Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 57: A Clean and Sharp Fight

Chapter 57: A Clean and Sharp Fight

Looking down from a high place, German dropped towards the position of the Bone Crow like a weight. The meat saw deformed with a "click" sound in the air. He grasped the handle with both hands, aimed at the neck of the Bone Crow and chopped it off!

The Bone Crow reacted unexpectedly quickly, turning its head to dodge, and the meat saw hit its right wing bone with a clang, cutting it off completely.

"Such a quick reaction... "round"? Those crows' eyes?" Germann quickly glanced at the crows landing around him, "Or maybe both, which is equivalent to having an almost perfect vision."

The right wing bone fell into the mud, but before it sank, it immediately bounced up as if it had vitality, and the sharp point pierced German's abdomen!
Germann's left hand was free, and he grasped the materialized musket. He roughly aimed in a direction and fired. The scattered bullets instantly shattered the wing bone!
Those wing bones broke into countless small pieces, and the spiritual energy attached to them also detached and dissipated, returning to the natural cycle.

"Its physical strength has weakened." Germann leaped up, "Is it because of the two forms? This makes it easier to deal with."

The Bone Crow stood on the mud with its claws. Miraculously, despite its heavy body, it did not sink into the quagmire. The spiritual energy covering its feet acted as a distraction.

The Bone Crow, which had lost its right bone wing, did not become furious. Instead, it took the initiative to distance itself from German and slowly opened its huge beak.


The condensed mental energy shot out like a cannonball in an instant, scattering the covering reeds and bombarding German.

Germann jumped up again by stepping on the reeds, and continued to jump on the tips of the reeds to avoid the bombardment of the "mind bullet".

In the blink of an eye, with a bang, a wave of mud exploded at the end of the path where the reed forest was blasted out, rising into the sky.

German stood on the tip of the reed, aiming at the throbbing flesh inside the huge skeleton of the Bone Crow.

"Attacking the bones won't cause fatal damage... but it took the initiative to distance itself... I see, it's trying to stop me from getting closer."

At this time, the Bone Crow turned its beak and aimed at German again.

This time, the crows also rushed over with strange cries, like black feather arrows, shooting at German from all directions.

"You're trying to block all my directions of movement like a moth to a flame, so that I can be hit by the "mind bullet"? However, not all directions are blocked..."

Germann jumped down to the only place that was not surrounded.

At the same time, a flock of crows swarmed in and collided with each other, and were shattered into a large ball of blood mist by the subsequent "mind bullet".

As he was about to fall into the mud, German threw the materialized shield towards the surface of the mud.

The shield fell into the mud with a thud, and German stepped on it to gain leverage, then catapulted back in the direction of the Bone Crow!

In the blink of an eye, German had flown to within three meters of the Bone Crow.

The Bone Crow didn't dare to use the "Bird Beak Bullet" because of its long forward swing at such a close distance. It could only use its heavy beak as a battering ram and poke it at German's head.

German first removed the shield that remained on the mud surface, then reappeared it in his hand, and then inserted it into the mud. With the help of cushioning, he stopped abruptly one meter away from the Bone Crow.

The Bone Crow misjudged the distance, its beak poked into empty air, and plunged directly into the mud, with its head almost sinking into it, making it look like it was bowing to German.

German took this opportunity, stepped on the shield, and jumped onto the back of the Bone Crow.

He thrust the meat saw in his hand into the thick gap between the ribs, piercing into the throbbing flesh.


The saw teeth scraped across roughly, tearing the fascia, causing the organs to fall without their coverings, and then be shattered into several pieces by a single shot from the musket.

After doing all this, German stepped on the shoulder blade of the Bone Crow, catapulted out of the muddy land, and landed on the flat ground.

He waved his hand to shake off the blood on the hunter's black robe, and the bone crow staggered for a while before falling down with a bang, and the entire skeleton sank into the mud.

There were only a few Many-Eyed Crows left. Seeing their new leader die again, they circled in the air for a few rounds in confusion before landing on the reeds near the Skeleton Crow and watched it slowly sink. The Skeleton Puppets that were still besieging Biscuit and Xiaodi also lost control and fell to the ground with a clatter. Their bones were almost covering the ground.

"Capacity": 21 → 24
Pressure: 0 → 3
Germain narrowed his eyes.

Last time it increased by 5 points, is it only 3 points this time?

"It was handled very neatly." Biscuit came over and commented, and then couldn't help but say, "But Xiaodi and I are almost done with cleaning up these miscellaneous soldiers."

Xiao Di asked, "Any spoils of war?"

"We don't have any spoils." Germann looked back at the half-sunken Skeleton Crow. "Those crows might be useful if we keep them in captivity, but we can't take them back."

"Oh, I see." Xiaodi was not disappointed. She blinked and put the "bulgy fish" away.

"Are you short of money too?" German asked.

"Yes." Xiaodi nodded. "I will transfer a sum of money to Meteor Street regularly so that the elders and priests can build facilities, purchase equipment and medicines, etc. in Meteor Street."

"Come to think of it, among those who left Meteor Street, Kuroro donated the most money. I always heard the priest praise him highly. You also donated before, but you haven't in the past few months."

As soon as Germann heard Xiaodi say "Kuroro", he knew it must be the leader of the Phantom Troupe.

As for why he didn't donate money, it was because he was not a real Meteor Street person and could not do charity based solely on the memories in his mind.

Biscuit listened for a while, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "My next words are not directed at you, I just have some questions. If I offend you, I will apologize."

"Why are the people of Meteor Street so kind to their own people, but so cold to people from the outside world?"

"Eh?" Xiaodi was stunned for a moment, and poked her lips with her finger and thought, "Come to think of it...why?"

This kind of thinking lasted for about a minute, and then she suddenly woke up and nodded.

"Ah... I remember now... It's not us who are weird, but the people outside, right? They have always treated us like livestock and garbage. We just did the same thing."

The big eyes behind the small black-framed glasses blinked, and her eyes were full of honesty. However, it was precisely because of her honesty that Biscuit felt cold.

Biscuit probably understood why Germain and Xiaodi could be so indifferent and calm about life and death.

They are the ones who survived the hunting and destruction of the Meteor Street people by the outside world. They live on the edge of a knife every day. They are the ones who have been saved. Death does not matter as long as it is a worthy death.

As for their views on life outside Meteor Street, they also come from such growth experiences.

Screening... yes, it was death, deception and betrayal that screened out those people in Meteor Street who easily believed in outsiders.

Those who had good intentions were basically all dead, and the ones left were naturally the Meteor Street people like Germain and Xiaodi.

"Ah." Xiaodi suddenly opened her eyes wide as if she remembered something and held up a finger. "But Biscuit is not among them. You are special. I believe you."

Biscuit looked into her eyes, sighed softly, and said with a smile: "Of course I know... So, Germain, you trust me too, right?"

"Yeah. You are right." German wasn't listening at all. He was observing the situation around him and just nodded subconsciously and perfunctorily.

This guy actually failed the girlish hearts of me and Xiaodi...

Biscuit resisted the urge to pounce on him and do something like twisting German's arm with a Kimura lock to force him to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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