Chapter 139 Come back, Uzi!!!

While Chen Feng was talking like crazy, his hands were not even idle.

A dual-thread operation was performed directly on the spot!

Because when he was halfway through yelling, he saw out of the corner of his eye that Uzi had taken off his headphones.

I wanted to teach you a lesson and remind you to use flash next time, but this is how you treat me?
So after he was sure that Kindred was no longer pursuing him, he simply spoke and typed at the same time.

"You're playing an AD who doesn't even want to use his flash, and you tell me you want to win?
I think you want the other party to win!


When do you plan to use the flash you saved from S8?

Are you planning to wait for someone to close your coffin, and then you can just flash and run away!?"


It didn't matter even if Uzi had taken off his headphones.

After all, Chen Feng was right next to him, so the voice was relatively clear.

At best, the surrounding sounds can be neutralized a little, and are not as sharp as headphones.

If he puts on headphones, it feels like he is the only one in the world!
"What do you mean by not talking?
Cold violence, right?
You just told me you wanted to win, what are you doing now?

It’s already 3:30 am, and the host is indeed no match for the world champion AD. I don’t blame you. I can only say that I expected too much from you.

You should keep this flash and pass it on to the next generation.

To avoid your grandchildren asking you if you have anything to be proud of after playing professionally for so many years! "

Hearing Chen Feng's voice, Song Yijin and others all kept silent and just did what they were supposed to do.

This is a family affair between the two Void Gods. It's not appropriate for us outsiders to interfere.


As Chen Feng spoke, his hands moved as if he was playing the piano gracefully.

The crackling sound of the keyboard formed a special melody.

If someone can interpret it, they will definitely find that the meaning of the melody is, "Fuck you!!!"

Xiran, who was behind him, heard Chen Feng's voice and started laughing, covering her mouth.

You played tricks on me yesterday, now it's your retribution!
It can be said that at this moment, the advantages of young people were fully reflected in Chen Feng. His mouth did not stop, and his hands were also moving rapidly in the double-threaded operation, which directly stunned Song Yi Jin and Toothpaste.

Good guy, I’m so direct, good guy!

All I can say is that this guy has reached the peak that others can never reach in their entire lifetime after just over half a year of debut. He is really something.

In the live broadcast room, when seeing Uzi not using flash, the barrage exploded again.

"No, this Flash is really inherited from our ancestors? You would rather die than give it up, right?"

"Nonsense, they didn't even hand it in during S8, so how could they possibly hand it in during a small entertainment match?"

"I didn't expect that he could die like this. I thought the worst I could do was to dodge."

"Heizi, can you please stop barking? If this support hadn't been playing a Rambo support, would my dog ​​have had such a hard time playing? If it had been another support, they would have killed us long ago!"

"Let's be honest, there's nothing wrong with what GSL said, it's just a pity that Uzi's ability is limited and he can't do it, so this wave is Uzi's fault."

"Ah... why are you guys being so strict? It's just a fun match, and isn't it normal for the anchor to be caught dead because of the gap between him and the professional players? Don't be too demanding."

"Among the four players in the bottom lane, three are world champions and only one is not. Guess who it is?"

"That must be the smart Lin Weixiang, because his Vayne skin has been taken away!"


Since Uzi doesn't want to win, Chen Feng naturally won't indulge him.

"If you don't use flash, you don't want to win, right?

Then why not just stop playing and have fun together! It’s not shameful for me to lose to the other side anyway.”

As he spoke, Chen Feng moved the mouse and decisively sold the auxiliary equipment on his body.

After returning to the bottom lane, he directly controlled Rambo and started to farm minions in the bottom lane. If you can't C, then let me do it!

Although Uzi didn't say anything, his hands were not idle. He controlled Kaisa to start snatching the minions from Chen Feng.

This stunned the audience in the live broadcast room who had been paying attention to the bottom lane.

what's the situation?
Everyone was doing their job peacefully just now, how come this started all of a sudden?

"Fuck, this guy is such a beast. He knew Ah Shui might lose, so he deliberately did this to disgust me, right?"

"Haha, this beast can only resort to despicable means. It made sense for Xiao Gou to call him an actor."

"No, you guys in GSL are really blind, right? From the beginning till now, Kai'Sa is the most like an actor."

"Brothers, stop arguing. We just said that we want to be a loving family in the void. How can we change our minds so easily?

