LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 238: I thought so much, but I missed the laning phase!

"There's Weapon in front and Lee Sin behind. Rascal is so desperate. Where are my teammates?"

Looking at the little Loli with the scissors on the big screen who was about to be tower dived, I remember that the tone of her voice was very emotional.

If the mid laner is a tool man like Galio, maybe he can be saved by teleporting. At most, it will be a waste of experience. For Galio, this sacrifice is acceptable.

It’s a pity that BDD was playing Tsar in the mid lane, so he definitely couldn’t provide support.

Facing two big guys, Rascal had no choice but to see if he could rely on the power of the old father in the defense tower to replace one of them.

It’s a pity that he thought too much. Karsa and Lee Sin took the lead in resisting the tower, and finally 369’s Jax finished it off.

To be on the safe side, Karsa even used a flash at the end, not giving the opponent any chance to replace him.

"Because of Clid's appearance in the bottom lane, Top Esports got another kill in the top lane. It feels like not only the bottom lane but also the top lane is under pressure now."

I remember saying it with a smile. He must be very happy to see that Topbo gradually mastered the rhythm of the game.

"If nothing unexpected happens, I should be able to defeat Gwen next time!"

When returning to the city, 369's confident voice was heard in Taobo's voice chat.

Gwen and Jax are actually similar. Both are heroes that can fight in team fights and play solo. When these two heroes are on the line, it can be said that once they gain the advantage, they can basically keep suppressing the opponent's hammer.

Even if he couldn't get a solo kill, he could still take the initiative in the top lane.

For the game, whoever has the initiative in the lane, his jungler can do a better job!
Seeing that the rhythm of the game was a bit collapsed at the beginning, coach Edgar in the Samsung backstage lounge felt like his head was about to explode.

After all, according to his intention, he wanted to move Draven away, but the two people in the bottom lane said no.

Just don't use it, but now you're being killed online!

The game passed by minute by minute. Although BDD's Tsar in the middle lane had no pressure against Left Hand Leblanc, that was all he could do. He could only develop but could not support his teammates.

Because the hero Tsar is really too fragile, if he is not careful, he will be hit by Leblanc and basically lose half of his health.

The top lane also has an advantage because 369's Jax got a kill.

As for the bottom lane, there is no need to say more. Even if the Luna combination is strong, it depends on who is playing it. Now Samsung's Luna obviously did not achieve the desired effect.

Originally, Samsung wanted to use Luna's strength to help the jungler control the dragon and invade the jungle area.

If the jungler is comfortable, the laner will definitely be comfortable as well.

When the line changes, rely on Luna's strength to hold the middle line and continue to do things.

Even if Luna encounters problems in the mid-game, she can still rely on the two heroes, Tsar and Gwen, to provide a backup in the end.

It’s a pity that even though the plan was perfect, the script didn’t go as expected. Now Top Esports has advantages in almost three lanes, and the advantage in the jungle is even greater, so this is very embarrassing.

As a three-star coach, Edgar thought of everything perfectly, with Luna in the early and middle stages and Tsar Gwen in the late stages.

But he overlooked the most important and most easily overlooked point.

That is, what to do if you can't win the laning phase! ?

Of course, this cannot be blamed on him. After all, it has reached the quarterfinals. To get to this point, it is more of a test of the lineup, the players' mentality and cooperation.

Who the hell would have known that this situation would occur when the opponent has never played against him before!
The issue is……

Before the game, the players in the bottom lane kept yelling at me to just be at ease, and they were very confident in saying that I should just give the heroes to them!
I let it go, and then you got beaten up by the other side!
Who can stand this???
Looking at the situation on the field, Edgar fell silent. He felt that there was nothing wrong with his lineup.

If there is a problem with the lineup, or the BP is completely defeated by others, as a coach he will not blame the players on the field, but will only feel that his own strength is not good enough.

Even if there are problems with coordination and command during team battles, he will not get angry, because it is inevitable that five people will have disagreements.

If the BP is wrong, it can be adjusted. If there is a disagreement in the command, it can be assigned, but...

You guys have never played against me in a laning match before, which makes it very difficult for me!

It is said that League of Legends is a team game, but the problem is that operation is the foundation that supports this factor.

Although we don't aim to beat our opponents directly online, at least we can't be too far behind.

"Ah... Ah Xi Ba..."

Edgar sighed slightly. As a coach, there was nothing he could do except worry.

After thinking about so many possibilities, the result is...

I've never fought in a laning match before!


On the playing field.

After getting a kill, 369's Jax played even more arrogantly. Relying on his equipment advantage, he showed an unyielding attitude.

It was indeed difficult for BDD Tsar in the middle lane to do anything at first, so he could only develop silently, hoping to take shape quickly to save the team from the dire situation.

