Chapter 62 Seizing Power
"The person who reported the news was Lin Haoyuan, the chief judge of Guanzhong Prefecture."

"According to his report, after Lu Chen arrived at Guanzhong Prefecture, he ignored the advice and insisted on going to Qinghe County to provoke Qilong."

Looking at the report in his hand, Chai Enming's face suddenly turned ugly. He did not expect that Lu Chen's actions in Guanzhong Prefecture would be so reckless.

“It’s simply audacious!”

Having just arrived in Guanzhong Prefecture, shouldn't the most important thing to do be to integrate the power of the Guanzhong Prefecture Prison Department and then secretly investigate the situation in Guanzhong Prefecture?

Guanzhong Prefecture is so large that it is impossible for all of them to be devoted to the demons. There will always be some who are independent. As long as we can win the support of these forces, it means that we have a firm foothold in Guanzhong Prefecture. Then we can slowly plan, from weak to strong, and solve the problems of Guanzhong Prefecture step by step.

I appointed him as the governor of Guanzhong Prefecture just to test his ability.

After all, one person's power is limited.

So what if you have a special physique? If you only know how to use your fists when encountering problems, you will not be able to quell the rebellion. Can you really kill them all?
He asked Lu Chen to go to Guanzhong Prefecture just to teach him this truth.

Only by knowing how to use the power around you and unite all those who can be united, can you achieve something in the future and become the backbone of the Prison Department.

But what did Lu Chen do?
On the first day of arriving at Guanzhong Prefecture, not only did he fail to integrate the Prison Department, he even provoked the largest demonic force in Guanzhong Prefecture, the Qingsha River Dragon Palace.

Who does he think he is?

".I was negligent."

Recalling what Song Kui had told him about Lu Chen's experience, Chai Enming's face became uglier: "The experience in Xiayuan County made him overestimate himself."

In Xiayuan County, Lu Chen eliminated all the demons in the City God Temple in just three days.

But how can a small county town be compared with Guanzhong Prefecture?
Maybe in Xiayuan County, if he was given three days, he could solve the demonic chaos. But in Guanzhong Prefecture, what could he do in just three days?

Thinking of this, Chai Enming could no longer sit still and immediately set off for Guanzhong Prefecture to prevent Lu Chen from causing even greater trouble in Guanzhong Prefecture.

But at this moment.

"Hey, isn't this Master Chai?"

Accompanied by a slightly sharp chuckle, a fat man with a big belly, wearing a bright red official robe, walked into the gate.

Seeing the other person, Chai Enming frowned immediately, but saw that fat face was greasy, and the smile on the corner of his mouth looked gentle and polite, but gave people a strange sense of stiffness. Not only did it not make people feel good, but it made people feel a little cold.

"Feng Bao, what are you doing here?"

Chai Enming looked cold and called out the other person's name, Feng Bao, the pacification commissioner of the Jishichang, whose status was equal to that of an inspector like Chai Enming.

"What are you doing here?"

Feng Bao laughed warmly, but his tone was quite cold: "My adopted son died on the way to Xiayuan County, and the news was blocked. What do you want to do?"

Feng Bao’s adopted son was naturally Tang Xianhe.

It was Feng Bao who sent Tang Xianhe to Xiayuan County, hoping to give him a chance to make meritorious service, but he did not expect that he would die on the way.

And if Chai Enming hadn't deliberately blocked the news afterwards, he wouldn't have known about it so late. So this time, as soon as he got the information from Guanzhong Prefecture, he rushed over without stopping. The purpose was to intercept Chai Enming and not give him the opportunity to go to Guanzhong Prefecture to clean up the mess.

"Master Chai is a very busy man."

Feng Bao chuckled and said, "You just came back from Xiayuan County a few days ago, and now you have to leave again? What if a demon attacks at this time?"


Looking at Feng Bao, Chai Enming silently sat back in his seat.

Because he knew that after Feng Bao came here, he had lost the opportunity to go to Guanzhong Prefecture.

If he chooses to go his own way, then as soon as he leaves, the demons in Jiangzhou will "accidentally learn" the news of his secret departure.

"now it's right."

Seeing this, Feng Bao's smile became even more amiable: "Ignoring the overall situation and leaving one's post without permission is not what an inspector should do."

