Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 384: Selection Battle for Disqualified Persons

Chapter 384: Selection Battle for Disqualified Persons

On August 8, five days had passed since BW13 and the other five ships set sail from the port of the Kajin Empire.

These 5 days are enough time for all kinds of unpredictable things to happen.

However, they had already sailed out of the area where they could communicate directly with the six continents, and the six continents no longer had a way to receive messages from them in the first place.

If they want to get in touch with the six continents, BW1 and the five ships will need to rely on airships that transport supplies back and forth in the air.

However, once entering more dangerous waters, the sky will no longer be safe and the airship will not be able to follow.

Even the five ships will then enter the BW1 internal dock through five gates, just like a baby kangaroo entering its mother's pouch, to temporarily avoid the attack.

At this time, BW1 and the five ships will be six islands in the vast ocean, almost completely isolated from the human world.

Contact can only be resumed after arriving at the imaginary dark continent and starting to establish a stable route from the six continents to the imaginary dark continent.

That will be at least several months to half a year later, or maybe even longer.

Germain is temporarily unable to communicate with the Hunter Association exploration team.

Even with the ability of Qugu's mind, there is no way to allow birds to travel directly back and forth across this sea, as it is far from being as calm as the seas of the six continents.

Unlike Duen who paced back and forth and muttered worriedly all day, German seemed calm and continued to act at his own pace.

He found Abenganie and asked him to exorcise his thoughts for him.

The last time Abenganie helped Germain get rid of his worries was on July 7. Half a month has passed since then, and Abenganie's condition has returned to its best.

Abenganie once again cleared two "negative traits" for German, namely "anxiety" and "passion for visions".

The only "negative trait" that Germain has now is an almost insignificant "paleness", and its existence can be completely covered up by Germain's "champion physique".

After the exorcism was over, Germain discussed the management issues on Greed Island with Abenganie.

Lister sets out with the Hunter Association exploration team and will try to establish a connection between Greed Island and the imaginary Dark Continent.

As a result, the work on Greed Island that originally belonged to Lister will need to be completed by other members.

Even though he has joined Ikshanpe, a workaholic who is online 24 hours a day, there are some things that even he, an internet dweller, cannot accomplish.

Ikshanpei is stubborn and unwilling to leave the virtual world, so the real-life work has to be handed over to Duen.

Duen couldn't handle the pile of work alone, so after asking for the opinions of Germain, Grandma Linnie, Leiza and others, he promoted Abenganie.

Abenganie has been waiting for this opportunity.

He finally got his wish and became the core member of Greed Island's management. He couldn't sleep at night after hearing the news.

He knew very well who cast the most crucial vote.

After the exorcism is over, he will ask Germain many questions to understand Germain's positioning and views on the future of Greed Island, and promise to put these ideas into practice.

If there are factions within Greed Island, then Abenganie is undoubtedly the Germain faction.

He also took the initiative to mention that half a month later, when he had recovered, he would come to exorcise Germann's thoughts again and eliminate the last "negative trait".

Originally, this task could be handed over to Hina, because after half a month, Hina's "Devil's Son Who Will Never Be Born" should disappear, and she could remove the evil thoughts again.

However, Abenganie did not want to leave a bad impression on Germain, as if after his promotion, he was no longer willing to "condescend" to help Germain get rid of his bad thoughts.

Many people who are promoted have this idea.

They will feel that their current status is earned by themselves, and thus ignore the help of their mentor.

People who lack self-awareness often end up with terrible results.

Abenganie would never make such a low-level mistake. He has come this far, and he will continue to climb up, step by step, to the highest position.

If Abenganie wants to realize his desire for power, he cannot do without Germain's support.

However, Germain asked him to have a good rest, because Germain did not want to wait another half a month, and he would soon return to the Dark Continent.

Xiaodi also sent a text message a few days ago, saying that she would be back in the next few days.

During the days of waiting for Xiaodi's return, German, who had nothing to do, simply used the administrator privileges again to fly to Killua, Xiaojie and others.

At this time, Alluka and Miki have already entered Greed Island and formed a team with Killua and Gon, but Alluka is in the form of a "virtual image".

When German came to them, he was surprised to find that their team had added other members.

Xiaojie excitedly introduced their new companion to German.

They were Hanzo and Bakugo, two candidates who took the Professional Hunter Exam at the same time as him and Killua.

"They are just like us." Gon's "us" refers to him and Killua. "After submitting an application to the Hunter Association Exploration Team, it was not approved."

"We met them by chance in the Magic City of Masadora. They were new players of Greed Island and knew very little about the situation on Greed Island, so we invited them to join our team."

"We originally wanted to invite Leorio, but he said that he had been admitted to Fanlin Medical University and was studying medicine and Nen seriously, so he couldn't come here to accompany us."

Xiaojie looked a little disappointed when he finished speaking.

This colonization voyage is a major event of global significance, and the Hunter Association will play an important role in it, which will of course attract many professional hunters to participate. Hanzo and Bakuer, who have just obtained their hunter licenses for less than a year, naturally want to participate in this event.

