LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 136 Red Temperature Rambo starts, raising the temperature for Uztiti!

Chapter 136 Red Temperature Rambo starts, raising the temperature for Uztiti! (Seeking monthly tickets!)
Amid everyone's anticipation, the team competition on the second night of the All-Star Game finally kicked off.

There were professional players and unwanted professional players participating, and of course the anchor Uzbek, who was defeated by Chen Feng yesterday.

"Welcome all contestants..."

on the stage.

When Xiran said this, he suddenly paused unnaturally.

Because it was at this time yesterday that Chen Feng raised his hand like a good boy to interrupt himself and corrected himself that they were players and anchors, not all of them professional players.

But what happened today? Why didn't he take any action?

Xiran was a little surprised, but she didn't think much about it. She wished it were so.

Maybe after talking to him last night, he decided to be more restrained?

In that case, it seems that I have a lot of face!


Although Xiran paused very briefly, Uzi, who was already like a frightened bird because of Chen Feng, couldn't help but let his mind wander.

Maybe this is the sequelae of playing AD for a long time. I always feel that someone is plotting against me.

Are you serious about this pause?
Do you mean the players and anchors?
So, before the game even started, Uzi had already started heating up and charging himself.

"Then let our contestants and guests determine their teammates for today by drawing lots!" Xiran changed the way he said it.

The guest's words seem more weighty and better to hear, while the host's words sound a bit abusive.

Amid everyone's anticipation, a group of people began to draw lots.

This All-Star team competition is divided into two groups, each with ten people. The winning team will compete for first place.

In order to ensure fairness and playability, we use a lottery to decide!
Originally, according to what Chen Feng thought last night, he felt that Tencent Esports would definitely put him opposite Uzi.

But he found that he was still too young, and the draw made him feel a little scared.

Could it be that Ah Shui's words were really right? ?

He took a deep breath, and after drawing the lot, he opened it tremblingly and took a look.

"Our Creator player drew the color red. Those with red color please stand over here." Xiran was very happy after seeing Chen Feng's result, because she had just taken a quick glance and knew that Uzi's color was also red.

You always like to play tricks on me in front of so many people, now you are getting your retribution!
Little did people know that when Uzi heard what Xiran said, he had not yet revealed what color he had drawn, but knowing that his draw was red, he quickly whispered to the people around him.

"Can we switch?"

"Sure!" Zizi didn't think much about it. It didn't matter who he teamed up with, he just had to have fun.

"By the way, Uzi, what color did you draw?"


"Uh..." When he heard Uzi's words, his posture and expression suddenly changed.

Because he had just heard Xiran's voice and knew that Chen Feng was also red.

Come on, this guy has a lot of hype. Yesterday, the smart Lin Weixiang’s Weibo was all over the place just because he shook hands with him.

If I were in the same team with him and talked and laughed with him, wouldn't I be beaten to pieces by your believers?

"Forget it. Red is good, it's festive, and mine is black, which is unlucky." As he spoke, he walked over to the people who had drawn black and stood next to them.

This made Uzi very depressed. He originally wanted to beat this beast up, but now they have become his teammates?

At this time, Chen Feng also walked up to the people who had also drawn red. He looked at Rookie, Toothpaste, and Abin, and extended his hand very friendly, shaking hands with each of them one by one.

His humble and polite appearance made it impossible for the others to associate him with the person from yesterday.

"By the way, who is our other person?" Chen Feng couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, those who had drawn the labels and knew what color they were had already stood up one after another, and only a few were left.

Looking at Uzi standing there with flushed cheeks and hesitation, Chen Feng's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

I scolded that bad guy A Shui, but could it be that his bad mouth really came true?

When Chen Feng was thinking this, Uzi also revealed the color of his label.

When Chen Feng saw that the other person was the same red as himself, he felt his whole body suddenly go dark.

"Our Uzi also drew the red color, so please stand on the red side." Xiran smiled.

Of course, this time it was a genuine laugh from the heart, not a forced one.

She was already looking forward to what it would be like if the two of them became teammates.

As for the people in the live broadcast room, they were also dumbfounded after seeing the result.

