? To withdraw from the world, to withdraw from the world? To atone, to atone?
Why does it seem like we still have many futures to choose from?
Wilfin was a suspicious person, he was like this in his previous life. Of course, he did not directly believe what Germain said at this time, but looked at Netero.

"Did he mean what you meant?"

Wilfin always believed that Netero was the one in charge here, and Germain at most had a certain influence on Netero's judgment.

Only promises spoken from Netero's mouth are more credible.

Netero scratched his beard with one hand and held the other hand to his chest, as if he was thinking about something interesting.

After hearing Wilfin's question, Netero seemed to come back to his senses, looked at him, and then turned to Germain.

"German, didn't you say before that you wanted to 'eradicate all evil'? Why did you change your mind now and feel pity for them?"

Unexpectedly, German nodded directly.

"Before, with the Ant King and the Three Guards around, we had no room for mercy or tolerance. Now that the winner has been decided, we have to take their complexity into consideration."

The complexity of the Chimera Ants lies in the fact that after they were born, they committed all kinds of atrocities against humans, and then they awakened their memories as humans.

If they were ferocious monsters from the beginning to the end, then it would be simple. The way to deal with them would of course be to kill them all.

The problem is that it isn't.

They were once victims, committed violence without any memory, and then regained their memory. Are they still the same cold-blooded and ruthless Chimera Ants?

Specifically, if Pom's human consciousness was not awakened in time, and he harmed or even killed humans, and was then awakened, how should this account be settled?
No matter what you do, it feels like you are punishing the victim.

However, no matter what, the crime has been committed, and they can only atone for it in various forms for the rest of their lives. This is also to protect them and give an explanation to those who know about it.

Netero understood what Germain meant. He chuckled a few times and then turned to Wilfin.

"Isn't this good?"

"Let me first tell you where the Chimera Ants that first surrendered to humans went."

"First, Doctor Octopus, the Bear Division Commander, the Koala Army Captain and others. After being monitored for a period of time, they will work for the Hunter Association."

Wilfin was a little surprised.

"Work for you? What do you want them to do?"

Netero put his hands on his hips, revealing the curves of muscles that shouldn't be there for someone his age.

"There are all kinds of things. The Hunter Association has no shortage of tasks and work."

"It will be hard and difficult at first, but if they do well, it is possible that they will rise in status one day and become the leaders of the professional hunter exam."

What Netero said was not groundless. There was a precedent. Among the leaders of the professional hunter exam, there was a fox monster who was good at transformation.

Chimera Antmon might be able to do the same thing.

Wilfin was skeptical, but let Netero continue.

"Secondly, there are Chimera Ants such as Korudo and Reina. They want to return to their hometown, which is allowed, but they need to be monitored by the Hunter Association."

"In fact, the NGL autonomous region where Korudo and Reina are located has experienced the invasion of Chimera Ants and no longer has a complete government organization."

"The NGL Autonomous Region will most likely be brought under the management of countries such as V5 in the future, and will most likely be put under the actual control of the Hunter Association in the end."

"In this way, the monitoring of Korudo and Reina will be completed naturally. Without special circumstances, they will not be allowed to leave there for the rest of their lives."

"The same is true for the Republic of Dongguotuo. These two areas may become the back garden of the Hunter Association."

"As long as the Chimera Ants live here, they will inevitably have to deal with the Hunters Association."

Wilfin and other Chimera Ants believed this point. They believed that this kind of layered surveillance was indeed something that humans could do.

They were once human, and they knew it well.

"Finally it's you guys."

When Netero said this, he glanced at the Chimera Ants, and they all started to gasp.

"Pom is our companion. Merewon and Ikarugo are the heroes of tonight. They will definitely be rewarded and treated preferentially by the Hunter Association."

"As for the three of you, Wilfin, Brobuta, and Sina, since you have surrendered, we will not kill you all."

"However, complete freedom is impossible. You either work for the Hunter Association, or stay in the area controlled by the Hunter Association, or..."

Netero raised his hand and pointed at Germain.

"If you follow him, he may need you. Of course, this means you will be under his surveillance and management." Follow him?
All the Chimera Ants looked at Germain in surprise.

Germain looked at Netero with a little surprise, and then he understood his intention.

