Hunter x Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 98: Discussion between Germain and Biscuit

Chapter 98 "Germain and Biscuit's Discussion"

With a long and lazy yawn, German woke up from his deep sleep, and suddenly felt that his limbs were still sore from the fierce fight.

He glanced at his cell phone, which lit up, and confirmed that the time was 3:20 p.m. on April 1. Only a few hours had passed since the "Stage Coach Team" returned.

This time, encountering "walls and wall-facing men" and "ancient maze cities and plant weapons, gold and silver ingots" were all beyond Germain's expectations.

But he was not afraid of this. Instead, he became more and more obsessed with exploring the secrets deep in the dark continent. If he had to add a reason, it would probably be that he had the curiosity of a cat, right?

Of course, neither the "wall" nor the "ancient maze city" is something he can touch now. For this reason, he decided to temporarily block these two places and not approach them anymore.

After thinking through these points, German began to check his "personal gains" this time.

After killing the "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingot" and the "Beheaded Antler Knight" parasitized by it, Germain's "Constitution" increased to 47 points and "Stress" increased to 42 points (previously, the critical hit reduced "Stress" by 10 points).

At the same time, he obtained a new "Gift of Resentment" - "Greedy Antler Helmet", which is a tool that can only activate its power by permanently offering another "Gift of Resentment" as a sacrifice.

In addition, after using the "Teleportation Lantern" and returning from the Dark Continent, his "Pressure" increased to 52 points and he gained two "Traits".

"Human Buster" - Similar to "Beast Buster", but this time it targets humans. German will gain a temporary boost in battle with humans.

This is undoubtedly a "positive trait". Together with the previous "Beast Killer", "Genius", "Warrior of Light", "Toughness" and "Brawny", he now has six "positive traits".

From this perspective, there is probably no upper limit to the number of "traits" you can have. The advantage is that "positive traits" can accumulate more and more, but the disadvantage is that "negative traits" can also accumulate more and more.

Another "trait" that German acquired is the negative "stress-induced bulimia". When his stress level is higher than 50 points, he will be more likely to become hungry and then overeat.

It seems that after his injuries are healed, he will have to go to Abenganie again after a while, German thought.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Germain looked up and heard Biscuit's voice coming from the corridor outside: "Germain, are you up? I'm coming in."

After she finished speaking, she clicked the doorknob, like a mother who was symbolically asking her children for their opinions before barging into their room.

However, German had a habit of locking the door, so Biscuit was unable to come in immediately.

Biscuit didn't get angry and kept turning the doorknob until Germain slowly got up and opened the door.

"Hey." Biscuit waved and patted German's unbandaged back. "Why are you so slow to open the door? Did you hide something shameful under the bed?"

She walked into Germain's room and checked under his bed almost lying down. Then she shook her head in disappointment and sat down on the chair in Germain's room unceremoniously.

Germann had just closed the door.

"What do you think of "Wall" and "Ancient Labyrinth City"? "

Biscuit asked, observing German's expression.

She knew of Germain's obsession with the Dark Continent, and was therefore very worried that Germain would continue to explore these two dangerous areas at all costs.

However, German is not such an unreliable person.

"I will temporarily block the two 'transmission lantern locations' near them." German sat on the bed, "until we are qualified to challenge them."

Biscuit breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with satisfaction: "That's good." "Then let's talk about how to deal with the "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingot" and the monsters parasitized by it."

"Although it may disappoint Xiaodi, I suggest that for the sake of the future, we should leave behind the "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingots" and the corpse of the monster that was parasitized by it."

German nodded and said, "I agree with this. The V5 country has preserved the corpses parasitized by the "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingots". If we sell it on the black market, it will soon attract their attention."

"Hmm." Biscuit held up a finger, "This is the first point, and there is the second point."

"In order to return to the "Ancient Labyrinth City" in the future, we also need to know more about the "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingots."

"You plan to study them?" German asked. "We are not professionals. Who are you going to ask to study them?"

"I just talked to Sambika. She is very interested in the case of plants parasitizing on animal corpses." Bisji replied, "Besides that, we also need a plant hunter."

German asked: "Who do you think is more suitable?"

"The most suitable one is definitely the Rooster, one of the Twelve Zodiac Signs of the Hunter Association. She is a professional in this area."

At this point, Bisiji shook his head.

"Unfortunately, ten of the Twelve Zodiacs admire President Netero, and she is one of them. Telling her about the "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingots" is equivalent to telling President Netero."

"You know, the ten of them didn't originally look like this. They deliberately made their image lean towards that direction purely to fit the "Twelve Zodiacs" title given to them by President Netero."

"Only Kim and Palliston, two guys who do their own thing, have kept their original appearance and don't deliberately dress themselves up as 'pigs' or 'rats'."

The more Biscuit spoke, the more she sounded like she was complaining. Her teacher, President Netero, had too much influence.

"Then put it on hold for now," said Germann, "unless we can meet a plant hunter with a star rating who is trustworthy."

Biscuit crossed his arms and nodded: "This is the only way now. After a while, we will build a research institute near the base for Sambika to use in researching "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingots."

"But she also has her job. So, she only comes two or three times a month. Regardless, she has helped us a lot. The terms in the 'contract' need to be revised."

"Yes." Germann agreed that more work, more pay, especially in professional fields. "I don't know much about this, so I'll leave it to you. Your decision is my decision."

Biscuit rolled his eyes at Germain and said, "It's the only way. After all, I know Sambika better than anyone else. By the way, after we recover from our injuries, we both have things to do."

"What are you going to do?" Germain asked curiously.

"In addition to the 'Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingots', there are 'stocks' in Xiaodi's 'Bulky Eye Fish'. I will work with her to dispose of these secrets when the time comes."

"Yungu will also help us. However, he has another task, which is to take the child mentioned earlier, Zhixi, as his disciple and start teaching him. I'm afraid he can't focus on us."

"Besides that, remember Menqi and Buhala whom I told you about before? I plan to contact and test them to see if there is any chance to bring them in."

"Your current "Teleportation Lantern" cooldown time is 8 hours. The next time you go to the Dark Continent, it will be 16 hours. In the foreseeable future, we must stay in the Dark Continent for a longer period of time."

"In this case, gourmet hunters will be a very important part. We must find a way to be self-sufficient in the Dark Continent."

Germann couldn't agree more.

 Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets
  The novel should be available on Friday afternoon, March 3th. The update for that day will be postponed to the afternoon. I will confirm the exact release date on Thursday.
(End of this chapter)

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