Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 345: The Pervasive Pressure Invasion

Chapter 345: The Pervasive Pressure Invasion

The creature that looks very much like a nautilus is not the only life that emerges from the darkness.

Under the illumination of limited light, densely packed "Nautiluses" that looked similar but smaller in size emerged one after another.

The first one to appear was the largest among them, as tall as a hill.

The rest are much smaller in comparison, but are still comparable in size to humans.

The black tentacles extending from the rock-hard spiral shell were splattering strange mucus and constantly squirming and curling under the illumination of the headlights.

They do not make any sound, perhaps they do not have vocal organs, or perhaps they do not have the need to make any sound.

In short, they surge towards everyone like an undercurrent.

Everyone could see that these "Nautilus" of different sizes had ill intentions, so they fought back in their own way.

It is Germain's judgment that the "Memory of Resentment" cannot be summoned.

They are "mind beasts", but they are not smart enough to use "mind" to maintain balance like German and others. They can only follow their instincts and attack the nearest enemy.

Then, we can only rely on ourselves.

Germann wielded two Holy Moonlight Greatswords and chopped down a "Little Nautilus" that was approaching.

With a click, the shell breaks easily.

With another strike of the sword, its soft body was cut in half and fell deep into the "dark space".

It is "elite level".

German made an accurate judgment based on his experience of cutting down countless "elite-level" fighters.

Then, his eyes were attracted by the huge "Nautilus".

Generally speaking, since it is the largest "Nautilus" here, it should be their leader and also the strongest among them.

German did indeed smell a scent of the same level as his from its gray and black mottled shell.

If this is the case, then this largest "Nautilus" should be the target that he should solve first.

"I'll deal with it."

German did not specify who his enemy was, but all his companions present understood and floated to the side to make room.

Night Owl Highlights!
Germann's speed increased in all aspects.

The mental energy gathered and roared like a booster, causing German to rush towards the "Giant Nautilus" like a rocket.

The Holy Moonlight Greatsword scattered blue light particles as it was dragged.

In a blink of an eye, Germain came to the side of the "Giant Nautilus"!


Sparks flew, and Germain's Holy Moonlight Greatsword slashed at the shell of the "Giant Nautilus", but was deflected by the shock.

There was only a concave crack on the shell, and it was not completely broken.

So hard, it is indeed "champion level".

Germann's judgment was not wrong.

The few people here who can break through the defense of the "Giant Nautilus" are probably Germain, who is also a "Champion Class", and Jin, who is one of the top "Master Class".

At the same time, his "Alien Nemesis" is highlighted, and his accuracy and critical strikes are increased, which also declares the type of enemy to him.

The next moment, before the "Giant Nautilus" could twist its huge body, those wriggling and slippery tentacles had already rushed over.


German swung out a wide green slashing wave, destroying many tentacles in an instant!
But there were still a few fish that slipped through the net and were either whipped or entangled on his body.

All of a sudden, the three branding runes of "Giant Lake", "Giant Deep Sea" and "Hunter" on the chest, as well as the "Strong" trait were all highlighted.

Damage reduction, various resistances, physical strength and energy recovery are all maximized, offsetting the weakening of resistance to "bleeding" and "corrosion" brought by "Pale".

Not only that, German noticed that his "champion halo" was also highlighted, which meant that he had just been "stress attacked".

Holding the cold "Hunter Badge", Germann indeed saw from the projection that his "stress value" had increased slightly.

In fact, if he didn't have the runes of "Champion Physique", "Champion Aura", and "Giant Lake" and "Giant Deep Sea", his "stress value" should have soared after being attacked by the "Giant Nautilus" which is also "Champion Level".

Considering that the "Giant Nautilus" and those "Small Nautilus" are of the same species, their mind abilities should be similar.

Those "little nautiluses" might also be able to send out "pressure attacks."

However, Jin, Biscuit, Mo Laowu and Xiaodi who were fighting against them did not have as much resistance and defense as German.

Especially the resistance against "pressure attack".

Germain felt a little uneasy, but he was not deterred by it and continued to move towards the "Giant Nautilus" with determination.

Only by knocking it down can we provide the greatest help to our companions behind us.

The situation of Jin, Biscuit, Mo Laowu, Xiaodi and others is indeed not good.

They have suffered from "stress attacks" one after another and have gradually realized its severity.

The pain is secondary. The most troublesome thing is probably the lingering haze that affects the mind and accumulates in my heart.

Is this the "pressure" that Germain accumulates all the time? It is like a huge rock pressing down on everyone's heart.

