LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 206 Good news, 5 kills! Bad news, I got it when the opponent was killing me!

Chapter 206 Good news, pentakill! Bad news, I got it when the opponent was killing me! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

He has done a great job with this move!"

When Chen Feng's Vayne counterattacked Kaisa who had ambushed him, Guan Zeyuan's excited voice suddenly rang out in the commentary booth.

Looking at Vayne who was standing on Uzi's body and returning to the city with a weak expression on her head, he was tactful enough not to mention it, but kept analyzing how Vayne had counterattacked just now.

"Kai'Sa's equipment is much better than Vayne's, but Uzi was blocked by Creator's low attacks too much, which resulted in him not being able to use Vayne's shieldbow in the end."

"Yeah, Creator did a perfect job in using the bushes to pull the opponent." I remember also praising him highly.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage of comments had already exploded.

"This is the value of my Crazy Brother's FMVP!!!"

"Godzilla calls out to me next time."

"It's so funny. I gave up the gold to Kaisa for a long time, but in the end, the god went up and gave it to me. How can I play like this?"

"No, isn't Fengshen a support player? How come he can be so good at AD?"

"As we all know, Vayne is the representative hero of the Void God. My crazy brother is also a Void God, so of course he can play Vayne, which is reasonable!"

"It's bad. Even though he had the upper hand in equipment and launched a sneak attack, he was still killed. This is really embarrassing for the God."

"I thought it was so awesome to call for a chance to meet Top Esports, but after all this time, this is it?"

"I've said it so many times, Bath Dog is just a crazy Star Fury, just for his own pleasure!"


Looking at Vayne who was waving her flower hands and returning to the city with Lin Weixiang's signature appearing below her, and then looking at the extremely sarcastic line of words that suddenly appeared on the public screen.

The silent Uzi blushed and started eating his fingers.

But at this moment, another message popped up.

"Why aren't you talking? If all else fails, you can ask Ah Shui to teach you how to play Kaisa. It's also five bucks, and I guarantee you'll learn something."


After seeing this sentence, Ah Shui's face turned green.

"Crazy, you fucking... cough cough..." Maybe because he was too excited, Ah Shui started coughing before he finished speaking.

I really don't want to join the group, but I can't stand having such a shitty assistant!!!

"Zhao, Crazy, are you so good at playing AD?" After witnessing the entire process of the duel between the two, 369 also sighed out loud.

"Then do you think that I am the Second God of the Void for nothing?!" Chen Feng was very confident. "How dare I take on a job without the right skills?"

"From now on, Crazy, you can play AD." Karsa also teased with a smile.

Luo Sheng, who was in the temporary lounge backstage, was also stunned when he saw Vayne killing Kaisa.

At first, he was worried that there might be some problems if Chen Feng played AD.

But looking at it now, it seems that I am fully capable of this position!

Well, I was thinking that if this kid lost, I could teach him a lesson and make him behave more restrained in the future.

Now it seems that the lawlessness will continue!
This time it's AD, but what about next time? Do I have to play another lane?

Why don't you just be the coach?

Compared to Top Esports, the atmosphere at Little Phoenix was extremely depressing.

Kaisa was killed despite having an advantage in equipment. I don’t know how to protect this kind of AD and how to take care of him in order to play the game.

Does it mean that his teammates must control the damage to the maximum and ensure that no one on the opposite side threatens him before he can complete the harvest?
If that's really the case, then wouldn't it be better to just pick a random professional AD?
"Why do you have to challenge him to a duel?" Liu Qingsong sighed.

I didn't stay with him for a while, and this problem arose.

Uzi still said nothing, and it was obvious that he was now completely in a state of autism.

Kai'Sa, who had an equipment advantage, was killed by Vayne. For any professional player, this can be regarded as a shame in his career.

Not to mention, the one controlling Vayne is not a professional AD, but a person who specializes in playing support, and he is his own enemy!
"It's okay, take your time, don't rush!"

Don’t be fooled by what the big anchor Du Bibi said, he is more anxious than anyone else in his heart.

If he wins today, then he can finally get his reward after licking Uzi in the live broadcast room for so long.

But if you lose, it would be a waste of time.

Not only will you be working in vain, but you will also have to face divine punishment.

The mid laner is a loser, he can only play loser heroes and screw me over, he can't carry me at all!!!


While Uzi was being killed, Chen Feng quickly controlled Vayne to return to the city and rush towards the dragon pit, ready to try to kill the dragon.

There is definitely not enough time for Uzi to resurrect and rush over, so this is a good opportunity to kill the big dragon.

Without Kaisa as the main output point, the Phoenix lineup is simply not good enough. Without damage, just taking beatings, what's the difference between it and a sandbag?
Facing Top Esports' decisive attack on the dragon, Du Bibi and the others had no better solution.