If all else fails, just go after my brother Shuizi!"

"To be honest, I think Feng÷ did this because he definitely wanted Ah Shui to win. In other words, Ah Shui is the real mastermind behind this!"


Ever since.

While A Shui was still happily immersed in this entertaining game, his Weibo was once again blasted by GSL.


The entertainment game is still going on. Since some people don't want to win, Chen Feng simply unleashes his nature. He perfectly unleashes his abilities in terms of grabbing AD minion lines, flashing, and showing off his facial expressions.

It's just a hobby. Who isn't a host?

Uzi chose to pretend not to see his behavior, which seemed to be for the purpose of entertainment but was actually pure tanking.

However, he was holding his breath in his heart.

The more you are like this, the more I will play hard and win in front of you. Then I will let everyone know that I can win without your help!

But this is a game for five people after all, and Chen Feng also completely let go of himself, so the show effect was maximized, so even if Uzi had the intention, he didn't have the strength.

Of course, it cannot be said that it was entirely due to Chen Feng. Song Yi Jin's Blind Monk also made an indelible contribution to the failure.

In this entertainment game, apart from comforting the two Void Gods to stop them from quarreling so that he could have some peace of mind, the sentence Song Yi Jin said the most was that.

"When can I go home? Can anyone tell me why there are always monsters spawning in my jungle?"

There is no need to say much about the toothpaste in the middle lane. You two Void Gods can fight, but as long as I am not affected, I don’t care whether you win or lose.

As for Abin in the top lane, he was still being tortured by Theshy using Karma.

Although if Shen fights against Karma, he will definitely be imprisoned, bullied and tortured in the beginning, but as long as Shen reaches level 6, then with the cooperation of the jungler, Karma will definitely die if she dares to suppress.

It’s a pity that the jungler is Song Yi Jin.

He doesn't even know how to clear his own wild monsters, so there's no way he can help the top lane.

Ever since.

As Chen Feng unleashed his nature to play around, as Song Yi Jin wondered why the wild monsters in the jungle could not be cleared, as well as Abin being tortured by Theshy's Shen and not caring about the outcome of Toothpaste, I just wanted to leave this place of trouble as soon as possible.

The Hongwen team, consisting of five people including Chen Feng, lost the game smoothly.

Although Uzi really wanted to win, in this situation where the jungler didn't even know how to play the jungle and the support was showing off, even if Uzi used 100% of his peak ability, it would be useless.
Because, at best he could be a top eight player in his prime!

There are a total of four world S champions on the opposite side. How can he possibly cheat them?


"Let's congratulate the Brothers Team for winning this match against the Red-Warm Team!"

When Chen Feng and his team's crystal exploded, Xiran's voice slowly rang out.

"But this is just an entertainment match after all. Winning or losing doesn't really matter. As long as everyone has fun and the fans have fun watching, that's all that matters."

Although this is true, GSL in the live broadcast room does not buy it.

"Haha, this beast is acting so openly, it's disgusting to me, and you're telling me this is entertainment, right?"

"Using disgusting dogs to entertain others, is this how the official treats an LPL hero?"

"Godzilla has started again. The classic god has made many contributions to LPL. When asked, it is nothing but filial piety."

"It seems like he's afraid that these two idiot AD players, Bing Huang and Lin Weixiang, will lose to me, the image of a champion AD player, so he plays like this on purpose, right?"

"To be honest, I feel that this is indeed the case. Otherwise, why would they be playing normally at the beginning, but suddenly started to perform in the end?"

"Is it possible that God is too deceiving and Feng÷ just can't stand it anymore?"

"This is hilarious. A champion AD is afraid of a championless AD, right?"


Looking at the word "failure" on the screen and the classic bathing expression of the penguin swimming ring that appeared on Chen Feng Rambo's head before the crystal exploded, Uzi took a deep breath.

He tried his best, but unfortunately... he just had a crush on her!!!

"See? This is the difference between a champion AD and a championless Shockwave!"

"If you don't understand, who is the sister who is taking care of Kaisa 1-7?"

"You can really criticize this, right? No matter who replaces these four teammates as AD, they will lose!"

"Let's be honest, if it's Ah Shui, then he wins!"

"You guys can bring bad things to my brother Shuizi as much as you can."

"I feel sorry for Xiaogou. All the teammates he met were like colored pencils!"

"The jungler doesn't even know how to farm a jungle, the support is acting out, and the mid laner almost fell asleep. How can the AD win?"


