LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 149: It's outrageous, the jungler and the assistant were both killed like this?!

Chapter 149: It's outrageous, the jungler and the assistant were both killed like this?! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)
"I wanted to move away and save my flash for the operation."

In response to the question from his top laner, Uzi said slowly.

"That time during the dragon fight, he didn't even use his flash..."

"Okay, okay, it's all over. We still have a chance. Just fight slowly from now on." Song Yijin said quickly.

Although Theshy is called a shy boy, this guy was once one of the three biggest trolls in the Korean server. If he really gets angry, he can show you a wave of Riven's light-speed QA and also mix in the operations of the opponent's family members.

Peng Lixun, who was sitting in the middle of the five people, did not dare to speak. He just hoped in his heart that he would be scolded less after today's game.

It is impossible that no one would scold me. If I lose the game, someone will definitely scold me.

If nothing unexpected happens, Baolan and I will be the ones to take the blame!

Following Song Yi Jin's attempt to smooth things over, the IG voice chatter became quiet, with only the sound of the front tooth tower falling coming from the headphones, echoing in everyone's ears.


When the IG crystal exploded with a bang, it turned into fragments that scattered all over the screen.

Guan Zeyuan's voice immediately rang out from the commentary booth.

"Let us congratulate Top Esports for winning the first game of the Spring Split today by using their Creator robot to hook the opponent's best Kaisa in front of their own team and kill him instantly!"

"Yeah, this Creator's unsealed secret teleportation robot is really eye-catching. Even if you know he has switched out of the teleport, it's useless because you don't know when he will teleport to other lanes." Jide who was standing next to him also sighed.

“But to be honest, I gave Sungei too many chances in the first game, otherwise it wouldn’t have been so difficult to play against, and Uzi’s flash was also a little too slow.

Of course, this is only the first game of the day for both teams. As long as IG can adjust well, they still have a chance.”


Hearing Guan Zeyuan's voice, GSL and Zombies, who were a little bit unsure of the two scapegoats, instantly found their target.

"To be honest, it's really disgusting to take care of dogs. I feel like they are not as good as the dolls."

"Yeah, it's not a loss or a loss when you open your mouth, it's acceptable when you open your mouth, but it doesn't sound pleasant."

"I really like what Wawa said. Although the opponent won the team fight, we didn't lose. If neither of us lost, then who lost?"

"Kuroko, let's talk!!! Is this the Galaxy Battleship you're talking about?"

"Stop yelling, Water Ghost. What does this game have to do with the Ice Emperor? Isn't his bomber just a jerk?"

"To be honest, after watching this game, I am more convinced that Bing Huang's championship was a fluke. Chun Chun is just a lucky fifth-place champion."

"Hot knowledge, the old fifth champion is also a champion, and can also carve his name on Miss Kasha."

"I'm just putting this on hold. If the support is not changed, IG won't go far. Let's change one quickly in the summer season."

"The jungler also needs to be changed. If you play a Nidalee who only focuses on farming the jungle, how can you possibly be a match for Kindred in the late game?"

“Why don’t you mention the timely rain on the road?”

"You guys didn't mention the bottom lane at all, right?"


After finishing the first game, Chen Feng and the others quickly stood up and walked towards the back.

After all, we won, and everyone had a smile on their face, except A Shui, who couldn't smile. He felt like the bomber he had just played was a stand-alone game.

It’s bad enough that the support doesn’t care about me, but he also makes me go up and sell out. It’s really abominable!
On the other hand, no one on IG stood up immediately.

It seemed that they couldn't accept losing the first game so cleanly, without even a chance to fight back.

Seeing that no one else moved, Peng Lixun took off his headphones and pretended to move his wrists.

Only after seeing Song Yi Jin stand up did he stand up from his chair and follow him towards the back.

At this moment, he finally understood what it felt like to have the little tiger laugh that made him laugh so hard.


The five people returned to the lounge one after another without saying a word. As soon as they sat down, before they could say anything, they heard the voice of coach Aaron.

"Xun, if you can't do it in the next game, just take a break and let King Ning try."

If Peng Lixun heard this news under normal circumstances, he would definitely feel a little uncomfortable, because it meant that his performance was not recognized by his superiors, and he might have gone to see the water dispenser.

But now, Aaron's words brought him light like the dawn.

"Okay!" Peng Lixun nodded decisively in agreement.