Netero wants to transport this batch of Chimera Ants to the Island of Greed.

What Wilfin actually wanted was complete freedom. He believed that Xina wanted the same thing, otherwise she would not have tried to escape tonight.

His boss in his previous life was Zayiro, the actual ruler of the NGL autonomous region.

I heard that Zai Luo was also reincarnated as a Chimera Ant, but he left the Queen Ant at the first opportunity and disappeared.

Wilfin originally wanted to track down Zailo's whereabouts, but Netero's words completely shattered his hopes.

Yes, we are a group that is both victims and perpetrators. We are too dangerous. There is no way the Hunter Association will let us act freely.

Just, follow Germain?
What are the benefits of following him?
It would be better to work for the Hunter Association. At least this old man (referring to Netero) looks strong, so it's not unfair to follow him...

It is not known whether it was because of his human personality during the Zailo period or because of his chimera ant personality during the Ant King period, but Wilfin developed this natural admiration for the strong.

Ikarugo, Brobuta, and Hina probably had similar ideas and didn't want to follow just anyone.

Only Merewon, who actually fought alongside Germain, knew what his fellow Chimera Ants were thinking after seeing their expressions.

So he no longer remained silent, and stood up somewhat indignantly to speak for German.

"Don't underestimate Mr. German. He is the biggest contributor tonight and the key to the outcome of this decisive battle."

"Without him, it's hard to say how tonight would have ended."

The Chimera Ants all looked at him in surprise.

The biggest contributor tonight?

The deciding factor in the final battle?

What's going on? Shouldn't the main force be that old guy (referring to Netero) who looks very strong?
How could it be Germain?
When Merleon saw that everyone's eyes were on him, he couldn't help but break his voice with excitement as he reviewed the previous battle.

"Neferpitou was the first to die at the hands of Mr. Germain. Then Mr. Germain joined us, and Mr. Germain and I killed Yupi together."

He spoke with great enthusiasm of the battle between Germain and Youpi, which he had witnessed with his own eyes, and fully demonstrated his role in the description.

Ikarugo, Wilfin, Brobuta, Sina and others were all confused and surprised.

As Chimera Ants, they knew best how powerful enemies Yupi and Neferpitou were, and yet they both died at the hands of the same person.

Regarding the battle between German and Youpi, Mo Laowu and Pom did not see the whole process, Nob only saw the final kill, and Nakulu did not see the ending.

At this time, hearing Merewong's story, they each completed the scene at that time, and they all felt different feelings in their hearts.

However, something even more exaggerated happened.

Netero spoke slowly after Mereleon, telling about the battle between Germain, Meruem, and Owl Yapofu.

He did not use as many rhetoric as Meleon, but he was concise and explained the situation at that time in a very clear and organized manner.

However, the more this happened, the more frightened everyone became.

Let's not talk about Owl Yapof for now. As long as they accept that Neferpitou and Yupi died at the hands of Germain, they can also accept that Owl Yapof died at the hands of Germain.

But... even the Ant King Meruem, such an invincible monster, actually lost to Germain?

The ant king and his three guards all died at the same person?

The Chimera Ants thought that the Ant King and the three guards would die in battle as they fell into some kind of trap, but they never expected that they would be killed by a human.

This kind of thing was really unbelievable and completely beyond their expectations.

Some people knew about this in advance, while others only found out about it now. Their emotions at this moment are all a mess.

It’s just that the former need to calm down faster because they have already been numb once.

Mo Laowu thought about how he had let Xiao Yapufu go.

Nob thought about how he was frightened by the evil aura of the three guards.

Pom thought about his own terrible experience.

Nakulu thought about his failure to avenge Xiu Tuo on Youpi.

Everyone had different thoughts in their hearts, but they were all secretly shocked by this fact.

Even President Netero couldn't defeat the Ant King through force, but Germain defeated him head-on. Does this mean that Germain is already the strongest in the six continents?
However, at this time, everyone tacitly avoided mentioning this topic.

Netero concluded at the end.

"In short, there are three paths before you, and you can choose any one of them."

"That's what Germain meant by 'start over, start over, retreat, retreat, atonement, atonement.'"

 Thanks to Shushan Yali for the reward!
  Thank you book friends for your subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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