Chapter 142 When Uzi meets his old club!
Chen Feng is not interested in participating in competitions like the Demacia Cup.

Winning is not worth bragging about, but losing will only cause trouble.

So after he told Guo Hao his idea, the other party readily accepted it.

"Madman, just take a good rest. Leave the Demacia Cup to me and I'll be done!" The prophet patted his chest and promised solemnly.

Although after losing, you are likely to be attacked by netizens.

But the Prophet doesn’t care about so much. I got the champion skin by luck, so it doesn’t matter what you say.

If you have the ability, you can also get one!!!

"If that madman doesn't want to fight anymore, I won't fight either." Ah Shui stretched and was unwilling to get involved in this competition.

"You're not going to play anymore? Then I won't play either, and give the young people more opportunities." Kasa smiled.

He felt that it was a great fortune to win a championship at the end of his career, but as for whether he could continue, no one could say for sure.

In short, he is satisfied now. He has already won the S championship that many players cannot win in their entire lives, and he has no regrets in the future.

Even if I get scolded for not playing well, I will accept it!
"If you guys don't want to fight anymore, then I won't fight either. Let the second team fight."

After hearing what 369 said, the prophet was stunned.

No, although I am not afraid of losing, I am not going to be bullied!
He turned his gaze to his left hand, which had been silent all this time.

"Brother Shouzi, do you want to fight?"

"I...anything is fine." Zuo Shou stammered.

Seeing this, Guo Hao also smiled and said, "Okay, in that case, you two can take the second team to fight. It's a good opportunity to train the newcomers."

"It just so happens that I have something else to do, so I'll leave first.

If you have any questions, just remember to tell me. If you want to eat something in the cafeteria, tell the cook. "

Guo Hao was naturally very happy that Top Esports won the championship. He even felt like he was a lot younger.

"Brother Liang, now's your chance to show off!" Looking at Guo Hao's departing back, Chen Feng patted his shoulder seriously.

"what chance?"

"It doesn't matter whether we win or lose the Demacia Cup. You can give Ronaldinho more advice and use your own thinking to train yourself.

If he really can't play in the future, he can always find a new coach or something, and then maybe he can replace Ronaldinho, since he can only copy other people's BP anyway."

As he spoke, he began to draw a blueprint for the future for the prophet.

"Given time, Brother Liang, you might be able to shine on another track. When that happens, the two of us brothers will just kill our opponents."

Maybe it was the right atmosphere, Chen Feng started dancing.

"Cough cough!!!"

Suddenly, Ah Shui coughed heavily.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, madman. The coach is right behind you."

Hearing the other party's reminder, Chen Feng turned around subconsciously, and just happened to see Luo Sheng, who looked a little strange, staring at him.

I guess the other party heard what I just said, but he didn't care. He just grinned and greeted him warmly, "Xiao Luo is here, see if you want to eat something tonight, I'll ask the kitchen to make it for you."

Luo Sheng's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

After all, the person in front of us is the major contributor to Top Esports’ championship!



The Demacia Cup competition has begun.

As agreed before, the Prophet and two others including Left Hand went up with the three people from Team 2.

This left many GSLs who followed Top Esports dumbfounded.

"No, what about that beast? Why doesn't he dare to come forward? My dog ​​is still waiting to kill him!"

"I think it's probably because Xiaohu has returned and found teammates that suit him, so he's afraid of losing and doesn't dare to play."

"It seems really embarrassing for a champion to lose to someone who hasn't played a game for more than a year."

"Don't be so mean, this bastard said it himself, he is a champion support, FMVP, how could he be afraid of a dog?"

"I thought you were so capable, but it turns out I'm the coward."

"I think what Feng÷ said is right. Why should a champion be afraid of the shock wave of not winning the championship?"

"Haha, if he's so powerful, why doesn't he dare to go on stage?"

"He was so scared that he didn't even dare to play in the game, and someone was still cleaning him up? I won't say more about the reasons."


As expected, the Prophet and Left Hand, who led three members of the second team, fell halfway.

