Longevity starts with eating monsters

Chapter 247 I’m going on a killing spree!

Chapter 247 I’m going on a killing spree!

There was silence in heaven and on earth.

In the long river of time, after that palm slapped Shou Wang away, it disappeared immediately, leaving only a cold snort in the void to reveal its existence.

"Shou Zu!"

In the immortal clan’s Changshengtian, King Shou left quickly and returned quickly. At this moment, he had fallen into the immortal clan’s ancestral land, and the blood of immortality gushed out uncontrollably.

Then a figure appeared beside Prince Shou.

This man is the current leader of the Immortal Clan, Marquis Changsheng. Like Marquis Dingyu of the God Clan, he is a powerful marquis and only one step away from being crowned king.

However, at this moment, the Marquis of Changsheng had a look of horror on his face:
"Shou Zu, you."

"I'm fine."

Shou Wang waved his hands, his tone still calm, but his true appearance made Changsheng Hou even more frightened. Because this immortal king who had long enjoyed eternal life now looked old and frail, as if he had suffered the five signs of decay in the blink of an eye and would not live long!

"I miscalculated."

Compared to Marquis Changsheng, Prince Shou himself remained calm. Although his great Dao was damaged, he would be able to recover as long as he recuperated well for a period of time.

What really concerned him was another thing:

“Now that I think about it, the human race that achieved the Great Innateness was probably the one who revived the human race’s luck a few days ago and caused the gods to punish them together.”

"If not for this, the Human Emperor wouldn't think so highly of him."


Having said that, Prince Shou raised his head with bright eyes, reflecting in his eyes a vast and boundless river that spread across the entire void and flowed eternally.

After becoming the king, he thought that he had transcended the long river of time and was better than his master. Even if the master of the long river of time revived and stood in front of him, he would dare to fight. However, now it seems that there is still a big gap between him and the opponent.

"Don't worry."

Prince Shou glanced at the Marquis of Changsheng and said calmly: "That was just a reflection of the past. No matter how powerful he is, he can't kill him directly."


Before the King of Shou finished speaking, a divine light suddenly shone out from the long river of time! It was so vast and brilliant that it seemed to have set the entire void on fire!
And in the divine light, a grand will slowly emerged.

It does not contain any emotion, does not contain any divine will, is not overbearing or strong, but is very pure, as if demonstrating some ultimate truth of the universe: move forward!

Go forward! Go forward! Go forward again!
Anyone who dares to block our progress will be killed!

At this moment, including the Shou Wang, the eight great clans of the Imperial Realm, and the thirty-three crowned kings all felt their hair stand on end, as if someone had looked at them from afar. And just with this one look, they couldn't help but burst out with anger, their expressions were ugly, and a name flashed through their minds subconsciously:
Ge Ding Dao!
The Taoism of the Human Emperor!
At this moment, countless princes were in doubt. Even the Prince of Shou, who had just looked so confident, couldn't help but feel a little guilty.
"The Emperor is still alive?"

"Impossible! I don't believe it! I saw the Imperial Court collapse with my own eyes. If the Human Emperor were still alive, how could he sit by and watch the Imperial Court fall from the sky?"

"He must die!"

At the same time, in the long river of time, Lu Chen reassembled his body again, but found that he had stepped out of the long river and landed in a magnificent building.

Looking up, you will see a majestic gate to heaven.

【South Tianmen】

"here we go again"

Lu Chen's eyes moved slightly. He had seen this scene of the Heavenly Palace when he had broken through to the Transmortal stage. He never thought that he would see it again now that he had achieved the Great Innate Stage.

But compared to the beginning, he now has more understanding.

"Ancient Imperial Court?"

Standing in the Nantianmen, Lu Chen looked around and saw pavilions, towers, and magnificent clouds, which together built a world of extreme size.

The next second, as if to reward Lu Chen for his achievement, the entire Heavenly Palace suddenly glowed with rosy clouds, and then evolved into layers of strange phenomena, with rain falling from the sky, golden flowers gushing from the ground, fairies ascending to heaven, and the sun rising in the sky. Countless strange phenomena just drowned him and blessed him. Under these layers of blessings, Lu Chen's spirits also rose.

He seemed to see the scene of the former emperor opening up the Huangji Continent, grabbing countless worlds from the boundless void, and then forcibly kneading them into a ball.

All the worlds gather together to become the imperial supreme power.

All the worlds disperse and become nothingness!
In a trance, Lu Chen's consciousness continued to go against time, following the billions of worlds that made up the Huangji Continent, and dispersed to every corner of the void.

Maybe after a while, everything gradually became dark.

Lu Chen came back to his senses, and the experience just now seemed like a dream. However, he remained calm, just exhaled lightly, and then smiled.

The next second, his Qi began to rise! This time, he only showed his Qi for the first time, and it burst out with a strength that was not inferior to the strength he had shown before when he shattered the vacuum and risked his life. It was even rising! It was like an ever-expanding void, rising endlessly!

And in this process, his body is also reorganizing.

The essence of heaven and earth was swallowed into his body, cleansing the wounds and defects of his body, and bursting out with infinite light, until it finally condensed and transformed into a flawless body.

"This feeling."

Lu Chen was in the ancient imperial court, and he carefully felt the changes in himself: ". Perfect, no matter how bad the heaven and earth bring, my body will still be intact and indestructible."

This is a realm of the flesh!

Perfect body!

When physical cultivation reaches this level, as the name suggests, one will never be injured or die in battle. The most that can be done is to seal it up.

Even in the ancient times when there were many geniuses, there were only a handful of people who could cultivate a perfect body.

"My guess was indeed right."

Lu Chen looked around and realized that it was absolutely impossible for him to achieve great innateness and defeat all the marquises and even kings throughout the ages within the range of the void.

No one can do it!
However, since the Human Emperor has left such an opportunity, there must be a corresponding method to pass it. The key lies in the Human Emperor himself, who is at the source.

The so-called proof of the Great Innate does not mean that you really have to defeat all the strong men in the past and present, but that you have to show the ability to compete with them, and even face the siege of all the strong men in the heavens, and still fight your way out. Only in this way, when you reach the source, will the Human Emperor help you.

“Have I reached the target?”

Lu Chen looked at the sky and suddenly said.

Around him, the Ancient Imperial Court was silent, as if there was really no one there. Seeing this, Lu Chen did not linger, but laughed loudly and turned around.

"Not bad."

The same exclamation with a hint of smile sounded behind Lu Chen and disappeared in a flash.


The next second, all the scenes disappeared. The ancient imperial court and the long river of time all vanished into thin air. Lu Chen opened his eyes and was still sitting in the Tianguan Mountain.

".I have finally waited for this day."

Lu Chen stood up. The words "not bad" were not only an admiration, but also told him an extra secret: the seal of the Huangji Continent has not been broken yet.

It is difficult to be crowned a king!
In short, looking at the entire Huangji Continent at this moment, the strongest person is only a marquis. The eight major clans may be more numerous and stronger, but they are not superior.

Shou Wang was able to take action mainly because he was targeting the Long River of Time, which was of a special nature so the suppression was less severe. But if he really fought in the Huangji Continent, he would immediately become the first target of the Human Emperor Seal, and none of the sealed kings wanted to be the first to stand out.

in other words
Lu Chen looked coldly at the outside of Tianguan Mountain. He had been hiding for twenty years since he escaped to the Huangji Continent, all for the sudden outbreak today.

I'm going on a killing spree!

(End of this chapter)

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