LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 259 Are you ready to enter the world of fire?

Chapter 259 Are you ready to enter the world of fire?
"Everyone will die one day, and some people need a little help!"



EDG grabbed Lucian first. To be honest, the Luna combination of Viper and Meiko in this world championship, I feel that basically no team can compare with them except Top Esports.”

"In that case, the pressure will be on Top Esports to see if they have a third way to deal with Luna, or if they will try to snatch Nami and break up the Luna combination like DK did not long ago," Miller said with a smile.

"If I feel like it's really not going to work, I'll give Jack La Wu a Ziggs, and I'll stay in the bottom lane. I won't fight you, and let the support roam.

This is somewhat similar to the soft-hard play of Frost and Varus.

But the problem is that the hero Ziggs is different from Ashe and Varus.

He has no ability to start a team fight. If the upper half of the area is not played out, Ziggs will be very passive. He has no ability to lead the team to a comeback. "


While several commentators were happily discussing, Luo Sheng also asked Chen Feng.

"Xiao Luo, you really have an easy life with this salary!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Sheng's face turned red, and he defended stubbornly, "I believe you!"

The bottom line is that Luo Sheng didn't know what other strange heroes or routines Chen Feng had. He just knew that since this kid offended Uzi, his whole person seemed to have opened up his Ren and Du meridians.

"Let's grab Nami first. The combination of beating them head-on is gone for now."

“Gone!?” Luo Sheng was slightly stunned. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier that it was gone? It would have been better if I had just moved Lucian.”

"Moving Lucian and placing Aphelios, it's the same."

"The problem is that if we grab Nami and break up the Luna combination, what will we have? And even if we grab Nami, their Lucian can go to other lanes, but our Nami can only be a support." As A Shui spoke, he glanced at Chen Feng.

For some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Since they decided to remove Luna, Top Esports locked on Nami at the last second of selection.

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but say, "Top Esports stole Nami! That means they don't have a good bottom lane combination to beat Luna, so they can only steal instead of move!"

"But what pairing should Top Esports have for Nami? For Lucian, EDG can let him go mid or top!"

"I think Top Esports should have their own ideas. They won't make such an irrational decision."

After Miller finished speaking, Top Esports gave Karsa a Prince in the second hand, which can be regarded as stealing instead of moving, because Jie Jie's Prince also performed very well in this world competition!

Even though Nami is gone, Lucian can choose other lanes and will not be affected too much.

The point is that EDG saw a glimmer of hope!
Grabbing Nami means that Top Esports has no more tricks up its sleeve. Maybe they can really take advantage of the blue side and fight the opponent until the fifth game!

After a brief discussion, EDG gave Jiejie a Xin Zhao, and then gave the middle laner a Tsar, which was also his underwear hero.

In this way, Lucian can be placed in the top lane, after all, the top lane is where the Holy Spear is!
When it was Top Esports’ turn, they gave 369 an Ornn in the third pick, making it clear that the top lane was another pressure-absorbing and sacrificial position.

369 doesn’t matter, he is good at this anyway, unlike Abin.

If it were Abin, he would definitely not choose a hero like Ornn.

After the first three moves of both sides were determined, EDG was already very confident that they could win the first game.

Just looking at the first three choices, we are so far ahead of Top Esports!

You like to snatch Nami and destroy Luna, right? Then just like DK, pay the price!!!

In the second round of moving people, Top Esports targeted the hero who started the team fight, Tian Ye, the support.

EDG eliminated Syndra, who was Zuo Hand's strong point, and added A Shui's Kaisa, which was very targeted.

After the move was completed, Topbo directly took out a Yongen for his left hand in the fourth hand.

Although he doesn't play this hero often, he is pretty passable.

"Mid lane Yongen? In that case, it seems that the bottom lane will need an AP.

But if we have AP and no ADC, how can we play this lineup?" Wawa's tone was somewhat puzzled.

"Or maybe we don't need an AP. EDG doesn't have a very strong frontline. At most, there is one support, but the support can't be as tanky as the top laner."


