Chapter 324 The Final Revenge
Kuroro didn't hesitate for long before answering, "In the Kakin Empire, I was pursued by Hisoka and I couldn't get rid of him."

German knew about this, but what he didn't know was the subsequent result. At a certain point in time, Hisoka suddenly stopped sending the latest progress information.

While German was thinking this, Kuroro continued speaking.

"Hisoka has obviously changed. Every time I set a trap in advance, he noticed it and didn't fall into it. This is something he would never do before."

"If it was him in the past, he would have just taken this as a challenge, accepted it with pleasure, and enjoyed the pleasure of beating me out of such a difficult situation."

"I was going to use this to my advantage, but he didn't fall for it and kept pestering me... like he was fishing, trying to drain all my energy."

"Finally, I realized I couldn't go on like this, so I had a hasty encounter with him, which was also the final battle."

"As a result, we were both badly injured and fell off the waterfall into the turbulent river."

Chrollo raised his left arm without a palm.

"When I woke up from the coma, I found that someone had saved me, but my injuries were too severe and the doctors there didn't have many treatment facilities, so I had my limbs amputated."

Germain asked a question that interested him more: "Where's Hisoka?"

"I don't know." Chrollo replied, "But I think he is not dead. He just got separated from me and was washed downstream somewhere."

"The reason why he didn't come to me again must be that he encountered some problems."

"After that, while I was recovering from my injuries, I learned that this place was the famous "untouchables' slum" of the Kajin Empire."

"Those who live here are branded as "untouchables" and will never be able to turn their lives around."

"However, although I lost my hands and feet, I used them to exchange for what I wanted."

Having said that, Kuroro actually revealed a very happy smile, and he really thought so in his heart.

Germain became curious.

"What did you 'get back' that you wanted?"

"Are you interested in this?"


"Okay, then I'll tell you."

Kuroro glanced at Shira before saying, "Since you are familiar with Shira, she has probably explained the fate between us?"

"She told me part of it," German replied. "Most of it we found out on our own."

"That's right." Kuroro nodded thoughtfully. "The incident with Sarasa caused a big stir in Meteor City. Many people knew about it."

"In short, we have never given up on tracking down the murderer, but they have not released the video on our website as we wished."

"This is against common sense. Logically speaking, there is no way these scumbags could have endured for so long without sharing with others."

“So we realized there was a problem.”

"The group of people who tortured Sarasa must have had a cooperative relationship with Meteor Street, so they could come and go so easily."

"All their actions back then were actually to humiliate us and get pleasure from us... In this way, they will complete the most important step."

"That is to return here and observe us. Our pain and unwillingness are the source of their pleasure."

"It is very likely that they have been observing us for several years under the guise of cooperating with Meteor Street and have witnessed how we have grown."

"It's possible that we have met them before, and we may even have spoken to them."

"By that time, the Phantom Troupe had probably gained some fame. It was too late for them to get rid of us, so they started to fear us instead."

"They were worried about being discovered and found out by us, so they never came to Meteor Street again, and it was even more impossible for them to release the video footage on their own initiative."

"Because they know we have the conditions to find them through video."

Chrollo paused, turned his head and looked at Paknotta.

"After realizing this, we used Paknotta's mind ability to find all the strangers who appeared in those years in the "memories" and went to their homes one by one."

"It's just that there are too many of them, and they can't have lived in the same place all the time, so we were unable to complete all the investigations in the past few years."

This is one of the reasons why the Phantom Troupe often split up, doing their own thing on their respective journeys while also checking for suspects.

"But, I didn't expect that the clues that we couldn't find no matter how hard we tried, I would come across them by chance in the end."

"The woman who saved me from the river claimed that she was from Meteor Street just like us, but she was tied up by a strange man when she was young and thrown into a van and taken away."

Germann noticed that the expressions of Kuroro, Knight, Machi, and Paknotta all turned gloomy at that moment, and only Shira felt relieved.

"I asked her about the details of how she was taken away, and she told me something she would never forget, calling it her 'lifelong nightmare.'"

"She was blindfolded and gagged at the time, but her ears could still hear, and she heard the screams of a strange girl."

