Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 293: Night Attack, Holy Moonlight

Chapter 293: Night Attack, Holy Moonlight (5000 words)
As an elk-centaur warrior who often goes out, this is definitely not the first time that Scela has encountered the "night raiders".

Of course, in their tribe, "Night Attack Clan" has a unique pronunciation and unique word combination, but the meaning is similar, so I won't go into details here.

All in all, Scela would encounter a "night raider" approximately every one or two months.

This is normal.

Scela, who has had many encounters with the "Night Attack Species", knows very well that the most troublesome thing about this kind of creature is not their combat power.

The most annoying and annoying thing about the "Night Raiders" is their troublesome ability to "summon" nearby wild beasts to form an encirclement.

Once the "summoning" begins, there will be an endless stream of enemies...

Just like the "night attacker" in front of him.

It first used a pair of huge jaws on its three ferocious heads to knock away the moose horse companion who came to report the news.


The companion hit the vines under the towering tree, fell to the ground, and rolled several times before stopping.

He vomited blood and struggled to get up, but it seemed that one of his legs was broken and he was unable to support his tall body for a while.

Got it!

Scela and his three other companions wanted to rescue him, but the current situation made it impossible for them to do so.

The "night raider" lowered its center of gravity with its upper body, and its three heads were either raised, staring at everyone, or drooped, all spitting out their tongues and then growling.


Although the roar was low, it was very penetrating, like the sound of a dull drum, and it could be heard far into the depths of the forest.

After a while, the scarlet and green beasts responded with terrifying roars.



"Uh uh uh--"

The densely packed giant shadows that obscured the campfire rolled in like curtains, and the darkness seemed to be about to swallow up the place completely.

Monsters swarmed out from the towering trees, between the vines, and behind the huge rocks, each drooling with hunger, and pounced on the crowd like crazy.

The instigator of all this, the "night raider", used its dozen or so pairs of tiny legs to dig towards the back.

After the dust flew up, a hole appeared on the ground.

The "night raider" actually retreated, drilled into the cave, and dug deep into the ground.

When German saw this scene, he lowered the brim of his tricorn hat slightly and looked at Jin, Biscuit and Xiaodi.

The look in his eyes means "Let me do it."

The others nodded.

The encirclement has been formed... Scela, who did not open the team voice, frowned.

They encountered an invasion by the "night raiders", and the solution was certainly not a head-on confrontation.

The number alone is too great to handle, not to mention the mixed crowds, with all kinds of beasts. There's no guarantee that there won't be some very difficult and troublesome monsters.

The best way, naturally, is to rely on the galloping speed of their four hooves and run out before the encirclement is completely formed.

Even if they were double-teamed, the powerful fighting force of the moose men was enough to tear open a gap.

In this way, they can completely get rid of the "night raid" at the lowest cost.

However, the situation now is completely different from before.

The encirclement has been formed, and they still have human companions here.

They could not abandon their human companions and run away at a rapid speed.

In this way, even if they could return to the tribe safely, they would be despised and expelled by the tribe.

From now on, Scel'a would not have the face to call himself "the bravest warrior of the tribe". If Dong passed through the tribe again, he would not have the face to see him.

After all, Jin said that he was Dong's descendant. If he left Dong's descendants here and ran away himself, how would Dong view him in the future?
can not imagine.

In fact, Dong might not care about a descendant he had never seen, but Scela couldn't convince himself of this.

If you want to give up the dignity of a warrior, give up your companions, and give up the offspring of your friends, it would be better to let a moose centaur warrior die directly!
Scela gritted his teeth, pulled out the spear and huge shield from his back, and then hit the huge shield with the spear.

He decided to do a "pre-war encouragement"!
dong dong dong-

All the moose centaur warriors and their human companions were attracted by the sound he made.

"My fellow countrymen!" he shouted in the language of the Elk-Horsemen, marching with all four hooves. "Our comrades are being hurt, our comrades are being besieged, we cannot stand by and watch!"

The language of the moose centaur contains many tongue-sticking movements, and saliva was flying everywhere, which added to Scel'a's excitement.

"Fight the enemy, repel these hateful enemies! Let them know the bravery and fearlessness of the moose centaur warriors!"

Scela shouted in the language of the Elk Centaur!

The other three moose-troopers also drew their weapons, either bows and arrows or long swords, and beat their chests with their fists, also responding loudly in the moose-trooper language!
Instantly, Scel'a's "Pre-Battle Encouragement" was activated, and the bravery that echoed each other caused all the moose-centaur warriors to emit white light, enveloping their entire bodies!
This is their "armor for the fierce charge"!
However, after the "pre-war encouragement", Scela discovered that the "companions" they were supposed to protect had taken a step ahead of them and launched a counterattack against this sudden night attack encirclement!

Sambika was as fast as white lightning and landed lightly next to the overturned and injured moose centaur warrior.

She skillfully held the man down and prevented him from moving.

