LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 231: So what if I only have 1 HP? I'll give you a chapter later!

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Luo Sheng removed Nami in the last move of the first round.

In fact, it is very simple to remove Nami. Chen Feng decided to entertain the opponent's bottom lane and let him feel his enthusiasm.

If we don't make the opponent feel like ants are crawling on their body, it would be a shame to the game.

After all, it is the opening match of the group stage, so the show must be maximized.

"Okay!" Luo Sheng also thought it would be better to move it away, so after hearing Chen Feng's words, he directly pushed Nami away.

In this way, Lucian without Nami naturally cannot appear in the bottom lane.

Although he can still go to other lanes, the original intention of the designer's change was to let him return to the bottom lane, so the deterrent effect of going to the solo lane is no longer as strong as before.

But after moving Nami away, Luo Sheng still felt a little depressed.

Because he rarely heard Chen Feng take the initiative to move any heroes, basically he asked him to help move people from other lanes.

Now asking to move Nami, doesn't that mean...

This kid doesn't know Nami? seems that after today's game, I, as a coach, can finally give this guy a good beating.

However, Luo Sheng did not say anything. As the game was going on, it was not good to say anything too harsh so as not to affect the other players. Although every time he wanted to influence the other party, he was affected by the other party instead.


"Tao Bo actually removed Nami in the third move?"

In the commentary box.

When I saw Top Esports moving its people, I remember I made a rather surprised sound.

This move of Nami undoubtedly exposed a lot of things.

“Maybe Creator was worried that when he was roaming, the bottom lane Luna combination would put too much pressure on Jack La Wu.

After all, his style is to roam around to help his teammates, and to set the pace together with the jungler Karsa." Guan Zeyuan continued.

Although he didn't know whether Chen Feng could do it or not, he still spoke up to help.

It’s not okay not to practice the hero in the World Championship version, even if he is just a support!

After the people in the live broadcast room saw this scene, the barrage of comments also kept scrolling.

"Oh no! Crazy Master has completely evolved into a Void God. Nami can't even do something as simple as this!"

"Simple? Even if it's simple, it depends on who you're facing. Do you think this is your lousy bronze game?"

"Sixth is not ashes, Seventh is not rosy, Eighth is not picking up lanterns. Brothers, he is following the old path of the first generation of Void God."

"Don't be so mean, I have an S crown, at most I was just cursed by the Void God when he fell down."

"You like to do that kind of mess before the game, don't you? You deserve to lose!"

“Today is the happiest day!!!”

"No, Godzilla wants to stand up again, right? My suggestion is to kneel down first, and don't stand up halfway and get slapped back by my crazy brother."


And Hanhua, after seeing this scene.

Heart, the coach, smiled.

It seems that all the time I watched so many Top Esports summer game videos before the game was worth it. The opponent picked Nami as the first move, and it seems that they are not very good at this kind of protective soft support.

But Chaowei was different. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt a little nervous.

Nami was removed, and the very offensive Luna combination in the bottom lane could not be produced. In this case, our team will most likely have to use a core AD like Aphelios.

If the opposing AD is a hero that can withstand more pressure, then I will have to...

At this moment, Chaowei recalled the first time he played against Chen Feng in the group stage last year.

He remembered it very clearly. At that time, Chen Feng, the unruly man, played a support rat that he had never seen before, which almost made him depressed.

Could it be that……

He began to feel a little flustered, and even felt his back itchy for no apparent reason.


At the same time, as the No. 1 seed of LPL, Top Esports is the favorite to win the championship this time.

Therefore, many teams are paying attention to this opening match of the group stage against Hanwha.

After seeing that Top Esports had pressed the button on Nami, many people silently recorded this.

Top Esports’ support is probably not very good at supports like Nami!
Now that there are shortcomings, we can address them.

On the EDG side, Zhu Kai, who was pretending to be a coach, also had a gleam in his eyes.

In the summer season, he was completely lost after being beaten by the Draven and Thresh combination in three games, and he was always confused.

But now...

"If we can meet Top Esports in this world championship, we can get revenge!"

His voice was confident.

You beat me all year, so what if you captured me six times?
I just need to beat you in the most crucial game!
What a great e-sports story this is!!!
Because he knew that Tian Ye and Viper had practiced the Luna combination very perfectly. If Top Esports could not use it in this world championship, then they would be able to take the initiative in BP.

After hearing what Zhu Kai said, the other EDG members all had three big question marks on their heads.

What the hell?

Why is this guy so confident all of a sudden?
What on earth gave him such courage?


When other teams wrote down in their notebooks that Top Esports might not be able to use the Luna combination, Han Hua, as the blue team, directly locked on the hero King of the Ruined King.