It’s a pity that they were eliminated before even getting to the interview stage.

Bakuer, who was wearing a purple soft hat and carrying a bow and arrow, knew who the man in the black robe in front of him was, so he seemed a little reserved.

It should be said that most of the professional hunters nowadays must recognize Germann, the "Rat of the Zodiac".

It is said that among the members of the Hunter Association's exploration team this time, most of the "Twelve Zodiac Signs" are present, with the exception of "Rat" German and "Pig" Jin.

This is a bit strange, because German and Jin are recognized as the top fighters among the "Twelve", but they are the only ones not in the Hunter Association's exploration team.

However, someone soon figured out the reason - the Hunter Association's exploration team sent this time was an advance team, and the Hunter Association would send out the second and third teams later.

Many people believe that German and King may be joining the subsequent team.

After all, it takes two months of sailing on the sea from the Six Continents to the Dark Continent (actually the imaginary Dark Continent).

Anything could happen within two months. Without a resolute, courageous and powerful professional hunter as the leader, chaos might break out at sea.

This was actually a rumor deliberately spread by the Hunter Association to prevent too many people from focusing on German and Jin.

Most people in the world may not know that the Hunter Association's exploration team that sailed far away was a bait to attract attention, and talents like German and Jin were the main force.

Bakuer knew the above rumors, so in his mind, Germain became the examiner of whether he could catch up with the second or third exploration team heading to the Dark Continent.

Unexpectedly, more than half a year has passed since the Professional Hunter Examination, and he is once again facing similar examiners and tests.

The examiner this time was still the famous German.

Since becoming a professional hunter, Bakuer has seen or heard news about him more than once.

Even though German is as elusive as President Netero and Jin, his legend still echoes in the professional hunter circle.

"The Fastest One-Star Hunter", "The Phantom Troupe and the Dark Beast Destroyer", "The Greatest Contributor to the Chimera Ant Suppression War", etc., each honor is well-known and is a peak that Bakuer cannot imagine or reach.

Baokuer actually more or less knows the reason why his application was rejected.

He can be said to be the least talented among the professional hunters who obtained the hunter license at the same time, so his progress in Nen ability is also the slowest.

Bakuer submitted an application to the Hunter Association's Exploration Team, more to try his luck, and was naturally rejected as expected.

Hanzo's talent is much greater than that of High Explosive Krillin, and among his peers, he is second only to the two monsters Killua and Gon.

However, he had only learned the basics and advanced aspects of Nen for a few months, and his experience in Nen combat was not very impressive, so he was also eliminated.

Illumi and Kurapika had already acquired the ability of Nen before taking the Professional Hunter Exam, so they were naturally not among the same group as their peers.

It was only after Hanzo and Bakure learned the ability of Nen that they gradually understood why Illumi and Kurapika were so strong in the exams and where their magical abilities came from.

Therefore, when they learned that their classmate Kurapika was able to join the Hunter Association's exploration team, they were only a little surprised, but in the end they felt that it made sense.

After all, they also understood that Kurapika was far ahead of them in Nen combat.

What's more important is that from the information collected by all parties, Kurapika's teacher is none other than Germain in front of him.

A good teacher produces good students. The disciples of the "Twelve Zodiacs" are basically well-known in the professional hunter circle. I think Kurapika, the disciple of "Rat" Germain, will also shine in the future.

Hanzo also realized that Germain might be the examiner for the selection of the second and third batches of the Hunter Association's exploration teams.

It’s no wonder that Hanzo and Bakuer would think so.

After their applications were rejected, they all received an unclear text message from the Hunter Association.

"If you still have not given up on joining the great cause of exploring the Dark Continent and opening up a new era for mankind in the future, then please go to Greedy Island."

This is why Hanzo and Bakuer passed the call of the tycoon Battra and managed to enter Greed Island, a game for Nen users.

There are many professional hunters who received the same text message as them and were eliminated, and perhaps they are all flocking to Greedy Island.

Hanzo and Bakuer initially guessed that the Hunter Association's intention was probably to have them hone their Nen abilities on Greed Island.

After seeing German, they couldn't help but think of another possibility.

It seems that the second and third batches of the Hunter Association's exploration team selection will be held on Greed Island, and the examiner is "Rat" German.

This situation is very familiar to Hanzo and Bakur, as it is a replica of the Professional Hunter Exam.

The two looked at each other and immediately thought of this possibility. They were glad that they had met Killua and Gon, who let them know this information in advance and gave them an advantage in this selection.

As for why Killua and Gon know Germain, it is not surprising if you think about it carefully, because they have a good relationship with Kurapika, so naturally they may be able to get in touch with Germain.

In fact, Hanzo and Bakuer's guesses were mostly correct. The Hunter Association did plan to start selecting future exploration team members on Greed Island.

The only difference is that the examiner was not Germain, but Grandma Lin Nie and others.

Only those members who pass numerous tests and background checks will be qualified to enter the Dark Continent Archives and Research Institute in Limeilu Castle and proceed to the next stage of training.

(End of this chapter)

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