Originally, the prophet was called gourmet, so Chen Feng was not surprised by this result. Even if his left hand was a complete civil war phantom god, it would be useless as it was difficult for one person to lead four people.

As soon as Top Esports lost, public pressure suddenly exploded.

However, because A Shui and the others did not play, they somehow avoided the wave.

Of course, he escaped public opinion, but he could not escape the unilateral punishment from GSL!

Needless to say, Chen Feng and A Shui are definitely thorns in the side of GSL, and they are eager to kill them both.

As for Karsa, it was even more outrageous. Because he was made to laugh by Chen Feng on the finals stage, GSL was speculating at the time whether he would participate in the opening of S8.

As a result, now that he has not played in the Demacia Cup, rumors have spread online that Karsa has been investigated by the League.

And the rumor sounded like it was true, saying that if it was confirmed that Karsa was indeed involved in S8, then this year's championship would be confiscated.

I can only say that it is worthy of being GSL. They find ways to confiscate other people’s championships and then send them to the God who is closer to them than their own father.

Among the four people who did not play, 369 was the one who received the least criticism.

Apart from laughing at the final award ceremony, GSL couldn't find any good reason.


Top Esports’ defeat caused a celebration among GSL and Zombies. After all, these two groups were hoping that Top Esports would be eliminated as soon as possible.

As for GSL, there is no need to say much. Chen Feng alone is enough to make them hate the Top Esports team to the core.

As for the zombies, they naturally hated A Shui.

In their eyes, someone like A Shui, who won the championship by relying on the support of a mid-level or upper-level player, should not achieve such high results again after leaving IG and becoming a rebel, because this would be a slap in the face of Theshy!

In fact, A Shui is also quite helpless. He had no choice but to leave IG. Netizens made a joke saying that I was the rebel ninja Uchiha A Shui, but you took it seriously. Who can I complain to?

Although Top Esports lost, IG's newly formed super battleship won consecutive games, dominating the Demacia Cup and triggering a carnival of GSL and zombies.

"Oh my god, with IG's current form, I don't know who can stop them this year!"

"Indeed, with IG's lineup, LCK is in danger."

"This is a good teammate. Look at the teammates Xiaogou met before. They were all rotten fish and shrimp."

"I am dying of laughter. In classics, it's all the teammates' fault. No one can really brag about playing in the Demacia Cup and beating a few weak teams, right?"

"Then why didn't the other teams win? Don't they want to?"

"Top Esports didn't even play on the main team, and they don't care about this championship, so IG treats it as a treasure." "I can only say that Uzi's joining has lowered IG's status."

"Stop messing around, water ghost. If you have the guts, let your master take the stage!"


Halfway through the Demacia Cup.

IG met RNG!!!

The competition between Uzi and his old club has once again set off a wave of enthusiasm in the circle!
When Chen Feng found out about this, as someone who is always at the forefront of eating melons and is a melon himself, he quickly called out to other people.

"Hey guys, let's go watch the game this afternoon?"

"Can't we watch it here?" Ah Shui still looked the same, not wanting to move.

"If you don't go, I will say that you were the one who instigated me to target Uzi."

"Fuck!" Ah Shui was immediately unhappy when he heard it, "Crazy, are you a human being? I've been scolded by those guys because of you, and now you're trying to frame me."

"Then are you going?"

"Go, I didn't say I wouldn't go!"

"Crazy, you can go, but don't you have to eat something after watching the game?" Kasa said very directly, since he was free anyway.

You can eat for free and take a stroll, so why not?

"Don't worry, it's just a meal!" Chen Feng, who had money in his pocket, spoke with confidence.

Besides, a meal only costs a few dollars.

After discussing it with others, Chen Feng decisively made a phone call and ordered a banner.

At the same time, he quickly opened Weibo and sent a Weibo message.

"Today is the match between IG and RNG. Such a heavyweight match must be watched in person. I wonder if there are any fans who will come to arrest me offline?"


As soon as this Weibo post was published, the GSL army immediately began to discuss it.

"This guy is too arrogant. Are there any brothers who are going to watch the game offline? Put a sack on him and beat him with a stick!"

"Yeah, you have to teach this kind of person a lesson! Otherwise it will just keep going on and on."