"The girl was struggling badly in the van, shouting 'clean-up fighters' and many other names."

"There is no doubt that she called out our names. The girl was Sarasa."

"The man in the van was annoyed by Sarasa's noise and blocked her mouth, but she continued to struggle and resist."

"Then the van stopped and the woman said she heard the men yelling and dragging Sarasa out."

"Afterwards, the woman heard the most horrifying screams and laughter she had ever heard in her life. Someone did mention words like 'video recording'."

"After everything calmed down, the woman and the other kidnapped girls in the van were all trembling with fear and dared not put up any resistance."

"They were later taken on ships, across the ocean, and sent far away to the 'untouchables' of the Kakin Empire for the purpose of completing what they called 'untouchable breeding'."

"The Kajin Empire needs the lowest class of untouchables, but the children of untouchables are still untouchables. No normal woman would give birth to a child for an untouchable, so this dark trade came into being."

Machi's long pink hair became more and more messy in the night wind. She stood up and closed the window, but the temperature in the room seemed to still drop.

Kuroro's eyes became dim, and he was deeply immersed in memories.

"I quickly contacted the Knight, Machi and Paknotta, reunited with them, and took the woman away."

"With more clues, we finally caught one of the group and found the others and the videos they hid."

"We found out that one of them was someone we knew. He was the one who sold us the information about the "Kuruta Tribe's Red Eyes."

Kurapika remained motionless and did not react when he heard this.

"For so many years, no matter how scared they were of us, they never thought of destroying the tapes. Many perverted serial killers have this habit."

"Every time the name of the Phantom Troupe appears in the newspapers, they will take out the videotape to reminisce and enjoy the dangerous joy that we have never caught."

"After we let them 'enjoy' pain that was ten or a hundred times greater than what Sarasa had endured, they finally couldn't bear it anymore and died one after another."

"But we know very well that they are just a group of minor characters. The real culprit is the Kajin Empire."

"It's just that we don't have the ability to take revenge on such a huge empire."

"At the same time, Zaiyi Luo rescued Zazan from us and planned to build his empire in Meteor Street."

"So, we had no choice but to concentrate on the confrontation with Zaylo's forces. You all know what happened afterwards." Germann handled the rather heavy topic lightly and asked:
"Now that I know what I'm interested in, please answer what my companion wants to know."

Xiaodi shook her head and said, "There's nothing I want to know."

"Yeah." German nodded to Xiaodi, then looked at Kurapika who had been silent. "Kurapika, you probably have a lot of questions, right?"

Kurapika did have a lot of things he wanted to ask the person in front of him.

His original plan was to use the "Judgment Pinky Chain" to pierce Kuroro's heart and force him to tell him everything he wanted to know.

Why did they go after the Kuruta tribe? What did they do to the Kuruta people? Who were the ones who did it?

However, he suddenly realized that there was no need to ask further.

What emerged in Kurapika's mind was the expressions of great fear on the faces of the elderly, the weak, women and children, but their great trust in Kuroro and others.

He thought about how Kuroro had just begged Mr. Germain, hoping that all the hatred would be attributed to Kuroro alone.

Finally, it is the whole process of how they avenge Sarasa.

It was just so sudden that Kurapika no longer had anything else to ask.

Instead, he clearly remembered the story that Teacher German told him on the first night he met him.

"In a world of ice and snow, there was once a man who received the 'blessing of rebirth'. He and his sister lived in a village with a lack of food..."

"...He said he regretted what he had done, that he was in pain, and that he wanted to turn over a new leaf. The group of children protected him, and their eyes revealed their love for their adoptive father."

"What else can 'Flame Fist' do? You can't burn these innocent children to charred corpses with the flames on your body, right?"

"Besides, isn't that enemy already repenting? 'Flame Fist' thinks that enemy may not be a villain. He just doesn't want to leave the cannibalistic bloodline to be passed down..."

Even after several months, Kurapika still remembered asking his teacher how the so-called "Fire Fist" was finally made.

The teacher’s answer was: “It’s simple. He turned around and came back just like you did.”

