Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 398 Dancing with the Black Snake of Slander

Chapter 398 Dancing with the Black Snake of Slander

The malicious mask, as huge as a stone wall, roared and screamed.

They rushed towards German from all directions with great oppression, impatiently!
Tearing his spirit apart, shredding his flesh, all their actions contained such evil intentions!

Germain's mind was united, and he put on the black and white armor of contempt and the antler helmet of greed on his head.

The hand of mind energy that extended from his body and flew into the air held all the weapons he had.

Meat saw, shotgun, spiral cane, sword Qianying, holy moonlight sword, thunder hammer, double rings...

The awe-inspiring champion's momentum burst out, the tip of the Holy Moonlight Sword slammed into the ground, and green light shot out like countless arrows!


The mask of suffocating malice that had been approaching suddenly turned into a wall that had been gnawed by termites and was easily pierced by the blue holy arrow!

Chi chi chi——

The mask is shattered and the smoke is messy!
Germann rubbed the Ring of Darkness, and black mist surged out from his body, obscuring and blurring his figure layer by layer.

He rubbed the thunder ring on his other finger, and there were crackling flashes of lightning, like blue butterflies dancing on his fingertips.

The Son of Slander, the Black Snake of Slander, had sharp vertical pupils, but they were unable to penetrate the lingering black fog.

No matter how sharp your perception is, you cannot know everything in just a few breaths.



The black smoke spewed in one direction, and the one who tore it apart like a curtain was German who jumped up.

He swung the thunder hammer, guiding the lightning that wrapped around his body like a spider web.

All the electric current was poured into one point, transforming into a huge shining ball of light, which whistled and smashed towards the slanderous black snake like a falling meteorite!


Lightning was like a ball, smashing hard on the body of the slanderous black snake!
The snake's body was dented noticeably, electric light dissipated, crackling sounds were heard, and the burnt stench drifted in the wind!
The black snake of slander hissed in pain.

Its snake head drooped, and its vertical pupils noticed with shock that the lightning ball had pierced through its proud scales and damaged its flesh and blood!
Germann poured all his thunderous force into his attack, dealing a heavy blow to the Black Snake of Slander!

However, German leaped up and came close enough to the body of the black snake of slander to ensure a hit.

Here, Germann could smell the stench of the Black Snake of Slander's breath and hear the strange noises of its scales scraping and its body wriggling.

The fact that German was able to injure the Black Snake of Slander here meant that he had also actively entered the killing range of the Black Snake of Slander.

This plays right into the hands of the black snake of slander.


There was a sharp scream, and German turned his head to see the open bloody mouth of a snake.

But the extremely sharp curved fangs did not bite Germanman, there was still some distance between them.

However, the invisible attack that gurgled out of the throat of the black snake of slander instantly wiped out this distance!

The murderous energy rushed forward like a surging flood, instantly engulfing Germanman's body, and then like a cannon blast, blasting Germanman to the ground!

Germann was attacked by a strong murderous intent, and his brain seemed to split open and grow several different cerebellums.

Countless memories that did not belong to him flooded in, and each memory belonged to a dead person who had been buried here.

Some were beasts, some were subhumans, some were humans, they were of all shapes and sizes, some were ecstatic, some were angry, some were sad, and some were happy.

The unimaginable flow of information and the extreme pain brought by the split personality struggle far exceeded the torture that Germain had experienced every time the Dark Crown exploded!
Even for him, at that moment, the strings of calmness and rationality were shaking and he was almost on the verge of collapse.

If he hadn't been wearing the Armor of Contempt and hadn't had the silver halo on his head, he would have probably fallen into madness long ago!
Even so, he still briefly lost control of his body, and as if he had lost all resistance, he was smashed into the swamp by the murderous intent like a sledgehammer!


The place where he fell happened to be soft mud.

Soon the black, sticky mud completely engulfed his face!
Germain fell into darkness.

Deep in the swamp, Germain sank deeper and deeper, like a drowning man.

Fortunately, he quickly regained his senses and stopped the downward momentum caused by the hammer of murderous intent, curling up his limbs like a baby in the womb.

The next moment, he opened his limbs and astonishing mental energy gushed out, going straight to the top!

A huge gap was instantly blown open in the bubbling swamp mud!

Moss and reeds shot out, mixed with the hot rain and curled up, then fell down in a chaotic manner, pulled by gravity.

A powerful pillar of mental energy penetrated through the soil, curved like a drainage tube, and pierced into another swamp surface not far away like an arch bridge.

Like a siphon, German was pulled and flew out with his body bent, then he calmly landed on the swamp surface pointed by the mind guidance and stood firmly.