"No, I'm too far away, but I can provide financial support!"

"Me too!!!"


Don’t be fooled by these Godzillas who are clamoring crazily online, attacking this and that, and even coming up with a box plan at every turn. They are really powerful.

But once it comes to offline, there are rarely so many Warriors. Compared with the trolls in LCK, the difference is not a little bit, because they can really fight with you for real!

Chen Feng was very satisfied with the discussion about Godzilla, even though seven out of ten called him a beast and the remaining three called him crazy.

But Chen Feng still ate his lunch with a smile on his face and just watched with interest.

"If you ask me, this crazy guy must have some problems with his brain!
He actually used the comments that others made to insult him as a side dish for his meals." Kasa complained in confusion.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Shui also burst out laughing.

"What's going on? It's so funny?" 369 couldn't help but lean over to take a look. When he saw that A Shui was also laughing out loud after reading the comments about himself on the forum, he was also a little confused.

"No wonder these two can sleep in the same room. They both have some mental problems! Stay away from them to avoid getting infected."


After lunch, the group took a short nap, woke up, packed up, said goodbye to Guo Hao, and headed to the competition venue.

Arriving at the entrance of the stadium and looking at the huge crowds of people, even Chen Feng, who had experienced the grand occasion of the world finals once, couldn't help but shake his head.

Damn it, it really proves the saying that Godzilla can never stop spreading rumors. Even after being beaten so badly in S8, he still has so many followers.

Just when Chen Feng and his team were about to take advantage of the convenience of being professional players and go in early.


I don't know who shouted.

"You beast, you really dare to come here?"

Of course Chen Feng didn't know who was shouting, but he could see many people looking at him with murderous eyes.

Faced with this kind of behavior, Chen Feng certainly would not pretend to be a big brother. He quickly shouted to the small group of people who were obviously hostile to him, "Thank you brothers for coming all the way to see me!"

After saying that, he didn't care about those people's reactions. He turned around and walked into the venue with A Shui and the others. It can be said that he has mastered the GSL's void victory method, which means that after saying that, he directly blocked the person. If you don't reply to me, it means you lose.

"I've come all this way to see you, you lunatic, you're so shameless!" After entering the venue, 369 couldn't help but sigh, "I'm almost writing the word 'swear' on your face."

"So what? Even if he comes over to scold me, isn't that the same as coming to see me?"

"Damn, that makes sense!" When the prophet heard this, he instantly felt like a string in his body was broken.

On the way, the few people met today's host Xiran very cleverly.

"Are you here to watch the game?"

"Yeah!" 369 smiled, "We'll go over there first."

As they spoke, 369 and the others walked past Xiran.

Chen Feng, who was looking down at the comments, was about to follow 369 and the others when he noticed a dark shadow suddenly appear in front of him.

He looked up and saw Xiran stopping him, and couldn't help but frown.

"Is something wrong?"

"I say, you didn't even say hello to your sister when you saw me?" Xiran looked at the handsome young man in front of her and couldn't help but clench her fists in her heart.

It’s hard to imagine that this seemingly harmless boy could make people so devastated!


After saying that, Chen Feng made a detour and chased after 369 and the others while Xiran looked depressed.

It also made her doubt her own charm again.

I am young and strong, but you are too lazy to even look at me for a second. Is it really because I am not attractive enough?
In fact, it’s not that Chen Feng is not interested in young ladies. After all, his sexual orientation is very normal.

The main thing is that you can't be too big.

It’s acceptable to have a big mouth, after all, our trump card is not small, it’s a model adaptation!

If Xiran was no older than 20 years old, perhaps Chen Feng would be happy to chat with her more.

But you are too old, there is nothing we can do.

No matter how strong the young man's passion is, he cannot withstand the torture from his older sister.

After 369 and the others found a place in a corner to sit down, Chen Feng took out the banner that he had customized for the promotion in the morning from his backpack.

"Hey, lunatic, what's written on it?" 369 was very curious because Chen Feng didn't let him see it just now.

"Why do you care so much? You'll know soon!"


(End of this chapter)

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