Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 315: The Fallen Demons of Meteor Street

Chapter 315: The Fallen Demons of Meteor Street

On the evening of January 1, a heavy rain suddenly hit "Meteor Street", catching everyone off guard.

The rain came in heavy rain, pattering on tiles, wooden boards, plastic bags, and the piles of corpses.

The corpses all looked horrible, with distorted faces and densely packed hands and feet stretching towards the sky like black thorns.

Sheila stared solemnly at the pile of stinking corpses that would have to wait until tomorrow morning to be dealt with. She was silent for a long time and couldn't help but sigh.

How did it become like this?
When she heard about the war difficulties that Meteor Street was currently facing, she said goodbye to Kate and rushed back from a long distance, exhausted.

Unlike German and Xiaodi, no one in Meteor Street knows what she has done for the time being, so she is still considered a member of Meteor Street.

Meteor Street really needs any living force now... No, it should be said that one quarter of Meteor Street needs her.

One quarter of Meteor Street is controlled by a surviving elder, and three quarters of Meteor Street is controlled by the terrifying Zai Yiluo.


After several months of war, the residents of Meteor Street, who were once proud and unyielding, became confused and hesitant.

All the fighting forces of Meteor Street - the elders, the Phantom Troupe, the combat troops, etc. - all appeared on the scene, but they were all defeated by Zai Luo's forces one after another.

What’s even more terrifying is that those who are captured by Zayiro’s forces will experience extremely terrible torture.

The final fate of the captives is either to become food for the Chimera Ants, or to become neither human nor ghost and become a member of the man-eating Chimera Ants.

Having one's body eaten up was already an extremely horrible thing, and now even one's free and independent will was taken away. This was a heavy blow to Meteor Street.

The fact that they were able to hold on to the last quarter of the territory was the result of fighting bloody battles day and night, constantly pulling the front line back and forth, and doing their best.

As for reinforcements, they simply don't have much resources for that.

The "gangs" that had worked closely with "Meteor Street" only sent a small force in at the beginning to try to hunt down the "new ant king" and "new ant queen".

After the unexpected destruction of the gang, the gang ceased operations and ignored the current dire situation of Meteor Street.

If they are like this, let alone V5, the Kajin Empire and other countries and regions.

For them, "Meteor Street" is like a garbage can full of filth and dirt. There is a war going on inside the garbage can, but they don't need to pay attention to it. They just need to be careful not to let it overturn.

What's more, over the past few months, these countries, regions, and organizations have made a fortune just by selling arms, first aid drugs, stimulants, etc., and are almost squeezing out all the capital of "Meteor Street".

In addition, there are also some people who have crazy ideas, thinking that it would be more profitable to cooperate with the people of Meteor Street if all of them became more terrifying Chimera Ants...

In the end, the only people who are truly willing to help "Meteor Street" are people like Sheila who have walked out of "Meteor Street".

Her "psychic ability" - "accumulated good luck" - did not seem to be able to exert its miraculous effect in the direct combat in daylight.

Because of the constant bad luck, his body was covered with bumps and bruises, and his skin was scraped and covered with mud. He really looked like he had been fighting for a whole day.

For example, Mickey Mouse's heart-shaped headdress originally had a pair of ears, but one of them was missing.

Looking at the rain curtain made of big raindrops outside the awning, Sheila felt a lot of uneasiness in her heart, and then she couldn't help but reach into her pocket.

She took out her cell phone, pressed a button, and saw her call records in the fluorescent light.

Was it right for me to call them? Could I really save Meteor Street by doing this?

Perhaps, the people of "Meteor Street" would rather die than have the help of "traitors"?
However, "Meteor Street" is currently facing a reality that is more terrifying than death, that is, being replaced... completely replaced.

When it comes to their combat power and malice towards the outside world, the people of Meteor Street were completely overshadowed by this group of Chimera Ants.

If the "replacement" is completely completed, they will be more "Meteor Street People" than Meteor Street People...

Not only that, for the people of Meteor Street, when both the physical body and the spiritual will can be controlled and become another person, complete annihilation and death is actually a great blessing.

Sheila sighed again.

Suddenly, some incredible sounds came from the pouring rain, which immediately aroused her vigilance.

She couldn't help but quiet down and listen. The people in Meteor Street around her who were wearing protective clothing also slowed down their pace, trying to hear something from the violent raindrops.

But the rain was so heavy that it almost submerged everything.

Finally, when several dark shadows jumped out from the darkness, shouting in panic, people began to realize that something bad had happened.

They are all from Meteor Street.

The protective suits on their bodies were torn by something, revealing their bright red blood, which spilled casually on the muddy ground and was then washed away by the rain.

They were pale and stumbled.

Some people rushed towards Shira and the others, some stumbled and fell to the ground, and others knelt down in despair, praying for religious salvation.

A man finally rushed out from the rain, and as if he had lost his last breath, he fell under the awning, gasping for breath.

"Help... help..."

Sheila knelt down and tried to help him up, but found that he was shaking as if he was naked in the snow.

