Chapter 281 What can I, an AD, do?

"Of course, lunatic, Brother Sun can kill alone!"

In the voice of Taobo, A Shui's voice of praise was heard.

Don’t be fooled by the zombies who say he is a scoundrel and that he was just clinging to powerful people back then.

But in fact, there is not much hatred between the contestants, and A Shui and Jiang Chenglu have a good relationship.

Just like Chen Feng and Uzi, every time the two meet, Uzi's face will blush, even if his eyes can't.

"To be honest, what he did just now was no different from sending me a gift. He really doesn't treat me as a human being."

Chen Feng said casually.

Although that wave of soldiers does need to be pushed forward, you can't treat your opponent as a decoration!

Jiang Chenglu gave Chen Feng the feeling that he didn't take him seriously at all, so naturally he had to teach him a lesson!
Just when Ah Shui was about to say something, Zhao Qianxi's winding voice rang out in the voice chatterbox.

"Yu Wenbo, move!!!
I’m not playing a nanny!!!”

You know, Zhao Qianxi has been quite stable emotionally since he came to Top Esports and rarely gets angry, but what is going on now?
While returning to the road, Chen Feng moved his camera to take a look.

It would have been better if I hadn’t looked at it. After looking at it, I almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

He quickly moved the mouse and put a question mark on the bottom lane, and then Chen Feng's voice sounded in the voice chat.

"Are you kidding me?"

Because when he dragged the view to look at the bottom lane, he happened to see A Shui controlling Kai'Sa to move left and right, but with a bang, he was hit by the Q skill of Ziggs.

After hearing this, A Shui coughed awkwardly, because he really moved, but who knew that he would still be bumped into in the end.

Facing the accusations from his ex-husband and current brother, he said a little embarrassedly, “There’s nothing I can do, Bomb Man is just so disgusting compared to a hero.

When I play ranked games, as long as I play as the bomber, I will definitely rank up!"

Chen Feng curled his lips and said nothing more. Anyway, the positioning of his Fiora was similar to Quinn in the previous game. Now that he had the advantage, he could just lead the lane.

Put pressure on Weibo through single-player, thereby helping teammates to tie up the opponent!

Back online again, Chen Feng, with the advantage in equipment and level, played more aggressively.

For a top laner, especially a lightly armed warrior type of top laner, once he fails to defeat the opponent in a fight, it will be basically difficult for him to make a comeback afterwards.

Even if you can guarantee that you will not die, it is still a miserable life.

This would definitely be difficult to do for someone with Jiang Chenglu's personality and who is infected with the zombie virus.

He controlled Shen and wanted to use the W skill to sweep tactically to consume the enemy while also recovering some health, but Chen Feng flexibly avoided the outer circle damage.

"Creator Fiora's positioning is quite good, and it was very uncomfortable for Brother Sha to pull her back.

But Sofm's Ruined King came to the top lane this time!" Guan Zeyuan in the commentary booth slowly said, "Creator didn't notice it, and he didn't flash this time, so he might be in danger."

When he saw the vast scorched earth special effects spreading from the river, Chen Feng reacted quickly. He let go of the keyboard with his left hand, held the mouse with one hand, and began to retreat.

This is the best way to use the [Broken Hand] talent that he figured out in the last game when he used Quinn for vision, which is to use it to escape.

Of course, this also depends on the opponent's skills. It is impossible for you to escape after Titan uses a big move. This is unrealistic.

However, when facing Shen and the Ruined King, he can still deal with them calmly. The two do not have absolute hard control and can be avoided.

Faced with Shen who used his E skill to hook the wall and wanted to keep him, Chen Feng seemed to be moving upwards, but in fact he suddenly turned his head to avoid Shen's stun.

Immediately afterwards, facing the Ruined King who was charging his W skill, Chen Feng once again broke away from the control by moving around.

In fact, if Jiang Chenglu and Sofm communicate well, one skill can force Sofm to move, and the other skill can basically hit the target.

It’s a pity that the two of them obviously didn’t communicate at all, or in the words of Zombie, they didn’t know how to play jungle at all!

