LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 265 Damn it, it still doesn’t work!

"It's over, Holy Spear was knocked unconscious by Syndra!"

The sudden scene made the baby scream immediately.

Naturally, Chen Feng did not save his skills at this moment. He controlled Syndra to use her ultimate move while also paying attention to Prince Jiejie's position, ready to flash away at any time.

Of course, the other players in Top Esports were not idle either. 369's Ornn used his ultimate, while Zuo Hand's Lucian used Holy Spear Baptism and started firing, all focusing their fire on Kennen.

Poor guy with Holy Lance faced Ornn's ultimate and Lucian's ultimate. He had no way to escape without dodging, and was finally killed by Left Hand using Holy Lance Baptism.

"Topbo's skill connection was very good, and the other EDG players had no way to save Kennen.

Then, if we take out the opponent's Kennen first, Top Esports should be able to take down the Rift Herald." Miller said.

Kennen died, and without an important source of damage, EDG had no choice but to give up the fight for the Rift Herald.

"Oh, my..." Looking at the gray screen, Saint Spear took a deep breath and quickly apologized.

"It's okay, we'll take the little dragon."

Jiejie spoke, Tianye also tried to comfort him, only Scout sneered, which was very harsh at this time.

It gives people the feeling that I am very dissatisfied but it is difficult to say it out loud, so I can only feel this way.

Naturally, Saint Spear Brother didn't take it to heart, but he was annoyed that he was a little careless.

Even though they could exchange the little dragon, it was still a bit hard for EDG to accept, because the second Rift Herald was gone, which meant the middle tower would also be lost.

And if they had been honest and well-behaved in the first dragon, not thinking about all the unnecessary things, they would have gotten their second dragon now even if they had exchanged.

In this way, although the benefits brought by the little dragon in the front are definitely not as direct as those brought by the Rift Herald, and it is not of much use even if you don’t get the dragon soul, at least there can be a rhythm point.

It’s not like now, you take one and I take another, and no one is in a hurry.


"How did Syndra push Kennen just now? It seemed to me like Holy Spear walked up there on his own."

While both sides were running to get their respective resources, the director also gave a replay, and this was Chen Feng’s first-person perspective!

From the first glance, we can see that when Chen Feng knocked Kennen unconscious just now, he used the EQ combo, instead of the common QE combo.

Syndra's EQ combo is a test of proficiency.

It’s not that this operation is difficult, but because he uses the E skill to make the weak retreat first and then uses the Q skill to cast the Dark Sphere, the timing of releasing the Q skill must be grasped well!
In the replay, everyone can clearly see that after Syndra's E skill casting animation has ended, the Q skill released later can still push forward a short distance, achieving a stun effect.

It was this short distance that knocked out Kennen of Holy Spear!

Immediately afterwards, he used his W telekinesis to drive the energy of his ultimate skill, and a series of skills were thrown at Kennen very smoothly.

"He took advantage of a little trick of Syndra's." After watching the replay, Guan Zeyuan said, "Syndra's EQ can indeed make people careless, because visually the skill casting has already ended.

Maybe Saint Gun also thought so, so he wanted to take advantage of Syndra's lack of E skill to suppress Topbo's position, but he was stunned by the Q skill behind him. "

The comments in the live broadcast room were also scrolling wildly.

"Damn, is Crazy Master Syndra also so familiar with the game?"

“I suggest that Nuo Shou quickly give up the Syndra champion skin that he chose last year.”

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being the second god of the void. You also have a guaranteed plunder skin, right?"

"Grab the skin of the left hand, and pay tribute to my God!"

"Haha, a bunch of haters. The God has returned to China now. The day before yesterday, he even posted a video of him shopping with the evil god. What can you do?"

"That's right, you keyboard warriors who can only bark online, you don't even have the qualifications to push asses!!!"


After helping Karsa take down the Rift Herald, Chen Feng ran to the middle lane to get some money from the first tower. Then after going home and hesitating for a while, he did not choose to make a mythical Luden, but directly bought himself a book of killing and transformed himself into a canyon scholar.