Using her telekinesis, she quickly checked the condition of the moose centaur warrior, then took out the medical kit and began treatment.

And throughout the whole process, she was completely defenseless to the outside world.

This is because she trusts others and they will never put her in danger or interrupt her treatment.

This "other person" was naturally Bisiji, who was closest to Sambika and the injured moose centaur warrior.

Biscuit had already revealed his "King Kong true form" at this time. Not only was his height almost catching up with the moose centaur, but his muscular body also surprised the moose centaur!
Is this still the same petite and fragile girl from before?
They had always thought that this girl was the weakest among them, but now it seems that this judgment was completely wrong.

A "medium-sized species" that looks like a toad, with its back covered with bumps, and each bump has a crack in it, revealing a mouth with fine teeth.

It leaped out of the darkness and pounced on Sambika and the fallen moose-centaur warrior.

Seeing this, the fallen moose centaur warrior couldn't help but struggle, but was held down by Sambika.

"Do not move."

She continued the treatment with a calm look in her eyes and calmness, seemingly not worried at all about the impending attack from her back.

This is in stark contrast to her usual timid and cowardly self.

The injured moose warrior was also intimidated by her and could not help but obey her.

And she had reason to be calm.

"Vajra True Body" Biscuit was like a speeding locomotive, slamming hard into the "medium-sized" toad!

The huge toad was actually knocked away and collided with other ferocious beasts in the dark shadows, falling flat on its back.

Then, she stretched her right arm backwards!
The next moment, her fist shot out like a loaded bullet, smashing the head of an approaching monster!
And Biscuit hasn't stopped yet!

Scela watched her, sometimes in the campfire, sometimes taking the initiative to go deep into the darkness, and sometimes standing at the junction of light and darkness, bathed in blood like a demon goddess.

She just stayed beside Sambika and the injured moose centaur warrior.

There were wild beasts all around, but none of them could get to Sambika, let alone interfere with Sambika's treatment.

What surprised Scela was the rest of his human companions. He had seen Jin's strength, so he was not surprised to see him gather the golden blades in his hands and chop the melons and vegetables among the beasts.

However, the cooperation shown by the trio of Xiaodi, Menqi and Buhala amazed Sisaila.

Buhala used his huge body to act like a siege vehicle, charging through the swarming beasts and constantly splitting the formation.

Scela had often seen this kind of collision among his tribe, but he did not expect that this human could do something similar.

Men Qi's double swords danced in the air in the night. Under her control, they threaded a needle and shuttled among the group of wild beasts like a hummingbird.

In the light of the campfire, her two swords glowed coldly for a moment.

The next moment, a hissing sound was heard continuously, which seemed to be the sound of some gas or liquid leaking.

But the experienced Scela quickly figured out that it was the sound of blood gushing out from the beasts' flesh being cut and blood vessels being severed!

Men Qi cut the wild beasts as easily as cutting pieces of meat on a chopping board.

And the next moment, a scene that was horrifying enough appeared.

Xiaodi lifted up the bulge-eyed fish, and the blood of the beasts around it, whose flesh and blood were cut open by Menqi's double knives, spurted out like a dam bursting, all rushing towards the bulge-eyed fish!
Under the light of the bonfire, in the night sky, countless blood gathered together like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea, and poured into the mouth of the bulge-eyed fish.

The bulge-eye fish accepted everything and swallowed it continuously as if there was no end.

The beasts whose blood had been sucked let out mournful cries and tried to retreat in a hurry, but were blocked by Jin and Buhala.

Jin in particular had completely disappeared into the darkness of the forest, and his figure could not be seen clearly.

Only the constantly flashing golden light and the sound of explosions constantly reveal his presence!

It won’t be long before these injured beasts will be completely drained of blood by the tiny “bulgy-eyed fish” and turned into shriveled corpses!

Scela looked at his human companions, and was surprised and delighted to find that they were so powerful and brave.
I thought I had paid great attention to my fellow countrymen in the East, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated them!
Are humans so powerful?

So why did this group of people want to leave the Dark Continent?
Obviously they have a place here.

Without giving it much thought, Scela groaned, knocked an approaching beast to the ground with his huge shield, and then stabbed his spear into the beast's vitals.

With blood all over his face, he shouted loudly again and launched a counterattack against the group of beasts together with the other three moose centaur warriors!
The encirclement that should have been suffocating was shattered by everyone's concerted efforts and was instead cut into pieces.

Scela exerted force with all four hooves, causing his tall and strong centaur body to jump up, then he held up a huge shield in the air and smashed the back of the head of a wild beast!

All of a sudden, with a "puff" sound, a lot of meat splashed on Scel'a's face.

He further aroused the warriors' bravery. After their four hooves landed on the ground with a thud, they stepped back a few steps, then charged forward and used their spears to pick up a "small species" of beast and sent it flying!
Amid the ever-changing battlefield, Scela suddenly realized a problem at this moment.