Jungler Clid had been helping the lane for a long time but to no avail, so now he has no choice but to run away when he sees Karsa and Lee Sin in the jungle.

In this situation, Samsung had no choice but to use its resources to buy time for development. It didn't dare to fight hard, fearing that if something went wrong, it would be impossible to play.

In this way, Top Esports instantly took the first Rift Herald in eight minutes.

After taking the Rift Herald, Karsa wandered around for a long time, but unfortunately he didn't find any opportunity, and finally had to stay in the middle lane.

Since the opponent is so cautious, let's quickly take down the middle tower, squeeze the development space of the Tsar, free up the left-handed Leblanc as soon as possible, start the cooperation between the mid and jungle, speed up the pace of the game, and don't give the opponent a chance to drag it down.

Originally, Samsung thought that even if they had a slight disadvantage in the beginning, as long as they could hold steady and Luna could hold the middle line in the mid-term, even if they didn't have the advantage they imagined, because these two heroes were strong, they could slowly drag the game into the late stages.

By then, with the help of Tsar and Gwen, two late-stage super AP cores, there is still a high probability of winning.

However, Rascal's Gwen in the top lane was not convinced when facing 369's Jax who had a strong desire to attack. The kill on you was taken by the jungler for you, not by you alone, so why are you so arrogant in the laning phase?

He controlled Gwen and started sprinting, wanting to have a big battle with 369 as a real man in the top lane!
Unfortunately, he fell short in the end and was killed by his opponent.

It is understandable to be caught in a two-on-one situation by the jungler or to be killed by a three-on-one attack by the mid and jungle, but it is a bit embarrassing if you are killed alone, especially in the League of Legends World Finals!
Even though there was a gap in equipment between the two, Gwen was the one who took the initiative to ask for a fight!

"No, what's wrong, brother? Are you going to fight even though you are at a disadvantage in equipment?"

"It's obvious that if we keep it steady, the game will get easier and easier, but we have to go up and make the game more difficult, right?"

"The money from Top Entertainment has arrived, but my acting skills are a bit worrying."

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who wins games by hiding?"

"That's right, I'd rather lose standing than win like a coward!"

"This top laner can only say one thing about this situation... the jungle gap!!!"


"I'm Chao, 69 you're really good, it's worth my help in crossing the tower and getting the kills!"

Seeing that his own top laner had killed the opponent alone, big brother Karsa was the first to give praise.

After hearing this, 369 grinned and said, "What you said, wouldn't it be easy to beat him?
But to be honest, I don't understand why he wants to fight me, I have better equipment than him."

"Because he thinks you are bad, and he wants to make up for the disadvantage through operation." Chen Feng said bluntly.

He saw the duel between the two people in the top lane just now. Gwen actually had a chance to fight back, but unfortunately there was a slight flaw in his operation.


at the same time.

Looking at Jax who disappeared from his sight, and then looking at his gray screen, Rascal moved his lips and spoke slowly.

"Well, Jax didn't dodge..."

"Don't worry, we'll be easy to beat later!" Clid took a deep breath.

He hesitated for a moment, but finally didn't say anything too harsh. After all, the opposing jungler went to the top lane once and helped his teammates complete the tower dive, but he himself didn't go there once.

Even though he told his top laner not to be anxious, he was actually very anxious.

However, this time when he was prepared to be a tool, the prince also felt the despair of being a tool.

That is, once his teammates are at a disadvantage, he really can't provide much help and can only go up and die heroically in team battles.

Of course, another possibility is a fantastic team battle.
Control the prince to use EQ to knock two or three people away, then use the ultimate skill to make a hard hit and complete self-salvation!

After seeing that 369's Jax in the top lane actually completed a solo kill.

In the commentary box.

The voice I remembered rang out again excitedly.

"Solo kill! 369 completed a solo kill!

No, I have the advantage in equipment, why would you fight me?"

In fact, Guan Zeyuan didn’t quite understand why his brother suddenly got so carried away.

“This solo kill is actually okay. At most, you just need to be careful in the next laning phase. At worst, you can wait for a team fight or the jungler to fight with Jax.

The problem is that Gwen died at the wrong time, right around the time when the second Rift Herald was refreshed, so if that's the case, Samsung might have to give up again."

After Colonel Guan finished speaking, Top Esports had already taken down the second Rift Herald.

Needless to say, the second Rift Herald must be placed in the middle lane, and the middle lane tower should be destroyed as soon as possible to prevent Luna from stepping on the middle line unscrupulously. By the way, it can also free up the left-handed Leblanc.

When Samsung's mid lane tower was knocked down by the Rift Herald, the rhythm naturally shifted more towards Top Esports.

... "Now Samsung is in a very difficult situation. After the middle lane tower fell, Tsar can only go to the bottom lane to develop with his back to the defensive tower, allowing Ruler and Life's Luna to go to the middle lane."

