Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 363: Conditions for Advancing to Champion Level

Chapter 363: Conditions for Advancing to Champion Level
When the "exploration team members" basked in the sunlight again, it was already dusk that day.

The blood-red glow covered their bodies layer by layer, like the gorgeous battle robes of a triumphant returnee.

They had gained a new kind of "hope", and this was obtained after solving a more dangerous "disaster". At this moment, their satisfaction and joy reached their peak.

This kind of joy is something that "fatal pleasure" can never give you.

After another hour's hike, the "exploration team" returned to the "temporary base" under the axe-carved stone wall and reunited with Nakulu, Menqi and Sambika who stayed there.

They returned safely and were welcomed by Nakulu, Menqi and Sambika.

At the same time, the “Exploration Team” also shared their joy with the trio.

At this moment, the relationship between the eight members of the "Post Station Team" is undoubtedly the most harmonious and close.

Nakulu, Menqi and Sambika just passed the "No Man Stone" to each other, observed it for a while, and then returned it to Xiaodi.

Germain took a "no-man stone" and threw it into the water for testing.

As a result, after a while, everyone saw it flashing blue arcs of electricity in the water with a squeaking sound, and there was no sign of stopping.

If left alone, the "No Man's Stone" would probably dissipate all its electricity in the water.

Mo Laowu manipulated the "Hand of Smoke" to take the "No Man Stone" out of the water, then threw it into the sand on the side, rolling it several times to keep the surface dry.

After a long time, the "No Man's Stone" stopped discharging and became stable.

After wiping the surface of the "No Man's Stone" clean, the "Bulge-Eyed Fish" swallowed it again.

Through this small experiment, everyone confirmed how to store and use the "No Man Stone".

As for the more detailed aspects, I will leave it to the members of "Greed Island".

The next day, the "Post Station Team" spent a whole day to find the location of the "special teleportation lantern" that connected them to when they first arrived here in the vast and steep "steep mountains".

They spent the night nearby, allowing Germain to activate the "teleportation lantern".

In fact, they are still more or less frightened.

After all, last time, this "teleportation lantern" dragged them into that strange "dark space".

And the situation they encountered in the "dark space" that put them all into a "tortured state" was something no one wanted to experience again.

They could endure the physical and mental pain brought by "torture", but they did not like it. Only German was really used to it.

Fortunately, this time the "teleportation lantern" successfully teleported them back to the high tower of the "ancient maze" without any accidents.

German immediately checked to see what "negative traits" or "diseases" he had acquired this time.

[Negative trait: fear of darkness]: When the brightness of the surrounding environment is below a certain threshold, the "pressure" triggered by the event will increase significantly.

Negative traits: Passion for visions: Obsessed with supernatural visions.

After the two of them returned to the "Island of Greed", Germain would give priority to letting Abenganie or Sina clear away his "negative traits" for him.

"Disease·Human fluid imbalance": Greatly reduces physical fitness.

"Disease: Violent Cough": Greatly reduces the damage caused to the target.

"Disease·Diarrhea": Greatly reduces dodge speed and physical fitness.

All three types of "diseases" are easy to cure. All you need to do is get an injection of the "Herb Injection that Cure All Diseases" every once in a while.

Dang Dang Dang——

Mo Laowu rang the bronze bell on the top of the tower, which soon attracted the attention of Buhara who stayed in the castle.

When he, like a ball of flesh, came to the top floor of the tower, he immediately gave Mo Laowu a big hug with excitement and enthusiasm.

After seeing that Menqi had one leg in a cast, Buhala came over and asked with concern.

Buhala felt relieved only after knowing that it was nothing serious.

The theme of the celebration banquet that night was, of course, the week-long "steep mountains" trip.

The main dish was "No Man's Stone", and the delicious food prepared by Menqi and Buhala became the side dishes.

They talked and laughed all night long.

The next day, King approached German.

"I have a feeling." Jin said this inexplicably, and then explained, "I may be about to enter the "champion level"."

