Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 291 When there are enough radicals, the rest are conservatives

Chapter 291 When there are enough radicals, the rest are conservatives

That day, Jin made a suggestion that was enough to change the future destiny of this Dark Continent exploration team.

As expected, the first person to respond to this suggestion was German, followed by Xiaodi.

No one was surprised by this result.

German and King can always be regarded as the radicals in this team.

Many of their decisions often challenge limits and bottom lines.

However, their decisions have never been wrong so far, which means that their intuition is extremely sharp.

Intuition is not nonsense or stubbornness.

On the contrary, it is the expression of a person's previous thoughts and experience in a very short moment.

As long as German and King haven't made any mistakes, their decisions will be supported, no matter how ridiculous they sound.

Xiaodi supports German unconditionally.

Sometimes, people even had a feeling that Xiaodi would agree with German's point of view first instead of thinking for herself.

German and King are radicals, and the relatively conservative ones are the remaining hunters headed by Biscuit.

Bisiji, Menqi, Buhala and Sambika were not hostile to the moose-horse tribe such as Sisaila, nor were they overly worried about the scrolls and texts left by Dong.

This is the caution they must retain.

When two of the three core members of the team (German, Kim, and Biscuit) are radicals, the remaining members will automatically become conservatives.

It's not for the sake of simple balance, but because they are worried that German and Kim will make mistakes, and they need to ensure follow-up.

This is human nature.

However, after spending two days and one night with five moose warriors including Scel'a in the ancient labyrinth tower stronghold, their attitudes also changed.

The Moose Centaurs are a very straightforward race and rarely go in circles.

Therefore, they may sometimes say something offensive, but everyone knows that they mean no harm.

Because of the emotional differences between humans and moose-centuries, they didn't even know that this was an offensive remark.

So, when they praise everyone for something, everyone will understand that they are speaking from the heart, not being hypocritical or sarcastic.

Scela always loudly praised the delicious food cooked by Menqi and Buhala, praised everyone's high tower stronghold, and always called loudly to other companions to help everyone build the high tower castle.

It is hard for them not to win the respect of everyone.

So, when everyone decided to start exchanges with the moose-centuries tribe, all that was left to do was to follow Ssaia and other moose-centuries back to the tribe to finalize the remaining matters.

In the early morning of December 12, a team of twelve people set out from the prototype of the high tower fortress.

During this period of time, German also told Jin everything that happened in the six continents.

Jin thought silently for a while, but still did not think of returning to the Six Continents. He even suggested that Netero could completely revoke his name "Hai Zhu".

No matter what Bi Yangde, Pariston and others did in the six continents, Jin didn't want to pay any attention to it.

To determine the winner or to cooperate, we have to wait until these people can reach the Dark Continent.

German, Jin, and Scela walked at the front of the team, a few steps slower than Siji, Xiaodi and others, but they also followed closely.

Since almost all the plant weapon parasites had been sacrificed to the painful and bloodthirsty apostles, the ancient maze is now in a period of peace.

Very safe and low risk.

Jin was already quite familiar with the paths leading in and out of the ancient maze; he had walked through it countless times in the past few months.

At this time, he, who was leading the way, could easily identify the route without even opening the map.

Germann noticed that the "Mobius strip" logo can often be seen on the cubic stone pillars on the roadside.

These are probably newly added by Jin, Biscuit and Menqi later.

The "Mobius strip" became a unified landmark in the ancient maze.

Jin chose a very short path, so in less than half a day, the team passed through the cubic stone pillars and walked towards an archway. This archway was not the archway that German, Jin, Bisji, Xiaodi and others passed by when they first entered the ancient maze.

Everyone knows that the ancient maze has more than one entrance and exit.

However, it was the first time for both Germain and Xiaodi to come under this unfamiliar arch.

It was the first time for Buhara and Sambika to leave the tower and the ancient labyrinth, and they couldn't help but look around curiously.

After leaving the ancient labyrinth, the person leading the way changed from Jin to Scela.

The land outside the ancient labyrinth is more familiar to natives like Scel'a.

The other four moose riders were finally able to run at full speed in the open area.

They often suddenly ran towards the left and right wings, and then ran back after a while. This was not because they were playing, but because it was necessary reconnaissance.

The details of the reconnaissance mainly focus on footprints, feces, and smells left nearby to avoid some dangerous creatures.

The scope of the "circle" is large and flexible, but both the indigenous people and the hunters know that they cannot fully trust the "circle".

Since there is "circle", there must be "absolute" or other abilities that can disguise and conceal.

Observation with the naked eye and judgment with the brain are sometimes more reliable than "circle".

Most of the day passed, the sun was setting, and the last rays of light smeared the earth like blood.

They passed through a valley and rested there.

Although everyone was either a strong moose-man or an energetic Nen user, the journey was long after all, so there was no need to keep traveling all the time.

Scela chose a place with dense shade, with an umbrella-like staggered tree canopy above and a muddy ground covered with fallen leaves below.

We camped here tonight.

After a while, everyone noticed that the place where they stopped was actually a huge vine that hung down and was buried in the mud for many years.

Da da da--

The four moose men who had scattered into the jungle came back.

They carried back a creature that looked like a snail, but was as big as a truck. It is said that the pink meat that was now shrunk in its shell was a rare delicacy.

In addition, they also brought back many wild fruits, bright red, green, orange and all kinds of them.

Like humans, moose centaurs are omnivorous, and their diet is actually of reference value to humans.

Men Qi was quite excited about this.

She couldn't wait for Scela and other moose people to cook delicious dishes using their tribe's most authentic methods so that she could taste and learn from them.

Of course, in order to satisfy the appetite of the team of twelve people, pink-fleshed giant snails and various wild fruits are not enough, Menqi and Buhala need to do something else.

The bonfire and iron pot were quickly set up, and blue smoke slowly rose up, but was completely obscured by the treetops in the sky.

While Menqi, Buhala and the two moose men were cooking tonight's meal, the rest of the people were scattered around, doing their own things.

German sat in the den surrounded by the huge vine buried underground, took out his mobile phone and typed on the lit screen.

After a while, he heard approaching footsteps. He looked up and saw that it was Xiaodi who was bored.

Xiaodi clasped her hands behind her back, her upper body leaning towards Germain's phone. Under the floodlit glasses, her big eyes blinked at the contents on the phone.

"You're typing, what are these?"

As she asked, she sat down next to German without any hesitation, not worrying at all about getting her black sweater or jeans dirty.

Maybe she doesn't care, or maybe she didn't even think about it. Only Xiaodi herself knows her true thoughts.

 There are no comments on any of the books, probably because of the college entrance examination.

  I don’t know if there are any college entrance examination candidates among my readers, so I wish you all the best in advance! Go and fight bravely!

(End of this chapter)

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