"But after the middle lane tower fell, the vision in the middle lane was too much pressure for Samsung.

Originally, Luna was going to suppress Top Esports by stepping into the middle lane, but now that the middle lane tower is gone, they dare not suppress them too much. "

Just as Guan Zeyuan and Jide were saying this, Chen Feng controlled Thresh, turned on the scan, and blocked a gap in the opponent's vision.

After approaching from the flank, there is no need to say anything, just flash and hook.
The moment he saw Thresh flash up, Ruler, with high concentration, reacted quickly and used the E skill "Cold Pursuit" to dodge.

However, Chen Feng just took advantage of Thresh, or to be more precise, he took advantage of a very classic little trick of the hook hero.

On the surface, he flashed up to cause trouble for Lucian, but in fact he was targeting Nami.


The cold hook seemed to be equipped with automatic navigation and accurately hooked Nami's broad chest.

“Creator’s trick is to make a feint to the east and attack in the west!!!” I remember shouting excitedly.

Following his voice, Draven directly threw out his ultimate move. His left hand, which had been lying in ambush on the side for a long time, also controlled Leblanc to use two stages of Shadow Tracks to step on her.

The concentrated fire from the two made Life unable to resist at all, and he was killed on the spot, and the kill was taken by A Shui's Draven.

After A Shui's Draven took the kill, the team economy of both sides instantly widened a lot. After all, this was not the case when the bottom lane completed the line kill just now. The passive that had been accumulated for so long, one kill made Draven instantly gain a lot of weight!
After killing Nami, Chen Feng immediately called on everyone else to go to the bottom lane, so as not to let the Tsar develop so comfortably.

After A Shui's Draven successfully raised this huge sum of money, Luna was no longer a big threat to Top E. If they dared to attack her face, they would have to see if they could withstand Draven's Triple Blade.

There is no need to say much about 369's Jax in the top lane. As long as no one else interferes, he can easily bully my little scissors loli.

Therefore, for Top Esports, the only hidden danger at present is BDD's well-developed Tsar, who is also Samsung's hope for a comeback.

After seeing the players from Topbo disappear in the middle lane, BDD was also very careful and retreated immediately without giving them any chance.

There must be no problem with his Tsar, otherwise there will be no hope at all.

Faced with the Tsar who used quicksand to move his shadow, Chen Feng and his men had no way to deal with him. This guy was really too cautious.

Since the Tsar ran away and Nami was killed, Top Esports went straight to the little dragon and started working.

If the opponent chooses to avoid fighting, it will be difficult to find opportunities. Then naturally you can only speed up the pace of the game by taking resources, forcing the opponent to come over to join the team fight.

Looking at the current pace, they are basically being led by Top Esports. Not only are the Samsung players on the field anxious, but coach Edgar in the locker room at the back is even more anxious.

As a double-champion coach, he always has rich coaching experience. From his point of view, there is basically no need to continue this game, although the Tsar still retains the spark of a comeback for the team.

But time waits for no one, and the big dragon will be refreshed soon.

Maybe the only chance now is if the other side gives me a chance...

Looking at what Edgar knows about Top Esports, he feels that if anyone can step up and give a chance, it must be Draven.

It’s a pity that now that we have Thresh, which makes up for Draven’s lack of displacement, his risk is greatly reduced, and Thresh’s vision is too good, leaving him no chance at all.

Besides, when you pin your hopes of a comeback on your opponent's mistakes, you are basically not far from losing.

With a slight sigh, Edgar picked up the small notebook on his lap and began to prepare for the next BP.

It’s not that as a coach he has no confidence in his players, it’s mainly because he has a God’s perspective, so he sees more and farther, and naturally understands what the probability of a comeback is.


"Now Samsung can only stabilize the current situation by letting the little dragon, but Top Esports has no need to worry because the big dragon is about to spawn!
They can give up other resources, but they can’t give up the Baron.”

"That is to say, as long as the Baron spawns, Samsung must come over to fight this group. Judging from their equipment, this group will be difficult to win."

I remember that the tone was very relaxed, as if he had already seen Top Esports win the first game.

We had advantages in all areas, including the top, middle, bottom and jungle areas. We had no idea how we could lose.


Samsung side.

Ruler and BDD are also very anxious. The current situation seems to have been stabilized somewhat through retreating and forbearance.

But as a professional player, how could he not know that once the big dragon refreshes, the real crisis will come.

It's not like they didn't have opportunities, but unfortunately they were resolved every time by Chen Feng's Thresh. They couldn't even get out of the field of vision and were suppressed.

Twenty minutes into the game, the long-awaited Baron of Top Esports was refreshed!

Of course, Top Esports did not rashly attack the Baron directly, because when they were in the LPL, Chen Feng and his teammates had failed many times because of the Baron.