This was an unexpected but reasonable situation. Jin was originally one of the "Five Great Nen Users of the Six Continents" personally named by President Netero, and was very close to the "Champion Level", but was unreasonably surpassed by Germain.

After experiencing the "ancient maze", "gray desert" and "steep mountains", although Jin is not the protagonist, the "hardcore game strategy" has already accumulated enough "upgrade experience points".

He was just one step away from success.

"That's what I said, but I still haven't been able to cross the line." Jin sat carelessly on the sofa in front of German. "I thought about it for a long time and thought of you."

"What's wrong with me?" Germain asked while drinking tea.

"Your experience tells me that if you want to become a "champion", you have to defeat a "champion" opponent independently. President Netero is probably in a similar situation."

German nodded: "So you are planning to..."

"According to the time, the 'Painful and Bloodthirsty Apostle' is about to be reborn." Jin raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a rather cruel smile.

Indeed, the last time I killed the "Painful Bloodthirsty Apostle" was in December last year, and it has been almost three months in the blink of an eye.

Jin pointed at Germain and said, "I know you need to participate in killing the "Painful Bloodthirsty Apostle" to obtain the "Transmission Lantern", so I won't let you do nothing."

"When the time comes, you just need to strike once at the beginning, then stand aside and let me fight the 'Bloodthirsty Apostle' one-on-one. This way, you can kill two birds with one stone."

Germain agreed.

He had no reason to refuse. Helping Jin improve his combat power would be of great benefit to him and the entire team.

So, on March 3, when the "Apostle of Pain and Bloodthirsty" was reborn outside the castle, German only slashed it with his sword and stepped aside.

He, like everyone else, did not leave the battlefield.

However, he was not just watching the battle like Xiaodi and the others. More importantly, he was trying to stop the "Painful and Bloodthirsty Apostle" from destroying the castle.

Fortunately, the existence of the tall tower allowed the "Painful Bloodthirsty Apostle" to completely ignore the castle buildings surrounding it.

Jin's fierce offensive attracted all the attention of the "Painful and Bloodthirsty Apostle".

He led the "Apostle of Pain and Bloodthirsty" to the "edge of the fog wall" far away from the castle, and then began to fight in earnest.

He chose this place, on the one hand, to make room so that he wouldn't have to worry about his attacks destroying the castle, and on the other hand, to choose a "new respawn point."

After killing the "Painful Bloodthirsty Apostle", its next rebirth place will be where it died, which is the "edge of the fog wall".

This way, next time, they won't have to deliberately lure the "Painful Bloodthirsty Apostle" here to fight.

The following time is Jin's fight with the "Painful and Bloodthirsty Apostle".

In order to not lose the status of "participating in the kill", Germann would occasionally shoot an insignificant shot at the "Painful Bloodthirsty Apostle" with his "Shotgun".

Everything else is up to Jin himself.

And Jin did not disappoint everyone's expectations. He defeated the "Painful and Bloodthirsty Apostle" and successfully advanced to the "Champion Level".

Germann could confirm this just from the "mind energy" that appeared from Jin.

Germain also got the "gift" he wanted - the "teleportation lantern".

This brought the number of his idle "teleportation lanterns" to four.

Jin roared in excitement.

Biscuit looked at this scene with some envy: "I am older than Germain and King, but I have been stuck at the "Master Level" for so many years, alas..."

"President Netero reached the "Champion Level" at about my age, right?"

Men Qi, who was standing nearby, had already removed the plaster and was only using a crutch.

Although she is not a "user of enhanced telekinesis", her self-healing ability is also very strong.

She comforted him: "Bisiji, believe in yourself, you can do it too."

Biscuit nodded.

"Well... I don't doubt the Konosuba Flow, nor do I doubt my hard work day after day and year after year. I just expected too much."

"I firmly believe that the Shingen-ryu is a difficult martial arts school, but one that will definitely have the last laugh."

Biscuit put her hands together, silently thanking martial arts for the "past", "present" and "future" that she had. She knew that her transformation would come sooner or later.

She was envious, but willing to wait patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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