Seeing that Topbo seemed to be a little confused because of the fight for Nami, Zhu Kai's pig head showed a smile.

He decisively gave Meiko a Rakan, and then took out the Life Throne for Viper, which was also a very classic bottom lane combination.

This way we can start a team fight, and Jhin is also a pretty good AD tool.

In this way, with Lucian in the early and middle stages, Tsar and Lifesaver in the back, and Diana and Xin Zhao in the front at the start of a team fight, the lineup will be perfect.

Even if the opponent has Prince and Yongen rushing to the back row, you can use the Tsar's ultimate to push them away. Besides, these two heroes are melee heroes after all. Maybe they will be beaten to no health before they get close.

"Okay, we can see that EDG's lineup has been determined, so I wonder what Top Esports will do in the end.

I think we need to add a big core, otherwise the output won’t be enough later on!”

"Xayah seems to be okay, but her reach is too short. Facing a lineup on the left, she will be pulled very hard. If that doesn't work, Jinx is the only option."

"But if Jinx doesn't have Tam or Thresh, her survival in teamfights will be very worrying."


Just when everyone was guessing what hero Top Esports would use in the bottom lane, a very unfamiliar person appeared on the big screen.


"Get ready to enter the world of fire!!!"


Along with Brand's low laughter, Top Esports' lineup was presented to everyone.

“Brand?!” Guan Zeyuan must have seen this tactic before. “This hero can be paired with Nami. I’ve seen a lot of people playing this way recently. Even when I was watching videos at night, I could see the combination of Brand and Nami!
But I didn’t expect that Top Esports would pull it out right away, and in such an important first set of the finals!”

"But in this case, Top Esports has no AD damage and only one Yongen. It feels like it will be quite difficult to beat them." Wawa on the side was not optimistic.

Looking at the Fire Man that Top Esports brought out, Zhu Kai was a little dumbfounded.

Because EDG had never beaten Top Esports, and it was an internal battle, so naturally he, who was pretending to be a coach, didn't put much effort into the research.

He thought that Top Esports had almost used up all their tricks, but he didn't expect that they would suddenly use a big move!

Zhu Kai, who originally thought that Topbo had run out of tricks, now felt a little unsure.

Obviously, Zhu Kai, who pretended to be a coach, didn't know the combination of Brand and Nami at all.

If you have never seen or fought this thing before, and don’t quite understand the opponent’s routines, then it’s natural that you will be easily confused!
"I think I've seen this before..." Saint Spear said slowly, "Anyway, when Brand enlarges, we just need to avoid getting hit by too many people."

"But if we disperse, won't that give the enemy a chance to defeat us one by one?"

"Then we'll see what happens then."

"Ah... why is the opponent's bottom lane playing everything?"

"The main thing is that they dare to play!"

Tian Ye and the others kept talking.

After both sides took advantage of the last possible moment to exchange heroes between their respective users, the lineups of both sides were presented to everyone.

EDG has Lucian on top, Xin Zhao in the jungle, Tsar in the mid lane, and Leona and Asterix in the bottom lane.

Top Esports has Ornn on the top lane, Jarvan II in the jungle, Yongen in the middle lane, and Brand and Nami on the bottom lane.

Seeing that there were only a few seconds left before the substitution and Nami was still in A Shui's hands, the people in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"It's over, the Crazy Lord has usurped the throne again!"

"You don't understand. A fake support may not be able to protect the AD even if it protects him. A real support will just play the AD himself and die for the AD. This is a scheme of replacing the prince with a cat!"

"My Zhuo, don't say that, please don't say that, there is nothing wrong with what you said!"

"Ice Emperor, if you feel threatened, just blink!"

"It's a rebellion, the Top Esports support is going to rebel!"

"To be honest, Crazy Ye plays AD much better than Ice King. At least he doesn't take Q!"

"Is that an insult? The opponent scored that goal based on his own strength. Why do you say my brother likes to take it?"...

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan also smiled and joked.

“Sure enough, this kind of routine is usually done by the Creator.

