LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 110: People in the bottom lane, radiation 3 lanes!

Chapter 110: People in the bottom lane, radiating three lanes! (Please pre-order! Muah ^3^)
After the soldiers entered the tower, Chen Feng was also very meticulous. At the moment when the defense tower attacked the soldiers, he controlled the ice to attract the hatred of the defense tower.

This way you can take less damage from the tower and resist the tower to the greatest extent possible.

"Creator Frost took the lead in resisting the tower, while Kassar Kindred and Jack Lawu's Varus wanted to focus on Ghost's Fate Master first!"

Guan Zeyuan's mouth seemed to have triggered a fatal rhythm at this moment.

The rapid speed of speaking makes people sigh that Yu Shuang is so lucky!
Facing Top Esports' tower dive, Beryl handled it very calmly. He did not choose to control Diana to control Varus or Kindred, because that might not necessarily save his own AD, and he also had no way to make a trade.

Since our own AD is bound to die, it is natural to minimize the losses.

So he aimed at Chen Feng's ice.

I'm sorry, my friend!!!
Having learned the lesson from being dodged continuously just now, Beryl was very decisive this time. He did not save his skills at all. He flashed forward directly, and while igniting, he used the Q skill Dawnbreaker to stun Chen Feng's ice. Then, at the right time, he followed up with the E skill Zenith Blade to control.

"Beryl is very smart. He gave Diana's skill to Ashe who was resisting the tower, so that he can have a stable replacement!" Miller said quickly.

Seeing Beryl so decisive, Chen Feng also gave up resisting.

Originally, his ice state was not very full, and he could not escape at all with Diana's set of skills plus ignite and the damage from the defense tower, so he simply saved the flash.

Beryl's Diana skills were all used on Chen Feng's Ice, so Ghost's Fate Master naturally couldn't survive and gave away the first blood.

Although Chen Feng's Ashe was replaced, the AD will definitely be the one who suffers when the support is replaced, and Ashe's kill was taken by Beryl's Diana.

After this back and forth, the gap between the AD on both sides has widened!
After crossing the tower, Karsa was not greedy. After helping A Shui push the line, he controlled Kindred and left decisively.

Similarly, after being reminded by Chen Feng, A Shui's Varus did not waste time in the bottom lane, but went straight back to the city to replenish equipment, ready to welcome the second wave of rhythm belonging to Top Esports!
In fact, this second wave of rhythm originally belonged to Top Esports' first wave of rhythm, but because Canyon came to the bottom lane at level 2 and failed to do anything, the original first wave of rhythm became the second wave!


Seeing that Topbo's bottom lane had accomplished something, Canyon, the jungler, couldn't help but become a little anxious.

Lee Sin is originally a rhythm hero in the early game. The later the game goes, the less he can compete with infinite growth heroes like Kindred.
If you can't get the rhythm going at the beginning, then as it drags on, your presence will only get lower and lower.

But there is no point in being anxious. Although Nuguri and Lucian's suppression power has been exerted, we can't forcefully cross the tower to kill Ornn, right?

If the attempt to cross the tower fails, it will easily give up all the suppression power on the top lane!
Not to mention, 369's Ornn is very sensible and knows how to handle pressure.

He didn't give Lucian the chance to consume too much of his own health. For some minions that were easy to be caught and hit, he either used Ornn's Q skill to kill them, or simply didn't kill them and just gained the experience.

Anyway, I am an Ornn, and I will stick to the half-zone principle. As long as nothing goes wrong in the front, that will be the biggest contribution to the team!

While enduring beatings and pressure on the road, you also enjoy the right to win without doing anything according to the law!
Ornn in the top lane couldn't move, and Zoe in the middle lane couldn't find any good opportunities. Canyon was a little embarrassed for a moment, and felt that the rhythm was seriously affected.

And all of this was caused by the unsuccessful attempt to catch the second level.


Who said that we can just catch them at level two and that's it? Why doesn't it work?

Kindred started the game with three tyrants, got the first mark easily, and successfully crossed the tower in the bottom lane.

If I were to play Kindred myself, it would be a completely enjoyable game!

Unfortunately, it can’t be changed!

After clearing the crab on the river, Canyon controlled Lee Sin to stay in the middle lane for a while, trying to cause trouble for Left Hand in the middle lane.

But Zoe was timid and didn't have any good opportunities.

This made Canyon extremely depressed.

In preparation for this World Championship, he also watched Top Esports' previous LPL games. He remembered that the mid laner was quite aggressive. How come he suddenly became so stable now?
Is it really as Xu Xiu said before, that since the bottom lane has an advantage, he doesn't need to take action?

There was no chance in the middle or top lane, and Canyon couldn’t just sit there and wait. He could only control Lee Sin to return to the city to replenish his equipment and prepare to kill the second round of wild monsters.