"Fuck, this beast is really lucky, otherwise I would have beaten him to pieces!"

"Indeed, I feel like it was the officials who did this. They probably didn't want the beast who just won the FMVP to lose so badly, otherwise it would be too embarrassing."

"GSL, stop yelling. That's what we said in the duel yesterday. What happened? The fig leaf of the bathing dog was directly blasted into pieces by the crazy Jayce!"

"Is this the unique bond between the two of them? Twenty people can draw the same person, right?"

"Uzi, a five-cost card, comes with the Red-Warm bond. Crazy÷ is also a five-cost card, with the ability to drink milk and feed teammates. When these two cards appear on the field at the same time, they will additionally trigger the Void Chain bond!"

"I see. Uzi is out of blood. Are you crazy enough to take out the bottle and feed him milk? What kind of loving family is this?"

"To be honest, if the Void God marries the Second God, I really don't know who can resist it!"

"God's fucking marriage, you guys are going too far."

"Then we may have to gather all the zombies, water ghosts, XMM, white monkeys and others to fight back."

"Ah Shui, green, green, green!!!"


After Uzi came over, Rookie, Abin and Toothpaste also hurriedly greeted him.

Song Yi Jin and A Bin were fine, but Toothpaste was different. He was punished by God.

Because one time when the JD team members were live streaming, someone happened to talk about how Uzi seemed to have become worse recently. As a result, Toothpaste, who had already fallen asleep, woke up the next day and found that he had been punished by God for no apparent reason.

So now he didn't dare to pretend not to see it like Chen Feng next to him did, and quickly greeted him to express his friendliness.

Uzi naturally responded quickly, then walked over to Toothpaste and stood up.

Although Chen Feng was a little confused because he was actually on the same team with Uzi and did not say anything, as for Uzi, he wished that the other party would remain mute forever.

But he knew that all this was just wishful thinking, because when the game started, he would definitely be able to hear the opponent's voice.

Uzi took a deep breath and slowly exhaled to relieve his inner depression.


The determined teams were presented in front of everyone. Under the guidance of the host Xiran, everyone sent a representative to draw their opponents.

The opponents that Chen Feng and his team drew were considered to be quite strong.

It consists of five people: Theshy, Ashui, Lin Weixiang, junior brother Scout and Xun.

Except for Ah Shui and Lin Weixiang, whose positions conflicted, everyone else fit their positions perfectly. However, those who played AD definitely knew how to play support, so the impact was not that big. On Chen Feng's side, Ah Bin was not a big deal, but Song Yi Jin and Tooth Paste had the same positions.

It’s not that they can’t play other positions. After all, it’s a recreational match, and they will play other positions during the ranking match on weekdays. It’s just…

"It just so happens that I play top lane, so I'll go straight to top lane in this game!" Abin said this as soon as he sat down in front of the computer.

Although winning or losing in the All-Star Game is not important and you can play any position, it is mainly for entertainment and everyone just has fun, but it also depends on who you team up with.

There were five people in total, but there were two Void Gods!
How the hell is this playing?
Whoever wants to go to the bottom lane can go, but I, Abin, will never go, not even for fun!!!
If you play well in the bottom lane, you are awesome. But if you can't beat the support, you are too weak. Who can withstand this?

When Toothpaste heard what Abin said, he reacted very quickly.

At this time, he didn't dare to doze off as netizens joked. His eyes were wider than anyone else's, for fear that he would be punished by God if he was not careful.

"Then I'll go mid-lane. Are you okay with that, Old Song?"

"Then I'll go fight..." Uzi was about to speak when he was interrupted by Song Yi Jin's answer to Toothpaste.

"Okay, you play mid lane, and I'll play jungle."

As for Song Yi Jin, he has a pretty good relationship with others, and there isn't much negative news about him, and his fans rarely make trouble.

After saying this, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have interrupted Wu Zi just now, and couldn't help but ask, "Wu Zi, what did you say just now?"

"Nothing... nothing." Uzi took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

The top, mid and jungle positions are all confirmed, so now the only thing left is the bottom lane duo that has not been determined.

