LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 122: The scheming e-sports bitch, a fake eye worth a championship!

Chapter 122: The scheming e-sports bitch, a fake eye worth a championship!

"No, this nightmare is teasing me."

"This wave, this wave is called sending a head from a thousand miles away, the gift is small but the sentiment is great!"

"Chaowei, I know it's you, take off the mask quickly."

"The hardest working player in history, working two jobs."

"As soon as the bottom lane had an advantage, the mid and top lanes gave it away, right?"

"The Topbo Twins? The Topbo Twins!!!"

"Are you saying that you are a double-animal and look down on my crazy brother? Add another crazy ÷!"

"I understand. Left Hand and 369 owe the Ice Emperor a championship!"

When they saw 369 Kennen being caught and Left Hand Nightmare getting a buy one get one free deal, the people in the live broadcast room started cursing mercilessly.

"Alas, this wave of 369 was a bit too careless."

In the commentary box.

Miller couldn't help but sigh.

"It will be difficult for Top Esports to deal with Shen's solo lane in the future with this lineup. Now that he has taken a kill, not only will we have to give up the Rift Herald as well.

Originally, Top Esports had a chance to control the Rift Herald with their advantage in the bottom lane, destroy DWG's middle lane tower as soon as possible, free Left Hand's Nightmare, and let him start flying around. Now, it may be a bit difficult."


Two of their own men were killed, and Chen Feng and his men had no choice but to give up the Rift Herald.

"This wave is mine..." 369 sighed.

In fact, he wanted to go back to the city just now, but because he was short of money, he simply prepared to push the line again.

I never thought that this suggestion would lead to problems.

"It's okay, take your time!" Chen Feng took a deep breath.

"No big deal, I'll be C later!" Ah Shui grinned and said to comfort her.

It has a strong flavor, no need for more salt!

On the other hand, after taking the Rift Herald, DWG was no longer in a hurry and was quietly looking for opportunities.

Of course, Canyon’s main target is still on the middle and upper lanes. Whether it is Shen or Sylas, they can eat the Rift Herald.

There is no need to say much about the middle lane. After destroying the middle lane as quickly as possible, the two can cooperate with the mid and jungle. Otherwise, Sylas's line of troops will be unable to push past Nightmare.

As for the top lane, it is even simpler and clearer. The sooner Shen's equipment is completed, the faster he can put pressure on Top Esports in solo lanes.

But what made him depressed was that after Kennen was caught and killed once in the top lane, he became extra cautious.

As for the middle lane, it was as if this nightmare had disappeared, which made people feel helpless.


the other side.

After returning to the bottom lane, Chen Feng and A Shui played extremely aggressively, trying to distract Canyon's attention and help the mid and top laners relieve some pressure.

Varus of the consumption style cannot carry the game. He still has to pay more attention to his teammates. Once his teammates are at a disadvantage, he will lose in the end.

However, Canyon's goal was already clear, so he was not too greedy and chose the safest approach.

We don't seek advantages in the top, middle and bottom lanes, we just want to keep the point that gives Top Esports the most headaches.

Focusing on this point, we eroded Top Esports' defense little by little and won the game!

Beryl and Ghost also decided not to fight with Chen Feng and A Shui. They just waited for the mid, top and jungle to set the pace. Then they would be responsible for starting the team fight in the bottom lane and that would be it.

Although this seemingly peaceful development rhythm is beneficial to both sides, Chen Feng and his teammates know very well that once Shen has three pieces of equipment, DWG will quickly act.

By then, the sheets might become numb.

So Karsa has been controlling Kindred to look for opportunities, but unfortunately, the several opportunities he found with the help of Left-Handed Nightmare were all successfully counter-amped by Canyon, thus defusing the crisis.


"The offensive pressure on Top Esports was huge. Although the economic gap between the two sides was not that big, they still got two little dragons.

But the longer it dragged on, the less likely they were to deal with the solo laning of Shen.

Moreover, this time it happened to be a Wind Dragon Soul. To be safe, DWG could have given up the Wind Dragon Soul to buy more time for Shen to develop. "

The situation on the field made Miller and Wawa no longer optimistic, and their brows were knitted together without them noticing.

