
Hearing Chen Feng's voice, 369 responded and immediately started his single-player game.

In fact, the reason why Chen Feng asked 369 to ignore it was because it was really difficult for him to play with Fiora when facing EDG's lineup.

Lulu and Tsar, with these two heroes around, Fiora is useless in team battles, it’s better to just bring pressure.

369 is not the type of top laner like Abin.

If Abin were playing this Fiora, in this situation, facing this kind of opponent lineup, he would definitely not care how his teammates died.

369 is different. He is more team-oriented. Maybe when he sees his teammates being attacked head-on, he can't help but run over to support them.

By then, the solo push has not produced any results, and the support has not been provided, so it will be a pure wasted trip for shopping.

So give him a heads up in advance to prevent him from getting sick!
As for Fiora, this hero needs to be played individually. You can't just buy Hexdrinker and Ice Heart and go into a team fight, right?

"The period when Top Esports was pushing for the Big Dragon Domination was the most difficult time for EDG.

If they still want to retain the chance of a comeback, they must not give Top Esports a chance. "

Look at the situation on the field and remember to speak slowly.

"In fact, I think the frontal situation is okay. After all, EDG has many ways to start a team fight, and Top Esports dare not push too deep. The middle lane is too narrow. If their lineup cooperates well, they still have a chance.

The main problem now is that 369 Fiora cannot handle this point alone. If other people go there, they will easily be killed by 369 Fiora by crossing the tower, and Ornn, the Holy Spear, cannot stop Fiora.

We can see that 369's Sword Princess has now ignored Saint Gun's Ornn and started to destroy the tower in front of the opponent. "

"There's nothing we can do about it. As time goes on, Ornn becomes more and more useless against Fiora. His strengths lie in teamfighting and absorbing damage."


Facing Top Esports' classic 4-1 split push, the EDG players were helpless.

Although you can try to start a team fight head-on, A Shui's Draven has flash, and he is also protected by Thresh. If you can't start a fight with Draven, everything will be in vain.

They had no choice but to use the defensive tower to keep the game going, fearing that if they acted impulsively, Top Esports would end the game in one fell swoop.

However, at this time, EDG could not remain stable just because they wanted to. After seeing that 369 Fiora was about to destroy the second tower in the top lane, Chen Feng's Thresh found an opportunity and decisively used the hook.

Snapped! ! !
The Soul-stealing Hook hit Scout's Tsar accurately!
"Oh no, the Tsar has been seduced!" I remember shouting right after that.

The moment Chen Feng hooked the Tsar, Zuo Shou used Yongen's ultimate and A Shui's Draven's ultimate were thrown towards the Tsar.

Of course Tian Ye's Lulu would not sit and wait for death, but unfortunately the hero Tsar was too fragile. Even though he used all his skills on Tsar, he was still killed by A Shui's Draven with an axe in the end!
With one axe blow, Collector 999's killing was particularly eye-catching!

"The Tsar was killed instantly, so EDG can only retreat head-on." Guan Zeyuan said.

"He was a little careless, but of course Creator Thresh's hook was too accurate!"


EDG over there.

Looking at his gray screen, Scout smiled awkwardly to ease his inner anxiety.

Because if I get hooked accidentally, it's possible that Top Esports will end the game in one go!

With the Tsar dead, EDG had no choice but to give up the tower and did not dare to force defense for fear of being wiped out by Top Esports in one wave.

369 Fiora in the top lane has already destroyed the second tower, and Ornn of Holy Spear has no other options except to clear the minions as much as possible.

He was not afraid of being killed by Fiora under the tower, but he also could not defend himself against Fiora destroying the tower.

Since Chen Feng had just told him, after destroying the second tower in the top lane, 369 controlled Fiora and led the troops to continue heading towards the highland tower.

Because the Tsar was killed on the front side, Chen Feng and his team also destroyed the second tower in the middle and attacked the highland tower.

Facing the advancing Top Esports, EDG had no choice but to give in.


