LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 288 Bai Jiahao, what were you thinking about just now! ?

Chen Feng's sudden shout scared everyone else.

But after all, it wasn't the first time, so no one said anything.

Even though Chen Feng cursed fiercely, in the final analysis he was still aiming to win the game.

A Shui, who was in the wrong, did not say anything. He just bought equipment obediently and controlled the resurrected Aphelios to rush to the bottom lane.

With the help of Karsa, he once again got 369's crocodile head, and after using the Rift Herald to eat three layers of tower skin, whenever Chen Feng's Jayce saw 369, he would switch forms and hammer him hard, just like seeing his own disappointing son.

369 had no way to deal with this because there was a gap in equipment level. Even if the crocodile was the overlord in the early and middle stages, it was useless, like a tiger without teeth.

The top lane was being suppressed by Jayce, and Left Hand in the middle lane was still maintaining his innocent character. Kanavi looked for opportunities several times but failed to find any, so he could only focus all his attention on the bottom lane.

After all, among the three lanes, the bottom lane is the only one with advantages!
"I give up. You really can't play at all except for jungle, mid and top."

"Luckily, Brother Kanpian has been focusing on the bottom lane, otherwise he would probably be ranked among the players who can't play."

"No, it's hard to imagine what's sandwiched between the headphones of the two people in the middle and upper parts."

"It's hard to say about the batch 9, but the one with the sticky hand is probably the pure gui head!"

"The tightness of the headphones has made my hands think about it again. I can't play games anymore, right?"

"Why are the middle and upper parts of puppies so abstract!"

"After winning two championships with my crazy brother, you really think you're strong, right?"


With disadvantages in two of the three lanes, Kanavi had to give up the top half of the lane, because Jayce or LeBlanc always got to the jungle first, and he simply couldn't play jungle at all.


The second Rift Herald of this game has refreshed.

Judging from the lineup, should have controlled the canyon, and then used the second Rift Herald to push down Top Esports' middle tower, freeing up Left Hand's Fox, and the mid and jungle began to do things.

But because 369 was killed while taking the first blood in the top lane, his own crocodile was killed in the Baron pit, and his left hand was very innocent and missed the kiss with the fox, JD had no way to fight for the Rift Herald.

After some discussion, JD and the others had no choice but to give up in order to protect Uzjinx's development.

"The Rift Herald is not easy to fight for, this Jayce's equipment is too good. doesn’t have any means to consume the enemy’s energy, unless they can start a team fight, they will be consumed by Jayce and Leblanc all the time.”

Looking at making the decision, Wawa spoke slowly and calmly.

“There’s nothing we can do, the main problem is that there are problems with JD’s mid and top lanes.

Fortunately, the bottom lane has an advantage, so just needs to stabilize the situation. Anyway, they have taken two little dragons and there is no pressure from the dragon soul.

Stay calm and wait for Uzjinx's three-piece set. This is their only chance to turn the tables." Miller continued.

Waiting for the Uzi three-piece set!!!

In the past, when RNG was at a disadvantage, the commentator would usually say this.

And now these words once again echoed in everyone's ears!

"I give up. A team of five really can only rely on AD?"

"When you can only rely on AD, it means there is a high probability that you will lose this game."

"This Crocodile in Pi9 really made me laugh. It's amazing that he can play like this even after getting first blood."

"Wait for Uzi, he is a man who can work miracles!"

There were many Godzillas at the scene and even in the live broadcast room looking forward to it, thinking that the Void God, who was closer to them than their own father, would lead the team to a comeback.

Similarly, on the Top Esports side, after taking the Rift Herald, Karsa couldn't help but mutter something.

"The Jinx on the opposite side might be a hidden danger!"

Strictly speaking, Top Esports was not able to threaten Jinx's existence. If he started running, they might really fall over if they were not careful.

"Don't worry." Chen Feng smiled. "If it's someone else, maybe this is possible, but if it's the Bath God, then we can definitely win this time!"

Because the first Rift Herald was placed in the top lane, in order to compete with JD for a tower, Karsa also directly placed the second Rift Herald in the top lane, giving Chen Feng's Jayce money to take the first blood tower.