But among them, Uzi seemed to be smiling and looked very relaxed.

It perfectly illustrates what the law of conservation of smile means.


As the game went on, Chen Feng and his teammates kept looking for opportunities, but DWG's defense was so good that they couldn't find any chances at all.

The most important thing is that now Nuguri's Shen is no longer afraid of 369 Kennen. If he is not careful, he can easily be killed by a single player.

Seeing that Top Esports was heading towards the abyss step by step, Guan Zeyuan made up his mind and said with a desperate attitude, "We can't keep dragging it on like this.

Shen is already a bit invincible in a solo laning situation. If it drags on any longer, he might be outnumbered two at a time.

And once Shen is able to fight two at the same time, the only thing waiting for Top Esports is losing the game.

The only thing that can break this situation now is the Baron!"

"But DWG's players are still alive, and they are very careful. Their goal is very clear, which is to wait for Nuguri's Shen to get his equipment."

Miller certainly knows that the Baron can help Top Esports resolve the current crisis, but the problem is that the opponent is not a fool and it is impossible for him to let you take the Baron without any pressure.

Besides, the risks when taking the Baron are relative. If you fail to take the Baron and make it your job, then the situation that originally provided opportunities for you will become unplayable.

At this time, Top Esports was also very anxious. Shen was getting fatter and fatter, and the scales of victory were gradually tilting towards DWG.

"Let's kill the dragon!"

"Fight the big dragon?"

"Yeah!" Chen Feng nodded, "The main thing is to force them to come over and fight in a group, otherwise we really won't win if we drag it out."

"Come on, do it!" Ah Shui agreed decisively, "Just beat them up!"

"But what if something goes wrong..." Kasa hesitated at this time.

"I think it's better to wait and see if they can make a mistake and give us a chance."

Hearing Zuoshou's hesitant and cowardly remarks, Chen Feng directly and bluntly retorted, "Are you still waiting for the other side to make a mistake and give you a chance?
It’s been more than 20 minutes. Did the opponent give us any chance?

We have been waiting for the opponent to make mistakes and give us opportunities. Can we be 100% sure that we will not make any mistakes during this period of time? "

After he said this, everyone else fell silent.

Yes, I wait for my opponent to make mistakes to give me opportunities, but isn’t it the same for the other side?
"What the madman said makes sense, let's do it!" Ah Shui is still as bold as ever.

"Brother Ka, come with me to provide vision, you guys handle the minion line."

Although Chen Feng did not say that he wanted to fight, his actions had proved that this big dragon must be fought, otherwise losing the game was only a matter of time.

Instead of walking towards the abyss of failure step by step, it is better to give it a try and pursue the dawn of light!

In Chen Feng's heart, there is always one thing in mind.

That is I would rather make mistakes than do nothing!

Opportunities should always be seized by yourself and fought for by yourself. If you wait for others to make mistakes, what's the difference between that and feeding food to a giant baby?

Accompanied by Karsa and Kindred, Chen Feng ran to DWG's upper jungle area while scanning.

A hero like Kennen must go around the back, only in this way can he catch the enemy by surprise and have the effect of using one ultimate skill to decide the outcome.

He placed a fake eye in the bush under the opponent's high ground wall and lost a real eye at the same time.

This scene was just captured by the director.

"What's going on? Did Creator press the wrong button due to hand shaking?" Guan Zeyuan muttered in confusion.

"Maybe it's because the salary equipment and the cabinet where the true eye is placed are too close, so I accidentally pressed the wrong button." Miller guessed.

"This can also be seen from the side that the current situation on the field has put a lot of pressure on the Top Esports team!"

When GSL in the live broadcast room saw this, he immediately felt happy about it.

"Your hands are shaking after being hit? You are really bringing shame to the LPL and the whole world!"

"My hands are shaking when I meet this kind of team. If I meet Faker, won't I be so scared that I will pee my pants?"

"Don't yell GSL, it's like Uzi has won the S game."

"That's simply because Taihu is too bad, he was just being stable and filial. You should know that my dog ​​was suppressing the bottom lane with the push stick."

"Then why do they have two S crowns, but God doesn't have one?"