It turned out to be the case.

Teacher German had foreseen today that day.

Kurapika figured it out.

He didn't want to empathize with Kuroro, didn't want to understand why Kuroro did those things to his people, and didn't want Kuroro to express remorse for what happened that year.

There is no point anymore.

Kurapika had no right to forgive or sympathize with Kuroro. All those who had the right to do so were already dead, and he had just held their funeral not long ago.

Putting an end to all the grudges with Kuroro alone and letting Xiake, Machi and Paknotta to reorganize Meteor City is already Kurapika's biggest concession.

Let's end it like this.

So he replied: "Teacher, I don't have anything to ask."

Kurapika had wanted to pierce Kuroro's heart with the silver chain and take revenge himself, but now he no longer had the mood to do so.

He just held his forehead tiredly and let out a long breath.

Germann wasn't too surprised by Kurapika's reaction.

The mastermind back then was Kuroro, and the one who came up with how to force the Kurta people to show their fiery red eyes was Feitan, who was well versed in the art of torture.

The ones who carried out the massacre were Feitan, Wogin, Finks, and Franklin.

The rest of the people, including Nobunaga, Xiake, Machi, and Paknotta, were more responsible for control and preventing the Kurta people from escaping.

He had asked Kurapika earlier and confirmed his thoughts. The question just now was just to confirm whether Kurapika's thoughts had changed.

Since Kurapika had no intention of asking any questions and had no intention of taking action himself, Germain turned his gaze to Chrollo again.

Kuroro knew German's decision from the look in his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

He obviously knew about Kurapika's connection to the Kuruta clan's fiery red eyes.

At that time, Kurapika appeared on the train of the Kakin Empire. Kuroro would of course not let go of the opportunity to investigate this young man, and in the end he found out a lot of things.

When seeing the picture of "Red Eyes", Kuroro soon remembered what happened that year and confirmed why Kurapika was with Germain.

After returning to Meteor City, Kuroro knew that Germain and Kurapika would come to him sooner or later.

They knew very well that in the current situation of Meteor Street, as long as Kuroro was still alive, he must be in Meteor Street. As long as they came to Meteor Street, they would be able to find Kuroro.

Kuroro knows that he is doomed to die, but Knight, Machi and Paknotta still have a chance to survive, depending on how much they and Meteor Street are willing to pay.

Kuroro had completed his revenge and witnessed Meteor City being saved from its greatest danger.

Now he actually doesn't have many worries and can face death calmly.

It seemed that Kurapika was unwilling to do it himself, so he had to use his mental energy to condense an "arm" just like he did when he killed Daisou, and reached into his arms.

Kuroro took out a peculiarly shaped knife, which was called "Bian's Knife" and was his favorite knife.

The Knight, Machi and Paknotta all watched this scene and felt their hearts tighten.

Paknotta even wanted to step forward and snatch his knife, but was stopped by the knight, who shook his head at her.

Before the knight could speak, Kuroro answered for him.

"Stop it, let me just leave and end it all at once."

“I’m counting on you…”

Kuroro held up the "Bian Sword" high, and finally, he looked at Germain.

"Sooner or later, Hisoka will find you, but now it seems that there is no need to worry about you. The one who needs to worry is himself."

"Bian's Knife" quickly cut his throat, and blood gushed out, making a hissing sound like a gas leak.

The blood stained the floor red.

After attending the brief funeral of the old priest, Germain, Xiaodi and Kurapika left Meteor City.

They stood at the border line and made handovers with members of the Hunters Association, letting the hunters know the general situation inside.

Sheila stayed in Meteor Street.

Kurapika had a look of disappointment on his face, not feeling the pleasure of revenge that he had imagined.

After stepping out of Meteor Street, Xiaodi turned around and grabbed German's hand.

"Thank you."

German also turned around, then clasped Xiaodi's hand with his fingers interlaced, and looked towards the direction of Meteor Street with Xiaodi.

In that direction, the most conspicuous things are indeed the gray sky and the raised garbage mountain. I just don’t know where the current Meteor Street will go.

(End of this chapter)

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