Actually, how should I put it? Even if Top Esports brought out the combination of the Forest Fire and Ice Man, Brand and Nami, which appeared on the field for the first time.

But I feel that EDG's lineup is more reasonable, with everything they need for starting a team fight, harvesting and providing protection.

On the other hand, Top Esports’ lineup does not have an AD, so they rely heavily on their ultimate skills when fighting in a team!

If they don’t coordinate well, the subsequent damage may be far less than EDG.”

"So who do you think has a greater chance of winning this time?" Wawa asked.

“I think it’s EDG!!!”

As soon as Colonel Guan said this, many EDG fans in the live broadcast room felt a pang in their hearts.

There's nothing I can do. Even though I know his words won't affect the outcome of the game, I still feel a little inexplicably panicked.


As soon as he entered the game, Chen Feng directly let Karsa brush from top to bottom. After all, the opponent's top laner was Lucian played by Holy Gun. He might not be able to kill Ornn, but it was still safe to suppress him.

So if he goes from bottom to top as usual, Karsa might have to give up wasting time on the river crab.

Just go straight to the upper half of the map. Anyway, 369's Ornn is good at resistant to pressure, so the expectation for him is just not to die, and try to prevent Lucian from taking as much tower skin as possible.

In fact, Karsa also understood without Chen Feng's explanation that the main output point in this game was Chen Feng's Brand. EDG's lineup was not very tanky. If his Prince's ultimate covered several people, or Ornn knocked several people up and followed up with Brand's ultimate, EDG would have no room to fight back.

On the other hand, EDG also understands it very well.

The bottom lane is a playmaker, and Jiejie will definitely not play around the opponent. In the front, he will mainly play around the Holy Spear in the upper half, gain advantage and control the Rift Herald, and then slowly master the rhythm after that.


“In the first game, neither side was too aggressive, but we can see that Jiejie and Karsa both started with their respective red dominant servers.

Then EDG will have to see if 369's Ornn can withstand the pressure."

"I think if we don't let Lucian lose too much health and get over the tower, even if we succeed, we will definitely fall behind in terms of tower defense and last hits."

"EDG also has to be careful in the bottom lane, as Karsa Prince may target them. However, since Top Esports' bottom lane output point is Brand, and Meiko is playing Diana, it is still quite dangerous if they really cross the tower."

Several commentators expressed their opinions one after another.

When the three lanes of soldiers converged, 369 honestly controlled Ornn to stand behind, as if he was not going to farm soldiers but only to gain experience.

Holy Spear was not as aggressive as Theshy. After seeing that 369 did not give him the chance to steal the point, he controlled Lucian and prepared to hoard the line and advance slowly. When the soldiers entered the tower, he began the classic long-handed attack against short-handed torture under the tower.

The junior in the middle lane got the confident Tsar to face the left-handed Yongen. Naturally, he didn’t have to be afraid in the front. After all, this was also a long-handed fight against a short-handed one.

Of course, this is only temporary. After all, Yongen is a hero that becomes harder and harder to fight as time goes on, especially after the release of the Shipbreaker. The sidelines are even more difficult to fight.
As for the bottom lane, Meiko and Viper were a little uncomfortable facing the forest ice and fire combination of Chen Feng and A Shui.

Because they played three games against the Draven and Thresh combination in the summer finals, and Chen Feng and A Shui played particularly aggressively every time.

Now, out of nowhere, this group is so docile that they are a little uncomfortable with it. It can be said that this is a typical tremor physique.
Of course, even though the Fire Man had little suppressing power at level one, Chen Feng was not idle either. He would show his expression from time to time and give the opponent mental torture.

Although it is not very ethical, it does not violate the rules of the competition.

In a competition, operation is important, but mentality is more important!!!

If Uzi had a better mentality, he might not have ended up being hated by everyone today.


There is nothing to worry about during the laning phase. If you want to fight, you have to wait until level two or three.

Since it was the first time to face the forest ice and fire combination of Brand Nami, Tian Ye was naturally very cautious.

"What do you think of this fire man?"

"Anyway, it's awesome!" replied Saint Spear, who had no pressure in the top lane.