After successfully grabbing the first blood tower using the Rift Herald, Chen Feng went home to replenish his equipment, and then continued to develop on the top lane by the defensive tower.
The dangerous route in the bottom lane where there is no bottom lane tower is for Song Yi Jin's Ahri to take. After all, he is a flexible hero and not easy to be caught.

Compared with the treatment of Chen Fengjies, 369's crocodile is obviously much worse.

He still stayed in the top lane to take care of the dangerous lane without a defensive tower, but there was nothing he could do. It was his own fault that he didn't play well in the laning phase, and he certainly couldn't let others cover for him. had two small dragons in hand, so the dragon soul was not under much pressure. Therefore, after developing for a while, Top Esports directly targeted the big dragon that was about to refresh.

"Here it comes, Top Esports' classic Baron shot!!!

Jack Lawu deliberately chose a red, white and green knife set just to kill the dragon! "

Miller's voice was tinged with emotion.

Because in this year's spring season, when Top Esports lost, they basically wanted to end the game quickly, but problems arose at the big dragon.

"To be honest, Top Esports' advantage is indeed big enough, so it won't be a problem to force the Baron.

The most important thing is that their lineup has Jayce who can slowly consume the enemy, but does not have it. When they are fighting, they can only be consumed in vain and have no way to fight back. "

"And this Jayce's development is perfect. After 20 minutes, including the boots, he already has three and a half pieces of equipment."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Karsa basically ate all the stone men in the top lane." Wawa said with a smile.

"But Kanavi's jungle clearing numbers don't seem to be that far ahead..."


Miller and Wawa were talking when they suddenly seemed to think of something and quickly changed the subject.

Everyone in the live broadcast room started laughing.

"As expected of the Void Gods, these two have never disappointed us when it comes to sucking the blood of their teammates!"

"Don't be so mean, my crazy brother can really get C after smoking it, but as for the other one, it's hard to say."

"The black spots have started again. Didn't the jungler let him take it? If the movie watcher didn't let him take it, could Xiaogou still have taken it by force?"

"Why don't other people smoke? It's because they can't stand up!"

"If the mid and top laners are human beings, do we have to rely on the bottom lane only?"

"If I don't suck blood, I can't stand out and the haters will scold me. If I suck blood, I can't stand out and the haters will scold me. It's really too difficult for the little dog."

"There's nothing we can do about it. There are too many people who are unhappy with their lives and vent their anger online."


Top Esports let Song Yi Jin's Ahri continue to lead the bottom lane, while the others started to focus on the Baron.

Even if you can't kill the dragon directly, it's a good idea to force the enemy over, let Jayce fire a couple of shots to deplete his energy, and then find a chance to kill the dragon.

Facing the solo lane of Ahri, JD could only send Left Hand's Fox to defend, because 369's Crocodile probably couldn't even touch Ahri and would be killed.

Even if Fox can't win, at least he can clear the line.

"Top Esports cleared the vision of the Baron, and could only rely on Kanavi's Sejuani and Missing's Thresh to slowly move forward."

As Guan Zeyuan was talking, in the dark dragon pit, Chen Feng controlled Jayce through the Sejuani who was walking in front to fire a booster cannon towards the rear where there was no vision.

After all, Jinx was most likely hiding behind the two of them, so there was no problem at all for him to try to draw the lottery, and it wouldn't affect anything if he missed.


Along with Jayce's roar, Chen Feng could clearly see that this shot hit Uzi's Jinx.

The horrific damage directly took away nearly half of Jinx's health!
"Wow, the damage of this shot is too high. If it gets another shot, Uzi might fall!" Miller took a breath.

After seeing Chen Feng's Jayce hit the target with a shot, Zhao Qianxi said nothing and directly controlled Titan to start a team fight.

At this time, some style issues between the players can be seen.

Because Zhao Qianxi saw Missing Thresh's positioning error, he didn't even have time to open his mouth when he attacked. He just thought he could hook and he could hit if he hooked.

So when Titan hooked Thresh, the only two people who reacted first and followed him were Chen Feng and A Shui. In contrast, Karsa was a little slower.