We gave the minion line and wild monsters to Kaisa, but he ended up being killed by Vayne. What should we, the tools, do?
"Top Esports decisively attacked the dragon, and the two ADs attacked very quickly. The other FPX players didn't dare to get too close because Uzi and Kaisa were not there. They had no damage and could only throw skills to harass from a distance." Guan Zeyuan said.

Xiaotian had no other choice. At this time, he could only rely on him to grab the game. If he could grab it, he could continue to play the game. If he couldn't, he could only die a slow death or wait for Taobo to get sick.

But there are Vayne, Kindred, and even Ornn. How sick would one have to be to reverse the situation?


"The Baron has 3,000 HP left, and 2,000 left. Xiaotian's blind monk went down, so who will get the Baron?"

Along with the sound of remembering, two punishments fell on the dragon one after another.

"Oh, what a pity, it was just a little short, Karsa still punished the Baron firmly, and Xiaotian had no choice but to use Flash to escape from the dragon pit.

If this is the case, the situation will be difficult for FPX!"


After taking down the Baron, Top Esports quickly began to push forward as a group. Little Phoenix knew that he couldn't fight back, so he could only let Hanzi Ge's Fiora go alone to exchange defensive towers as much as possible.

In order to ensure that everything went smoothly, Chen Feng and his team did not force a charge at the tower or anything like that. They just used the dragon to push the tower and expand the economy.

After the Baron Domination push ended, the economic gap between the two sides, which had been very close, was instantly widened.

Since Kaisa is the only output point, no matter how much he dislikes it, Phoenix can only give the economy to Uzi. He can't let Lee Sin take the economy, right?

This scene made everyone in the live broadcast room laugh.

"God is still sucking blood!!!"

"He just gave up after sucking blood. It's useless. To be honest, I don't know how someone who can't even beat a support has the nerve to put the title of the world's number one Eddie in his live broadcast room tag."

"We can't defeat the gods, but we still have Godzilla. They will help defeat the other contestants."

"I didn't expect that this could be blamed on Xiaogou. The opponent's Vayne had Lulu to protect her, and Diana rushed forward. Who could protect Kai'Sa?"

“Provincial flow: I tried my best, but my teammates didn’t help!”

"My crazy brother is really proud today. Godzilla has always said that he is a support and relies on his teammates. Today, he is facing a gauze bathing dog. How can Godzilla wash himself? "


The game continued and soon the time came to twenty-eight minutes.

At this time, the equipment of the two shooters on the Top Esports side has been completed, and they can fight team battles at will, and it will only get easier and easier as time goes by!
However, Little Phoenix did not give up and kept trying to find opportunities.

Without paying attention, Silas on the left hand was arrested.
At this moment, Xiao Fenghuang did not hesitate to use his skills. "It's bad, my left hand was a little too deep in the lane and was caught by FPX!"

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but shout.

"But what about the front? Top Gun is on the high ground!" Remember to answer.

When a team catches three or even four people at the same time in a match, it means that they really have no other options.

Obviously, this is the current situation for Little Phoenix. They are forced into a situation with no other options but to forcibly arrest people and force Top Esports to reduce its personnel in order to slow down the pace of advancement.

Faced with the arrest of the little phoenix, Silas on the left hand also used all his skills, doing everything he could and handing over everything he could.

It’s a pity that two fists can’t beat four hands, and he can only delay time as much as possible.

Although the little phoenix finally got a kill, because too many people were sent to catch Sylas, the middle lane high ground was easily destroyed by Top Esports.

After destroying the highland tower, Chen Feng and his men retreated decisively.

One head in exchange for a high ground, I will do this kind of deal as many times as I want!


After the middle lane high ground was broken, the little phoenix became even more passive.

Chen Feng and his team took advantage of the distraction of the super soldier in the middle lane, and after the second dragon was refreshed, they decisively started to attack the dragon.

Xiao Fenghuang naturally couldn't give in, and he also knew that Top Esports was doing this for team battles.

There is no way!
The situation is in the hands of Top Esports, they can do whatever they want, and Little Phoenix can only enjoy it, and has no right to make any changes.

The economic gap between the two teams had widened, and the damage of the lineups was not on the same level, so even though the little Phoenix played well in the team battle, it was still not good enough. In the end, they were beaten 2 for 4 by Top Esports, and only Hanzi Ge's Fiora survived.

The main reason is that he can't find a good time and angle to cut in, and Fiora is really not very good at team fights.

But there is no other way! If I continue to play alone, the base will be lost!

The original plan was to play slowly in the early stages, and then use Fiora to slowly solo carry the team in the middle and late stages, because Top Esports does not have a true solo carry hero.

But who knew that not only would Kaisa in the bottom lane be killed, but he was also killed by a single player despite his equipment advantage in the mid-game.

