Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 349 The Night of the Full Moon

Chapter 349 The Night of the Full Moon
Without disturbing the Bloodthirsty Claw Beast who was in a hallucinogenic dream, nor entering the cave of the human-cultivating beast Pap whose depth was unknown, Germann left.

The "drug addicts" were still lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, completely unaware of what had just happened here.

German had made the decision several hours ago that his top priority at the moment was to reunite with Xiaodi and the others, rather than satisfying his own curiosity.

The matter of the nurturing beast Papu can be dealt with later.

German never treated Xiaodi and others as consumables.

They are living people who are just like him, have the same will and dare to challenge the Dark Continent.

German would never explore the lair of the human-breeding beast Pap under the steep mountains without knowing the situation.

As we crossed mountains and ridges, the sun gradually set in the west, and an orange-red fireball burned the last rays of sunset between the towering mountains.

When Germain was hungry and his throat was dry, he would take out the special card box from Greedy Island, put out a small portion of food and water, and eat while walking.

Without the presence of "food hunter" Menqi, German would not touch anything that looked edible that he encountered in these rugged mountains.

Even in his Greedy Island card box, there were herb injections that could cure all diseases, detoxification injections, etc. prepared by Sambika.

He didn't want to waste them in a place like this.

The Armor of Contempt was still firmly locked on his flesh, not to mention the Dark Crown that transmitted the pain.

It was too difficult for German, who was acting alone, to stay out of combat for more than an hour in such an environment.

Finally, exhausted both physically and mentally, he stopped and built a bonfire with nearby firewood in a sunken terrain.

He planned to rest here for half an hour and then continue groping forward in the darkness of the long night.

The bonfire was burning fiercely due to the flamethrower, and the warm heat returned to German's body.

Wisps of blue smoke rose in the night that fell unnoticed.

The pale white moon rose to mid-sky from between the shadow-covered mountains, and it turned out to be a nearly perfect full moon.

However, as the night deepened, the whistling wind between the mountains was mixed with many unknown roars.

Compared to the quietness during the day, this place is like a paradise for thugs at night.

Germann recalled the group of blood-thirsty claw beasts he saw lying on the ground, immersed in dreams, and couldn't help wondering, were they high on drugs during the day and became energetic and active at night?
He sat on a flat blue stone and ate his dinner - an egg and meat sandwich with some sweet and sour jam.

However, almost without any warning, several almost transparent worms suddenly wriggled out from the place where he had taken a bite and began to crawl on the sandwich.

Germain was sure the sandwich had been fine.

In other words, these nearly transparent worms grow out of the food in just a moment.

German didn't understand the mechanism, didn't know whether the worms were dangerous, and didn't have time to study it in depth.

He threw the entire sandwich, along with the worms, into the bonfire.

Puff—the smoke and dust rolled up, and the worms struggled in the flames.

Burn it, burn it all.

The steep mountains give people a depressing atmosphere, especially at night.

The endless sea of ​​trees and mountains are like a gigantic pitcher plant, trapping tiny insects deep inside.

Perhaps this is the reason why the creatures living here, as well as the vast majority of the 5-man investigation team of the Bergrosse United Nations, one of the V teams back then, chose to fall into the life-sucking trap of the brooding beast Papu and not resist.

For them, it is better to die in happiness than to die in despair after being devastated.

At least dying under the tongue of the brooding beast Pap can still give you one last sweet dream.

The brooding beast Pap failed to suck the life out of Germain, but driven by its survival instinct, it tried to please Germain with pleasure before he delivered the fatal blow.

Germann was sure that he felt a numbing sensation like an electric current, and then he couldn't help feeling happy.

Can it directly stimulate the brain to produce certain chemicals?

If he hadn't acted decisively, he might have seen some of the hallucinations he wanted to see. Just after half an hour, Germain stood up, extinguished the bonfire, bathed in the moonlight, and walked into the dark forest.

He just felt a little better and wanted to keep moving forward. After all, the conditions of others might not be better than his.

The monsters that have been crawling for a long time, under the cover of hallucinogenic pleasure and night, their ambitions and desire to kill are expanding unlimitedly.

They surged over, like huge shadows passing between the twisted tree trunks, and like dark whirlpools, they rolled towards German, who was in the eye of the storm.

Come on.

When Germain drew out the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, it echoed with the full moon and unexpectedly burst out with even greater power at that moment!
This was an increase that even German had not fully anticipated.


The holy moonlight radiated out, and German, who was wrapped in it, felt comfortable all over, as if he was no longer tormented by the Armor of Contempt and the Crown of Darkness.

The monsters, who were also immersed in the holy moonlight and fallen into pleasure, fled in all directions with shrill howls, like vampires touched by the scorching sunlight.

If they were just a few steps slower, they would be reduced to ashes by the power of the full moon.

German didn't mind finishing off the enemies, killing them one by one.

Since arriving at the steep mountains, German has never felt so good. The presence of the full moon makes the night his home ground.

Carrying the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, Germain moved forward all the way. Even when he was out of combat, the Dark Crown and the Armor of Contempt could no longer torture him at all.

The monsters in the dark night fled far away, and even the night attackers did not dare to get close.

An incredible "vacuum area" appeared in the large area where German was.

Until several small white dots appeared in the winding path ahead.

They had no intention of escaping. Instead, they moved closer to Germann, stopping for a moment and then walking for a moment.

Seeing the rigid movement pattern, Germann became aware of something, and when he used the "circle" to probe it a little, he confirmed it.

So he stood still, allowing the little white dots to approach, and saw their small gray bodies revealed under the bright moonlight.

These are white rabbits, but they are obviously made up not of flesh and fur, but of clouds of smoke.

The full moon and the rabbit are probably a sign of a reunion, and it looks like there will finally be good news tonight.

German looked down at the white smoke rabbits, which looked like real rabbits, sniffing his shoes and squatting around him without moving for a while.

After a while, they all jumped in one direction, jumped a few steps and then stopped, as if to confirm whether German had caught up.

Of course, Germain followed.

He walked along with the leading rabbits, and encountered more such white smoke rabbits, all gathering around him.

Surrounded by a group of white smoke rabbits, German stepped on several pieces of gravel, crossed a gurgling stream, and then stood in front of a cliff as smooth as a mirror.

Then, the phantom curtain formed by water and fog was slowly peeled off, revealing an uneven depression under the smooth cliff.

In front of the cave, the one who displayed this "master-level" hiding skill was naturally Mo Laowu, who possessed the "Purple Smoke Fist" and the "Water Element Enchanted Big Pipe".

"It's you." Mo Laowu placed the big pipe, which still flashed the "Water Element Enchanted Mark" in the dark, on the ground. "My 'Reconnaissance Little Smoke Rabbit' never makes mistakes in places like this."

Before German, who was carrying the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, could answer, he saw a figure running out of the shadows outside the cave.

She revealed her face under the illumination of the full moon and the Holy Moonlight Greatsword.

Xiaodi rushed over.

When ordinary lovers meet again, there will definitely be a warm and tender hug, but Xiaodi obviously has a unique understanding of hugs.

She jumped directly onto Germanman, put her hands on the back of his neck, clamped her legs around his waist, and put her face right in front of Germanman.

Xiaodi kissed German, but she completely forgot that she was wearing black-framed glasses, which was equivalent to a hard slap on both of their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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