Longevity starts with eating monsters

Chapter 66 Kill the real dragon!

Chapter 66 Kill the real dragon!
As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, Feng Bao's first reaction was to sneer.

What wrong choice did I make?

Feng Bao thought that he attached 100% importance to Lu Chen. Not only did he take action the next day after arriving in Guanzhong Prefecture, he also called on Lord Dalong to help.

From the comparison of combat power alone, Lu Chen was only at the first level of the transformation realm, the blood exchange level. However, he and the Great Dragon Lord were both masters at the second level of the transformation realm, the marrow cleansing level. Not to mention that the Great Dragon Lord had also cultivated his "true body", and his hard power was infinitely close to that of a great master of the third level of the cave god, and his combat power was almost overwhelming.

How can you lose when a real dragon is on your face?
Will win!
However, at the same time, unlike Feng Bao who sneered in his heart, Lord Dalong suddenly frowned and felt a little strange in his heart.

As a true dragon, its control over the water elements of heaven, earth and space should be absolute.

Water vapor is everywhere in the sky and on earth.

Therefore, as a true dragon, it still has the home advantage even if it is not in the Qingsha River. Wherever its sight goes is its territory, and it is inherently invincible.

But now, things have changed.

In its perception, the water elements of heaven and earth did not get close to it as usual, but fell into a state of vacillation and chose not to help either side.

what happened?

After hesitating for a moment, the Great Dragon King spoke again: "Who are you?"

Before the Great Dragon King finished his words, Lu Chen's figure disappeared from the spot, and in an instant he crossed a hundred feet in the sky, came in front of it and looked at it face to face!
Make your fist and smash!

When Lu Chen's punch landed, Lord Dalong's breathing stagnated, because accompanied by a violent sonic boom, the spiritual energy of the world under his fist was all expelled dozens of feet away, and the place covered by the fist was instantly sucked into a vacuum. Only Lu Chen's punch was left in the sky and on the earth!
With just this one punch, Lord Dragon's expression suddenly changed.

This is the first level of the realm of transformation! ?

The Great Dragon King did not dare to delay, and suddenly stretched out his dragon claws, with green waves surging on his claws. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was blasted away by Lu Chen's punch was gathered again by his claws.

Dragon sucks water!
The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered under the dragon claws of the Great Dragon King, transforming into a storm of feng shui that could collapse mountains and destroy hills, and was about to sweep Lu Chen into pieces!

The next second, the storm exploded and the punch stopped abruptly.

Lu Chen and Dalong Jun retreated a step almost at the same time. However, compared with Lu Chen's calm expression, Dalong Jun's face was full of astonishment and confusion.

What happened?
The strangeness of Lu Chen was too exaggerated, and it was completely beyond the understanding of the Great Dragon Lord. After all, it was a real dragon! A real dragon wrestled with a human as tiny as an ant, and the result was an even match? This was beyond reason, it was impossible!
"hold head high!"

The next second, the Great Dragon King roared wildly, and the water vapor in the heaven and earth was forcibly commanded by its divine will, transforming into dozens of water dragons that swept towards Lu Chen.

However, facing these dozens of powerful water dragons, Lu Chen remained calm and raised his hand to punch again!
A simple, yet powerful punch!
Wherever the fist struck, all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was forced away. The water dragon lost the support of the water element of heaven and earth, and was naturally shattered by his punch.

The Great Dragon King continued to move, and after shedding the sacred body of a real dragon, the fierce aura of the demon burst out again. It let out a long roar and pounced towards Lu Chen. Wherever it passed, there was thunder and rain, wind and clouds followed, and its dragon claws split the sky, as if it wanted to tear Lu Chen in half!

Seeing this, Lu Chen still did not dodge or evade.

No matter what means Lord Ren Dalong used, whether it was a physical battle or the use of magical powers, Lu Chen would always deliver a punch that was unmatched and could defeat the heavens!
The thunderstorm was dispersed, the wind and clouds were broken, and the dragon claws were evenly matched.

Seeing this scene, the Great Dragon King’s face turned ashen.

As a true dragon, this should have been its first battle to establish its throne in Guanzhong Prefecture. If it couldn't win with lightning speed, then what was the point of being called the Demon King! ?

Thinking of this, Lord Dalong's eyes instantly turned blood red!
Above the sky, Lu Chen punched out continuously, while the Dragon King commanded the clouds and water to change size, and the aftermath of the fight shook the sky.

At first glance, it doesn't look like a fight between humans and dragons, but rather two real dragons fighting in the sky!

At the same time, Feng Bao on the other side was stunned. All he could see were two shadows flying by at high speed and the sound of a sonic boom.

He was not surprised that Lord Dalong had such strength.

But what about Lu Chen?
Why does he do that?
"Physical bodies versus real dragons. Could it be that he has also cultivated his 'real body'? Impossible, he shouldn't have real martial arts, how can he turn the fake into the real?"

This is unreasonable!

Just as Feng Bao was doubting his life, the battle between man and dragon in the sky gradually revealed the winner, and the one who ended up losing was Lu Chen.