"Is Creator so confident? He went home and synthesized a book of death!" Wawa said in surprise.

“To be honest, he is a little too confident.

Because his ring only has two layers, if it had ten layers, it would be fine to upgrade it to a Book of Death."

"I think it's okay. In the teamfight, he just needs to deal all the damage to Syndra and let Karsa, the Ruined King, quickly pick up the soul and transform. The continuous output still depends on Lucian on the left hand."

Of course the EDG people also saw it, and they immediately started to get angry.

It's not that you can't make a Book of Death. You can make it when you have a big advantage. The problem is that you start making a Book of Death before you do anything.

What do you take me for!?

Do you really think you can vent your anger at will? ! !

After taking the second Rift Herald, Top Esports placed it directly in the middle lane, knocking down EDG's middle lane tower and speeding up the pace of the game.

Chen Feng and A Shui also came to the middle lane, ready to cooperate more with Karsa. After all, Lucian on the left hand had little control, so he was sent to the bottom lane to eat the line.

Saint Spear and his friends also knew that they couldn’t be led by Top Esports like this. After the middle tower fell, the vision on the minimap went dark and they didn’t dare to push across the river in the middle lane.

Because they have seen the power of Syndra and Senna's spirit fusion technique. Once you get too close and are controlled, you will be unable to move.

So they directly set their sights on Zuo Hand in the bottom lane!

The middle lane tower is gone, and we dare not go deeper into the field of vision, which may cause problems. At least there is a defense tower in the bottom lane.

"It seems that Prince Jiejie is targeting your left hand. Can you realize it?"

Looking at the Prince moving towards the bottom lane, Guan Zeyuan had just said this when he saw Lucian on the left hand facing Scout's Zoe and chose to rush forward.

He is preparing for a solo kill!

However, all the loopholes were deliberately given to him by Scout. As soon as Lucian went up, the Prince appeared.

Faced with the Prince who came out to interfere with his solo kill of the opponent's mid laner and prevent him from getting the MVP, Zuo Shou did not choose to escape at the first time. Instead, he wanted to make a move.

Yes, you are not mistaken!!!
Although this is the World Championship, because the opponent is an LPL team, Left Hand performed exceptionally well.

It's a pity that he was no match for four hands. Although he performed at his best, he was still outplayed by Scout using the stopwatch in the end and failed to complete a one-for-one exchange.

"What a pity, it was almost broken. Scout has a watch, otherwise it could have been replaced." Guan Zeyuan sighed regretfully.

"Then it seems that it will be difficult for Top Esports to compete for the third little dragon in this game."


After Zuo Shou died, Chen Feng also smiled and praised him.

Because he witnessed Lucian's death.

"Sure, Brother Shouzi, you are really brave in fighting a civil war, and you really dare to show your face!"

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this statement, but if you think about it carefully, it can be said that there is something wrong with it.

Left Hand, who was originally feeling regretful that he almost could kill two opponents at once, suddenly turned pale.

Of course, he was also very tactful and didn't say much, because his death would lead to the loss of Xiaolong, and he didn't have the confidence to do so.

Chen Feng didn't say anything more. He clicked on the map and told A Shui where to focus his vision to maximize benefits.

After all, making eyes looks simple and all you need is hands, but actually there is a lot of knowledge involved.

"You stand here and place the ward here." Chen Feng clicked on the small map considerately, which was equivalent to teaching Ah Shui step by step how to place the ward.

As a result, the next second he saw that the fake eye that A Shui had put down was forced back because of the map.

"You are such a novice! I have used the mouse to point it out clearly for you, and you still can't get through!?"

Chen Feng, who had been speaking softly just now, suddenly became irritable.

"I didn't put it in the right position, wait for me to put it in again."

Recalling what Chen Feng had just said, A Shui carefully dragged the mouse to find that point, and then placed his field of vision on it.

This time, I finally used a little trick to gain vision from a long distance.

"I'm crazy, this is really amazing. This is the first time I know this!" Ah Shui's voice was full of surprise.

"Nonsense, learn it well, so that you can avoid sudden deaths many times in the future." Chen Feng replied casually.