His legs felt like they were stepping on extremely slippery ice, and no matter how hard he tried to crawl, he couldn't get up.

He kept falling down, and his face was bruised and swollen. He was unaware of the dark red blood flowing into his mouth.

"Here it comes... the 'devil'... again..."

Sheila couldn't help but hold her breath at this moment, she knew exactly what the "devil" that this Meteor Street man was talking about was.

It may sound strange, but in a barren and crowded place like Meteor Street, there is indeed religion, cathedrals, and priests.

However, the cathedral, where the orphans of Meteor Street gathered, had been completely destroyed several months ago, and the statues and crosses in the cathedral had been completely desecrated. Even the respected old priest, who had watched many young people of Meteor Street grow up, had abandoned his faith and turned into a cannibalistic demon.

Then, these demons, amid the rapid sound of rain and drums, uttered inexplicable and creepy laughter and entered everyone's field of vision.

Someone screamed, and then there was a bang bang bang of gunfire, which made Sheila's eardrums hurt.

Sheila could feel her heart pounding and her breathing became uncontrollably rapid. She quickly reached out and tried to drag the man on the ground to a safe place.

But the sound of gunfire also rang out in the rain.

Demons also use guns, and as they win many battles and seize more and more, their weapons and equipment become better and better.

After a few ding-ding-ding sounds, Sheila seemed to hear the crisp sound of a stapler, and then she saw the blood and flesh of the person she was dragging flying all over her face.

The man collapsed completely, without even having time to scream. All Sheila dragged away with all her strength was a heavy corpse.

The exchange of fire in the rainstorm continued, but the demons had better weapons and equipment, and possessed physical fitness far superior to that of ordinary people, even surpassing that of most Nen users.

The demons defeated the people of Meteor Street and soon had to give up this block, and also had to leave behind some people who were unable to evacuate in time.

Unfortunately, Sheila was one of those who failed to evacuate in time.

Bang bang bang——

In panic, she dived into the garbage heap nearby and pushed numerous garbage bags onto herself, burying herself.

Breathe -- breathe --

Hiding in the smelly garbage dump, Sheila heard that this small encounter for the devil was basically over.

However, there would still be occasional gunshots and screams. These were the executions of people who tried to escape or resist, or maybe they just wanted to have some fun.

By now, they have degenerated into demons and have long lost their human nature, becoming even more brutal, vicious, and gluttonous.

They do need to capture captives and let the "Queen Ant" Zazan convert the captives into their own kind, but they don't need to capture all of them, just a part of them will be enough.

After all, conversion is not 100% successful, and the prisoner's physique and luck are also important.

Afterwards, Sheila heard the sound of someone tearing flesh, and through the gaps between the garbage bags, she saw with her own eyes two demons cutting a human body into pieces.

They are eating people...

Once she realized this, Sheila couldn't help but feel the urge to vomit, and she tried her best not to vomit.

But now she regrets it deeply.

Did she travel day and night from the Kajin Empire back to Meteor Street just to become the devil's meal?
Sheila absolutely did not want such bad luck to happen to herself, so she immediately used her "accumulated good luck" and prayed silently.

Don't find me, don't find me, don't find me...

However, it is counterproductive.

A rustling sound that made her shudder was heard.

The garbage bag on Sheila's head was pushed aside, and the rain splashed on her face. She squinted her eyes and could barely make out a tall silhouette standing in front of her.

"Look, what did I find? There's another one here."

A rough, scaly hand grabbed Sheila's throat, easily pulled her out of the garbage pile, and lifted her up in its hand.


Sheila whimpered and kicked and punched, trying to break free, but the big hand gradually increased its force, almost suffocating her, and her neck and above were all red.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The demon gazed at it appreciatively, enjoying the scene, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips gently.

"I discovered a long time ago that when you are in extreme fear, it is actually the most delicious moment for me."

"How tragic! You have no chance to transform like us, and you will never be able to taste this delicious food... Can you still hear me? Are you not going to die?"

Silla was indeed about to lose consciousness, a gurgling sound came from her throat, and her tongue couldn't help but stick out. Black spots were eating away at the edges of her retina. In a few seconds, the darkness would completely swallow her.

But she didn't want to die.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.


As if in response to her inner prayer, a sharp whistling sound came from her ears, followed by a green light that was enough to pierce through the darkness and save her!
"Ahhhhh——" a scream that did not belong to her rang out.

Sheila fell to the ground with a plop. She coughed violently several times before her consciousness and senses returned to her control.

When she looked up, she found that the demon who had been strangling her throat had disappeared.

No, that's not right, it's still here, but... only a charred and scattered piece is left.

Just a moment ago, it died due to some force!
They were destroyed just like that?! What happened?!

Sheila opened her eyes wide, and her gaze was involuntarily attracted to the moonlight sword emitting holy light in the hand of the black-robed man standing next to her.

"Sheila?" German pressed the brim of his tricorn hat, his black eyes meeting Sheila's. "It seems that we came at the right time."

(End of this chapter)

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