But at this time, the first wave of rhythm originally from Top Esports, now the second wave of rhythm is coming!

After returning home to replenish his equipment, Karsa, at the call of Chen Feng, decisively prepared to invade DWG's lower half.

At this time, the advantage of having two AD players, Ashe and Varus, going to the bottom lane was once again demonstrated.

He pushed the line quickly and fought strongly, leaving Ghost helpless.

Even if he used all his skills at once, he still couldn't defeat Varus and Frost.

As the brain of DWG, when he saw Ashe and Varus pushing the line after returning to the line, he instantly understood Top Esports' idea.

You know, for Top Esports, this is a push back. As long as they control the situation well, their AD Ximingshi will be in a very difficult situation.

But the two did not control the line. Instead, they started pushing the line directly after coming back. This shows that the opponent must want to target their jungler!

As the main position to drive the rhythm in the early stage, if it is targeted, the result can be imagined.

After thinking this through, Beryl controlled Diana and wanted to go up and fight.

He got a kill, upgraded his equipment, and had the talent of Aftershock, so he was very tanky. Even if he was not sure he could win, he would definitely not die.

The important thing is that you can interfere with the opponent's push and then invade the jungle to harass your own jungler.

However, just like before, Beryl's E skill Zenith Blade could not control anyone at all, and he had just used his flash, so his idea of ​​delaying Ashe and Varus by fighting and sacrificing his own health was directly shattered.

This made him so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Something is wrong. I have been in China for such a long time, and I have watched a lot of Top Esports’ games and visited the comment section a lot.

Isn’t it said that Top Esports’ AD player Jack La Wu likes to use skills very much? How come from the beginning to now, my Diana has never pointed at his Varus once.

Was I cheated?
Damn it, cunning LPL!!!


After pushing the line of troops over, Chen Feng called out to A Shui, and the two of them directly cooperated with Karsa to invade the opponent's lower jungle area.

Ashe and Varus already had the advantage in the bottom lane and controlled the lane, and they just went over the tower and got the first blood, so when invading, they didn't need to consider what to do if something went wrong.

If you have an advantage, you must be unyielding!

Seeing how radical Kindred was, many people were a little confused.

You know, Karsa’s style is not very radical, but what happened today?

This is both anti-red domination and invasion of the wild area, which is really unfamiliar?
"Oh my god, did Brother Ka take the wrong medicine today? It's so strong!?"

"It has nothing to do with the jungler. The bottom lane has such a big advantage, isn't it normal for the jungler to be comfortable playing?"

"As soon as I heard this, I knew this kind of person was the type who couldn't win in the lane, dragged down the jungler, and then went on to say that the gap between the jungler and the jungler was too big."

"This jungler is envious of the real-name system!!!"


Since there was no way to stop the support of the two players in the bottom lane of Top Esports, Canyon had no choice but to give up the bottom half of the area.

Although Beryl's Japanese girl can come, Top Esports can only send two people!

Three against two, Varus got the first blood again, there was no way to fight! "Top Esports used the advantage of the two shooters in the bottom lane and played too aggressively!" Looking at the three Top Esports players invading the jungle, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh, "If Canyon doesn't want to lose two groups of wild monsters in vain, they can only quickly exchange Top Esports' upper jungle area.

Because Ghost has no way to support, he has to eat the tower damage first! "

At this point, Guan Zeyuan asked Uzi who was sitting next to him, "We all know that Uzi is a very good AD player.

I want to ask, if the AD encounters a situation where the jungler is invaded by the opponent in the jungle area, and there are many soldiers under his tower, should he give up the last soldiers to support the jungle area, or should he ensure his own development first? "

Hearing this question, Uzi looked at Guan Zeyuan with a ruddy face.

You have nothing to say, right?
For AD, last hitting is definitely the most important thing!!!
Jungle? Jungle is nothing, it's just AD's dog.

Of course, that cannot be said.

"Hmm..." He hesitated for a moment, "I think the development of AD is more important. After all, DWG plays with Lee Sin in this game, and his role in the later stages is definitely not as great as that of the Master."

"Indeed!" Wawa quickly agreed, and the ingredients were quite obvious.


Looking at the three unreasonable Top Esports players, Canyon had no choice but to passively choose to exchange jungle areas.

Because his team's bottom lane was completely suppressed and there was no way to provide support. If he didn't hurry over to exchange, and wait for Kindred to return to defend, his Lee Sin might not be a match for Kindred.

Although Nuguri's Lucian can provide support in the top lane, that would waste Lucian's ability to suppress Ornn and also affect Lucian's ability to capture the tower.

However, all this is still a trap set by Top Esports!

