Longevity starts with eating monsters

Chapter 47: Do you dare to take this position?

Chapter 47: Do you dare to take this position?
Lu Chen exhaled lightly and quickly regained his composure: "What choice?"

Seeing that Lu Chen was still calm and composed, Chai Enming nodded imperceptibly and continued: "For the first choice, I will give you a martial arts book of the transformation realm."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chai Enming took out a book from his arms.

"After all, you are not a prison warden. You have suppressed the demon rebellion in Xiayuan County. This martial arts book is your reward. After you take it, you and the prison warden will be even."

"From now on, you can roam the world freely."

"As long as you don't collude with the demons and bring disaster to Jiangzhou, the prison warden will not care about you."

Before Chai Enming finished speaking, Lu Chen rejected this option in his mind. Are you kidding me? You want to get rid of me with just a martial arts book?

The Warden's Office is a huge treasure trove!
The martial arts of the realm of transformation are just the tip of the iceberg. There is also the higher level of true martial arts, as well as intelligence on demons from all over the world. These are more important things.

What's more, it's nice to lean against a big tree for shade. I haven't grown up yet, and I just need a tree that is strong enough to shelter me from the wind and rain.

Therefore, Lu Chen said without hesitation: "What is the second option?"

Chai Enming smiled when he heard this, and was obviously quite satisfied with Lu Chen's decision to decisively abandon the first option: "The second option is that you join the Prison Warden Department."

"I'll give you the position of Chief Justice, and I'll still allow you to choose a martial art of the Transformation Realm. But correspondingly, you'll also have to take on the responsibilities of a Chief Justice and go to another county to deal with the local demon chaos. The situation there is slightly better than Xiayuan County, but it's still serious. If you do a good job, it will be a great achievement."


In fact, Lu Chen was already somewhat tempted when he heard this. The martial arts of the transformation realm was secondary, and the more important thing was another county town that was in the midst of demon chaos.

However, he still suppressed the urge to agree directly and continued, "What about the third option?"

"The third"

Chai Enming's tone sank. Originally, there was no third option. This was an idea that suddenly came to his mind after he sensed the life-and-death crisis from Lu Chen.

".Due to the drought and the chaos, the eight prefectures of Jiangzhou are almost all covered with smoke."

"We spent several months transferring grain from other states and exterminating demons everywhere, and only then did we stabilize the three central states."

"However, in addition to these, there are five other provincial capitals in Jiangzhou that are in chaos."

"During the demonic turmoil, three of Jiangzhou's original eight provincial governors died in battle. Of the remaining five, one needs to be in charge of the three prefectures that have already stabilized, and the other four, including me, need to be responsible for suppressing the remaining five prefectures. As you know, one prefecture is vacant."

"Among these five state capitals, one is the most difficult one."

"That prefecture is called 'Guanzhong Prefecture'. It is located behind the Dragon Lock Pass. It is not only closest to the north where the demons are, but also the people there are fierce and do not respect the imperial court."

"But Guanzhong Prefecture is a very important prefecture because it is the closest to the demons. Through the Dragon Lock Pass, we can accurately grasp the dynamics of the demons. During the previous demon chaos, the prison warden had no time to take care of other things and could only let the demons wreak havoc. Now that the situation has improved, we must take it back."

"So the third choice is Guanzhong Prefecture!"

At this point, Chai Enming looked solemn, and his tone was even more solemn: "You will temporarily serve as the Censor of Guanzhong Prefecture, patrolling the country on behalf of the Emperor, protecting the country and the people!"

After the words fell, Lu Chen still hadn't understood the true meaning.

Song Kui on the other side was completely shocked.

The Jiangzhou Prison Warden has one Sikou, under whom are three military governors, and under the military governors are eight Censors!

Each Censor corresponds to a prefecture in Jiangzhou and is responsible for arresting all demons in the prefecture. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the top leader of the prefecture.