"To be honest, EDG still has a chance as long as Top Esports doesn't end the game in one wave. Their lineup is too solid." Guan Zeyuan tried to say something hopeful.

Jide, who was standing by, heard this and said, "But the high ground on both sides has been breached, and Top Esports has a Sword Princess.

I feel like if Top Esports can just be more stable and wait for the next Baron, or let Fiora go solo, it will be hard for EDG to come back.”

"But wait a minute..." Ji De's voice suddenly rose, "Top Esports destroyed EDG's mid-lane high ground, but they didn't just leave. They hid in the bushes outside the high ground wall, as if they were waiting for someone destined to be with them!"

Everyone on the big screen could see that Top Esports was pretending to leave, but was actually still waiting for someone!
This is also a very common tactic in the game. You thought I would go back to replenish equipment after destroying so many defense towers, but in fact I am still waiting for you!
After squatting for about ten seconds, a fairy witch came into the sight of Taobo and the others.

"Oh no, something might happen to Meiko!" Guan Zeyuan had already seen what was going to happen next.

Poor Lulu was dragged into the bushes, and four big men were waiting for her!!!
Tian Ye didn't know. He turned on the scan to control Lulu and prepared to clear the vision left by Topbo. He was even very considerate and left the last blood bar of the eye to Aphelios, so that Viper could get more economy.

But at this moment, Chen Feng moved.

Thresh Hextech flashed forward and appeared in front of the two people like a ghost, and then he attacked with the Soul Reaper!

Tian Ye reacted quickly. Looking at Thresh facing him, he immediately moved. However, although Chen Feng seemed to want to attack Lulu, his real target was actually Aphelios!

He took advantage of a simple psychological trick of Thresh's and faced Lulu, but his real target was actually Aphelios!

You are so confident in your own positioning that you don't need purification, right? Then save your life!

Snapped! ! !
The soul-stealing hook accurately hit Aphelios, who was trying to twist him away by moving, and pulled him back twice.

At this moment, Viper was completely panicked.

He typed on his keyboard frantically, making a clacking sound.

But he was too confident this time and did not bring purification.

So everything he did now was in vain, he was simply unable to break free from this fatal control.

There was nothing we could do about the fields nearby, so we could only do what we could.

As the second stage of Q flew over, Chen Feng threw a lantern to the back, and A Shui quickly lit the lantern and flew up.

After landing, control Draven with Three Axes from the Blade!

Every hero has a different action when they critically strike, and when Draven critically strikes, he jumps up and swings his axe!
Accompanied by a critical hit, the horrific damage directly knocked Aphelios to the ground!

"Viper is dead again!
But the hook from Creator Thresh was also unexpected. "

Looking at the fallen Aphelios, Jide in the commentary booth sighed.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also surprised by Draven's damage.

"Fuck, what kind of damage does Draven have? Is it really just three hits per kill?"

"You like it without purification? Don't you take me, Crazy Master, seriously?"

"Let's not talk about the AD being hooked, what is the support doing, why didn't he help block the hook, eye contact!!!"

"The way Draven jumped up after the critical hit was just like your usually reluctant girlfriend, who stood up and kicked you hard less than half an hour after you left the house."

"You like to let Draven go, don't you? He must be taught a lesson!"

"Tongxi, hold on, Tongxi, why are you not talking? Tongxi, say something!"


Seeing her husband being stood up and kicked by Draven again, Tongxi also felt a little melancholy.

Something is wrong. Where is the invincible leveling style when playing against other teams?
Why is it that when we meet Jack La Wu, we get beaten in all kinds of ways by the opponent?
For three consecutive games, I was kicked by the same hero in different ways...


After dealing with Aphelios, Topbo and his teammates decisively retreated home to replenish their equipment.

Of course, EDG did not just sit there and wait for death. They looked for opportunities to catch the lone players in order to slow down the pace of Top Esports's advancement.

However, at the critical moment, it was Chen Feng's Thresh who stood up and took on everything alone.