Some of these little tricks for making views were things he saw on the Internet, and some were things he figured out on his own.

As we all know, it is very dangerous for an auxiliary to provide vision, so sometimes you have to use some tricks.

While the opponent's mid and jungle were in the bottom lane, Top Esports established vision for the big dragon.

As a result, Jiejie and Scout did not dare to take advantage of the opportunity to push the middle lane tower. Other teams might not touch the big dragon in the early 20 minutes, but Top Esports was different. Top Esports really dared to shoot.

The dragon soul in this game is a wind dragon, which is pretty good for Top Esports.

No matter whether it is 369's Ornn, Karsa the Ruined King or Chen Feng's Syndra, the Top Esports lineup all relies heavily on movement speed after using their ultimates.

But now I only have one dragon in my hand. If I want to get the dragon soul, I have to get three more little dragons, without considering other factors.

Even if you kill the little dragon as soon as it refreshes, it will still take at least sixteen minutes to get the dragon soul. By that time, the game time will be around thirty-seven or thirty-eight minutes, heading towards forty minutes.

Therefore, Top Esports will not consider the Dragon Soul anymore and will focus directly on the upper half of the league, as the Baron is their true love!

“It feels like Top Esports is in a hurry now. It’s clear that their lineup won’t be as good as EDG’s in the later stages.

Not to mention that EDG's Aphelios was protected by Lulu during the teamfight, the entrance of Kennen and Jarvan alone was enough to cause trouble for Top Esports."

Looking at Top Esports, who were trying to take the Baron but could only keep wandering around because EDG never gave them the chance, Guan Zeyuan spoke slowly.

"But EDG also knows that as long as we don't lose the Baron, we can delay the game until after 30 minutes, and then the team win rate will naturally be higher."

"The more times like this happen, the more Top Esports must hold back. Although they have a slight advantage, if they force their way to the Baron, there is a chance that problems will arise.

They have made this mistake more than once in previous games.”


Chen Feng has been following A Shui and Karsa to look for opportunities. They must attack the big dragon, but they cannot do it blindly.

If you are too blind, you will end up hurting yourself!
Taking advantage of the fact that EDG had lost the middle lane tower, Chen Feng asked A Shui to keep a good vision, use the visual advantage, and slowly wait for an opportunity.

As the saying goes, God helps those who work hard, and Chen Feng Sindra finally got the chance again.

Facing Scout Zoe who was trying to consume her, he controlled Syndra and decisively used E flash Q!
The operation of E flash Q is the same as that of EQ, except that there is an additional flash, which makes it more difficult to grasp and of course more unexpected.

Scout had just used his ultimate skill, and was a little too arrogant, so he was knocked unconscious on the spot.

next second.

Chen Feng used Syndra's skills in a series of attacks!
The horrific damage killed it instantly!

The seemingly elegant operation and the chic voice stunned the people in the live broadcast room.

"Oh my god, why is Syndra so brave!?"

"Nuoshou has really handed over last year's Syndra championship. This is Syndra!"

"Have you learned the left hand? How Syndra can stand up when the team is at a loss!"

"Don't be so mean, Nuo Shou was pretty ruthless in attacking the team in his own region today."

"Something's wrong. Why doesn't this Syndra have the three pieces of mercury shoes, golden body and tiger of the banshee?"

"That can only mean that Crazy Brother really doesn't have the steadiness of the older generation of e-sports players. He is a young man after all!"


"Wow, this time the Creator dealt himself full damage."

In the commentary box.

The doll's voice of admiration was heard.

"His proficiency in Syndra is a bit too high. Was that an advanced version of EQ?
And he doesn't flash to EQ first, but E flash followed by Q skills.

Originally, EQ had to be very precise in the timing and distance of releasing the Q skill, and the E flash was even more so. "

"Then Zoe's death is not a good thing for EDG, because they now have the Baron!"


After dealing with Zoe, Chen Feng directly called on others to attack the big dragon.

If they take down the Baron, they will be in a slight advantage, but the situation that has been stabilized by EDG can be broken!

"Top Esports has already gathered together to force the Baron, EDG must come over to defend!" said Guan Zeyuan.