But in this case, it doesn't seem to matter where exactly...

"Then I'll play support." Seeing that Uzi, who was sitting next to him, didn't say anything, with a cute rosy face, Chen Feng took the initiative to ask for the position.

He did not forget to add, "After all, I am the second FMVP in the League of Legends game, so I must play the position I am best at!"


He coughed lightly and said nothing.

The main reason is that they dare not speak. If the gods were not here, they might have joined in the praise.

But God is right next to me, how can I praise him?
I dare not speak loudly for fear of disturbing the Void God, so I can only respond with silence.

Abin and Song Yi Jin didn't say anything either. They said, "Don't involve us in your grudges. I just want to finish today's entertainment game happily."

Of course Chen Feng didn't care.

As long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed!

"Okay, we can have the red and black team players ready."

The host Xiran acted as the commentator with a smile.

She was looking forward to what kind of sparks would be created when Chen Feng, the man who embarrassed her in front of so many people yesterday, met Uzi.

"Then I wonder if our two teams have given each of our teams a resounding name?!" Xiran said as she handed the microphone to Abin who was closest to her.

However, how could Chen Feng be absent at this time.

He simply raised his hand and snatched the right to answer from Abin.

"I've already thought of a name!"

After hearing this, Xiran walked over and put the microphone to Chen Feng's mouth.

"What's the name then?"

"Because we drew the red side, and red is a festive color, so after a few of us discussed it, we decided to call our team the Red-Warm Team!"

Looking at Chen Feng's serious and well-reasoned look, Xi Ran almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Strictly speaking, this sentence is not very funny, it is just a joke.

But because Xiran was too close and could see Uzumaki's red little face at the moment, the feeling was instantly different.

"Then I think the name of the red team is the Hongwen Team. What name did you give it to the black team?" Xiran said as he quickly walked towards A Shui's team.

Because she was afraid that if she looked at Uzi's face a few more times, she would really laugh out loud.

Not only him, but the audience in the live broadcast room were also amused by Chen Feng's words.

"The Red-Wen team is really amazing, but let's be honest, the two gods and two reds in the bottom lane are indeed something."

"Thanks for clearing up my confusion. I always thought that Hongwen was a bad noun, but I didn't expect it to have this meaning."

"Red represents joy, so red temperature naturally means that he is very happy now!"

"It can be seen that Uzi must be very happy. His little face is so red with joy."

"Cute, I really want to raise one~"


at this time.

Xiran also asked about the name of A Shui's team, which was called the Brothers Team.

"Both teams have very distinctive names. I wonder which team, Brothers or Red-Warm, will win today's opening victory. Let's start the competition right away!"

As her voice fell, the director changed the screens behind both parties to other colors in order to create a better lighting atmosphere.

Half black, half red!
So when the camera was turned to the Red Temperature Team that Chen Feng was in, because of the light emitted from the screen at the back, it looked like all five of them were really Red Temperature.

"I live in Bengbu, this is too popular!"

"How dare you! Who told you to just do it so easily? Have you written the application?"

"To be honest, the director knows what the audience wants to see."

"The case has been solved, but the director's life is not going as planned!!!"


The game between the two teams started soon.

Since it's an entertainment match, even in the draft mode, both sides can move players very quickly and casually.

All kinds of Teemo, Garen and others were moved to the positions, highlighting the maximum entertainment value.

After the players were moved, both sides quickly began to determine the heroes they would use.

Chen Feng originally wanted to play a rat, leaving Uzi alone in the bottom lane and be happy by himself.

But when he thought that among the ten people in the game, only Uzi was a noble Void God like himself, Chen Feng hesitated.

Internal strife may be internal strife, but at critical moments, we still have to unite and face the outside world.

Looking at Kaisa who was locked by Uzi, and then glancing at the heroes of A Shui and Lin Weixiang, Chen Feng, who was on the fifth floor of the red team, slowly asked.

"How about I use this hero as a support?"

As he spoke, he revealed the hero he wanted to use.

It is the hero who best represents Hong Wen - Rambo!

(End of this chapter)

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