"No, there are people who brag about Push Stick? He is so good, why didn't he even dare to choose AD when he was soloing with Uzi? He is just an AD who relies on his teammates."

"Ever since God won the SOLO championship, the value of this has been maxed out."

“Little-known fact: Bang’s idol is Uzi (heart)”



Everyone in the live broadcast room was teasing that Chen Feng's hands were shaking from being hit. Karsa couldn't help but move the mouse and clicked twice. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning was very obvious.

When he marked it, Ah Shui also saw it and immediately complained, "I'm not crazy, you just robbed my two artillery vehicles and said you wanted to buy real eyes, but you ended up wasting them like this?"

"You're an AD player, what do you know about support?" Chen Feng grinned. "Without high investment, there will be no high return!"

"You are so smooth-talking, do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"


After setting up vision, Chen Feng quickly left the opponent's jungle area to avoid being arrested accidentally. Dying at this time is no joke.

Of course, DWG also noticed Top Esports' intentions.

Are we forced to do nothing but attack the dragon? But isn't this also giving us an opportunity? !

Several people quickly gathered and rushed to the dragon pit. When they walked out of the high ground and walked into the bushes, they saw Xu Xiu who was watching the real eye inside and immediately laughed.

"The eye is inserted quite deep!"

After he placed the true eyes, he controlled Sylas to walk out of the bush and head towards the bush opposite the Red Overlord, and then started scanning.

The ward behind must be cleared, otherwise Kennen will teleport around and kill you, which is no joke.

But he didn't know that in the bushes where he had just removed the real eye, there was a fake eye standing quietly there.

Miller, who witnessed all this, laughed immediately, "The real eye that Creator made very deep just now has been removed, but there is a fake eye inside!" "I think I understand, he didn't press the wrong button just now because of hand shaking, he did it on purpose.

Real eyes to protect fake eyes!!!
If DWG doesn't find this fake eye, it may become a very important key to this game!" Guan Zeyuan is looking forward to it, "369 Kennen has teleport and flash. If Top Esports wins the teamfight because of this fake eye, Creator will definitely be the hero!"

After the commentator's analysis, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately understood.

This guy doesn't look like a person whose hands are shaking after being beaten. He is clearly a sinister and cunning gambler!
Bet that the opponent will not go into the bushes while scanning, and also bet that the opponent will leave after destroying the true eye!

But come to think of it, isn't every unexpected start of a fight a gamble?
"No, who said that the e-sports boys who play games are all innocent? This guy is a scheming bitch!"

"Thank goodness the League of Legends gave him a living, otherwise he would have brought disaster to so many people!"

"What a scheme! Maybe I was sold out by him, and I have to help him count the money..."

"I'm really curious about what happened to this kid in his childhood!"

"Where's GSL? Show some strength, Crazy is riding on your god's face and taunting him, why don't you quickly make use of your only usefulness?"

"Opening the box plan, start!!!"


Since they had already decided to use the Baron to force the opponent into a team fight, Chen Feng and his team did not hesitate and started right away.

DWG also knew that Top Esports was trying to team up with them under the pretext of killing the dragon. Otherwise, if all members on their side were alive, there was no reason to take the risk.
After all, it's the deciding game. If you make any wrong decision, there will be no second game for you to make up for it.

But they are also very careful.

"Pay attention to Kennen's position." Canyon reminded.

As long as Kennen doesn't get in, everything will be fine.

"Hmm..." Xu Xiu nodded.

He wanted to control Sylas to steal Karsa and Kindred's ultimate, so that he could protect them even if Kennen accidentally killed them.

Unfortunately, the distance was not enough, and he didn't dare to move forward too much, for fear of being fixed in place by Ashui's Verus's ultimate move. As a result, he was directly targeted and killed instantly by Top Esports.

I don't know.

DWG coach Liang Daren, who had been sitting on the sofa in the temporary lounge and watching the game silently, now stood up.

His face was full of anxiety, and his clenched fists were constantly waving.

There is an eye at the back that has not been removed!!!
When Kennen flashes into the field, either his teammates will be electrocuted into Muggles or explode on the spot. There is basically no third possibility.