This team is under too much pressure. If they play badly they will be scolded, and if they play well it will all be the credit to others.

It’s so hard for me!!!
Change it, change it quickly, let King Ning take the blame, I won't go up,
Damn, I just told myself to be careful on the road, but there was no response at all.

How can I play jungle?
King Ning, who was standing by, did not say anything after hearing what A Long said.

He seemed to be very calm, but in fact, he had already prepared himself in his heart.

When playing as Nidalee, she only knows how to circle around the bottom lane. What? Is he your dad?
If Kai'Sa fights Ziggs, why don't you just let him develop against them? Don't you know that IG is a team that focuses on top, mid and jungle?
The dog protection faction is really disgusting!!!
Looking at Peng Lixun leaning on the sofa, Wink was very happy in his heart, but of course he didn't show it on his face.

Fortunately, I was smart and let Baolan go up, otherwise I would be the one getting scolded now.

I was watching the game downstairs just now, and Wink had nothing better to do so he went to the live broadcast room to take a look at the comments.

It’s hard to imagine that a support can play such a crucial role in a team!

The top laner was caught, and the support was blamed for not roaming with the opponent's support, so it was the support's fault.

The AD was hooked, and the support was blamed for not having good vision. I don't know if it was the support's fault or if he helped block the hook.

I was caught while I was providing vision, and blamed the support for not having any awareness at all. I suggest changing the support.

Is this a game played by humans?

Wink glanced at Baolan again, who hadn't spoken a word since coming back and looked extremely depressed, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

However, this heartache disappeared without a trace with the next words from coach Aaron.

"And Wink, you can replace Baolan in the next game."

Wink: “…”

I really fucked you!!!

He wanted to curse in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face.

After being silent for two or three seconds, he could only nod slowly and say, "Okay..."

After Aaron finished speaking, he looked at the three people above, in the middle and below again and wanted to speak, but when the words came to his lips, he found that he couldn't say them no matter what.

It seems that except for the middle lane which is slightly better, I can't afford to offend these two great gods above and below!

Compared to IG, Top Esports seems to be much more relaxed.

"Xiao Luo, let's book a hotel for tonight's celebration banquet first. We can go there directly after the game, which can save a little time.

You know, for us, time means money.”

Looking at Chen Feng, who was sitting on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone while talking without raising his head, the corner of Luo Sheng's mouth twitched suddenly.

It's bad. This kid has already reached his rebellious stage, and now after winning the championship, he's even more unscrupulous.

If this goes on for a while, will he still want me to bring him water for washing his feet?

"Crazy, you are a little too crazy."

"Brother Ka, you are too old to understand. I call youth confidence."

Kasa: “…”

"The game isn't over yet, let's talk about it after it's over!" Luo Sheng curled his lips, then began to pretend to be a coach again, took out his little notebook, and began to analyze the situation in a serious manner.



It’s time for the second game between the two sides!

Looking at the five people slowly leaving, Peng Lixun reached out and patted Baolan who was sitting next to him.

Baolan turned her head and saw that the other person was also looking at her.

Although neither of them spoke, they shared the same pain and could almost understand what the other wanted to express.

Finally, he could relax a little, and Baolan couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to log into Weibo and take a look.

I don't know when, or maybe just now, his private messages on Weibo have exploded,

I remember I just cleaned it up this morning, but now, all kinds of disgusting greetings are popping up like mushrooms after rain.

"You play a Titan who only stays in the bottom lane to protect the shockwave, right? Are you the nurse his father paid for?"

"No, it's been so long since your Titan, why are you still so abstract?"

"I suggest you give me Luo's skin. I'm really good at it!"

"Hurry up and retire with that little honor, lest you lose your reputation and hurt yourself and others in your later years."

"Where's the flash? Can't you help block the robot's slow hook?"

"Useless! Stop cheating my dog, you are really not worthy of assisting him!"


Peng Lixun, who was sitting next to him, turned sideways to look at what was displayed on Baolan's mobile phone screen and immediately gave up the idea of ​​surfing. long as I don't watch it, it won't affect me!!!

“Welcome all summoners in front of the screen to continue watching our 2021 LPL Spring Split, the opening match between Top Esports and IG!

Currently Top Esports is leading by one point! "

"We can also see that in the second game, IG made a substitution in the jungler and support.

They replaced the jungler Ning Wang and the support Wink respectively!

I don’t know if a change in personnel can help them tie the score.”