But even though it's slow, it's not a big deal.

When Titan hooked Thresh and used his ultimate on Sejuani, Zhao Qianxi's voice was heard in the Top Esports chat.

"Nude!!!" Because he often played duo with A Shui, he was naturally influenced by the other party and learned something.

"Beryl's Titan hooked Thresh, and the others followed up with damage. Missing couldn't resist at all and was killed instantly!"

From the commentary booth came the sound of Wawa yelling.

"Kanavi's Sejuani also used his ultimate, and they were forced to take on this teamfight!"

When Thresh was killed instantly, Jinx, who had been absorbing blood for a long time but was directly hit by Jayce's cannon and lost half of her blood, only used one W skill from beginning to end, switched to cannon form and attacked twice, and then had no other output.

Because Chen Feng found an opportunity for him, he controlled Jayce to flash up and hit him to death with a hammer!!!

"It's still the same. Team fights take ten seconds, nine seconds to move and one second to die!"

"Don't be so mean, I hit you twice."

"What's the point of playing around AD? RNG has been playing with four protecting one for so many years, haven't these guys learned their lesson yet?"

"There are always talented people emerging from generation to generation in the void, and each generation is stronger than the last!"

"That's normal. A crownless shockwave can't defeat a crowned Void God!"

"Jayce is dead. If he hadn't used his skill and shouted the shockwave to mess with my mind, I would have killed him long ago!"

"Brothers, isn't this a blow to the Fist Designer?"

"No, where's the damage data? You won't show it to me? Director, isn't this Iron Godzilla?"


The AD died, and 369 and Kanavi couldn't run away either. It should have been the time for the hero Crocodile to roam freely, but because of 369 himself, he now became an alligator that could be easily bullied.

So in order to avoid the buy one get one free deal, 369, who had been trying to pull the trigger for a long time, could only control the crocodile to escape.

"Shit, if this top laner is a human, I'll eat him right away!"

"No, he's playing alligator tug-of-war. Why is he pulling it here? Why doesn't he go up?"

"If you can't dodge and try another one, why are you fighting wits with the air?"

" said I was cheated. How could I buy two mid-range and high-end products that have passed their expiration date?"

People in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it anymore. It was obviously the time when was trying to find the rhythm, but now it was being chased and beaten by Top Esports.

And crocodiles have no blood at all!

"Both sides completed a one-for-three exchange. In this case, Top Esports seems to be able to try to kill the Baron." Guan Zeyuan spoke slowly.

With the jungler Karsa, Aphelios and Jayce, although the three of them were in danger, they still managed to take it down safely in the end.

Because 369 did not try to look for opportunities by coming up, he had already run to the middle lane to push the line and took the opportunity to touch Top Esports' middle lane tower.

After successfully taking down the Baron, Chen Feng and his team dealt with the minion line, and then without giving JD any chance, they directly started to push forward in the middle lane.

At this time,'s shortcoming of having no consumption capacity was revealed.

When they were hiding under the tower, Chen Feng's Jayce's shock wave was so cool. In addition, their lineup made it difficult to limit Song Yi Jin's Ahri, so all the consumption made Jingdong have no time to deal with it. They could only ensure that the game could continue by letting the defensive tower go on.

A wave of big dragons dominated the server, and the team economy of the two sides, which was originally two or three thousand apart, more than doubled!

After the Baron Domination ended, Top Esports, under the command of Zhao Qianxi, took advantage of Jayce's strong period and slowly advanced, using the difference in vision to capture single targets.

Before he knew it, the 369 crocodile who was leading the line in the bottom lane was arrested again.

"My Chao, can we change the top laner? It's too bad!"

"Haha, Jinx ate all the safety lines, what are you going to do with the crocodile?"

"Whose fault is this? Isn't it his own fault? He got first blood but played like this in the laning phase?"

The classic literary battle started again in the live broadcast room.

The crocodile was killed, and JD’s vision was squeezed once again.

When the second Baron spawned, Top Esports did the same thing and continued to use the Baron to force a team fight. JD had no choice but to bite the bullet and come forward.