What can you do for me, a Swordswoman who has no one to take care of me and has been caught several times?
When the team battle ended and the damage panel appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded directly, and many Godzillas began to stand up for Xiao Gou.

"I don't understand. What's the point of having a Fiora in the top lane? She's just hanging out in a team fight. It's fine to just have a Sion in the front!"

"It's just this much damage. To be honest, if I were playing a Kog'Maw and used my passive to blast him after he died, I would have done more than this."

"The puppy really tried his best, the damage has been done to the maximum!"

"Nonsense, the bathing dog ate all the team's resources, if he doesn't deal damage, who will? Galio or Lee Sin?"

"It's a familiar feeling. The whole team protects one person, but they lose the teamfight and blame their teammates. I think if four people protect one person and lose, shouldn't they blame the one being protected?"

"Stop yelling, Heizi. Four people protecting one are also fighting for Fiora in the top lane. What a stupid thing!"

"Does Godzilla even understand Four Protect One? He only knows how to look at the heroes, right?"

"If it weren't for Fiora's help in fighting Ornn, your bathing dog Kai'Sa would have to shave for a long time and might not even kill him!"


After taking down the second Baron of the game, Top Esports now has no idea how they lost.

Taking advantage of the big dragon, they directly started a new round of advancement.

"Push slower, and play with the other side."

After hearing what Chen Feng said, Ah Shui also agreed, "Push slower, it's a rare chance for me to play as a support, I haven't experienced enough yet."

"If you haven't experienced enough, you can continue to assist the madman next time." Kasa said with a smile.

"No, I think it's better for everyone to do their own job."

Faced with Top Esports's advancement and the pressure from the super soldiers in the middle lane, Little Phoenix is ​​now completely exhausted.

Everyone can see that whether Xiao Fenghuang loses the game depends on Topbo’s mood.

If Topsports wants to end it, it can end it at any time.

Otherwise, Xiao Fenghuang will have to continue playing with Taobo.

"I am dying of laughter. With this level of ability, Bathing Dog specifically mentioned that he wants to meet Taobo the most?"

"Fortunately, we can't surrender. Otherwise, I think Little Phoenix would have surrendered long ago."

"Top Esports is such a beast, they're deliberately dragging the game out to mess up the opponent's mentality, right? But I like it!"

"This is the official's fault. Why can't the game be paused to take a shower? If I could take a shower, I would be able to play as I please!"


Regarding this situation, Guan Zeyuan in the commentary booth didn't know what to say and could only force an explanation.

"TOP is so steady, they want to break three lanes and then end the game after that!"

There is nothing wrong with what he said, but anyone can see that Top Esports is just joking.

Of course, Du Bibi and the others also felt it. With three lanes of super soldiers rushing up to the high ground, they didn't even need to do anything. Just clearing the soldier line was enough to make Xiao Fenghuang and the others tired to death.

So faced with the super soldiers rushing onto the three lanes, they were unable to clear the line at all, and could only choose to take the initiative to end this painful torture.

"Xiaotian's blind monk came up and wanted to kick people, but Ashui's Lulu turned him into a sheep, and he was killed instantly!"

Following Xiaotian's lead, Xiaofenghuang and the others also rushed forward, but the equipment gap was too big, and none of them could withstand the damage from Top Esports' Kindred and Vayne.

After the team battle started, it wasn't long before only one Kaisa was left!
"Then we can congratulate..."

I remember I was planning to congratulate Top Esports on winning today's game, but suddenly I saw that after the five players of Top Esports had destroyed two more front towers, they did not immediately go to destroy the crystal, but went straight to the fountain.

This made him afraid to continue explaining.

It is obvious that Top Esports is planning to attack the fountain!

Uzi was also so angry that he was shaking all over at Top Esports' obvious idea, but he was the only one left and had no other choice but to hide deep in the fountain.

369's Ornn rushed into the fountain first, and the others followed. Although Ornn, the tankiest player in the game, fell down soon, it was enough for the others to focus their fire on Kaisa.

However, the consequence of five people rushing to the fountain at the same time was that Uzkasa received a pentakill.

When a pentakill occurs on the field, the commentators are usually the most excited and shout the loudest, but at this time, Guan Zeyuan and Jide were silent.

Good news, pentakill.

Bad news, sent to you by the opponent's fountain!

How the hell do you want me to explain this situation?!
You feel good, but have you ever considered other people's feelings?

"Everyone on both sides died, but the super soldiers can perfectly help Top Esports win this game!"

In order to avoid a dull moment, Guan Zeyuan could only say this.

Seeing that the crystal's health was getting lower and lower, Chen Feng was not idle. He decisively tapped the keyboard and sent out two words.

"Accepting a disciple!!!"

Almost immediately after he sent out these two words, under the destruction of three groups of super soldiers, the crystal of the Little Phoenix's main base exploded with a bang, turning into fragments all over the screen.


(End of this chapter)

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