Longevity starts with eating monsters

Chapter 12: Fengyun Sword Cottage

Chapter 12: Fengyun Sword Cottage
After leaving Wuguan Street, Lu Chen was still thinking about the "tips" Song Kui had given him before he left.

The three biggest taboos in the city are wandering at night, eating meat, and burning incense.

This Xiayuan County town is full of weirdness.

"God's meat! God's meat~!"

Hearing the shouting, Lu Chen looked over and saw a butcher holding a knife shouting loudly in front of a butcher shop. There were crowds of people in front of the shop.

Magic meat?
Lu Chen frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to stop a passerby, and asked curiously: "Excuse me, is this divine meat a local specialty of Xiayuan County?"

"You are from another place. Ah, you just settled here?"

The passerby, like everyone before him, was alert at first, but only relaxed after seeing the identity token on Lu Chen's waist. He replied, "This divine meat is not ordinary. It came from the City God Temple. Without it, our county would not have survived this year's famine."

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded, without asking any more questions, and let the passerby go. At the same time, he became more and more convinced of one idea in his mind: something was wrong with this county town.

But I can't tell what's wrong.

At first glance, there was not a single evil spirit; the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, with smiles on their faces. It did not look like a place in the midst of famine at all.

".It is not advisable to stay here for long."

Although there was no specific reason, Lu Chen would rather trust his intuition and continue to stay in this city. He always felt unsafe.

After all, he is not a ruthless person.

All I want is to live a peaceful and stable life.

While thinking, Lu Chen had already arrived at the south of the city. However, unlike other places in the county, this place was a special place for resettling disaster victims.

Following Song Kui's directions, the two soon found a side house.

Compared with the magnificent Mirage Martial Arts School, the one in front of him was extremely shabby, just a shabby little house with a yard.

There isn't even a plaque.

Only on the rotten wooden door were four large characters "Fengyun Martial Arts School" written. The door was half open, two on the left and two on the right, like a child's play.

However, after pushing open the wooden door, Lu Chen's expression suddenly became serious.

Because behind the wooden door, there are also four big characters "Fengyun Martial Arts School". However, the font is completely reversed, but it is still clearly visible.

Lu Chen could naturally see that it was not that the owner of the martial arts hall had written words on both sides of the door, but that when the other party left the words in front of the door, he exerted so much force that the handwriting penetrated into the wood, so that clear words appeared on the door.

Only Yin Fu can have such power!
It is worthy of being a county town. It is completely different from the deep mountains and forests.

Among the countless monsters in Jingyang Mountain, there was only one mountain king who was perfect in Yang Fire. And in a Xiayuan County, he casually met two Yin Fu.

"Who is it? Are you here to learn martial arts?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from inside the house.

Then, a woman wearing a tight waisted outfit, with a long ponytail, delicate and charming features, and a slender figure walked out.


The woman's gaze first lingered on Lin Yunying, then fell on Lu Chen, and finally looked at the identity token hanging around his waist.


The woman frowned slightly: "Why are the locals here?"

This reaction is completely different from that of other people in the city.

Most other people in the city let down their guard against the locals, but the woman seemed to be more wary of the locals.

Seeing this, Lu Chen took off the talisman, shook his head and said, "We are not locals. We just settled here today. Lord Song recommended us to come here."

"Song Kui?"

The woman was stunned when she heard this, and then her expression became serious: "I understand. My name is Yun Wanrong, a disciple of Fengyun Sword House. Come on, follow me into the house first."

After entering the house, Yun Wanrong immediately closed the door. "You have just settled here, right? Who is your master? What is your relationship with Song Kui?"

“No sect or school.” Lu Chen shook his head, then patted the talisman on his waist: “If I must say, I just joined the Prison Department and became a monster catcher.”

"Monster Catcher?"

Yun Wanrong was stunned for a moment, then she looked at Lu Chen with her beautiful eyes, a little curious: "With your martial arts, you are only slightly worse than Song Kui, but you are just a demon catcher? And you have no sect or school. Impossible, if you really have no sect or school, how did you cultivate the Yin Fu?"

Of course it's plug-in
Lu Chen coughed, pulled Lin Yunying in front of him, and changed the subject: "I came here to visit you because I want Miss Yun to accept this girl as my apprentice."

Having said that, the little girl puffed up her cheeks at this point.

Obviously, he was full of longing for Fengyun Martial Arts School before, but now he looks like he is in a bad mood, with the corners of his mouth raised so high that he can hang an oil bottle.

"Huh? This is."

Yun Wanrong didn't care much about Lin Yunying at first, but after taking a look at her, her expression suddenly changed, and she reached out and grasped the little girl's wrist.

".Skin of ice and bones of jade?"

Yun Wanrong's eyes suddenly lit up: "This little kid actually has such a physique! He's already fourteen years old and hasn't practiced martial arts yet, he's being wasted!"

"You are the one who is being abused!"

Lin Yunying said angrily. I think I am a pure and innocent person. If you insist on saying that I have been abused, it is because I was almost raped by Brother Lu.
The little girl suddenly stopped talking.

On the other side, Lu Chen did not notice the change in Lin Yunying's expression, and asked curiously: "Ice skin and jade bones? Is it a good physique?"

"Of course!"

Yun Wanrong held onto Lin Yunying's hand and wouldn't let go, as if it was some rare treasure: "Skin of ice and bones of jade, tendons of dragons and bones of tigers, head of copper and arms of iron, nine oxen and two tigers. People's physiques cannot be generalized. There are always some people who are born with extraordinary abilities."

"There are similar examples in the Prison Department."

"It is said that a street thug was involved in a dispute and was beaten so badly that even his mother could not recognize him. However, his Ren and Du meridians were opened up by accident, and he emerged from his cocoon and became a martial arts master at the Yin Fu level. He also learned the Tathagata Palm, which had been lost for many years."

"To put it bluntly, he is a martial arts genius that is one in a million."

"People like this can improve their martial arts by leaps and bounds. One year is equivalent to a hundred years for others. Any one of them is a martial arts seed that needs to be cultivated."

"This little girl~"

At this point, Yun Wanrong's tone became much softer. She pulled Lin Yunying and said, "Do you want to join my Fengyun Sword House? It's very powerful."

"do not want!"

Lin Yunying broke free from Yun Wanrong's hand without hesitation, ran quickly behind Lu Chen and grabbed his sleeve: "I want to be with Brother Lu."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and then he looked at Yun Wanrong: "If this girl can be admitted to Fengyun Sword House, it will be her blessing, and it will be great."

"After all, I'm a wanderer, and I can't let her wander with me."

The little girl's eyes widened as she heard this, tears welling up in her eyes: "It's okay, Brother Lu! I can endure hardships! As long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything!"

"Silly boy."

Seeing this, Lu Chen bent down, reached out to wipe the tears from the little girl's face, and smiled gently.

"Am I worried that you can't endure the hardship? I'm worried that you'll be a burden to me."

"You are such a burden."


Lin Yunying's crying voice was choked instantly.

Even Yun Wanrong, who was standing next to her, twitched her pretty face slightly, as if she wanted to laugh, but she was worried that it would be impolite, so she had to choose to endure it.

Couldn't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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