The Ruined King can be considered a jungler with his own system, because of his soul-picking mechanism, this hero can directly reap the battlefield as long as he completes a transformation.

"Han Hua grabbed the Ruined King in the first hand. It seems that they plan to build their own lineup with the Ruined King as the core."

Guan Zeyuan, who was in the commentary booth, saw this and said this.

“But Hanhua doesn’t have a Thresh to target Creator.

Our LPL viewers all know that when Top Esports won the LPL Summer Finals, they only used the combination of Thresh and Draven in the bottom lane.

And this combination of the two of them has a 100% winning rate so far.

I feel like should I just do it?
It just so happens that both Thresh and Draven are the heroes that the two players in the bottom lane of Top Esports are good at. "

I remember hearing Guan Zeyuan's words, and he also responded, "I think I can really get it!"

For some reason, whenever he saw Chen Feng and A Shui take out this combination, he felt full of confidence in Top Esports.


"Want to take Thresh and Draven?"

Tao Bo over there.

Luo Sheng was also asking Chen Feng and A Shui.

"No more."


"A No. 1 seed playing against a No. 4 seed, is it really necessary to go all out right away?!"

"Don't be silly, madman, what you said makes a lot of sense!" Ah Shui thought about it for a moment and suddenly grinned.

Since they didn't plan to directly take the Thresh and Draven combination of EDG's bottom lane in the summer season, after a brief thought, they took out a Zoe for Zuo Hand, and then took a Lee Sin, which he was more proficient in, for Karsa.

"Top Esports didn't give their 100% win rate combo to the two players in the bottom lane."

"Maybe they think the bottom lane has more combos, so they help other lanes grab heroes first."


Seeing that the time interval between Top Esports' first and second picks was so short, Heart, as a coach, felt a little pressure.

No matter how confident he is, knowing that Top Esports cannot bring out Luna in the bottom lane, Hanwha is only the fourth seed in LCK.

It would be impossible for the fourth seed to say there is no pressure when facing the first seed.

In fact, among these people in Han Hua, the one he is most worried about is Chao Wei in the middle.

The support in the bottom lane is led by veteran Deft, so we can be more relaxed. Both the top and jungle players are also remarkable.

This is the middle road...

It’s not that Chaowei is not powerful, it’s just that this kid’s performance is really despairing.

Although LCK coaches can discipline players, you can’t control them when they are playing a game.

After thinking about it for a while, Heart decided not to give Chaowei the core mid lane.

He was worried that the opponent would have a relapse in the World Championship because the kid had already had it once in the Summer Championship.

I don’t know why he is so obsessed with the line of troops, and I don’t dare to ask.

After thinking about it, Heart, as a coach, took out Shen for Morgan in the top lane, and took a Sylas for Chaowei in the middle lane.

In this way, the lineup built around the jungler King of the Ruined King has initially stood out.

Seeing Han Hua's top, mid and jungle all out, Top Esports thought for a while and chose to give 369 the Master Yi and take over the bottom lane in the second round.

Although Fiora can be better, this hero is okay in solo laning, but she is too weak in teamfights compared to Shen.

"In the opening match of the group stage, it was clear that both sides were very tense.

In the first round, they showed their respective top, mid and jungle lanes. "Looking at the heroes that both sides had decided on, Guan Zeyuan said with a smile, "The top and mid lanes are fine, but the blind monk is definitely not as good as the Ruined King in the later stages.

So we have to hurry up and get things done, otherwise, we will just have to rely on that one step later.”

As soon as he said this, many people's eyes suddenly lit up.

Let’s not talk about other things for now. At least the colonel’s words are a good sign.

"Fortunately, the colonel is relatively reliable at critical moments."

"I'm just afraid that this guy will suddenly say that even though the hero is not good, Top Esports' No. 1 seed will definitely win."

"Stop yelling like that. They are just the fourth seed. Even with Guan Zeyuan's help, they are no match for Top Esports!"

"It's hard to say. It's not uncommon for the number one seed to fail. We must be on our guard!"


After both sides finished the first round of moving people, the second round seemed much simpler.

Hanhua took away Galio and Ashe, while Top Esports took away Titan, limiting the opponent's ability to start a team fight.

However, when moving the second person, Chen Feng suddenly spoke.

"Press down Kassa."

"Why?" Luo Sheng was a little confused.

Although Kaisa is a strong hero, he is average in the lane. Moreover, if the counter position is given to A Shui, the opponent can use Xayah to counter when he has Kaisa.

Hearing the question, Chen Feng slowly explained to Luo Sheng.

Because the opponent has the Ruined King and Sylas, this is obviously a top-level instant kill lineup. The Blue Steel Shadow's ultimate locks the enemy, the others focus their fire, and finally the Ruined King quickly transforms and starts to harvest.