With Guan Zeyuan’s more normal reminder, the people in the live broadcast room no longer live in Bengbu.

"My Zhuo, it's only one game, and the jungler and support were both killed?"

"It's still my god. The main point is to take over the magpie's nest and become the host!"

"Can this jungler and support help them? Can Kuroko watch the game?"

"The top laner died seven times in one game and didn't switch? The AD didn't use flash and died suddenly, but he didn't switch, right?"

"Am I the only one who is starting to feel bad for God? Prince Ning is a well-known sun-protector!"

"It's okay, Godzilla will teach him a lesson!"

"Wait for the Wink status in advance!"

"If you don't understand, just ask. I can take the blame and withstand scolding. Can I go to IG as a substitute?"

"Substitute? Just start!!!"


In the live broadcast room, the first round of the second game between the black and white chess players has begun.

"We can see that in the second game, Top Esports still took the initiative to choose the red side, perhaps because they felt that the last counter position was particularly important.

IG, who was on the blue side, immediately took out Kindred.

Just now, Karsa's Kindred played pretty well. He played so well with Gnar in the Baron fight. If it weren't for his Kindred ultimate, IG might have really found an opportunity."

Of course, there is something Guan Zeyuan was embarrassed to say, that is, if Kaisa had been a little braver at that time, IG might be leading by one point now.

From beginning to end, only two skills dealt damage.

Ten seconds in a team fight, nine seconds for positioning, and one second for sudden death!
He is still the same boy as before, without any change.

Facing IG's targeting, Karsa didn't care. Jungler was not his strong point. The reason why he played so comfortably was because of the sacrifices made in the bottom lane.

After Luo Sheng discussed with a few people, Top Esports successively killed Lucian, Policewoman and LeBron, all of which were targeted moves.

As for Samira, I gave it to you just now, but you didn't choose it. This really makes me doubt the professionalism of your AD. Don't you know how to play it when the hero is just released and is very OP?

On the other hand, after IG took down Kindred in the first hand, they still killed Galio and finally added a Draven.

"This Top Esports team is really disgusting. No wonder they took in someone like Feng and gave him a bite to eat. Do you dare to let the policewoman out? I'll just smash your heads off."

"Obviously, the Ice Emperor is scared. Isn't he afraid that he can win two games in a row?"

"Classic, if you can't copy my hero, then don't copy Draven if you can. Let's see who is more powerful."

"That's outrageous. Now we can't even move people, right? Godzilla, please don't go too far."

"This shows that Godzilla is panicking. They think their own father is going to lose to someone they have always looked down upon."

"Just a joke, the world's number one player, Eddie, retired on the spot because his opponent moved a policewoman!"


After the first round of moving people, IG gave a Clockwork to Song Yi Jin in the middle lane.

As the spokesperson for Two Balls and One Kun, his clockwork is also very powerful.

"IG picked a Clockwork for the mid lane, so it feels like Top Esports should pick Syndra for Left Hand."

as predicted!

I remember that just as the words fell, Syndra was locked down by Top Esports the next second.

Lock on Syndra, and then give Karsa a Lee Sin, which he is more proficient in and can also drive the tempo in the early and mid-game.

When it was IG's turn to select players, the opponent did the same as in the previous game and directly locked down the top and jungle.

I gave Ning Wang a Jarvan IV and chose a Shen for Theshy in the top lane. It is a standard lineup that can fight in a team and can also play solo.

"IG did the same as in the last game, directly showing the mid and jungle!" said Guan Zeyuan.

Faced with such a direct provocation from IG, Top Esports naturally did not hesitate and took out an Ornn for 369.

Everyone knows that Ning Wang likes to gank the top lane, so just let him bear the pressure in the top lane. After all, 369 chose Ornn's championship skin this year, so it will at least show him off, and when the skin comes out, it will also increase sales.

"Top Esports didn't hesitate and also revealed their top, mid and jungle players. It looks like they want A Shui to take on the damage in this game!"

"It's really time to let Ah Shui show off, because he was really frustrated when he played the bomber in the last round." Remember to smile.

After the first three moves were determined, both sides began the second round of moving players.

Just like before, Top Esports eliminated Tam, a hero with strong protective ability, and then removed Luo. This powerful weapon for the start of a team fight had no intention of targeting AD at all.

It's obvious that I'm telling the opponent, you can choose any of the remaining ADs, I'm not afraid at all!


(End of this chapter)

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