How did German manage to get through it all?
Many "station members" who had never suffered from "stress attacks" understood at this moment what a dark and thorny road German had walked silently.

Because of this, they all tried to strengthen their will and learn to tough it out like Germain did.

However, the "pressure" accumulated too quickly, and many members were not prepared, and their psychological defenses were broken, falling into a state of mental instability.

Xiaodi has even worse problems.

When she pushed the button of "Bulge-Eyed Fish", she found that its own telekinetic ability of "swallowing all dead things" could not be activated, as if it was blocked.

Xiaodi even leaned over to look deep into the throat of the bulge-eyed fish, thinking that something was blocking it. However, he only saw the bulge-eyed fish's throat gurgling after it opened its mouth as wide as possible.

She explained the situation succinctly to Bisiji, who was fighting alongside her.

"I understand."

Germann mentioned Zoldyck's "Dark Space Interconnection Theory" to everyone, and after a brief thought, Biscuit had the answer.

"Your "psychic ability" is indeed blocked, because the "dead things" swallowed and spit out by the "bulgy-eyed fish" are likely to end up somewhere in this "dark space." "

"As long as you are in the Dark Space, you cannot use the Throwing Eye Fish's Swallowing."

"Because of the current special situation, a paradox has been created - the 'dark space' cannot be both inside the 'bulgy-eyed fish' and outside of the 'bulgy-eyed fish'."

Xiaodi didn't understand what Biscuit was saying. She just adjusted her black-framed glasses and swung the "bulgy fish" at the "little nautilus" as if it were a sledgehammer.


The "Little Nautilus" was smashed into pieces, and the broken flesh, tentacles, and mucus first floated weightlessly for a while, and then fell into the abyss.

"It's OK. My 'Popeye Fish' is still very useful." She said calmly.

For a while, everyone's "telepathic abilities" that did not involve the "dark space" were shining brightly.

However, the "stress attack" cannot be stopped and continues to accumulate.

Finally, the situation took a turn for the worse at a certain moment.

Sambika and Menqi were both crushed by the last straw almost at the same time.

While their minds were in a daze, a "Dark Crown" suddenly burst out from above their heads!
This is a condition that has never happened to anyone except German!
And the "Dark Crown" was actually worn on the heads of Sambika and Menqi.

The thorns of darkness pierced into their heads, causing them to look in pain.

Their offensive and defensive movements inevitably slowed down, and now they were besieged by even more "little nautiluses".

Although other companions came to reinforce in time, they were unable to prevent the terrible incident from happening.

A twisted whirlpool appeared beside Sambika and Menqi respectively.

In just a moment, they sucked the two people in, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!



Biscuit, showing his "Vajra True Body", reached out to grab them amid screams, but couldn't even grab the corner of their clothes!

Did they disappear?
Was he taken away, or is he dead?

What will happen in the end after being taken away by that "twisting vortex"?

The anxiety of unpredictable results accelerated the accumulation of "pressure" in everyone's hearts, and even their breathing became rapid.

Germain heard the cry of surprise, but he did not turn back, but continued to fight with the "Giant Nautilus".

If he allowed it to pass through him, his companions would fall into an even more desperate situation.

The meat saw, the shotgun, the flamethrower, the spiral cane, and the thousand shadows of the long sword hovered beside him, controlled by five "hands of mind energy".

Many of the "Little Nautiluses" that flew over and tried to surround German were killed in this fully covered, fully automatic attack circle.

Germann grasped the hilt of the Holy Moonlight Greatsword with both hands, put on the black and white bone armor of contempt, and rushed forward despite the stench!

Puff puff--

The "Monster's Embrace" rune is highlighted, and the Armor of Contempt resists the thrusts of those fat tentacles!
The "silver halo" makes him look as brave and fearless as a battle angel.


The holy blue light instantly penetrated the shell of the "Giant Nautilus" and reached the flesh and blood!
Germain felt that he had touched the sore spot of the "Giant Nautilus", because although it could not roar, it launched an even more swift and fierce attack!

It simply exploded its shell on its own initiative!
Amidst the loud bang, countless broken shells cut through the darkness like shrapnel and shot in all directions!

Germann destroyed the flying debris with the Holy Moonlight Greatsword and saw the true appearance of the "Giant Nautilus" after the second stage.

It revealed its stretched body, and above its many tentacles was a hideous and eye-catching head covered with numerous spider-like eyes.

This alien demon is eyeing German covetously!

And German was not afraid at all, he burst out with tit-for-tat momentum, like the roar of waves.

Come on, come at me!

(End of this chapter)

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