Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 296 Our lives need a witness

Chapter 296 Our lives need a witness

The date of the monthly sacrifice of the Elk-Centaurs tribe is different every month.

The old chief and the warriors always followed their feelings and usually confirmed the date only a few days before the Moon Sacrifice, and this time was no exception.

In the duel of the Moon Sacrifice, German defeated Chiholshi with the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, which earned him the respect of almost the entire tribe.

Among humans, before this, the only one who could win such status and voice in the moose-horse tribe was Dong Fulishi.

After the Moon Sacrifice was over, the old chief arranged suitable accommodation for German, Jin, Xiaodi, Bisji and others.

Their residence was next to the house where Dong Fulisi had lived before. Jin was allowed to enter Dong's house to check it out, accompanied by Sisaila.

Since Dong is a long-time friend of the Elk Horse Tribe, he can have a separate and unique residence here.

Everything placed inside was prepared for Dong, but the intervals between uses of this house were getting longer and longer.

However, Jin soon returned disappointed, as he found almost nothing there.

Apart from a stack of papers that were previously suspected to be the "New World Journey Western Fragments", Dong Fulisi did not leave any other clues.

Jin also questioned the old chief, Scel'a and others who had close contact with Dong Fulishi, trying to confirm Dong's specific condition when he was here last.

However, he was disappointed again, as no one could give him any definite information.

The descriptions all focused on the fact that Don Fulisi was wrapped in a robe with only his face, hands and feet exposed, and that he behaved strangely and was unwilling to interact with too many people.

Jin told everyone the information he got, and everyone just frowned.

“Isn’t this Sambika?”

After hearing the description, Bisiji drew water from the canal to wash off the mud on his body from the Moon Festival, while pointing at Sambika not far away.

Everyone looked in the direction Biscuit pointed.

When Sambika was suddenly called out by Bisiji and was the focus of so many eyes, he immediately showed an innocent expression, which made people feel funny and the atmosphere was not so tense.

So the matter was put aside for the time being.

The moose centaurs did not understand the way their human fellows washed and wiped off the mud on their bodies after participating in the moon sacrifice.

But they respect their fellow human beings because these fellow human beings are brave warriors who deserve all kinds of special treatment.

The mud is comfortable for the moose and the horses to apply on their bodies, but that doesn't mean it works on their fellow humans.

Germain also took a cold shower, which he finished quickly, and walked out into the night.

He was wiping the water droplets from his black hair with a towel, and he saw a familiar figure quietly walking through the woods not far away.

The Elk Horse Tribe is surrounded by huge stone walls, and there are stone houses everywhere in the tribe.

But the moose people will still try their best to maintain some places that are in harmony with nature.

Such as the mud on the ground, and trees planted between scattered houses, and these trees are connected together to form a dense forest.

German hung the towel around his neck and walked over.

He walked for a while, into the darkness of the woods, and then he saw the back of Xiaodi sitting on a small knoll.

Germann did not try to hide his movements, so Xiaodi heard it quickly and turned around.

The lenses of Xiaodi's glasses shone in the moonlight, so her eyes could not be seen clearly, but it was obvious that her body froze when she noticed German approaching.

Her reaction was actually quite amusing to German.

German actually wanted to take a few more glances, but he knew what was important.

"Xiao Di, have you been avoiding me since that day?"

As Germain had just finished a shower, he had taken off his hunter's tricorn hat and robe and was now wearing a light shirt he had brought from Greedy Island.

He floated out from the shadows of the woods like a white ghost and stood under the moonlight and starlight.


Xiaodi replied, then turned around and stood up from the hill.

She wanted to leave, but Germain suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Wait a minute," said Germain.

She stared with her eyes wide open at the place where German grabbed her wrist, with an expression of disbelief, just like the cat caught in the act by its owner in the picture on the Internet.

"Are you so afraid of me?" German used a little force to pull Xiaodi in front of him, "Or are you afraid of something else?"

"It's really not your style, Xiao Di Ni, to keep dodging like this, nor is it my style. Come on, let's sit down and talk it out."

"I don't like going back and forth and struggling, and I'm sure you don't like it either."

Germann released his grip on Xiaodi's wrist, then walked around behind her and gently pushed her back onto the hill.

He exerted a little more force, pressed down Xiaodi's shoulders, and motioned Xiaodi to sit on the hill. Xiaodi did so, and then he also sat down next to Xiaodi.

Ever since the night raid that night, German and Xiaodi have never been so close again.

"Tell me, what are you afraid of?"

German looked forward and found that from his current position, he could just see the huge bonfire that was still burning in the distance.

It would burn all night, with moose and horses watching over it, until it was reduced to gray and inky black ash.