The Great Dragon King looked up to the sky and roared: "Although you have also cultivated your 'true body', it is only the first level of the transformation realm after all! There is a realm difference between you and me! This realm is the difference between life and death! Once I tear apart your turtle shell and eat you, I will definitely be able to make further progress!"

"You want to eat me?"

"What a coincidence."

Under the heavy blow of the dragon claw, Lu Chen staggered back half a step in the air, but his expression was still indifferent, his eyes were empty, and even the pupils disappeared.

Instead, there was a stunning sword light!
The sound of the sword is like thunder in the mountains!

The next second, the originally high-spirited Dragon King felt as if a basin of cold water was poured over his head. The scales all over his body stood up and an intense panic surged into his heart.

And its vision was also covered by a surging blood-red sword light!

The remaining moves of Zhenwu, a magic sword move!

At the critical moment, the Great Dragon King suddenly curled up his huge body to protect his vital parts, and at the same time gathered the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to transform it into a tornado to protect himself.


The knife flashed, and the tornado formed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was cut open by the knife, the wind and clouds were shattered, the thunder disappeared, and the body of the Great Dragon King was forced to be revealed!

The next second, dragon blood fell like rain all over the sky!
"Roar!" The Great Dragon King's shrill scream spread in the air. On the body of the real dragon that it took 4,500 years to transform and that it was so proud of, there suddenly appeared a wound deep enough to see the bone!

At the same time, Feng Bao below finally saw his opportunity.

"Don't be afraid, Lord Dragon!" Feng Bao said in a voice transmission.

"Although this Zhenwu Demonic Sword is terrifying, the backlash is also huge. He can't strike continuously. Now is the chance to kill him while he is exhausted!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the Great Dragon King, who was originally in unbearable pain, suddenly perked up.

It's impossible to strike the sword continuously. Are you exhausted?

"it is good!"

Thinking of this, the Great Dragon King immediately raised his dragon body. He was the body of a real dragon. Although the magic knife was sharp, it was not enough to take his life in one blow.

At least seven or eight knives are needed to have hope.

Then he saw Lu Chen, who Feng Bao said should have been "exhausted", raised his knife to the sky without any pause, and blood appeared on the knife again.

Second knife!

"hold head high!"

Exactly the same way, the magic sword with no decrease in power once again split the body of the Great Dragon King, but this time the Great Dragon King gritted his teeth and held on.

I don't believe you can make a third move!

Raising his head, Lu Chen swung his knife again.

The third knife, the fourth knife, the fifth knife, the sixth knife, the seventh knife!

Lu Chen's movements did not pause at all. It was obvious that he did not intend to give the Great Dragon King time to think. He swung out the magic sword seven times in the space of a breath!

If the Great Dragon King was shocked and angry when he received the third knife, then when he received the fifth knife, the Great Dragon King was expecting that Lu Chen would be exhausted. After all, he had received so many knives. But when he received the seventh knife, the Great Dragon King only had one thought.

“Feng Bao——!!!”

You cheated me!
The magic knife tore through the dragon scales and easily chopped off the hill-sized head of the Great Dragon King. There was still a trace of unwillingness on the hideous face.

Almost at the same time, a bright light bloomed behind Lu Chen.

Feng Bao's figure quietly appeared behind Lu Chen. His white jade-like palm formed a lotus-like handprint and gently pressed on Lu Chen's back.

They are intertwined with each other, their lives are strong, and they can grow golden lotus in the fire!
Planting lotus in fire!
"Go to hell!"

At this moment, Feng Bao's fat face was full of ferocity and a bit of unconcealable fear.

He was already charging at the fastest speed, but Lu Chen was faster than him. His lightning-fast seven consecutive magic sword slashes actually killed the Great Dragon King directly!

"I don't believe you still have any strength left!"

"Seven-linked Demonic Blade, even if you still have some internal energy left, your physical strength must be damaged. I don't believe you can still stop me like this!"

Feng Bao’s vision is still very accurate.

Although the seven consecutive magic sword slashes consumed all of Qianqiu's eternal true qi, Lu Chen's internal strength was intact, but his physical strength was indeed weakened to the extreme.


The "Hundred Flowers Qi" that Feng Bao had cultivated throughout his life poured into Lu Chen's body without reservation, destroying his meridians. Seeing this, Feng Bao finally smiled.

Then he saw Lu Chen turn his head and look at him indifferently.

It was as if he was looking at a corpse.

In Lu Chen's mouth, a piece of meat was being chewed vigorously. As the piece of meat entered his stomach, Lu Chen's originally weak and sluggish energy also rose again.

[Current state: useless]

[Ingredients: True Dragon (Second Level of Transformation)]

[Current realm: Second level of transformation (Marrow Cleansing Pass)]

【Ingredients: None】

"I told you so long ago, Feng Bao."

"When you choose to join forces with the demons to deal with me, you are already a dead man."

"You will encounter many choices in your life, but there is only one that is most important. Unfortunately, you made the wrong choice!"

The next second, the sword suddenly appeared.

Feng Bao's body was cut in half on the spot, with a flash of blood rising into the sky, and it split into two pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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