He really wanted to tell his teammates, but unfortunately he could only watch helplessly and was completely unable to prevent the tragedy that was about to happen.


“369’s Kennen teleported!!!

The location of the teleportation is exactly the fake eye that Creator just protected with his real eye! "

In the commentary box.

Guan Zeyuan's voice was very excited.

Because this wave of team fights will directly determine who will have the last laugh!
Just when DWG was planning to hold on and let the Baron take down some of Top Esports' health, the entire Summoner's Rift was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

Unveil the curtain!!!

Nightmare's cold and hoarse voice sounded.


"TOP chose to take the initiative, and Zuoshou's Nightmare used his ultimate and flew straight up!" Guan Zeyuan said quickly.

Seeing that Nightmare dared to fly like this, DWG did not tolerate it. Even if you have a shield that is immune to control and you have a half-tank outfit, you will still be killed in seconds!

However, just as they were preparing to concentrate their fire.

The teleporter at the back landed and scanned to find 369 behind several DWG players. He decisively pressed Kennen's E skill, transformed into a lightning ball to accelerate, and then flashed into the field with his ultimate move without hesitation, carrying thunder all over the sky, and rushed into the crowd of DWG people!

"369 Kennen came with a thunderbolt this time, and his ultimate skill directly hit four people!!!" Wawa shouted excitedly.

Faced with Kennen’s sudden appearance, the five DWG players were also stunned.

They didn't have time to think about how Kennen rushed out from behind and started to flee quickly, but it was too late.

Ghost's Ashe was killed instantly, and Canyon's Graves' health was also very low.

At this time, A Shui directly controlled Varus to flash forward and used his ultimate skill, Corruption Chain, to keep the person!
This wave is a golden opportunity for Top Esports, and they absolutely cannot save on their skills.

Even if he would die suddenly or be scolded if he flashed forward to stop the enemy, he was not afraid!

Seeing that Kennen's ultimate was too perfect, Nuguri, who was not hit by it, directly controlled Shen to use his E skill to hook the wall, and used the second stage of his E skill to enter the field. Then he used his ultimate to frame Varus who flashed up, and prepared to deal with Ah Shui first.

But at this time, another role of Chen Fengnikou was revealed!

He didn't need to make any deliberate predictions. He walked to A Shui, activated Neeko's Blossom directly, jumped up out of thin air, and then sat down heavily, freezing Shen in place. Then he used his E skill to entangle Barbs to continue the control. Combined with the damage of Karsa, Kindred, and A Shui's Varus, Shen, who only had attack equipment and had no time to put on defensive equipment, couldn't withstand the damage and fell to the ground.

"Nuguri's Shen is also down. DWG has lost two players now. Canyon's Graves is also disabled. This wave of Top Esports teamfight is a big win. We can go get the Baron!!!"

The whole place was filled with the doll's excited voice.
Take the Baron, if you take the Baron you can win the game!!!

The cheers from the scene were equally deafening. Although the game had not yet ended and everything was still an unknown, at least Top Esports had an absolute advantage at the moment!

But these passionate cheers and applause sounded a bit harsh to Uzi's ears.

All of this seemed to belong to me...


AD Ashe and top laner Shen were all killed, and jungler Graves was also in poor condition, which made the rest of the DWG players numb.

That's not right. I had just cleared all the spies behind me!!!
Then how did Kennen come out from behind?
"We can't lose this dragon." Xu Xiu said in a deep voice. His Sylas also had very little health left.

"I'll go try it."

Canyon took a deep breath.

At this time, for him as a jungler, he knew that it would be extremely difficult to grab the Baron.

But if he doesn't fight, he will lose, so he has no choice.


“Top Esports’ speed in killing the dragon was quite fast, and all five of them were there.

DWG also knew what losing the Baron meant, so Canyon's Graves had no choice but to bite the bullet and come down to grab it!
But Top Esports was very smart. He stopped immediately when the Graves came down, killing the person first and then taking the dragon!
Canyon really had no choice. Even though he wanted to grab the dragon, he could only become an accessory to the dragon in the end. It became a buy one get one free deal. "

Guan Zeyuan's super fast mouth made the audience sigh in their hearts: I can’t imagine how comfortable Yu Shuang would feel!
Next to him, Wawa also said excitedly, "It's mainly because Creator's real eye is a little too clever to protect the fake eye. Chunchun is playing psychological tactics with the opponent.