But as Rookie rushed out of the shadows of Leblanc, used his W skill Shadow Trace to step on her, and used his QR skills to knock down nearly two-thirds of Jinx's blood, JD suddenly didn't know how to play.

Because Jinx didn't do any lifesucking, which meant that he either had to return to the city now, or wait for a team fight to start and be easily stepped on to death by Leblanc.

"Uzi's status has been exhausted again. If he waits until LeBlanc's next skill is ready, he will probably fall down if he is not careful." Wawa's voice was not as excited as before, because even he could see that JD had no chance of winning now.

Faced with this situation, JD had no choice. He was thinking about whether to let Jinx return to the city to replenish her health while he would hold the front line, or something else, when 369's crocodile was once again arrested by Zhao Qianxi's Titan.

The team battle was about to break out. Uzi, who was exhausted and had no blood left, couldn't deal any damage at all, and was taken away by Aphelios's Yingyan Qinghui Ye Ning.

As soon as AD died, collapsed instantly!

After taking down the second Baron, Top Esports did not waste any time and, under the command of Zhao Qianxi, easily won the first game.


"Let us congratulate Top Esports for winning the first game in the spring finals against JD!"

After the crystal exploded at the Jingdong base, Guan Zeyuan's passionate voice rang out.

Compared with Guan Zeyuan, the voice of Wawa, the iron-blooded emperor, seems less passionate.

"Congratulations to Top Esports. They played really well in this game, especially Creator in the top lane. Even when Crocodile got the first blood, they still fought back and successfully won the MVP of our game!"


After the game, Chen Feng stood up and greeted the others. Like Jingdong who just stood up, the five of them walked towards the back.

As was defeated in the first round with almost no chance of fighting back, the barrage of comments in the live broadcast room naturally began the classic crusade phase.

"This Nakagami is such a beast, it's hard to imagine what's stuck between the headphones!"

"I just looked carefully, and Nuo Shou, the fox, only kissed me once, and my brother used purification to remedy it."

"What does this prove? This proves that my brother is truly great. In order not to embarrass his old teammates, he took the initiative to accept this skill."

"If that beast Nuo Shou had half the innocence of the fox today, he wouldn't be chased and scolded!"

"It's really hard for Xiaogou. How can we play with this mid-upper?"


While everyone was fighting, the damage panel appeared.

The damage of all the disliked mid and top characters is higher than Uzi's. Jinx's damage is only higher than that of the support, and is even more than a hundred points less than that of the jungler.

Of course there is no way to do this. After all, the crocodile can rush in and stir it twice to cause damage, while Jinx will die suddenly without doing much damage. It is normal.

"It's funny. After sucking blood for a long time, the output is less than one-third of my crazy brother."

"Kuro is really amazing. Does Jinx have any damage output? She's already dead before the fight even starts. How can you expect Xiaohu to play?"

"Then why not play Zeli? Why move Zeli? Doesn't the world's number one Eddie know how to play Zeli?"

"How dare you! I am just letting my brother have some time. I will definitely beat them in the next round!"


After returning to the lounge, Luo Sheng smiled and handed water to everyone because they won the game.

"Xiao Luo, give me a bottle too!" Zhao Qianxi said suddenly, making everyone laugh.

Luo Sheng was also helpless. When he first came, Zhao Qianxi respected him as a coach, but what about now?

After all the instruction from Chen Feng and A Shui, it was all in vain.

…… temporary lounge.

When Uzi and his four companions returned, they were greeted by Hongmi, who was silent and had a ruddy face.

Yes, Redmi is really popular now.

Originally, when he saw Jayce being arrested and Crocodile getting the first blood, he thought the upper half of the map should be secure. With the help of Crocodile, he was able to take down two Rift Heralds and then knock down the middle lane tower. Sejuani and Ahri found the rhythm in various ways to help Jinx take off.

But unexpectedly, the crocodile gave him a big one!
"Bai Jiahao." Hongmi's voice was filled with obvious anger.

"What were you thinking about during that level 3 wave just now?
Why did you flash over? Do you think your skills can take down Jayce who has so much health left? "

...(End of chapter)

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