"How powerful is it?" Tian Ye was a little curious.

"I forgot where I saw this before, but it can kill people instantly with one skill. Anyway, it's definitely better to be careful."

As they were talking, Tian Ye and Viper were about to grab the second spot.

With Diana's salary equipment and Fate Master, it will be faster to get to level 2 than with a combination like Brand and Nami.

Tian Ye’s idea was very simple, no matter how powerful he is, if he steals the second place and beats you one level higher, you won’t dare to get angry?
In order to catch the opponent off guard, Meiko also deliberately used the passive of the salary equipment to kill the minions, and then caught the opponent off guard after reaching level 2!
It’s a pity that the idea is simple, but the result seems a little unsatisfactory.

Because Chen Feng reacted quickly and moved around.

Haha, we all play supporting roles, how could I not know your little tricks?

After twisting away Diana's E skill Zenith Blade and the opponent had no means to get close, Chen Feng controlled Brand to raise his hand forward and attack, and then showed an expression of Jinx making a face.

The damage isn't high, but the mental attack caused by the expression is disgusting.

It feels like saying...

I can’t touch it, so I’m angry!!!
He didn't point at anything, but instead felt teased. Even though Tian Ye had a good temper, his breathing became a little heavier. He felt like there was a stream of anger in his heart rushing straight to his forehead along with his breath.

However, because two EDG players were fighting for the second place in the bottom lane, the military line was definitely moving slowly towards Top Esports.

This is also what Chen Feng and his team hope to see, because the duo lane brand really needs a lot of development, so the jungler has to take care of it more.
Karsa was also very direct. After clearing the upper area and reaching level three, he walked towards the bottom lane without paying any attention to the wild monsters in the lower area.

As a jungler, he knew very well that there was a 90% chance that Jiejie would be in the upper half.

"There is a ward here. You can block the vision and go around the dragon pit!" Chen Feng reminded Karsa, which surprised A Shui.

"How do you know he would set his sights here?"

“Because I also play support!”


This sentence made Ah Shui feel so confused that he didn't know what to say.

Look at you now, you still look like an assistant!!!

After Chen Feng's reminder, Karsa also moved around to gain vision, and then controlled the Prince from the dragon pit to enter EDG's lower jungle area, preparing to go around from the triangle grass.

Our jungler was in the top lane, and Tian Ye and Viper knew that this line of soldiers was a bit dangerous, so even though they had already established vision, the two of them were still pushing the line quickly, trying to get the line of soldiers into the tower as soon as possible.

In this way, you can either go home or retreat and wait and see.



In the commentary box.

Guan Zeyuan's voice rang out!

"Prince Karsa played a variation. He didn't clear the jungle monsters in his lower zone, and he consciously went around the vision set by Meiko and went around the dragon pit!"

Looking at the prince who was about to take his seat, Miller's tone also became a little solemn.
"EDG's bottom lane needs to be pulled together quickly, otherwise there will be big problems!"


In fact, Tian Ye was also considering whether Kasa would come to catch him.

However, he didn't see the Prince in the river vision. Plus, if he really wanted to reach level 3 to catch him, he would have come down long ago, and Jiejie was slightly comparing the jungle, so he thought Karsa should be clearing the lower half of the area, preparing for level 4!

But he didn't know that the prince who was clearing the lower half of the area in his mind was actually spending his time on circling the rear, so he had not appeared yet.

When they thought of the scene of being suppressed by Chen Feng and A Shui in the summer finals, and now it was a rare two-level reversal, Tian Ye and Viper didn't want to let it go. At least they had to push the line forward and couldn't let Brand develop so safely.

"It's over, Top Esports' bottom lane has also reached level 3, Karsa is ready to take action!"

Along with the sound of Wawa, Karsa, who was ready, controlled the Prince and appeared behind the two EDG players in the bottom lane.

When they saw the prince, Tian Ye and Viper were obviously stunned.

Why did this prince come out from behind?

This shouldn't be the case. I didn't even catch a glimpse of a shadow in the river vision!!!

(End of this chapter)

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