AD's position is generally relatively far back. Not everyone is like A Shui, standing in the front for fear that others will not be able to attack them.

So at this time, the only one who can quickly advance and cooperate with Shen to kill instantly is Kaisa, and the ultimate skill can find an opportunity to quickly join the battlefield.

Although Kaisa’s laning performance is average, she is still pretty good in the late game and can also provide a backup.

After Chen Feng finished his analysis, Luo Sheng blinked and said nothing.

Obviously, he hasn't figured it out yet.

However, he felt that what Chen Feng said in one breath should make sense, so he simply suppressed Kassadin.

After Kaisa was sent to move, Heart, the coach, frowned slightly.

Something is wrong. Nine out of ten things are wrong. It seems like my thoughts have been predicted!

Isn't the opponent Luo Sheng the noob? How come he suddenly became so smart!

"The second round of moves for both teams has ended, and Hanhua still hasn't removed Creator's Thresh. I wonder if Top Esports will use their own Thresh-Derrick combination."

I remember when I was muttering, Top Esports also took out a Varus for A Shui, who is a versatile hero who can play with special effects and go for the A flow, as well as the magic cut and consumption flow.

"Top Esports gave Ah Shui a Varus, and the counter position was given to Creator. I don't know how Hanhua will respond."

You can't suppress the hero Varus, especially since Han Hua doesn't have a real front row, and A Shui will most likely play the Mana Cut consumption flow.

So after Kaisa was defeated, Hanhua finally took out Aphelios for Deft, and then took a Diana for the support.

Aphelios definitely needs the protection of a soft support to play more comfortably, but this game lacks team initiation, and veteran Deft can also find a damage output position.

So in the end I picked a Diana to increase my side's chances of starting a team fight and also make the front row a little tougher.

"The Hanhua lineup has been confirmed, so what should Top Esports do for the support team?"

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, the familiar avatar of Top Esports' fifth player suddenly lit up!
"All traitors must die!!!"


"Oh my god, the crazy guy has started again, right?"

"You're using this method in the World Championship? Aren't you really afraid of losing?"

"There's nothing I can do. I already have the championship, so I have to do whatever makes me happy."

"If you like playing AD so much, why don't you play AD instead of supporting?"

"That must be because the support doesn't need to last hit, but the AD still has to last hit!"

"As everyone knows, Crazy Master is known as the little zombie in the bottom lane!"

He started off with some tricks, which instantly made the comments in the live broadcast room boil over.

After getting used to seeing the same heroes over and over again, the audience still prefers to watch more routines, otherwise G2 would not be so popular, because this team can always give people surprises.

Heart also knew that Chen Feng had a good skateboard assist, but he never expected that Top Esports would actually use it in the first game.

Obviously, the other party didn't regard their team as human beings at all!!!

After the heroes were exchanged between their respective users, the lineups of both sides appeared in front of everyone.

Hanhua's top laner is Shen, jungler is King of the Ruined King, mid laner is Sylas, and bottom lane is Aphelios and Leona.

Top Esports has Jax, the Master Yi, in the top lane, Lee Sin in the jungle, Zoe in the middle lane, and Varus and Kalista in the bottom lane.

Before leaving, Heart gave a big thumbs up to Hanhua's people.

"The opposing team obviously didn't take us seriously. Even though we are the fourth seed, we still have to teach them a lesson and make them pay the price for their arrogance."

After spending some time in LPL, Heart has learned how to give chicken soup for the soul quite well.

The coaches from both sides walked to the center of the stage and bumped fists, and then the game began.


"It seems that our lineup is not good at teamfighting. We can only rely on Zoe's hand to get the prize, or Kago's blind monk's roundhouse kick!"

When entering the game, A Shui couldn't help but mutter.

"Why didn't you start a team fight? Aren't you Varus?"

"But what if my ultimate skill fails?"

"If it's empty, it means you're bad. What else can I do?"

Chen Feng came up and said some rude words, which made Ah Shui speechless. He didn't know what to say. He could only buy the equipment and go to the bottom lane.

When laning against Aphelios and Diana, there is definitely no need to be afraid at level 1.

The laning strength of the double servant blade AD at level one can only be countered by the double servant blade.

Deft, the AD, and Vsta, the support, also know the strength of these two heroes in laning, and they also know that if Top Esports takes them, they will definitely cross the line of soldiers to attack them at level 1.

Maybe he's crouching in the bushes right now!
So after thinking about it for a while, they directly called out to the jungler Willer and asked him to prepare for a level 2 gank.

Although this may result in the Ruined King suffering heavy losses in the jungle if no one is caught, instead of waiting for the opponent's two ADs in the bottom lane to gain an advantage and cooperate with the jungler, it is better to take the initiative!