I originally thought of using the Baron to bring down a huge fire on the opponent, but I didn't expect that the one who was brought down by the fire would be myself.

So after the big dragon refreshed, Chen Feng directly let 369's Master Yi go to the bottom lane to solo. Anyway, he could fight Gwen easily when it came to solo laning.

If Samsung sends Tsar to defend, then Top Esports can find opportunities to attack the dragon or start a team fight.

If we let the Prince go to catch it, the worst that could happen is that we would use 369's kills to exchange for the big dragon, which would be a win-win situation in any case.


Looking at Jax appearing in the bottom lane, and then looking at the dark dragon pit, the Samsung players did not hesitate at all.

They asked Gwen to defend the bottom lane, while the others rushed directly towards the Baron.

You can give up one bottom lane defense tower, but you must not give up the Baron at any cost. Once you give up the Baron, you will lose more than just one defense tower.


“Samsung defended head-on and knew they couldn’t lose Baron.

Fortunately, Top Esports didn’t have a strong starting point, otherwise Draven’s equipment might have led to a direct fight.”

"The other members of Samsung can fight against Top Esports head-on, but what about 369's Jax in the bottom lane?"

I remember that as we were talking, 369 Jax also took decisive action.

It's fine if you send the Tsar to guard me, but what do you mean by letting Gwen, who can't beat me in lane, to defend me?
So 369 didn't say anything and controlled Jax to jump up decisively using the Q skill when Gwen used the Q skill to clear the line, and then activated the ultimate skill, Grandmaster's Power!
Faced with such an unreasonable Jax, Rascal naturally did not flee, wanting to see if he could fight back with the help of the defensive tower.
He didn't seek a counterattack. Considering the current situation of Samsung and Gwen's own economy, as long as he could get a one-for-one exchange, it would be enough.

A one-for-one trade can prevent Top Esports from taking the Baron by single-handedly pushing the opponent, and at the same time it can supplement their own development, which is the best of both worlds.

However, 369 Jax's equipment is much better than Gwen's. Not only did he share the economy with the defensive tower, but he also ate a lot of wild monsters from Karsa.

After all, Lee Sin is of little use later on, so Karsa gives a lot of wild monsters to 369.

With the advantage of equipment and 369 twisting off Gwen's two ultimates, the result is self-evident. Even against the defensive tower, he still managed to kill Gwen, killing her with one blow, and finally retreating gracefully.

Looking at his gray screen, Rascal felt a little withdrawn.

It was my fault for the solo kill just now. I was just looking for trouble, but what about now?

You're going to kill me under the defense tower?
Rascal felt a little regretful. If he was given another chance, he would definitely not think of fighting back actively, but choose to develop steadily.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret now.


"369 in the bottom lane completed another solo kill!!!" Jide's voice was very excited.

"Then the initiative is completely in Top Esports' hands. They can continue to let 369's Jax carry the team alone. If Samsung sends players back to defend, they can just go for the Baron.

Or you can let 369 go back to the city to replenish his equipment and teleport to the front, and five people will attack the big dragon together. Three stars and few people, this is a very good opportunity. "Rita said, her tone calm and not arrogant.

Seeing their top laner being killed again, Clid and the others almost wanted to curse.

If Brother Chi wasn't one year older than him, Chizi would have wanted to find a baseball bat after the game and have a good talk with the opponent just like Master An did back then.

But now is not the time to think about this. Gwen was killed alone, and the situation that could have been dragged on for a while suddenly became untenable.


Tao Bo over there.

After 369's Jax killed Gwen alone, big brother Karsa was the first to praise him.

"Sure, Bai Jiahao, there are no 3s and 6s on the dice today, all are 9s, right?"

Facing the praise, 369 did not respond, but asked, "Should I continue to carry or go home and teleport to fight the big dragon head-on?

If I continue to carry, and the opponent doesn’t defend me, I feel I can destroy their bottom lane second tower.”

Both of these decisions were good for Top Esports, but after some discussion, they decided to let 369 go home for supplies and then teleport to the front to take the Baron together.

As long as the Baron is taken, it will be much easier to advance. Without the support of the Baron, the Tsar and Luna's ability to defend the line is really too strong.

After making the decision, 369 did not waste any time and directly controlled Jax to return to the city.

"369 didn't continue to push forward. It seems that he intends to help the team take the Baron head-on.

This would put Samsung in a difficult position. With one less person in front of them, if they dare to get close, once they are caught, they will be forced to fight a team battle with fewer people against more.”

"But for them, this is something they can't decide on their own. They have no choice but to accept it, otherwise they will have no chance at all."

While the commentary was analyzing, Jax, who had returned to the city at 369, replenished his equipment and status and began to teleport.

With the advantage in numbers, Top Esports naturally did not hesitate and decisively started to attack the big dragon.


(End of this chapter)

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