So Chen Feng easily avoided the two controls.

"Oh my god, can this be twisted?"

I remember feeling a little sad when I saw Fiora, who kept a safe distance and showed a crazy and provocative expression after the safe retreat.

Because in the player portrait frame in the lower right corner of the big screen, everyone could clearly see that Chen Feng was holding the mouse with only one hand, and was drinking milk with the other hand...

"If this jungler is a human, I will eat him directly. How can this skill miss?!"

"Why not mention the top lane? If the top lane skills are empty, there's no need to stick to the pot, right?"

"Let's not talk about getting on the road, what are the other four people doing!!!"

"Can you put some pressure on Feng? He's playing games with one hand, what are you doing!!!"

"It's really not the Zombie King's fault. The Second Void God used the magic bottle to summon the world's number one shockwave. How could he defeat the two Void Gods alone?"


Huanfeng, who had already achieved a suppressive effect in the bottom lane, sighed deeply when he saw Fiora easily escaping from the encirclement of his own jungler and even dancing with a bright expression.

What's the point of going around the top lane?
In the last game, I played a crocodile and got 1-6. Didn’t you see it or what?

If this was a serious AD, I might be able to provide him with a safety net, but what can I do about the Ziggs?

It seems that apart from quickly pushing down the bottom lane tower, I am the only one who can withstand the pressure in the bottom lane and let the support help me find opportunities!

After a wave of ganks failed, Sofm didn't want to waste time, because the main reason he could come up to gank was because there were no more jungles to kill, otherwise how could he do something that went against his own character?
However, when he controlled the Ruined King and was about to retreat back to the jungle along the river, he found that Fiora was walking towards him.

This made the corners of his mouth twitch involuntarily.

What do you mean?
Judging from your posture, you are still planning to send me off, right?

Sofm ignored Chen Feng because the wild monsters had refreshed and he had to quickly kill them.

For him as a jungler, teammates are not important, dragons and other things are not important either. The most important thing is to kill two more groups of wild monsters.

After sending away the Ruined King and pretending to place a ward, Chen Feng returned to the top lane and was as unreasonable as ever. He looked at the Shen as if he was his disappointing son, and went up with Q and hit him twice!

However, Jiang Chenglu seemed to have calmed down now, and he was not exchanging blood mindlessly like before, because the Rift Herald was about to refresh. If he gave it another chance, the direction of the game might be different from what he had originally imagined.


The eight minutes passed quickly.

Thanks to the push of the Ziggs in the bottom lane, Weibo quickly returned to the city after pushing the line in the bottom lane and took the lead in gaining position. In addition, the hero Fiora is not her strong point in team battles.

So after Chen Feng and the others discussed it, they decided to give up the Rift Herald in exchange for the little dragon. At the same time, it also allowed A Shui's Kaisa to develop well and see if they could eat a layer of tower skin.

"Top Esports was very decisive and let go of the Rift Herald. Karsa went to get the little dragon, while Jack Lawu was eating the tower in the bottom lane. The two sides exchanged resources.

I think it is very sensible for Top Esports to do this, and it is not a big loss for them to make such an exchange.”

"But wait!"

Guan Zeyuan was just speaking when he was interrupted by someone beside him.

"After Weibo took down the Rift Herald, four people went straight to the top lane. They seemed to want to push the top tower and catch Creator's Fiora at the same time!
They knew very well that at this moment, Karsa must be in the bottom lane fighting the little dragon!"

"Creator seems to be a little undisciplined and didn't follow the half-zone rule. He took an extra line and now he is trapped under the defensive tower.

Although Weibo has no troops, since we are planning to use the Rift Herald, we can let the Rift Herald resist and still cross the tower!"

I remember that while we were talking, Sofm had already controlled the Ruined King to release the Rift Herald.

However, just as the Rift Herald was gathering strength and about to slam its head hard into it, a loud "bang" was heard.

A ball of golden light flew over from a distance, and then the defense tower was bathed in a layer of golden light!
"Beryl Bard's ultimate was timed very precisely, preventing the Rift Herald from knocking off the plating!" Guan Zeyuan said quickly upon seeing this.