However, it is also because of this that all the successive provincial governors must be at least masters of the Transformation Realm, otherwise they would not be able to suppress the countless demons in the prefecture. Just imagine that if a Xiayuan County could produce a stone Buddha with a perfect Yin Fu, how terrifying would it be if it were a prefecture or dozens of counties?
Only a master of the realm of transformation can take on such a great responsibility!

Thinking of this, Song Kui was about to speak. In his opinion, this was not a choice at all. If Lu Chen agreed, it would be like committing suicide!

"Sir, Lu Chen..."

"I don't want you to say it." Chai Enming interrupted Song Kui and looked at Lu Chen: "I want him to say it. Lu Chen, what do you think? Do you dare to take this position?" "."

Lu Chen looked hesitant when he heard this.

"I'm not afraid to tell you." Chai Enming continued: "Strictly speaking, you are just my pathfinder to test the situation in Guanzhong Prefecture."

"I don't ask you to really pacify Guanzhong Prefecture, I just want you to find out their details for me."

"On this basis, the more you do, the greater the credit you will receive."

"If you can really pacify Guanzhong Prefecture, it is not impossible to transfer the temporary position of Censor to the actual position."

"Of course, this choice is also the most dangerous. If you choose the second one, you only need to deal with the demons in a county. But if you choose this one, you will have to face the demons of the entire Guanzhong Prefecture! And among them there will definitely be peerless demon kings at the level of transformation."

"I agreed!"

Before Chai Enming finished speaking, Lu Chen's face showed a firm look of obligation, and he said in a sonorous tone: "I'll take this position!"


Lu Chen's decisiveness made Chai Enming stunned for a moment, and then he laughed: "Good! You are courageous. From today on, you are the Censor of Guanzhong Prefecture!"

At the same time, Song Kui couldn't help but ask, "Sir, is this really possible?"

"Only the Minister of Justice can appoint the Provincial Surveillance Commissioner and the Provincial Governor."

"It's okay." Chai Enming waved his hand and said, "I will use the Golden Eagle to inform my father later. As long as the reason is sufficient, he will not refuse."

After hearing this, Song Kui shut up immediately.

Even Lu Chen showed a look of realization. No wonder Chai En dared to appoint himself directly even though he was also an inspector. It turned out that Sikou was his father.

This is not surprising.

On the other side, Chai Enming also coughed and lowered his voice:
"After becoming an inspector, according to the law, you can choose any martial arts of the transformation realm, a third-grade great pill, and a hundred-refined precious weapon in the prison department."

After saying that, Chai Enming looked at Lu Chen.

"Tell me, what do you want? I'll give you what I have on me now, and if I don't have anything on me, I'll ask the Golden Eagle to bring it back to the Prison Department."

Lu Chen paused after hearing this, then said, "Is there a list for me to choose from?"

“No list is needed.”

Chai Enming waved his hand and said, "Just tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you. Looking around Jiangzhou, there is nothing that my prison department doesn't have."


What is arrogant? This is arrogant!

Lu Chen took a deep breath and stopped hesitating: "I need a superior Transformation Realm Kung Fu book, preferably one that can be directly improved as long as the Kung Fu increases, without complicated comprehension. Then I also need elixirs that can improve Kung Fu. As for weapons, I need a knife, the sturdier the better."


Chai Enming didn't even bargain, just nodded, then took out the golden eagle from his arms and sent it out. A few hours later, the golden eagle flew back.

And on the golden eagle's claws, Lu Chen's request was clearly written.

The Yin-Yang Wuji Pill is divided into two pills, Yin and Yang. Taking them together can increase your internal strength by ten decades.

The Blood-Inscribed Sword is made of blood-patterned steel. It has been tempered hundreds of times and even the strong energy of the transformation realm cannot break it.

The Songhe Wanshou Gong is the most superior martial art to the state of transformation. As long as the life span is sufficient, it can allow the practitioner to practice all the way to the state of perfection, and even get a glimpse of the great barrier of the Dan realm!
(End of this chapter)

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