Everything was just as Deft had thought. The two of them helped the jungler kill two wild monsters. After following the line of soldiers to the bottom lane, Varus in the grass instantly released his E skill, Rain of Arrows, to slow down the opponent.

After slowing down, Kalista and Varus directly suppressed with the help of the double blades.

"Top Esports' bottom lane is still as aggressive as ever. They're going to fight right up against the minion line at level 1. Dang!"

After seeing this, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh.

"However, Aphelios has no skills at level 1, and Diana's fighting power is average, so there will be no problem fighting like this."

However, at this moment, Jide's voice suddenly became louder, "Wait a minute, what's going on with the Ruined King?
His move..."

I remember that before I finished speaking, Tong Xi beside me shouted, "Willer wants to catch him at level 2!!!"

"It's bad. Top Esports' bottom lane didn't seem to realize it at all. They pushed very deep and tried to block the positions of Han Hua's two bottom lane players. We didn't want to give them any experience."

I remember that as I was speaking, the Ruined King had already taken his position.

In order to prevent the eyes in the river from discovering him, Willer also carefully planned his position.

When seeing his jungler slowly approaching, Vsta, as a support, controlled Diana to flash forward decisively.

He did not learn the E skill Zenith Blade because if it was dodged, even if the Ruined King was not exposed, it would still be a waste of time to clear the jungle.

So just learn the Q skill Dawn Shield to ensure 100% hit rate.

Because Ah Shui had purification, his target was Kalista next to him.

Chen Feng naturally didn't expect that the Japanese girl would be so tough, but he knew very well that if the opponent dared to play like this, it must be the jungler who came.

Sure enough, as soon as this thought arose in my mind, the Ruined King arrived.

“Hi hi hi hi!!!”


"Oh no, the two players in Top Esports' bottom lane pushed too deep at level 1. Something might happen."

Guan Zeyuan sighed slowly.

Faced with the jungler's sudden level 2 gank, Chen Feng naturally did not sit still and wait for death.

He knew that he might not be able to escape, but he still chose to use his flash, as if to force the opponent jungler to use his flash.

Willer's Ruined King was also very decisive. Seeing Chen Feng use flash, he decisively charged up the W skill and flashed, stunning him on the spot, and then continued to slow him down with the Red Overlord.

The kill was finally taken by Defr's Aphelios and Flash.

"First blood!"

A burst of blood! ! !


Seeing the bottom lane give away first blood so quickly, the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly boiled over.

“Are you starting to deliver now?”

"Don't be so mean, I am just paying tribute to the legendary world number one Eddie, the famous scene where the championless shockwave was caught by the second level!"

"You like to do all that mess before the game. You don't train well, right? It seems!!!"

"If you don't respect your opponent and use this kind of hero, losing is inevitable."

"It's over. Crazy Master gave up a first blood and made Godzilla climax on the spot."

"Just wait for Alpaca to beat up Top Esports' useless duo in the bottom lane."

"No, Godzilla, you actually recognized the thief as your father? Have you forgotten how the alpaca beat up your own father, the bathing dog?"

"It's all the fault of Factory Manager. If it weren't for him, whose jungler would have caught the bottom lane at level 2!"

"Yeah, it's all the factory's fault. He really deserves to die!!!"

"Classic, you blame others for getting caught and killed. Who told you not to treat the opponent as a human being at level 1?"


The factory manager, who was watching the game at the moment, was dumbfounded when he saw that the barrage was guiding his pace.

I have been retired for so many years, and now I get scolded for no reason. Who the hell can stand this?


"Wow, this wave of Han Hua's second-level capture is really unexpected.

But three flashes and ignite in exchange for one flash + first blood, I don't think they are making much of a profit."

After Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, Jide immediately spoke up, "Yeah, the opponent used three flashes, and even though the first blood went to Aphelios, I feel that Top Esports didn't lose out.

Because the Ruined King's position has been exposed, and secondly, his jungle clearing speed has been affected. After Karsa and Lee Sin finish clearing the lower half of the area, maybe we can go and harass them."

The commentator's comments also made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh.

"Here it comes, this is our LPL commentary style!"

“You may make a small profit, but I will never lose money.”

"Then the question is, Han Hua got the first blood without any loss, and Top Esports lost the first blood without any loss, so who lost in the end?"

"No need to look at it, it must be a loss for the fist!"


In Tao Bo's voice.

Seeing Chen Feng being caught and giving away the first blood, Left Hand, who had been complained by Chen Feng on the way here about being so weak in the World Championship, finally got the chance.

"Is this giving away first blood?"

Hearing Zuoshou's slightly teasing and vindictive tone, he smiled slightly and said confidently, "You should take care of your mid lane first.

What's wrong with me giving away first blood?
If you give me first blood, I can fight back in the bottom lane later and it will be over!"

...(End of chapter)

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