The huge telepathic tube disappeared, and German shook his body. After a tremor, large chunks of mud fell off his armor of contempt and his greedy antler helmet.

He looked up and saw the black snake of slander lowering its head and licking the wound with its forked tongue.

After hearing the explosion, the Black Snake of Slander also looked over here in surprise.

The Black Snake of Slander had not expected that this man could actually resist the murderous evil thoughts that had just been blasted out.

Those were the condensed crystals that it had collected for a long time.

Moreover, not only did he resist the attack, he also quickly regrouped and came in front of it again.

Compared to the enemies that the Black Serpent of Slander has ever faced, he is one of the very few.

What kind of monster is he?!
In this seemingly small body——from the perspective of the Black Snake of Slander, is there a powerful force that is no less powerful than his own? !
It has been a long time since the Black Snake of Slander encountered an enemy that was as powerful as it...

Germann also frowned at this time.

Because he saw that the huge wound licked by the black snake of slander and caused by his thunder hammer was actually healing!
And it heals very quickly, with granulation tissue wriggling to fill the gaps, blood flowing to clear the clots, and the wound's super-fast regeneration is orderly!
He used his mind to sense and his eyes to observe, and soon found clues.

On the huge coiled body of the black snake of slander, among the nine dark cysts, the two at the end turned transparent, as if clearing out the black air in the cysts in one breath.

It seems that this is where the problem lies.

Germann slowly circled the black snake of slander, walking in the swamps of varying depths, while thinking in an extreme state.

The black air in the two cysts was cleared, which was a hint.

What two iconic events just happened?

Obviously, one was the killing intent from the bloody snake mouth, and the other was the super-fast regeneration of the flesh wound...

German would soon think of the Nen Chi tank that he had abandoned after he reached the stage of a champion Nen user.

If the nine-segment black cyst has the same function as the five-segment air tank, then the Slanderous Black Snake can use "Murderous Impact" and "Super-Speed ​​Regeneration" seven more times.

Besides that, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be able to store energy...

As soon as Germann changed his mind, he saw that the next move of the Black Snake of Slander developed as he expected.

It screamed towards the sky, and the black fog surrounding its body like a black hole really presented an endless gravitational force.

It’s just that what it attracts is not a physical object.

murderous look!
The murderous aura that was unleashed from the fight on this swamp.

Expanding out, the deadly intent accumulated in that area where the two-tailed snake hell bells live.

Expanding further, all the murderous desires contained in the entire rainforest!

Their essence is thoughts!
Countless malicious thoughts came along the earth, straight to the swamp, and all gathered at the center of the swamp - the place where the longevity food Nitolomi grew.

Evil thoughts nourish them and allow them to thrive!
And the black snake of slander was also feeding on the malicious thoughts that were gradually gathering in this swamp.

Of the two transparent cysts that looked like empty shells, the one closer to the snake's head was suddenly filled with black air.

The strands of silk are intertwined, as if ink is suddenly poured into clean water.

It won't be long before that cyst fills up and the next one follows.

The battle-hardened German made a clear guess and took decisive action to prevent this future.

In extreme confrontations, there is often no need for exact evidence to make a judgment.

Generally speaking, evidence is never complete and there will always be missing links.

What he had to trust was himself, his intuition, his ability, his experience, and his belief in winning from near-death situations time and time again.

Germann's figure flashed as the wind blew.

The black mist from the Dark Ring obscures the vision, while the lightning from the Thunder Ring strikes east and west.

Many malicious masks condensed in the black fog of the Black Snake of Slander, roaring and trying to chase German, but they were somewhat overwhelmed by his rapidly flashing figure, and even collided with him in confusion!
And Germain himself almost deliberately went straight into the belly of the black snake of slander.

He held the Holy Moonlight Sword in both hands and swung it suddenly, creating a huge green crescent!


The wide crescent slashed towards the snake's belly!

The vertical pupils of the slanderous black snake have actually been chasing German's body, relentlessly.

After discovering the true purpose of German's offensive, it would of course respond.

The body of this large species was surprisingly nimble. With a terrifying twist, the crescent-shaped slash stuck to the scales, scraping past them and sending sparks flying.

One hit missed!
At the same time, the snake's mouth moved again, a black cyst was emptied, and the murderous impact like a cannonball shot towards German in the air again!

However, the murderous intent poured down like a waterfall, but it was in vain.

It turns out that this is exactly what German wanted.

He had guessed from the beginning that the black snake of slander would launch a strong attack against him, so he pretended to charge left and right, and then got close and struck the snake's belly hard.

