Chapter 60 Tracking
German pondered over "constraints and oaths". He actually had the answer in his mind, but he estimated that it would take some time to hone it before it could be fully formed.

At the same time, he inserted the deformed and elongated meat saw between the outstretched mouthparts of the carnivorous flower bud and could easily smell an indescribable stench.

As he wielded the meat saw, he cut through the mouthparts, petals and green leaves of the carnivorous flower bud like a butcher chopping pork, and thick green liquid spurted out from the cuts.

He retreated backwards, and in the blink of an eye he was several meters away, watching the carnivorous flower bud fall down with a bang, twitching a few times in its death throes.

This number should be about the same.

German walked over the corpses of carnivorous flower bones and planned to meet up with Biscuit and Xiaodi, but when he looked around the dense forest, he did not see them.

The dense forest suddenly became quiet.

"Biscuit? Xiaodi?"

German called out his companions' names and moved around, observing their footprints and traces of battle. They were indeed nearby, but they themselves were gone.

Although the three of them had just acted separately, they were close enough to each other to respond to each other.

Even if they were attacked by a carnivorous flower bud or some other monster, German should not have been unable to hear any sound.

"They should have been nearby until twenty seconds ago."

"Then, at that moment, the two were attacked by something, and this attack took them away from here in an instant without making a sound."

"A spatial ability that can forcibly transfer and teleport?"

Germann expanded the scope of the "circle" and looked around vigilantly.

Although his "circle" does not have a radius of nearly 50 meters like Kate, it is still 10 meters, which is larger than the "circle" of Nobunaga of the Phantom Troupe, which is about 4 or 5 meters.

The radius of the "circle" does not represent the combat power, but it certainly represents the level of reconnaissance capability.

He moved cautiously, with the "circle" covering him as the center, and opening it to explore the surroundings every once in a while. Soon, he noticed something unusual at his feet.

When German raised his foot but had not yet stepped on a pile of weeds, a piece suddenly appeared missing like a puzzle, revealing an oval black hole.

"Is this it?"

German slowly squatted down and looked into the elliptical black hole, but he could not see anything except the dark tone.

"Biscuit? Xiaodi? Are you in there?"

He tried to call out, but got no response.

Then, the elliptical black hole began to shrink, like the mouth of some creature.

"Automatic trap?"

"Even if it doesn't catch its prey, it will shrink within half a minute until it disappears without a trace. It seems that they were most likely teleported away by it."

"Should we go down and look for them? Or should we wait here?"

"If possible, I don't want to pay the price of two deaths on our first team trip, so let's go look for it."

German took the initiative to extend his right index finger and lightly touched the elliptical black hole.

Immediately, he felt a sharp pain in his fingertips like an electric shock, and a suction force comparable to that of a "bulgy fish" came over him.

call out!
Distortion, change, and apparition.

German first felt his feet go empty, and a sense of weightlessness came over him. Then the whole world as far as he could see was immersed in darkness, as if he was immersed in an ink bottle.

A second later, his feet once again touched a hard surface similar to the ground, but everything around him was still pure black, without a trace of light.

Germann's "circle" was still radiating, and the back and forth of his mental energy gave him rough information, namely, obstacles in front, behind, left and right, and whether there were any moving objects.

Now he is like a bat in a cave. "Pressure +6"

The fleeting projection of the "Hunter Badge" cannot be the light source here, because it is actually only visible to Germann and does not interfere with the outside world.

He took a cautious step and his toes kicked something, making a crisp rolling sound.

"Let me first check what environment I'm in. My "circle" is still limited and cannot accurately outline everything around it. In times like this, my eyes are more useful."

German materialized a flamethrower and spit out a small tongue of fire forward. The orange flame allowed him to see clearly what he had kicked with his toes.

It was a skull, relatively flat, with sharp teeth at the front that curved toward the mouth. It looked like the skull of a venomous snake.

In addition, there are more bones piled up around, including spine, ribs, metacarpals, tibia, coccyx, etc., which obviously belong to different species of beasts.

What holds these bones together is a cave tunnel about two meters wide and three meters high. The stone walls on both sides are relatively flat, and the upper and lower planes are covered with stalactites.

"A slaughterhouse and cemetery similar to the Mud Land, but this time it's in a cave..."

German moved the nozzle of the flamethrower, and where the flames flew into the air, the darkness around him began to dissipate.

He squatted down, rummaged through the pile of skulls for a while, then stood up.

"Biscuit and Xiaodi should not be dead yet. Even if they are dead, it is unlikely that they were eaten clean by the owner of this place so quickly, leaving only bones."

"So, it is very likely that the three of us were teleported to different locations."

After making his judgment, Germann looked at both ends of the cave tunnel, randomly chose the left side, walked forward, and then extinguished the flamethrower.

The flamethrower consumed so much gas that Germann didn't dare to keep it on all the time, for fear that when he really needed to use his telekinesis, he would not be able to squeeze out any telekinesis energy.

Fortunately, he was prepared. He found a flashlight in his backpack and turned it on. A radial beam of light illuminated the road within several meters.

Pressure +6

After walking in the darkness for a while, German was once again reminded by the projection of the "Hunter Badge".

"It seems that I can't stay in the dark for too long. The darkness will continue to accumulate stress for me. Even if there is a light source within a certain range, it will only slow down the speed of accumulating stress."

Suddenly, he vaguely heard some rustling sounds, which were far beyond the sensing range of his "circle" and echoed between the stone walls.

That was the sound of a group of tiny creatures running.

Germain pursed his lips, tightened his voice, and slowly moved closer.

The tiny sounds paused for a moment, then suddenly changed direction and ran towards Germann's direction. The sound became louder and louder, like the sound of a thick hemp rope being dragged on the concrete floor.

The next moment, they entered the range of Germann's "circle".

German recognized their outlines and sizes. Each one was about the size of a palm, with a rather plump body, a small head and limbs, and seemed quite flexible.

This should be a group of rats.

However, this group of rats never appeared in German's field of vision. They were running in the stone wall, where there was a path that belonged to them.

A sense of danger pricked him, and German raised his flashlight and swept it to his side.

An elliptical black hole expanded out of the stone wall there, from which a chirping sound was first heard, and then densely packed, dark green eyes were seen.

They spewed out from the black hole like a burst water pipe, making terrifying screams and pounced on German!
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(End of this chapter)

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