"Wow, tears in my eyes!" Looking at Thresh who fell down after saving Draven, I remember saying with some emotion, "I can only say that this is a support!!!"

No need for too many words, just one sentence "this is assistance" is enough.

After all, the status of a support is very low, let alone in a competition, even in a casual game.

When he is at a disadvantage, he has to take risks to keep vision, and when he is at an advantage, no one will pay attention to him, as everyone's focus is on the C position.

They consume the least economy, do the most tiring work, and even when encountering certain ADs, the support has to take the blame when the bottom lane cannot beat them.

Seeing Chen Feng's Thresh die for him again, A Shui also took a deep breath.

But he didn't dare to say anything, fearing that he would be scolded again.

However, unexpectedly, Chen Feng's voice suddenly sounded in the voice.

"Wenbo, why don't you speak?"


"Do you think I won't scold you if you don't speak?"

A water:"……"


Although Chen Feng's Thresh was killed, he now has few resources.

There was only one wind dragon, and Top Esports deliberately didn't take it.

If they take the Wind Dragon, they might have to fight for the Ancient Dragon, so Top Esports simply doesn’t want the Wind Dragon Soul. This way, there’s no risk of EDG stealing the Ancient Dragon and turning the tables!
After Chen Feng's Thresh was resurrected, several people from Top Esports chose to continue pushing forward, not wanting to give EDG another chance to catch a single player and drag out the time.

369's Fiora was naturally still a single-player game, and the middle and upper high ground had already been broken, so he went straight to the bottom lane.

Facing Top Esports's advancement, EDG felt very uncomfortable.

Their lineup has actually reached the time when they can exert their strength, but because of the huge disadvantage in the previous stage, they can only defend now and have no way to take the initiative to attack.

Since there was no Baron, it was difficult to advance, and Chen Feng and his team could only squeeze EDG's activity range to the high ground.


The second dragon of this game has been refreshed.

Once the big dragon is refreshed, it will naturally be the turn of 369 Fiora to solo!

Now his equipment makes him invincible when he fights one against one, and he can also fight one against two. This is the biggest headache for EDG.

Send Ornn played by Pharaoh to defend, then 369 Fiora can ignore him and destroy the tower. If you send Tsar, there is a risk of being killed. If you ignore it, your home will be destroyed.

In this almost unsolvable situation, Top Esports successfully took down the second Baron.


Seeing this scene, Zhu Kai, who had been on high alert in the EDG lounge, finally collapsed heavily on the sofa, no longer harboring any illusions.

He knew very well that EDG was now in a hopeless situation.

Top Esports’ first Baron broke the high ground, and the second Baron ended the game!

On the other side of the sofa, the factory manager was also a little annoyed as he watched EDG losing ground. How come they are even more cowardly than me!


The game on the field is still going on. After Top Esports took down the second Baron, they continued to let 369's Fiora go solo while the other four players slowly advanced.

The middle and upper high ground has been breached, and the military line is under great pressure.

Coupled with Top Esports' pulling, the bottom lane high ground was soon taken away by 369 Fiora.

At this point, all three high grounds were broken!!!

Looking at all the League of Legends games in history, it is rare to win even if all three high ground lanes are destroyed.

It’s not that there isn’t one, it’s just destined not to be EDG!

Facing EDG's struggling defense, Chen Feng is not going to tolerate any bad behavior. Since you don't want to join the team, then I'm going to start!
As his Thresh accurately hooked the Prince who wanted to start a team fight but was hesitant, the team fight broke out instantly!
Unfortunately, Jiejie's development was not very good this time, so even if he bought a half-tank outfit, he could not avoid being taken away by Top Esports.

Once Jie Jie's Prince fell, EDG had no choice but to go and join the team fight, but they were missing one person, and their equipment was also poor.

So even if EDG finally forced a concentrated fire to eliminate A Shui's Draven, it was useless even if the double C in the middle and bottom played their best.