It was because of this action of his that 369 Kennen was given an excellent position to go around the back, thus using a lightning bolt to win the team battle and the big dragon in one fell swoop!

After we take down the big dragon, it will be much easier for Top Esports to fight next time."

"If, of course I mean if." Miller's voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement, "If Top Esports wins this round, then the fake ward that Creator put down is worth a championship."

Everyone was very excited, except Uzi, who remained silent and his face became redder and redder.

When he thought about the person whom he had madly mocked in the live broadcast room, who was about to win the S championship in front of him, he couldn't help but put his hand to his mouth.

Eat your hands...


"But DWG is not completely without chances. After all, Top Esports has no way to deal with their solo laner, Shen.

And as a professional player, you have to fight until the last moment, and never give up until the last moment!"

After Guan Zeyuan’s words, many LPL viewers drew an X for DWG in their hearts!

Hearing the Baron's screams, the hearts of the five DWG players sank to the bottom.

Even though Shen had started to exert his strength in the solo laning at this point, the opponent had already taken down the Baron. How could the game continue like this?
After taking down the Baron, Top Esports naturally did not waste any time. The longer it dragged on, the harder it would be to deal with Shen, so after returning home to replenish and update their equipment, they did not give DWG any chance to breathe and started pushing forward directly.

Facing Top Esports' attack with the big dragon, DWG naturally didn't want to give up.

We have finally come this far, and the trophy is so close, how can we leave in such a sad way?


In DWG's temporary lounge, their coach Liang Daren was leaning on the sofa as if he had lost his soul.

He no longer has any hope unless someone in Top Esports gets sick.

But as he watched the team strength gradually expand to nearly 10,000 as Top Esports’ Great Dragon Domination progressed, he became even more desperate.

A gap of 10,000 in economic resources is already a watershed. How serious a mistake would the opponent have to make in order for us to complete a comeback?
At the same time, inside the Top Esports lounge.

Seeing Guo Hao and Luo Sheng getting closer and closer to victory, they were also very nervous.

It was obvious that Top Esports had a big advantage after taking down the Baron, but for some reason they were so nervous that they didn't even dare to breathe heavily or blink.

I’m afraid that in the blink of an eye, everything in front of me will suddenly slip away!

A wave of big dragon domination allowed Top Esports to completely widen the economic gap between the two sides and also gave everyone great confidence.

Looking at DWG who were losing ground and could only hold on, Guan Zeyuan said with emotion, "We can see that even in this situation, DWG still did not give up, they are still holding on.

But to be honest, the gap between the two sides has now widened completely, and the damage in team battles is not even on the same level.

Unless a miracle group can happen, but if miracles happen every day, it can no longer be called a miracle. "


The game is still going on, DWG has tried its best to hold on, but in the face of the huge economic gap, everything is in vain.

In the last team fight, DWG played well enough, but was still one step short.

The huge economic gap makes it difficult for them to make up for it through operations.

Although the game has not ended yet, in fact, as long as the remaining two players of Top Esports can dismantle the two front towers and the crystal, it will put an end to today's game!
The feeling of waiting for failure made Canyon lean back heavily in his chair and take a deep breath unwillingly.

But knowing that he could do nothing, he could only spit it out slowly.

He stretched out a hand to cover his eyes and forehead, not wanting to watch the crystal being destroyed again and again.

The others were not much better; even though they were just sitting there, their expressions and eyes had already betrayed their inner thoughts.

It feels like losing one's soul.

Reluctance, annoyance, regret, all kinds of emotions spread in my heart like sprouting seeds...


"How on earth did Kenan get around to the back just now?!"

At the end of the competition, Xu Xiu was still thinking about this question.

He looked at the exploding crystal in front of him, stretched out his hands, covered his face in despair, bent down, and didn't dare to look at the word "failure" that appeared on the screen...


(End of this chapter)

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