Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 354: Simplification of the Team

Chapter 354: Simplification of the Team (23)

That night, when Menqi was stirring the soup and meat in the pot with a spoon, German's eyes swept over everyone one by one.

Sambika used up a life-saving "Breath of Archangel", and Menqi fractured his thigh bone, making it difficult for him to move.

Nakuru also used a life-saving "Archangel's Breath" and had just escaped from "Fatal Pleasure" of the Broodbeast Papp.

He looked pale, as he had exhausted all his strong will and physique in resisting the addictive "deadly pleasure".

However, at least he was not fatally injured, and his mental energy and physical strength are expected to recover within a day or two.

Even so, German still had some different ideas in his mind.

Perhaps, I shouldn't have gathered so many members and teleported here together.

Whether it was the dark space or the steep mountains, this group of people suffered a lot.

I have to change my strategy in a big way...but now is not the time to talk about this...

Of course, there are some things I can still do first...

"We need to streamline the exploration team."

Unexpectedly, Jin told German the truth before him, and he even winked at him.

He seemed to be saying, let me do the bad guy job.

Everyone also looked at Jin.

Jin raised an eyebrow.

"There are two injured now. Sambika must stay and look after them."

Nakulu, who had barely recovered some of his strength, quickly sat up straight, trying to put on a strong posture.

"Jin, my injuries are nothing."

"Na Ku Lu!"

Mo Laowu patted Nakulu's shoulder.

“Don’t make unrealistic choices, which would be irresponsible to everyone.”

Nakulu half opened his mouth, but finally lowered his head without saying anything.

He was quite unwilling, but with his current combat power and physical condition, there was really nothing he could do.

The same thing happened a second time.

He also acted so powerless on the night of the final battle of the Chimera Ants.

Facing the powerful Yupi, he couldn't even win back dignity for Xiu Tuo.

Humiliated and unwilling, he punched the ground.

He used considerable force, and bright red blood oozed out of the bandage again.

I must become stronger, even stronger. Only in this way can I be qualified to fight alongside my teacher, Germain and the others...

Nakulu has secretly decided to stay in the Dark Continent and hone himself.

Seeing his sincere dissatisfaction with the status quo, Mo Laowu couldn't help but feel relieved.

This at least proves that Nakulu's experience was not in vain. It made him see the reality more clearly and forge ahead.

Mo Laowu said:

"In addition, it is also very important to stay with Menqi and Sambika. You need to protect them before we come back. This is your mission."

After hearing this, Nakulu's eyes lit up slightly, then he raised his head, his expression gradually becoming firm.

"Teacher, please rest assured. Even if I die standing, I will not let Sambika and Menqi get hurt!"

Mo Laowu immediately hit him on the head with his fist.

"Don't say such unlucky words!"

Men Qi also interrupted with dissatisfaction:
"Nakulu, don't treat me and Sambika as weak women who can't even lift a finger. My knives are very sharp."

"As a 'Nen-operation user', even if I have limited mobility, I can still kill the enemy remotely!"

Nakulu scratched the back of his head somewhat embarrassedly.

"I...I didn't mean that..."

"Then what do you mean?"

Faced with Men Qi's questioning, Na Ku Lu stammered for a long time and couldn't utter a word.

At this time, Sambika also came to him.

No one had any objection to the punch that Nakulu just threw, only Sambika glared at Nakulu in reproach.

"Show me the wound..."

Nakulu reached out his hand in shame, asking Sambika to loosen the bandage and take another look at the gaping wound. "Take care of yourself."

Sambika took a few glances, gave some instructions, and then began to treat the wound.

Biscuit turned the topic back at this time.

"So the remaining people are heading to the underground cave together?"

Without much thought, Germain expressed his thoughts.

"Yeah... Jin and I are definitely going."

"Your "magic beauty" is an important stress-relieving ability."

"The little "Puffy Eye Fish" might be able to restrain the Nen ability of the Ikumanmon Pappu."

"Mo Laowu also possesses the extremely versatile "Purple Smoke Fist."

Every time German said a name, he would turn his head and look at the person being named, confirming the other person's thoughts.

He did not see cowardice or retreat in these people's eyes.

They are still steadfast in their willingness to follow him and continue to challenge "disaster and hope".

However, certain thoughts had already been quietly planted in German's heart.

The original team of eight people was divided into two groups. The five people led by German went to the underground cave, and the remaining three stayed in the relatively safe cave.

They spent another two days in this base, giving everyone ample time to rest, and then the exploration team was ready to set out.

Nakulu, Menqi and Sambika stayed in this temporary base and waved to the leaving team.

The team members ran and jumped among the trees, and their figures quickly disappeared.

An hour later, Jin, relying on his strong memory and hunter tracking skills, once again found the entrance to the lair of the human-breeding beast Papu.

It is located on a high peak that rises from the ground.

At the top of the mountain there was a huge, dark cave entrance that faced downward, and it looked like the crater of a dead volcano.

German, Jin, Biscuit, Mo Laowu and Xiaodi hid in the nearby treetops, bushes and rocks, and observed silently for a while.

They saw many skinny Pap beasts, dragging some unconscious small creatures back to the cave.

And more beasts voluntarily follow the human-raising beast Pap and come here to live a life of drunkenness and debauchery.

There were even some giant beasts that helped the tiger to drag the wild animals that the nurturing beast Papu could not drag into their nests.

The ecology here is amazing.

At least on the surface, it is not whoever is stronger who will dominate, but whoever can provide pleasure who will dominate.

Except for the human-breeding beast Pap, who would enter and exit the cave at the top of the mountain, none of the creatures that went in ever came out.

Most of them have been high on drugs, or have become dead mummies.

Most of the detailed records of "The Human-Educating Beast Papu", "The Mist-Like Creature Ai", and "The Two-Tailed Snake Hell Bell" in "The New World Chronicle: Eastern Chapter" are missing.

They didn't know what else they would encounter after entering the cave, besides the human-breeding beast Pap, so they observed carefully for a while.

However, there was no way to uncover the mystery of the steep mountain caves on the outermost layer, so they soon decided to enter.

They stood at the entrance of the cave on the top of the mountain and looked down, all they could see was pitch black.

All that could be heard was the roar and entanglement of monsters mixed in with the whistling wind.

Since all electrical appliances could not be used, German and his team had no way to use lights.

In the end, only German had to lead the way with the Holy Moonlight Sword, and the others each held a burning torch.

The light illuminated the road ahead, revealing a slope covered with gravel and sand.

Several skeletons of medium-sized or small species were discarded here, and the skeletons looked hideous.

Bisiji and Mo Laowu held torches and walked between the sharp teeth and claws, and could not help but look at each other in shock.

There are many monsters here that are huge in size, and it was quite difficult for them to fight them, but now they have all turned into piles of bones.

This mountain cave is like a bloody mouth that has swallowed the lives of too many living creatures.

Before long, they arrived at a relatively flat area from the slope.

At the same time, those unsettling moans became more frequent, constantly echoing between the stone walls.

"There is something."

German, who was walking in front, suddenly raised one hand alertly, signaling the people behind to be careful.

"Medium-sized species, on top of the head."

"Yuan" told him the approximate outline of the other party, and everyone witnessed with their own eyes the medium-sized monster hanging upside down on the stone wall.

(End of this chapter)

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