Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 371: Unwilling to Stop at Five Great Hopes

Chapter 371: Unwilling to Stop at Five Great Hopes

Imaginary Dark Continent...

President Netero's finger did not stay for too long on this large island that looked small in the sea map, but continued to move to one side.

"The next step is the highlight, which is also the real journey of exploring the Dark Continent."

"The Hunter Association Exploration Team and the Biyangde Exploration Team will continue sailing from here until they cross the second sea boundary and reach the gate where the "Gatekeeper" is located."

"We will work together to pass the "Gatekeeper" level, and then with the help of the "Guide", we will cross the most dangerous "Dark Sea". "

"After arriving at the real Dark Continent, our two exploration teams will go their separate ways and set off for our respective destinations."

"And the main purpose of the Hunter Association's exploration team is, of course, to meet up with you at the Ancient Labyrinth Station in the Dark Continent."

"In this way, we can form a sea-land connection across half of Lake Mobius between Greed Island, the gas station, the imaginary dark continent, the transit base, the dark continent and the ancient labyrinth."

“After this, we can gradually announce that we have obtained ‘hope’, and then use this sea and land route as a basis to establish a stable route for humans to return to the Dark Continent in the future.”

German listened quietly, and when he saw that President Netero stopped talking and picked up a candied date and chewed it, he asked:
"So, you brought 'them' to Greed Island this time to make all kinds of preparations, right?"

President Netero once again let out his signature oh-ha-ha laugh.

Germann could see the chewed date flesh and the whole pit in his half-open mouth.

Last night at the banquet at Rimiru Castle, not only President Netero and the A-level authority figures of Greed Island were present, but also many heavyweights of the Hunter Association.

Kito, Michelisstrom, Potobai... all of the "Twelve Zodiac Signs" except Kim Fulish were present.

Even King's disciple Kate is here.

Because of the colonial voyages of the Kajin Empire, many internal affairs of the Kajin Empire had to be hastily concluded, and more manpower and material resources had to be allocated to the colonial voyages.

Kate and his team's investigation mission ended early, and he had to go to Greed Island.

When German saw them last night, he was quite surprised. Then he turned around and saw President Netero's mischievous smile. Then he realized that he was being teased again.

President Netero calculated the cooling time of Germain's "Teleportation Lantern" and stood alone in front of the teleportation point in the dungeon hall of Limeilu Castle for this purpose.

It sounds ridiculous, but this is what President Netero would do. He just wanted to see the surprised expressions of Germain and others as soon as possible.

President Netero stroked his white beard again and showed the same sly smile as yesterday.

"After V6 was formed and the Hunter Association's exploration team was confirmed to go to the Dark Continent, I secretly gathered them together and brought them here for 'training'."

"You can never imagine the expressions on their faces after they see your 'results' for the first time..."

"Hehehe, I took a few photos specially. Shall I show them to you? Qiduo's stunned look? At that time, her glasses slipped down, and after that, she spent every day and night in the archives and the research institute."

"No, thanks." Germann had no such bad taste.

President Netero snorted deliberately as if he was quite dissatisfied, and then smiled again.

His mood changes so quickly that it is astonishing. He doesn't look like a centenarian at all, but more like a little naughty boy.

"In order to complete this great sea-land connection, to fully display your achievements to the world, and to protect your abilities from being coveted by V6, we need to make three preparations."

"First, the understanding of the Dark Continent and the corresponding preparations. In this regard, the 'achievements' you have accumulated on Greed Island are a treasure trove."

"Qido, Micaistrom and the others have been working tirelessly for months, almost neglecting their work at the Hunter Association."

"In terms of preparation in this regard, the Hunter Association Exploration Team will be far superior to the Biyangde Exploration Team."

"As the president, I have to be busy, but it's worth it to see their eyes looking like they have discovered a new world."

"This is your job, right?" German couldn't help but complain.

"Birds of a feather flock together." President Netero glanced at Germain and said, "You've been with Biscuit for too long. You've learned to complain."

Then he continued, "Secondly, the Hunter Association exploration team needs members who have actually been to the Dark Continent to serve as team leaders and provide experience."

"And the leaders of this trip are naturally me and Mo Laowu. Lin Nie and Jie Ge no longer have the energy to go on such a long voyage."

