Chapter 118 Do you want a banana? (Vote for me!)
"Let us congratulate Top Esports for winning this crucial match with the outstanding performance of Thresh and Draven in the bottom lane!"

When DWG's main base crystal fell with Draven's axe, the remaining health was cleared.

The excited voice of Wawa was heard from the commentary booth.

The cheers from the entire venue were like waves, coming one after another.

"The bottom lane played really well this time, especially Creator's Thresh. His performance this time perfectly verified what the designer once said, that Thresh is one of the most perfect heroes he has ever designed."

Hearing that Miller actually had such a high opinion of Thresh, Uzi felt unhappy, but at the same time, he actually felt a hint of envy.


Why did Jack LaDance get such a good assistant?


"To be honest, this time I really pushed myself to the limit. I burned myself out."

"Why isn't Brother Zaozi smiling? Wasn't he smiling happily when my crazy brother Hong Wen was laughing just now?"

"Whether we win or lose today, I personally recognize his status as the second god of the void, just based on Thresh's performance in this game!"

"Is this still the same Thresh who started to entertain everyone when he first appeared on the stage and didn't hit the target with a single hook?"

"I can only say that this is the power given to him by the void!"

"It all started from that qualifying match, Amen!!!"

"Amen? Zaomen!!!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was very excited. Even though Top Esports was cursing loudly after losing two games in a row,

But despite all the criticism, I still hope that Top Esports can win.

At this time, the MVP of this game also appeared on the big screen.

It was A Shui's Draven, whose super luxurious record was extremely eye-catching. In comparison, Chen Feng's Thresh's record was a bit miserable.

If you don't watch the game process and only look at the results, many people would probably think that Draven in the bottom lane was training with weights and fighting three people alone with a burden.

"The MVP goes to Jack La Dancing's Draven. He didn't die once in this round and his damage was the highest in the game. His performance was really good."

“In fact, I think this MVP can also be given to Creator’s Thresh. Although his record is not very good, he has done everything that Thresh can do.

But as a support, it is hard to say that the support position has as good a record as other positions.

And he died many times just now for Ah Shui, otherwise it might be Draven who died. "

"There's nothing I can do. As a support, I have to sacrifice for the AD when necessary."

It would have been better if Wawa hadn't said this. As soon as he said this, people in the live broadcast room started to manually tag Baolan.

There was no way. In one of the opponent's games, the operation of Braum holding a shield and hiding behind the AD was too fucking abstract.


at the same time.

After the game was over, they took off their headphones and stood up and walked towards the back.

After withstanding such tremendous pressure and winning the fourth game, the expressions on their faces were no longer so solemn, and they were filled with excitement and smiles.

The fourth game was won, and only the last game was left.

BO5 has also evolved into BO1, so it is possible for anyone to have the last laugh.

Of course, Chen Feng and A Shui were still the same as before, following behind Kasa and the others, bragging about their previous operations.

"Come on, if I hadn't died for you so many times, would you Draven be able to play so comfortably?"

Seeing Ah Shui start to act pretentiously again, Chen Feng couldn't stand it anymore and could only interrupt him. "But you are my support, and I am your AD."

" seems to make some sense..."

"Right." Ah Shui grinned, and then said, "Brothers, we can make it to the fourth game, which means that we are not much worse than the opponent.

In this final game, we will play well and strive to defend the championship!"

After A Shui said this, Kasa, 369 and others also laughed.

But this smile was quickly restrained by several people after Kasa, who was walking in front, pushed open the door of the lounge and walked in, and was replaced by a serious look.

The reason why he can be a professional player is that he can change his expression in less than one second, which is not something that ordinary people can do. It highlights his quick reaction.

Guo Hao, who was leaning on the sofa, watched several people come in and waved his hand quickly, motioning them to sit down.

He looked at Chen Feng. The more he looked at him, the more he liked him. The more he looked at him, the more he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

I am very glad that when that incident happened to the other party, I did not complain at the first time, nor did I ask him to apologize at the first time. I am even more fortunate that I still gave him a chance after he failed in his first LPL game.

It is said that there are many good horses, but few good horse trainers. It seems that I have discovered a good talent.

Even the prophet, who was dissatisfied with Chen Feng for being moved from the starting lineup to the bench, was sincerely impressed by him at this moment.

I am not as skilled as others, so I have to admit defeat!

"There's only one round left. Don't think about the results and process of the first four rounds. Just treat this last round as a BO1. It will decide life or death!
Show the same ferocity you showed in the group stage and win it in one go.

Keep this championship, and you will become the hero of LPL!"

After seeing that everyone was ready, Guo Hao started to feed them the poisonous chicken soup again.

"Yeah!" Chen Feng nodded in agreement, "Brother Hao is right. As long as we win this championship, we can solve the void invasion disaster for our Top Esports team."

Guo Hao: “…”

Hey, hey, hey, I didn’t say that. Don’t drag me into this. I want to protect my family!

He looked at Chen Feng, who didn't know whether he was joking or serious, and was suddenly in a state of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

You don't want to resolve the disaster of the void invasion at all. I see that you are clearly enjoying it!
After taking a look at the few people who were sitting there and looked a little dazed because they were exhausted from fighting four rounds, Guo Hao stood up and walked to the side, taking the banana on the table.

You should know that in order to maintain their reaction speed, players will not eat too much before the competition, or simply not eat at all.

From the opening ceremony to the four games, several hours passed, and not only was the mental exhaustion extremely great, but the physical exhaustion was also great.

"Would you like to have a banana to fill your stomach first?" Guo Hao asked after walking over.

"Let me have one." Kasa reached out for one, even though he was not very old and was still very young.

But in the e-sports industry, which is extremely age-sensitive, he is considered an old man.

"Give me one too!" Ah Shui also reached out and grabbed two, then passed them to Chen Feng beside him, "Would you like one, madman?"

"No need." Chen Feng shook his head and refused.

Of course he was tired, because Chen Feng hadn't eaten either. Now such a long time had passed, and he had been concentrating and playing four high-intensity games with such tense nerves. It would be a lie to say that he was not tired.

After all, this is not like you are broadcasting live and playing ranked games, so you can relax and have fun.

Seeing that Ah Shui had already started eating, he stood up and walked towards the backpack he had thrown in the corner.

I thought today wouldn't be such a difficult game, but I didn't expect that we would have to go to the fifth game.

In this case, we can only ask it to come out!!!


(End of this chapter)

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