What about the other person?
What about Germain?

Why can't I see him?
The next moment, Scela got the answer.

I saw a cloud of dust gushing out from the ground, followed by the sound of digging.

Immediately afterwards, Scela saw the "Night Attack Species" breaking out of the ground!

He actually came out from underground on his own initiative? Sisaila was a little surprised.

It twisted its three heads and huge jaws and growled again, but not many beasts could respond to its "summons".

At this moment, all the wild beasts were blocked by humans and moose horses, and some were even hacked and killed in return.

They can't even take care of themselves, how can they take care of the "night attack species"?
The "Night Raiders" suddenly turned deep into the dark forest, as if trying to escape.

Scela immediately spread out his four hooves and chased after him.

Yes, the most annoying thing about the “Night Raiders”, besides “summoning”, is “positioning”!
They always appear at night, using various methods to protect themselves, keeping a certain distance from their prey, and then constantly sending their location information to other wild animals.

In this way, the prey will be chased and entangled by many wild beasts.

When the prey is completely tired and unable to resist, the "night raider" will appear and reap the benefits!

We must not let the "night raiders" escape, otherwise there will be endless trouble tonight!
This is what Scela is thinking at the moment.

However, after chasing for a while, he found something strange.

I saw that the "night attacker" seemed to be crawling very slowly, and was not as flexible as it was at the beginning.

The black smoke on the "Night Attack Species" became less and less, and its entire outline and shape became blurred, and then it plunged to the ground.

The three heads all drooped on the ground, their snake-like tongues stretched out, their eyes gradually became lifeless, and the black mist on their bodies was constantly moving away from them.

Scela couldn't help but slowly stop his four hooves, stood where he was, and watched the "Night Raiders" turn into ashes bit by bit.


Is it dead?
Was the "Night Raid Core" destroyed?

Scela knew that in order to get rid of the "Night Attack Species", he had to destroy its core, which was the most important part that maintained the stability of its body structure.

The core has not been destroyed. The "Night Attack Species" is like this dark night. As long as there is no light and it is not daytime, it is the darkness of infinite rebirth.

But who defeated the core of this "night attack species"?

Scela couldn't help but look back at the cave where the "Night Attack Species" broke out of the ground, and then saw a figure appear.

Looking at the three-cornered hat and the black hunter's robe, it was undoubtedly Germain.

It turned out that German had disappeared because he went underground to chase the "Night Attack Species" and successfully killed the "Night Attack Species" in the dark in a short time.

Scela couldn't help but feel excited.

Without the unity of the "Night Raiders", this group of beasts is just a mob. Another round of attack should be enough to completely defeat them.

However, something even more surprising happened.

At this moment, German raised a large sword with both hands that could blend into the dark night.

He raised the sword high up, and the next moment, a green light appeared and shot in all directions!

It was not a dazzling light, but a soft light belonging to the moon.

Scela and the rest of the moose men recognized it almost instantly.

The cyan, holy moonlight is one of the forms of the "blood moon". It is the belief of the moose and centaurs and their god!
The moose centaur watched as Germain raised the Holy Moonlight Sword and stepped into the dark forest step by step.

A medium-sized beast happened to run into German, so he held the Holy Moonlight Sword in both hands and stabbed forward lightly!

The blue shock wave penetrated into the beast's body and then broke out from the other side. The big sword destroyed the beast so easily!
The gorgeous and beautiful green light, scattered like fireflies and as bright as starlight, attracted the attention of many people and frightened the wild beasts.

Every time German swung his sword, a beast would be cut in half with a "whoosh".

And these scenes have become less bloody, and instead seem like some kind of holy religious ritual!
The beasts were like expelled dark demons, groaning in fear and retreating continuously!
If possible, everyone really wanted to stop their actions and watch this man wielding the Holy Moonlight Sword and see how he punished his enemies!
Scela involuntarily raised his arms, faced the direction of Germain, and performed the "Moon Ceremony" of their clan.

Several other moose centaur warriors, including the one who was able to stand up and move after being bandaged by Sambika, followed suit.

They revered the warriors, but even more they revered the moon they could see every night.

And that holy moonlight sword was like the moon from the sky coming down to the earth.

This was the first time they were so close to their beliefs, and they were extremely excited!
Under the shining of the holy moonlight, the moose centaur warriors fought more and more bravely, even overshadowing the momentum of Jin, Biscuit, Xiaodi and others!

They are like the brave knights surrounding Lord Germain!
This round of charge by the moose centaur warriors was extremely swift, and it became the last straw that broke the camel's back!
The encirclement completely collapsed!
Not long after, the battle was finally over.

Many wild beasts fell to the ground, and their corpses were scattered like hills. The remaining wild beasts retreated one after another and disappeared without a trace.

German carried the Holy Moonlight Sword and stood on the high ground where corpses were piled up.

In the darkness, the sword was as bright and clear as the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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