Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 347: Encounter with the Beast

Chapter 347: Encounter with the Beast

The fog gradually dissipated.

German pushed aside the tangled, man-high weeds in front of him and poked the ground tentatively with the threaded cane in his hand. Finding no signs of loosening or falling off, he put his foot on it.

The slope here was quite steep, and German had to make sure his steps were steady to avoid stumbling and falling or rolling on the ground.

He had just hiked down from a high peak and started climbing this one, and he couldn't get away from an endless sea of ​​trees.

The lush, colorful leaves are like a curtain woven to block out the sky and cover the place.

After walking for a while, German was basically sure that he was still in the steep mountains, but he didn't know where the others were.

The Holy Moonlight Greatsword was too cumbersome for the narrow paths of the steep mountains, so Germain replaced it with a more handy threaded staff.

It served a function similar to that of a trekking pole, allowing German to move more freely.

However, there is one thing on him that cannot be changed, or rather, it is not subject to his will, and that is the armor of contempt.

According to past experience, the longer you fight with the Armor of Contempt, the longer it will take to remove it.

It would take more than an hour for Germann to be out of combat before the Armor of Contempt could be removed.

However, in a dangerous area like the steep mountains, it is almost impossible to stay out of fighting for more than an hour.

Sure enough, he had only taken a few steps when his legs were entangled by clumps of devil's vines, and he had to cut them off with a threaded cane.

This way, the Armor of Contempt will be triggered again.

As long as there are effective attacks and defenses, Germann will not be out of the battle. The cost of more than an hour will have to start from the beginning again.

The Dark Crown continued to torture Germain's body and mind through the thorns.

If it weren't for his strong physique and numerous runes and positive traits, he might not even be able to stand up, and might have died of exhaustion not long ago.

Thinking of the possibility of death from exhaustion, German could not help but worry about his companions.

They all suffered from the Dark Crown, and unlike Germain, it was a very unpleasant first experience for them.

Of course, both Biscuit and Menqi have the ability to reduce stress and thus eliminate the tormenting power.

Sambika might be able to do something similar through medication.

As long as the companions who are suffering from the torture are not acting alone, but staying by their side, it should not be so easy for them to become exhausted.

The question now is whether there will be companions like him, wandering aimlessly among the steep mountains alone, and eventually being tortured by the Dark Crown and completely devoured by the monsters here.

German must meet up with others as soon as possible to confirm more information in order to make subsequent judgments and decisions.

Every once in a while, he would release a wave of "circles" with ultra-long distances, sweeping all around.

It is not only to explore the path ahead, search for companions or be alert to the enemy, but also to let companions and enemies know of his existence and make corresponding responses.

The effect is obvious.

Most of the wild beasts living in the steep mountains do not want to provoke the owner who has the aura of an ancient behemoth.

They had fled far away before Germann arrived.

However, up to now, none of German's companions have responded, which only proves that they are most likely not nearby.

The rugged mountains were vast, even larger than the ancient maze and the gray wilderness combined. Until now, Germain had not been able to find its boundaries with his naked eyes or the "circle".

However, not all the beasts here are afraid of Germann's "champion spirit".

There are always some starving or low-intelligence monsters that come forward on their own initiative.

Along the way, German encountered a few of them, and he killed them all without any surprise.

As he climbed the mountain with his threaded cane, Germain once again cast out his "circle" and soon detected a huge creature blocking the road ahead. Germain continued to climb with a normal look.

Before long, the trembling of the narrow path and the rolling of gravel proved that the monster was also approaching, and soon it poked its head out from the blind spot of the corner.

This was a medium-sized beast, and judging from its aura, it was roughly "master-level".

Its body was covered with long, rusty-red hair, but its body was as skinny as a sick dog or a cat fished out of the water.

That's right, most monsters at the "elite level" and below will be scared away by his "champion aura", and only the "master level" will come to meet him head-on.

The medium-sized beast with rusty red fur and limbs as thin as dry firewood roared hysterically at Germanman several times, as if to intimidate him and tell him not to come any closer.

But the road ahead was what he had to take, and at this point, he would never go down the mountain and take a detour to waste more time.

German replaced the threaded cane in his hand with the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, which was more convenient for dealing with people of this size, and strode forward without hesitation.

Despite the language barrier, the rusty-haired beast was aware of the oppressive nature of Germain's actions, and it responded.

Its claws, which were like three long hooks, grabbed the steep rock wall next to it, dug out a large piece of rock, and pushed it in the direction of Germann.

What the rusty-red, long-haired beast wanted, of course, was to see the boulder roll down and crush Germain's body, or at least carry Germain down the cliff which was only a few steps away.

However, the huge rock that was pushed away was broken into several pieces by a green beam of light that shot up into the sky, smashed onto the rock wall and the path, and rolled into the abyss.

Germann flew out from the billowing smoke and dust.

The silver-white halo that the Dark Crown had transformed into shone brightly, and the Armor of Contempt fitted him tightly, as if it was going to penetrate into his flesh.

Only fighting can alleviate the pain caused by the Armor of Contempt, but fighting will also prolong the time it takes for the Armor of Contempt to be removed.

At least now, German doesn't have to make a contradictory and bitter choice. It is obvious what to do, even if it is drinking poison to quench thirst.

The rusty-red, long-haired beast's right arm with hook-like claws grabbed Germann who was breaking through and close at hand, but Germann easily turned around in mid-air and dodged the attack.

The next moment, Germann, who was wielding both Holy Moonlight Greatswords, had neatly chopped off the right arm of the rusty-red long-haired beast at the elbow. It fell to the ground with a plop, and dark red blood gushed out immediately.

The rusty-red, long-haired beast roared in pain and became more frantic, jumping up and down on the narrow path like a monkey.

Seeing that the rock wall and the path were about to be destroyed by a series of actions of the medium-sized rusty-red long-haired beast, Germann took a step forward, stepped on the shaking mountain wall, raised the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, and came to the top of the side of the rusty-red long-haired beast's head.

The rusty red, long-haired beast noticed Germann's intention, and its hair and beard all moved like a python, and together they stabbed at Germann like spears.

The green sword energy slashed out in a circle from the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, cutting off most of the rusty red long hair!
Germann crossed the remaining small section.

That small part thumped deeply into the rock wall, and the rusty-red long-haired beast was unable to retrieve it for a while.

It had to raise its drooping left arm and swing it towards German in the air like a whip, trying to hit him with one blow.

It was then that Germain noticed that the rusty red, long-haired beast had never used its left arm.

When he glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, he understood the reason.

The rusty-red, long-haired beast originally had an extremely skinny body, but its left arm still looked sickly on its body.

The long rusty red hair on it had almost all fallen off, and the exposed flesh was so dry and shriveled as if all the blood had been drained out. It was hard to imagine that this was the arm of a living creature.

The limp, shriveled left arm failed to provide any significant resistance to Germann.

German even ignored it, and directly raised the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, and with a "whoosh", stabbed it between the eyes of the rusty red long-haired beast, and the green light penetrated straight into it!

After Germann did a front flip and landed steadily, the rusty red, long-haired beast completely lost all its strength.

It first fell towards the nearby rock wall like a small mountain, making a dent, and then rolled down the nearby cliff along with a lot of rubble.

(End of this chapter)

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