Because Chen Feng's Thresh, who was left unattended, is still alive!

Even though Thresh doesn’t have much damage, he can’t withstand the three lanes of super soldiers and the big dragon dominating the server!

in the big screen.

Everyone just watched Thresh swing the whip in his hand.

Although his damage was not high, when he hit EDG's main crystal again and again, it was like knocking on the heart, causing extreme torment and torture for the EDG players and their fans.

But there is no way, EDG can do nothing now and can only watch!

Looking at the prince who didn't use his ultimate move until his death, Scout's lips moved, and finally he couldn't help but mutter, "Jiejie, your ultimate move..."

"The opponent's damage was too high. I couldn't press the button and was killed instantly." Jiejie sighed and tried his best not to look at the scene of Thresh attacking the crystal.

Hearing his answer, Scout curled his lips and whispered: "It's a bit funny..."


at last.

After the super soldier dealt with the new line of soldiers, he cooperated with Chen Feng's Thresh to successfully push down EDG's base and successfully ended the game.


"Let's congratulate Top Esports for defeating EDG 3-0!!!

Congratulations to them for winning the LPL 2021 League of Legends Summer Championship, and congratulations to them for becoming our LPL No. seed and representing LPL in the World Championship in the near future!

At the same time, Creator and Jack LaDance's 100% win rate combination of Thresh and Draven is still going on and has not been broken by anyone!!!"

When EDG's crystal exploded on the big screen, the excited voice of Jiede was heard in the commentary booth.

"Congratulations to Top Esports. They are still the king of our LPL this summer. We also hope that they can have an even more impressive performance in the World Championship!
Of course, I hope EDG will not be discouraged by today's failure, because what awaits them next is the World Championship, which will be a higher stage!"

After hearing his words, the barrage of comments in the live broadcast room started scrolling instantly.

"Hey, hey, hey, Colonel, that's not the case!"

"It's over, EDG and Topbo are in danger!"

"Don't panic, brothers. At the critical moment, Master Feng will take action."

"It's over. I've already captured him five times. If we meet him again in the World Championship, won't we reach the sixth capture achievement?"

"Being captured six times in one year, isn't that a special honor?"

"Heizi speak!!!"

"Oh no, my Crazy Master has won again, and Godzilla is ready to recognize a new father."


After winning the game, the white pieces clearing out the black pieces is a major feature of the LPL.

After successfully winning the game, Chen Feng and the others took off their headphones and stood up from their seats.

They didn't think they would lose today's game, but they were still quite excited when they thought about winning and getting bonuses.

After all, nothing is as real as RMB!

Patting A Shui on the shoulder, Chen Feng called on everyone else to walk towards the five EDG members.

When I got closer, I could see that they looked a little dazed, as if they couldn't believe that they had lost the game so cleanly and directly.

The word "failure" displayed on the computer in front of them is telling them something very cruel.

EDG was captured by Top Esports again, and their preparations for revenge before the game once again became a joke.

Looking at the five members of Top Esports coming towards them, Saint Spear, the only one who was still in good spirits, said slowly, "It's okay, we have already got a place in the World Championship."

But although it is true, who wants to lose when they can win?


After Chen Feng and the others came over, Brother Saint Spear quickly extended his hand and bumped fists, congratulating them with a smile.

For this veteran, the more he has experienced, the more he can naturally endure, from the reluctance to lose the game at the beginning to the numbness after the loss.

Perhaps, this is also a kind of growth.

Chen Feng is not very familiar with the people from EDG.

To be frank, the people from EDG are not even as familiar with Uzi.

At least Chen Feng and Uzi still chat frequently, even though the other party always blushes at the other party.

After bumping fists with Saint Spear Brother, Chen Feng continued to bump fists with others. When he came in front of Tian Ye, he could see that the other party's eyes were already misty.

I don’t know if it’s because we lost the game or because my performance today was so poor.

Looking at the appearance of the fields, the barrage of comments in the live broadcast room also scrolled rapidly.