The entertainment game is not over yet.

After saying hello to Song Yijin and Toothpaste, Chen Feng picked up his own bottle of milk, found a place to sit downstairs, and watched silently.

When the entertainment game was over, it was almost the same time as last night.

After Chen Feng and his friends bought some midnight snacks, they returned to the base.


the next day.

Because of Chen Feng's pranks during the entertainment game and Uzi's deep gaze at the screen when he lost the game, it became a hot topic on Weibo early in the morning.


#I feel sorry for Uzi, he has never met a reliable teammate in his career, and even a recreational game is full of noobs! #

#Although it's just a fun match, the crazy behavior is really disgusting! #

#Uzi, come back, there is still light in your eyes, LCK is not over yet, how can you fall? #

#It seems that Ah Shui and Lin Weixiang were worried that they couldn't beat Uzi in the laning phase, so they deliberately let Feng÷ play Uzi! #

Chen Feng doesn't care about these hot searches. He wishes there were more of them.

When the anger of GSL is accumulated to a certain level, once the live broadcast room is opened, you can earn black fan points and take the opportunity to collect taxes. Isn't this a win-win situation?
But it was different for A Shui. He looked at the trending searches on his phone and was completely dumbfounded.

When the hell did I ask a madman to help me play Uzi?

Looking at the private messages on his Weibo that "care deeply" about him, A Shui sighed deeply.

I’m not afraid of being scolded, but that doesn’t mean I like being scolded!

"Crazy, do you know how much I've been scolded for you?!" When a few people were eating in the cafeteria at noon, Ah Shui complained a little depressed.

When Chen Feng heard this, he immediately became unhappy, "What do you mean because of me?"

"It's not just A Shui, it's me too." Karsa on the side also smiled bitterly. Ever since he was made to laugh by Chen Feng's behavior in the World Championship, he hasn't been scolded.

Let’s not talk about things like targeting old teammates. The most outrageous thing is the rumor that someone in the team bought the team’s reputation, which has been circulating since RNG lost to G8 in S2. Now the rumor has directly been turned to Karsa.

According to the logic of GSL, Karsa must have bought it because he was jealous that Uzi's signing fee was higher than his. Even if he hadn't bought it, he wouldn't have replaced Mala Xiangguo to save the team in the last game.

I have to say, after GSL's analysis, it does seem to be the case.

They were playing well, but suddenly a player was replaced in the fifth inning. It must be that they realized something was wrong, but it was a pity that they discovered it too late!
So, without knowing it, Karsa owed Uzi a championship, and then as expected, his championship was taken away from him.

"I've been scolded a lot, too." 369 also muttered.

"And me, I too..."

Zuo Shou was interrupted by Chen Feng just as he was talking halfway. "It's normal for you to be scolded. The world game was so bad. You don't think you won't be scolded without me, right?"

Zuo Shou was no match for Chen Feng. He could not even speak clearly. He moved his lips twice and could only start eating.

But the prophet on the side was very happy.

It seems like my buddy made a lot of money this time!
This really proves the saying, "Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise!"
Even though my buddy lost his starting position, he not only got a champion skin, but even the GSL's divine punishment did not affect him.

After dinner.

A group of people were slacking off, some were making up for the live broadcast time, and some were making up for the time lost. Everyone had their own things to do.

Chen Feng had nothing to do, so he pulled the prophet aside and started discussing the details of the champion skin.

Tam's Basalt skin must be implemented properly.

When matched with the main color of the Top Esports team, red, this will be a very good style of Chinese Mythology series skin.


Of course, after the LPL All-Star Game ended, Jian Bingan was not idle either.

Because my son has been so embarrassing recently, he has never beaten a support in a one-on-one duel, lost the championship to his enemy, and was beaten by his opponent on the stage of the global finals, which seriously affected the traffic and even the advertisers were silent.

Fortunately, he has a water army company under his control, which can provide timely remedies.

Under the operation of Jian Bingan's water army, the video of Uzi's unwilling look when he looked at the screen after losing the entertainment game yesterday quickly began to spread on major short video platforms.

In addition, Uzi had previously expressed in the live broadcast room that he wanted to make a comeback.

So for a while, the topic of Uzi's comeback instantly ignited the entire circle.

GSLs across the entire network spontaneously shouted slogans.

"Come back, Uzi!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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