"My memory of the Dark Continent is a little rusty. After all, it was more than half a century ago. Mo Laowu went to the Dark Continent with you for five months. This will be a fresh and valuable experience."

"In this regard, the combination of Mo Laowu and I is obviously better than Yangde alone."

"The third one is naturally your cooperation in the Dark Continent."

"We have the route map of the Sahelian United States, but after so many years, the terrain has changed to some extent. We need your support now."

German nodded. "No problem. Give me a few copies of the route map and we'll set up a few meeting points and agree on a time to meet at those places." "Okay, that's settled."

President Netero then asked about Germain's experiences over the past few months.

German said one by one, and at the same time, the "Station Team" also has the habit of supplementing the "New Century Travelogue" and writing their own "Station Log".

Their experiences were written down in great detail, along with photographs, and this time German also brought back the memoirs, which had been stored for five months.

If President Netero, the other twelve members, the A-level privileged members of Greed Island, Kate and the others want to know more about the Dark Continent, they can just read them.

"It can be seen that during our voyage, you will not give up the challenge of the remaining two "Disaster and Hope"."

President Netero has already understood that when Germain and Jin get together, no one can stop them from moving forward, not even him.

Germain nodded again.

It is estimated that it will take two months for the V6 colonization and exploration army to set out from the six continents and arrive at the imaginary dark continent. It will then take another period of time to cross the dark sea.

Neither German nor Jin planned to wait quietly, even though their achievements were already long enough to go down in history, with honors such as "Three-Star Hunter" not a problem.

They are the core of the "Post Station Team", and the core members' ideological concepts, such as "order, neutrality, chaos", or "good, neutrality, evil", often determine the position of the entire team.

President Netero couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. He felt that he was not as crazy as these two people when he was young.

The most important thing is that he, Jage and Lin Nie all returned empty-handed in the end. The different results of German and others determined the subsequent development.

Everything started with the appearance of this young man in front of him. He changed so many things.

"Then just go for it... I know you won't stop until you figure out the truth about the Dark Continent."

"But you must remember that you are now the core that connects and unites several organizations. If you make any mistakes, we will only be able to stop at the "Five Great Hopes" in the end."

When Germain came out of President Netero's room, he clearly understood the weight of President Netero's words just now.

Ancient Maze Inn, Greed Island, Hunter Association, Meteor Street, Zoldyck Family... He is now the center point connecting these five major organizations and even more organizations.

They revolve around German as if they were the sun. This is both an honor and praise, as well as a responsibility and trust.

German now moved to the front of all humans except Dong Fulishi, and the surging crowd wave that followed would continue to push him forward.

He is the pioneer and trailblazer of mankind's return to the Dark Continent.

During breakfast, German really started to get busy because so many people wanted to see him and chat with him.

German decided to take them one by one, and the first one he chose was Qiduo.

"Dog Girl" Kito asked Germain to meet at the Dark Continent Archives in Rimiru Castle.

When German walked in, he saw Qido, wearing thin-rimmed glasses, sitting in a corner, reading a book.

She really fits the image of a female high school librarian that appears in many anime, and even has the bonus of Fury.

"Ah, you're here." Then, Qiduo looked around, as if worried that his voice would disturb other people in the library.

Then she waved to Germain and asked him to sit in front of her.

After German sat down, he found that there were many familiar people in the archives - "Dragon" Botobai, "Horse" Sachi, "Snake" Ge Er, etc.

Qiduo held up one side of his glasses frame and said in a neutral tone: "No one wants to let go of the information stored here. Even the photocopies have been flipped through by us many times."

"Of course, there are also those who couldn't bear to watch and chose to give up." There was no doubt that Qiduo was pointing to Guanxi, the Tiger.

Guanxi, a member of one of the Twelve Zodiacs, did not know who the king of the Kakin Empire was, nor did he even know where the Dark Continent was.

It is truly a miracle that someone like Kansai, who has no common sense, could become a professional hunter and become one of the Twelve Zodiac Signs.

Jin, the original storyline, once described the Dark Continent like this:

"It is a Pandora's box that adults with common sense deliberately avoid touching..."

"We don't want to face the fact that the world we know is only a small part of a vast world beyond our imagination."

"In a certain era, in a certain region...some chosen people...left records of their visit there in relics..."

The Dark Continent is the "common sense" that is taboo in the human world.

(End of this chapter)

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