Take advantage of the bottom lane laning advantage to help Karsa and Kindred invade the jungle and drive Canyon to the top lane. Then you can take this opportunity to control the first little dragon!
"Sure enough, Canyon was forced to go to the top lane, but Top Esports' actions came one after another. After Karsa killed two groups of wild monsters in DWG's bottom jungle, they used the bottom lane advantage to prepare to take the first little dragon!"

"Showmaker's Tsar couldn't come over to the middle lane. Although we could harass the bottom lane, there were only two of them. Beryl's Diana didn't have flash either, so forced harassment would easily lead to problems.

And without a jungler, their harassment is useless, and they have no way to steal the dragon."

"Oh my god, is this still the Topbo I know? The tempo is so high!"

Amid the commentators' surprise and admiration, the first little dragon was successfully taken down by Chen Feng, A Shui and Karsa.

After taking the little dragon, Karsa went to clear his own bottom half. The rhythm could be said to be perfect.

After helping Karsa take the little dragon, Chen Feng and A Shui returned to the bottom lane?
Since the opponent's jungler had been driven to the top lane and our jungler was in the bottom lane, the two of them didn't have to worry at all and continued to use the double AD combination to inhumanely suppress DWG's bottom lane.

Everything goes very smoothly!

And the other side.

When Canyon heard the screams of the dying dragon, he immediately frowned, and a feeling of powerlessness rose in his heart.

Everything was fine at first, but because the second-level catching attempt failed, a series of chain reactions occurred.

I'm very anxious, but there's nothing I can do.

You can't just force an irrational small-scale team battle with the opponent when they invaded the jungle. This is an almost impossible decision to make for the LCK, which has always focused on stable operations.

"Now that the little dragon is gone, we can only set our sights on the canyon!" He took a deep breath and said this.

There is no advantage in the bottom lane, but it’s a different story in the top lane!


After Top Esports took down the little dragon, both sides entered a short period of development.

But this is only temporary. Once the resources are refreshed, this peace will be broken instantly!

In this world championship, Beryl's support basically worked together with Canyon, leaving Ghost alone in the bottom lane to withstand the pressure.

But now the pressure from Chen Feng and A Shui was too great, making it impossible for him to roam. Moreover, Karsa's Kindred had made it clear that he didn't want to go to the jungle area, but stayed in the bottom half of the area, taking advantage of Top Esports' advantage in the bottom lane and becoming the local emperor of the bottom lane, acting tyrannically.

As for 369's Ornn in the top lane, you can target him if you want, because this hero was chosen to be a sacrifice to withstand pressure.

This made Beryl even more afraid to move. It was true that the Master of Destiny was his tool, but she couldn't just leave him alone!

If I dare to leave, the opponent will definitely dare to cross the tower, no room for negotiation!

Since both teams' supports are in the bottom lane, another advantage of Ashe's support is revealed.

In addition to the very strong laning ability in the early stage, this hero can radiate to other lanes even if he is in the bottom lane.



Eagle Strike exploded above the bushes, lighting up that area of ​​vision and exposing Canyon, who was preparing to catch Zoe, to the left hand's vision.

Canyon was extremely depressed by the exposure of his vision.

Originally, he found a very good opportunity to make Zoe dodge and pave the way for the Rift Herald later.

But who knew that it would be destroyed by the ice in the bottom lane!

"Wow, Creator Frost played the game very smartly. He successfully found Canyon Lee Sin's position with a detection arrow, and saved Zuoshou from the risk of being ganked.

Although Left Hand Zoe has Flash, it is still quite damaging if she is caught out of Flash." Wawa exclaimed.

"The important thing is, Ice Assist seems to be feasible!
At least so far, I feel pretty good about it.

He has strong suppression power in the laning phase, and his E skill can also help his teammates explore the field of vision. I can only say that Creator is worthy of his ID. He is really creating! "


Time passes minute by minute.


The Rift Herald will refresh soon.

Taking advantage of the pushing power in the bottom lane, Chen Feng controlled Ashe to return to the city first.

He was going to help his left hand which was being beaten by Xu Xiu, and at the same time gain some experience to reach level six.

After Hanbing reaches level six, there will be a qualitative improvement!
To be honest, he didn't understand why Zoe was suppressed by the Tsar.

However, when he thought of Left Hand in the World Championship, Chen Feng felt relieved, because LCK also has such a person.


"Creator's Ashe has already moved to the upper half of the area. It can be seen that Top Esports intends to take over this vanguard group, because the bottom lane has a huge advantage and has already eaten a layer of tower skin just by laning.

I feel like Top Esports’ rhythm is perfect. If they can control this Rift Herald, the game will be almost certain to win.”

Just as Guan Zeyuan was making such a well-reasoned analysis.

The change happened suddenly!

 Thanks to [丶书瘾] for the reward and support, muah
(End of this chapter)

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