"I really tried my best, but unfortunately I just couldn't win."

"Try your best? What do you mean by try your best? He is playing with such abstract ideas. Does he really think he is a madman?"

"I can only say that this is what white lotus does. After losing a game, they cry a few times and then throw all the blame away."

"Even if Tian Ye is not in good condition today, doesn't that mean Wai Po has done nothing wrong?"

"Classic, I'm wrong, but you're also wrong!"


After fist-bumping with the EDG players, several Top Esports players walked to the center of the stage.

The next moment belongs to the winner!

As Saint Spear packed up his equipment, he said, "It's okay, we still have a chance in the World Championship!"

If we are lucky in the World Championship, we might even meet Top Esports, which means we still have a chance to take revenge this year!

Unfortunately, no one responded to Saint Spear Brother, as they all became autistic.

Brother Saint Spear didn't care. After packing up his things, he called on everyone else to leave.

"We must take revenge in the World Championship!!!"

On the way back, Viper took a deep breath and spoke with confidence.

"Daoxian, let's not talk about this for now." Seeing Viper's renewed fighting spirit, Saint Spear was very happy. "I think the most important thing for us now is to think about how to avoid being scolded in the future."

Brother Saint Spear certainly doesn't care. He and Zhu Kai are old acquaintances. He is mainly worried that the others can't hold on.

"I think we will be scolded badly." Jiejie did not remain silent, "But who made us play so badly?"

Tian Ye, who had wiped away her tears, was also talking. Among the five people, only Scout remained silent with a sullen face, as if he was afraid that others didn't know that he was very angry and autistic.

The five people walked along the corridor back to the temporary lounge.

When they pushed the door open and walked in, they saw Zhu Kai with a gloomy face.

But there is nothing we can do, who lost the game?
And he had his head shaved bald by someone with a score of 3-0!

If I'm not angry, then there's something fishy going on.

Saint Spear found a place to sit down and waited quietly for the scolding, and the others did the same.

The small lounge fell into silence after everyone sat down, but this silence only lasted for about ten seconds before Zhu Kai spoke.

"What were you doing just now? You could have just chased them away, why did you want to touch the dragon?"

Zhu Kai spread his hands and began to question.

"As long as our lineup holds the Baron, we'll win when the time is up!
Why did you take the initiative to fight the big dragon? "

As Zhu Kai spoke, he slapped the table beside him, making a clapping sound.

"To be honest, you played really badly today. Even Viper, who is usually steady, was confused today.

Do you know what you are playing?
It seems to me that you all don't know how to play this game anymore!!!"

Having said this, he suddenly slammed the table, making an even louder noise.

"It's time to wake up. If Top Esports can't even make it, how can they even talk about the World Championship?"

Zhu Kai's angry voice echoed in the ears of Saint Spear Brother and the others. They didn't say anything. Who made them lose the game?

We lost the game, so no matter how much we say, it’s all just excuses!

Looking at the people with their heads down, Zhu Kai sighed deeply.

The game has been lost and there is no way to recover it. We should seize the time and prepare well for the next world competition.

He glanced at the factory director sitting next to him and couldn't help but ask, "Mingkai, do you have anything to say to them?"

Hearing Zhu Kai's question, the factory director looked at the few people with dejected expressions.

This situation gave him a sense of déjà vu. He had been scolded like this before.

As EDG's former jungler, MingKai felt that he still had to say a few words. Even though he didn't have any achievements, he could see a lot of problems with his God's perspective just now.

Mingkai slowly stood up from the sofa and walked to Jiejie's side, "What were you thinking about just now, Prince?

Why not go big?

The opponent obviously wants to end the game in one wave, so you go up and use your ultimate to fight them. We have a chance to win with this lineup, but you will definitely not win if you don't fight!
And when you caught and killed Fiora in the dragon wave, why didn't you use your ultimate to hold on to the enemy when they were retreating?

Jiejie, why don't you go big!!!"

...(End of chapter)

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