"As for Guanzhong Prefecture, that's your own fault, Master Chai."

"After all, it was you, Lord Chai, who went against all odds and chose such an unreliable person to take the position, which made your father lose face." "Humph!"

Chai Enming said gloomily: "This is my prison department's business, and has nothing to do with the investigation department. You should go and take care of your own business."

"For example, the death of Captain Tang?"

As soon as these words came out, Feng Bao's smile froze, but he quickly returned to normal: "The matter of the prison warden? Sorry, that's not the case now."

After saying that, Feng Bao took out a piece of paper from his bosom: "Lord Sikou and my master have discussed it. The prison department is short of manpower and is not enough to deal with the demon chaos in Guanzhong Prefecture. Therefore, Guanzhong Prefecture will be taken over by my investigation department. I will leave for Guanzhong Prefecture today."


As soon as these words were spoken, Chai Enming's expression suddenly changed, and he subconsciously wanted to refute them. However, the official seal on the order paper in Feng Bao's hand was real.

"Don't worry, Master Chai."

Feng Bao smiled and said, "I won't be involved in the affairs of the Prison Warden. I am just a pacification officer of the Investigation Bureau, and I am going to Guanzhong Prefecture to help the Prison Warden."

"Of course, as a pacification commissioner, my position is strictly speaking on par with that of an inspector."

"But this is not a big deal. I believe that as long as you and I work together sincerely, the demon chaos in Guanzhong Prefecture can be quelled sooner or later."


Chai Enming sneered when he heard this. On par? How can there be two tigers in one mountain? It can be seen that the "sincere cooperation" mentioned by Feng Bao is actually based on him!
Jiangzhou has always been under the control of the Prison Department. However, the Investigation Bureau has now taken advantage of the drought and demonic riots that have swept across Jiangzhou and successfully extended its hand into a state capital! Unfortunately, they have no way out and even have to accept the "goodwill" help of the Investigation Bureau.

Just thinking about it, Chai Enming felt suffocated.

When Feng Bao saw this, he laughed loudly and immediately turned around and walked out of the door. At the moment he turned around, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Lu Chen."

He didn't find any evidence about Tang Xianhe's death.

However, based on the principle that "whoever benefits from the matter is the most suspicious", Feng Bao finally placed his suspicion on Lu Chen.

But he did not suspect that Lu Chen killed Tang Xianhe.

After all, in his opinion, a wild man from a humble background, even if he had "perfect Yin Fu", would not be enough to kill his adopted son whom he had carefully cultivated.

So his suspicion was that Chai Enming secretly killed Tang Xianhe in order to protect Lu Chen.

Based on this, Feng Baocai set his sights on Lu Chen. What kind of person could make Chai Enming protect him even at the cost of secretly killing people?
Whatever it is, it must be important!
Since it is important, it is worth killing!
".It's time to do it."

Speed ​​is of the essence in war. Feng Bao did not want to give Chai Enming the opportunity to inform Lu Chen, so he did not even bring anyone with him and rushed to Guanzhong Prefecture alone.

With his cultivation level at the Transformation Realm, he could reach Guanzhong Prefecture on the same day!
On the other side, Chai Enming also looked unhappy.

"No. If we let Feng Bao go like this, Lu Chen might be in danger. I must find a way to inform him in advance. Maybe I have no choice but to let him take action."

Thinking of this, Chai Enming immediately stretched out his hand and called over a demon catcher.

"Go, ask Junior Brother to come over."

As soon as these words came out, the demon hunter who was called straightened his back subconsciously, and his eyes were filled with admiration: "I will go to the Tathagata Temple right away."

Rulai Courtyard is a wonder in the main office of the Prison Department.

However, the yard itself is nothing special, it is just an ordinary small yard. What really makes it special is the people living in the yard.

"Tathagata Palm" by Zhou Huijue.

A "peerless genius" with a special physique, he cultivated the "Great Awakening Tathagata Qi" and in just one year he rose from a mortal to a great master of the realm of transformation.

To put it bluntly.

If Sikou, the Martial Saint with Dan-Bao, temporarily leaves the Jiangzhou Prison Administration, then this "Rulai Divine Palm" will be the number one person in the Jiangzhou Prison Administration.

(End of this chapter)

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