Everything was done to make the black snake of slander launch a murderous attack in his direction!
The moment Germann slashed out with the blue crescent-shaped attack, he dodged to the side without any pause or hesitation.

Thus, he narrowly avoided the murderous attack.

He did not land on the ground, but walked quickly in the air, and his mental energy became an invisible staircase under his feet.

Glancing sideways, the head of the black snake of slander happened to be sweeping towards me.

His black eyes met the pair of vertical pupils filled with anger and evil thoughts, without giving in.

Six, six cysts left...

This could turn into a constant war of attrition, but German is patient.

As Biscuit and many others initially concluded, this was a man with the talent of a hunter.


The tail of the black snake of slander whistled through the wind and came crashing down like a pillar falling from the sky, its momentum and speed as if from thunder.

Seeing himself enveloped by a huge black shadow, German did not panic at all. With one hand, he gathered his mental energy in one direction and shot it out with a bang!
Puff puff--

As if accelerated by nitrogen, German drew an exaggerated drift arc in the air and bypassed the whip of the huge snake's tail in an instant!

Not only that, German also climbed up the tail of the snake and rushed up the snake like an extreme climber!


German exhaled hot air slowly from his mouth, and his body joints moved to the extreme.

He moved steadily on the twisting and coiling snake's tail as if he were wearing shoes with suction cups.

The black snake of slander sensed his presence and desperately twisted its limbs, trying to throw him off.

However, German was not thrown off, and he still kept his balance amid the turbulence.

Germann soon came to the nine cysts, the one at the end, closest to the snake's tail, and also one of the three transparent ones.

What would happen if I did this?

The Holy Moonlight Greatsword executed his intention almost instantly, and the green light bombarded the transparent cyst at close range!


As expected, the scene appeared in front of German's eyes. The seemingly indestructible cyst burst, like a lichen that reproduced and spread, and mucus splashed everywhere!
This is it!
Pleasure also derives from this foresight.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, maintaining this rhythm. His thoughts were ahead of his actions.

He seemed to see it, the scene of himself smashing the black cyst under the black snake of slander.

Germann did it, and the second black cyst burst under his Holy Moonlight Sword!

The energy from the tip of his sword had already shot towards the third cyst.

It’s just that the malice has been accumulating for a long time, and the originally transparent cyst is filled with black again.

The mental energy shot out, and before it got close, it was cleared again.

The black snake of slander would never allow Germain to do whatever he wanted to it.

However, the size difference between German and it did cause some trouble.

This is its response.


Dark and twisted.

The green sword light pierced through, but hit nothing.

Germann was even surprised to find that the entire black snake of slander disappeared before his eyes without a trace.

The next moment, malice emerged from behind German.

It was a chill that was enough to make his hair stand on end!
He didn't even need to turn around or turn his head to guess what was happening.

In the blink of an eye, it came behind him.

The black snake of slander must have consumed the black murderous intent of a cyst to achieve the incredible dark space folding of the entire huge snake body!

It was so huge that it appeared behind him in an instant!
The black snake of slander consumed another cyst of black energy and let out a sharp scream.

That familiar murderous attack, enough to destroy all reason, strikes again!


Although German reacted quickly and dodged quickly, he was still hit from behind by the powerful shock wave.

The bombardment range of the murderous impact is too wide!
However, German still has a trump card.

Intuitively, Germain knew that he could not avoid the attack, so he used the ability of the Greedy Antler Helmet without hesitation.

Permanently consume Tachi Chikage, and the mental energy barrier covers his entire body as his outermost defense.

With the addition of the armor of contempt, the silver halo, the rune veins, the positive traits, and the multiple bonuses of champion physique, he withstood the attack.

Whether mentally or physically, he defended himself to the maximum extent possible against the damaging and devastating bombardment.

However, he was still hammered to the ground.

The impact was too great.


This was his second plunge into the swamp.

Once again, I fell into the bottomless mud, with mud and darkness all around me.

The air was thin and his movements were slow, but German became calmer.

That feeling of sudden enlightenment, that feeling of spiritual communication with the ant king Meruem when fighting, came back vaguely and intermittently.

Although German was temporarily in a slump, he did not feel fear, disappointment or discouragement.

On the contrary, he found sweetness in his battle with the black snake of slander.

That was the feeling deep inside the heart of the black snake of slander—being high and mighty yet being trampled on and ignored, being the king yet being challenged again and again...

In the endless rage of the black snake of slander, Germann accurately grasped the trace that it was trying to hide...


Germain seemed born for this.

This is the feeling he is chasing, like a vicious dog with its tongue sticking out, madly chasing the taillights of a car speeding down the street!
(End of this chapter)

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