"But what about Creator? He doesn't even have the protection of the defense tower now!" Remember to continue.

At the same time, Chen Feng, who was staying under the tower and looking for an opportunity to break through the interception of the Ziggs and the Diana, was dumbfounded.

He looked at the defense tower being blocked and almost wanted to curse.

Because there is no such thing as a defense tower in such a short period of time!
Seeing this, Jiang Chenglu unceremoniously controlled the Blue Steel Shadow to use the E skill to hook the wall, and used the ultimate skill to sit heavily on the Sword Princess who had not given up escaping Chen Feng. "I didn't say you can leave!!!"

Chen Feng had no choice. If there was a defensive tower, he would attack whoever was guarding the tower. Maybe he could find a chance to switch it.

But I didn’t expect that Zhao Qianxi, this damn Bad, would actually use a big move!
Fiora only has one W skill, and Chen Feng doesn’t have flash, so he has no choice but to accept his fate.

In the end, he was surrounded and beaten by four opponents in the top lane, and the kill was taken by Jiang Chenglu's Shen.


"Zhao Qianxi, you idiot, why are you making such a fuss!!!"

When the screen went black, Chen Feng's voice sounded angrily in Taobo's voice chat.

The sudden shout made Kasa, Song Yijin and Ashui all burst into laughter.

They witnessed exactly what happened, but overall, it wasn't a loss.

Chen Feng Jianji was doomed to die in that position just now, with no room for maneuver. Both the kill and the tower skin would have been lost, but now he has only lost one kill.

But what they didn't expect was that after Chen Feng finished speaking, Zhao Qianxi's slightly awkward voice, which was slightly filled with joy and excitement, was heard.


Because Chen Feng had told Zhao Qianxi before that "diaomao" is similar to praising how handsome you are.

So how could Zhao Qianxi not be excited? After all, he also felt that his ultimate skill was just right, and it could just block the impact of the Rift Herald at such a long distance!

Of course, it would be even more perfect if Fiora didn’t think about escaping and happened to leave the range of her ultimate.

Chen Feng: “…”

He didn't know what to say, and for the first time he realized what it meant to play the lute to a cow!
But what can be done?

It was my fault for having a bad taste at that time and deliberately teaching the other person bad things.


"In fact, Top Esports didn't lose this time, as they were able to take the dragon, and Lukassa's Jackrabbit was able to eat the plating, while Weibo's Rift Herald didn't get any plating.

Maybe they also knew that Bard's ultimate would prevent the Vanguard from taking the tower, so after taking it, they went straight to the top lane, hoping to catch the opponent by surprise.

Unfortunately, he was finally caught by Beryl's Bard."

"It's just that Creator's Fiora died, which is a bit of a loss. If she hadn't died, then Top Esports would have made a lot of money in this wave."

Following Guan Zeyuan and Jide's words, the two sides began to exchange the operations of going up and down the towers.

After all, since we are here, we must not go empty-handed.

Since there were only two people, A Shui and Karsa, in the bottom lane on Topbo's side, and there were four people in the top lane on Weibo, including a demolition hero like Ziggs, it was natural that Weibo took down the first tower first.

After taking down one tower, Shen teleported down to protect the next tower. It can be said that the rhythm of the early game was relatively smooth.

But Top Esports didn't really lose out, after all, A Shui's Kaisa was enjoying the plating in the bottom lane, and no one wanted to share the plating money with him.

After destroying the top lane tower, Weibo directly sent Huanfeng's Ziggs to the middle lane to hold the middle line, and sent Angel's Tsar to the top lane to eat the line with his back to the defensive tower, while Jiang Chenglu's Shen went to the bottom lane.

In order to ensure that Chen Feng's Sword Master could develop safely, Song Yijin's Yao Kun went to the top lane. After all, this hero is flexible and not afraid of being caught.

Chen Feng's Fiora went to the bottom lane and continued to fight against Jiang Chenglu's Shen.

After the kill he just got and the money he got from the tower, his Shen's equipment is already ahead of Chen Feng's Fiora.

So after they met, they fought particularly aggressively, as if they wanted to wash away the shame just now.