“But Top Esports still has a full range of skills. Although Syndra doesn’t have an ultimate, the damage of her small skills is not low.

The real purpose of Top Esports’ attack on Baron was to start a team fight! ”

Saint Spear and the others also knew Top Esports’ idea, pretending to kill the dragon and then actually starting a team fight, which was a very common tactic in the arena.

But they have no way to deal with the current situation. If the big dragon is lost, there is basically no play. So now the initiative is not in their hands, but in the hands of Top Esports!
Now they can only move forward passively according to the script that Top Esports has prepared for them.

We can’t give up the big dragon, but we can’t let Top Esports start a team fight easily either. If more people die, there will be no chance at all.

"EDG was also waiting. They did not blindly try to stop them. They wanted to wait until Top Esports had beaten the Baron to a point where it was difficult for them to get off the field before entering the game.

It can be seen that Taobo is also hesitating!

Because once EDG's Prince and Kennen enter the field, a four-on-five situation may not mean there is no chance."

"But for Top Esports, if they give up this opportunity that they have finally caught, it will not be so easy to find it again next time.

I think we should give it a try, otherwise it will become increasingly difficult to fight if we drag it on." Miller said slowly.


In fact, Chen Feng and the others were also very conflicted as they had finally seized the opportunity.

The time is almost thirty. If we can't widen the economic gap in thirty minutes and let EDG remain stable at around two thousand.

When the game time reached 35 minutes, the 2,000 economic advantage was basically equivalent to not being ahead. After all, the opponent's lineup was there, and they had to accept the 2,000 economic gap.

"Do you want to fight to the end?!" Karsa also asked in the voice. At this time, he didn't dare to make a decision alone.

At the same time, he was staring at his screen to prevent Prince and Kennen from suddenly flashing into the field.

"Fight! If you lose, I'll take the blame!"

Chen Feng spoke slowly, and only his voice was heard in the conversation.


"The Baron's health is already halfway down, it looks like Top Esports is determined to fight to the end!
But this gives EDG a 50% chance to steal the dragon, and because of the presence of Jarvan and Kennen, EDG may not just be able to steal the dragon! "

"But this is an opportunity that Top Esports has finally caught. If we don't try, we may never have such an opportunity again."

Wawa and Miller were just talking when Guan Zeyuan's voice rang out.

"The dragon's health is now only 3,000!
There are still two thousand left. Viper took a photo of Aphelios' blue trinket, and Prince Jiejie entered the field!
Topbo stopped the attack tacitly and wanted to focus on the opponent's jungler first, but Jiejie seemed to be just a bait. The real killer move was Saint Gun's Kennen, who flashed into the field...

But, my god, Creator reacted so quickly that he pushed Kennen away who flashed in!

Although the other players of Top Esports took damage, they were not controlled by the thunderbolt, and Viper's Aphelios, Vivid, and Night Vision only hit Ornn who was in the front! "

The moment he pushed Kennen away, Chen Feng marked Aphelios outside the dragon pit.

Killing AD first in a teamfight is a fine tradition in Summoner's Rift since ancient times!!!
Seeing this, Jie Jie used EQ to enter the dragon pit and controlled the Prince to flash and block the opponent, creating an output environment for Viper.

It’s a pity that Kennen didn’t deal fatal damage, which made Top Esports not afraid at all.

369 Ornn used his ultimate, forcing Viper's Aphelios to move, while the others focused their fire on killing Kennen first.

Without flash and ultimate, Kennen was as fragile as a piece of paper and was killed instantly!

"It's over, Kennen is down, Karsa has transformed into the Ruined King, EDG is going to lose this teamfight!!!"



Looking at the gray screen, Jiejie sighed and leaned heavily in his chair.

The team battle was lost and the big dragon was gone.

Now that the big dragon is gone, victory in the second game is getting further and further away from us.

Jie Jie felt very complicated when he thought about the fact that he had been captured five times this year. Although the opportunity in front of him was not the only one for revenge, it was very likely the only chance in his life to reach the top of the world.

"As expected, it still doesn't work..."


(End of this chapter)

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