Germain's question did not receive an immediate answer, but he was not in a hurry. The night was long and he happened to be a very patient person.

The silence continued along with the night, and when the cold night wind rustled the woods, Germain could hear the sound of small drops.

"Well... to be honest..." She tilted her head slightly, blinked her big eyes, and placed her palms on her bulging chest.

“It just came out of nowhere and I had no idea what it was.”

"It can't be said to appear suddenly... It's like... playing hide-and-seek on Meteor Street and suddenly seeing someone hiding right under your nose."

"It, this feeling, feels very strange and scary to me."

"I saw it, and I can't pretend I didn't see it. . . . Do you understand me, Germain?"

"Yeah." German nodded.

He really understands.

Xiaodi grew up in Meteor Street. Like Germain, she had no parents or siblings to take care of her since childhood.

Her family might have all died, or they might have abandoned her on Meteor Street. She has no memory of this and doesn't care.

Before leaving Meteor Street, the person who treated her best was the old priest in the cathedral.

So, in such an environment, it is very difficult to make her form the same or similar ideas as normal people.

Xiaodi could feel the grandfather-like feeling from the old priest.

Xiaodi can feel the feeling of a grandmother from Biscuit.

However, the feeling of being a lover is too unfamiliar to Xiaodi.

Xiaodi has seen couples before, but seeing doesn’t mean understanding their meaning.

She even didn't quite understand. Isn't it good to be alone? Why should she find someone to restrain herself?

Until now, when she met a man who might restrain her, she, who was relatively slow in nerves, became afraid after she realized what was happening.

Hearing Germann's answer, Xiaodi turned her head and looked at Germann unexpectedly, then looked in the direction of the campfire, where sparks were still dancing in the air.

"If it's you, you'll understand..."

"I have felt for a long time that you are special to me, but now, I feel that you are even more special."

"I can no longer look at you the same way as before..."

"What do you think of me now?" asked Germain.

Xiaodi turned her head again and carefully stared at Germain's messy black hair, deep eyes, slightly upturned nose, pursed lips, and bulging Adam's apple...

She couldn't help swallowing, and then she realized that the sound of her swallowing was too loud, and maybe Germain had heard it.

This will not work.

However, even in this situation, she couldn't help but continue looking down, the slightly exposed collarbone, the chest wrapped in clothes, the broad and calloused palms...

Seeing that Xiaodi didn't answer, German said something very seriously.

"Xiao Di, your feelings are actually very normal. There is nothing strange about it. We are all human beings, and it is normal to have emotions."

German remembered a video he had seen on YouTube, in which a female star expressed her views on love to the host.

He repeated it to Xiaodi.

"Because we need someone to witness our lives... Think about it, there are billions of people on the six continents, how important is one person's life?"

"But in a relationship, you commit to caring about the other person."

"Good, bad, awful, ordinary, everything, all the time, every day..."

"You are promising, 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will care. Your life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness.'"

German paused, then continued.

“When we are young and can squander our time freely, we certainly won’t feel the weight of loneliness and think that being alone is no big deal.”

“But when the people we know grow old, die, and leave one by one, loneliness will become a noose that gradually tightens around our necks until we suffocate to death.”

"At this time, we will need someone who will love us until the end of our lives. It is this selfishness that gives life a special meaning."

"Love is rare and beautiful, which is why it has become one of the eternal themes of film and television dramas."

“When we are truly lonely and truly dead, it is when there is no one in the world who loves us.”

"Xiao Di, I'm not sure if you can understand this. These are my own thoughts. I have always respected your ideas, and this time is no exception."

"If possible, maybe we should start with men and women... um..."

Xiaodi seemed to hear Germain buzzing something in her ear.

But at this moment, all the emotions in my heart turned into lust, and lust turned into impulse.

She stood up slightly, crawled over using her hands and feet, and pounced on Germain like a wild animal, putting the weight of her entire body on him.

Xiaodi wasn't listening at all. She pounced on him and kissed German's lips, like a cheetah biting off an antelope's neck, savoring the deep red.

German first felt the weight of the hug, then the hot body temperature and rapid breathing.

As he talked lightly about philosophy, all Xiaodi wanted at this moment was a lustful, instinctive response, and let it burn and burn out like a bonfire.

What spoiled the mood a little was that Xiaodi's glasses hit German's nose and it hurt a little.

 I went to a traditional Chinese medicine health center for a massage today. After the massage, my neck and shoulders were still sore while I was typing. I really understood what "pulling muscles and peeling skin" meant. It felt like the master was pinching my muscles and playing the piano. You know, that's the feeling, that's the feeling! There's another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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