When it comes to team fights, Shen definitely has more room to play than Fiora. His super-long displacement skills and the special hospitality service of his ultimate are far superior to Fiora.

It can be done solo, but in a one-on-one duel, that’s not necessarily the case.

Compared to Fiora's ultimate, the little damage increased by Yasuo's ultimate is almost nothing!
So when faced with the Shen who came up to try to challenge him, Chen Feng fought back without saying a word.

Although Shen has more equipment, Fiora is still able to fight because of her ultimate.

"Two people in the bottom lane are fighting. It's impossible for these two heroes to develop peacefully!"

While Guan Zeyuan was speaking, Jiang Chenglu was also controlling Shen to use the hook to hook the wall. He did not release the second stage of the E skill immediately, hoping to trick Fiora into using her W skill, Laurent's Heart's Eye.

It’s a pity that Chen Feng is also extremely calm. I will never use the W skill easily unless you kick me!
"Brother Sha wanted to trick the skill, but Creator was very calm, so Brother Sha could only use the second stage of the E skill to retreat!" I remember saying.

But just when Shen used the second stage of E to create distance, everyone thought that the two sides would stop fighting, but they saw Fiora use her Q skill to break through the air and slash forward, and then counterattacked with her ultimate skill, Unparalleled Challenge, to increase her movement speed, obviously intending to fight to the end.

Jiang Chenglu didn't expect Chen Feng to be so aggressive. Logically speaking, at this time, the top laners of both sides would basically be pulling away from each other.

It was obviously impossible for him to pull away at this time since he had already used the E skill, so he could only control Shen to stick to the wall, trying his best to prevent Fiora from using the health recovery array, while also starting to counterattack.

When Shen tried to kick out the second real gun, Chen Feng finally released the W skill that he had been holding.

Resist damage and also reduce Shen's movement speed and attack speed!
In this way, even if the fourth flaw cannot be exploited because Shen is sticking to the wall, it is not a big deal.

The difference between the ultimate skills of these two heroes is too big!
Finally, Jiang Chenglu used flash, and Chen Feng also flashed. He controlled Fiora to use her Q skill to break the air and poke the flaw. He accelerated to catch up and took out Shen with one sword, completing the single kill!


"Creator has completed another solo kill, even though his equipment is inferior to the opponent's."

When Qing Gangying fell down, Guan Zeyuan's excited voice was heard in the commentary booth.

"This solo kill is extremely important for Top Esports, and we can also take down the bottom lane tower at the same time!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room also started to scroll rapidly at this moment.

"So funny! Are you planning to develop a new i-series project?!"

"I've already got one head, so the next step is naturally to contribute to science!"

"Zombie King just needs to dodge as much as he can, while his teammates have to think about a lot more. They have to consider Fiora's solo laning in a while, and they also have to think about who should be blamed if the game is lost."

"I'll go first. What is the jungler doing? If it was the King of Shoes, he would have come here to counter-camp!"

"I've said it so many times, this Sword Lady's skin has been plundered by my Crazy Master. Do you understand the value of owning Sword Lady's skin?"


"Great, Chen Feng, your operation is awesome!"

Just when Chen Feng and his teammates determined the opponent's position, knew that they were currently safe, and were about to take down the bottom lane tower of Weibo, Zhao Qianxi's sincere voice rang in his ears.

Although the voice was quite awkward and tortuous, he could tell that the other party was genuinely praising him.

This is the compliment...

Listening to the laughter of Song Yijin and the others, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

But what can be done?

You have to bear the consequences of your own sins.


Chen Feng's solo kill this time undoubtedly tore a hole in the top lane.

The first time I got a solo kill, I made up for it with the help of my teammates who helped me cross the tower and share the money from the tower, but I didn’t expect to be killed alone again.

This made Huanfeng, who was determined to defeat A Shui, almost explode.

He could predict what the public opinion would be like if he lost this game, because he had already experienced it once during the halftime break.

If we lose again, I really can’t imagine it.

But with a top laner like this, what do you want me to do?
What can I, an AD, do! ?


(End of this chapter)

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