LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 292 God’s light returns, but Zhang Lai still has his habits!

"JD is very greedy, they want the little dragon but don't want to give up the second tower in the top lane.

However, the Poke of Topbo's two Cs reduced their health to a minimum. If the Sword Demon didn't teleport, Topbo would definitely start a team fight.

If a fight really breaks out, it is not certain that will be able to defeat Top Esports with just four players.”

In the commentary box.

As Guan Zeyuan was speaking, Karsa's Pig Girl used her ultimate move.

"Winter is coming!!!"

"Kassadin's Sejuani used his ultimate, and Top Esports wanted to focus on Kanavi's Centaur first. Missing Nami also used her ultimate to provide cover, so that Kanavi's Centaur wouldn't be killed instantly by Top Esports' focus.

However, 369's Sword Demon teleported, and he finally chose to fight head-on. He was really a team player! "

In fact, 369 was also worried that his teammates, whose health had been depleted by Zoe and Varus, would be defeated by Top Esports in the team battle.

If this is the case, then both sides will suffer.

Because his Sword Demon was no match for the Shipbreaker and the Divine Sunderer's Soul Shepherd, instead of hiding under the tower in the top lane to guard the second tower and watching his teammates fight a team battle with an uncertain outcome, it would be better to teleport down to ensure that the team battle can be won!

However, after receiving the reminder from Chen Feng, the other members of Top League were also very decisive when they saw the lightened teleport. The four of them retreated directly. After all, Pig Girl had just used a big move and there was no loss.

This time they gained a teleport and used the little dragon to exchange for a second tower, so it was not a big loss. Therefore, they retreated directly to avoid being left behind by the opponent due to greed, otherwise they would lose the big dragon.

Faced with Top Esports, which was waging a guerrilla war against them, people from, especially Uzi, really felt like they had the power but nowhere to use it.

Even though Lucian has such good equipment, he just can't fight in a team well!
Looking at the Soul Shepherd who had already started to destroy his own second tower on the top lane because of the Sword Demon's teleportation.

Uzumaki's hand holding the mouse began to tremble because of anger.

Why is this so disgusting that it can always be played?

How can you be considered a hero if you only know how to steal towers alone? If you have the ability, fight honestly!!!

Kanavi, who was pulled by Top E, seemed a little excited at the moment. He controlled Centaur and pressed the E skill to speed up, trying to go up and forcibly keep the opponent.

It's a pity that Top E had too many interfering skills, including Miko's E skill entanglement barbs, Zoe's E skill sleep bubble, and Ashui's ultimate skill Corruption Chain, which made it impossible for him to rush forward in the front and he had to return a long way.

"Wow, it feels like is really going to be paralyzed by Top Esports' operations. They took down the little dragon, but they also lost their second top lane tower!"

“It’s not a loss to trade the defense tower for the little dragon, after all, the economy was eaten up by the Creator’s Soul Shepherd. But the little dragon is a neutral resource, and it really provides too little help before the dragon soul is obtained!
And this is only’s second dragon. If the third dragon refreshes later, will have to give up its top lane highland tower?
The speed at which the Soul Shepherd destroys towers with his ultimate is just too fast."

Not only the commentators, but also the people in naturally knew that Top Esports wanted to get the little dragon and then break the high ground on their side.

As long as they break through one line, the next step will be for Top Esports to single-handedly carry the team. After all, does not have any real single-handed heroes, and they cannot restrain this Soul Shepherd at all.

"what should we do?"

Kanavi was a little unsure for a moment. Having been in LPL for so long, he also knew the consequences of being teammates with Uzi.

"Let's kill the Baron." Uzi glanced at Chen Feng and started to lead the bottom lane again. Chen Feng, who seemed to be playing a single-player game, expressed his thoughts.

"Yeah..." Kanavi nodded, agreeing.

In this situation, the only way is to use the Baron to force a team fight, otherwise we will really be killed by the Soul Shepherd.

“ doesn’t want to be run like this by Top Esports anymore, and judging by their movements, they are preparing to make a big move.

Because they really couldn't handle Creator Shepherd's solo lane, and teamfighting wasn't his strong point, so they planned to break Top Esports' solo lane play through teamfighting."

Looking at the big screen, Guan Zeyuan spoke slowly.

Faced with's decision, Top Esports was naturally not in a hurry. Zhao Qianxi knew very well that's move was for team fighting. After all, if they really wanted to fight to the end, as long as our jungler was not killed, it would not be certain who would get the big dragon.

Therefore, Top Esports did not approach at the first moment, but let A Shui and Song Yi Jin continue to consume the energy.

"Yu Wenbo and Brother Yi Jin, the two of you should pay attention to your positions and consume the enemy's energy slowly. Don't get hit."

Hearing what Zhao Qianxi said, A Shui suddenly felt a little depressed.

"Why do you call my name, but call Lao Song that damn Yi Jin brother?" As he said this, he controlled Virus to draw the bow and charge, and shot an arrow over.

"Because Brother Yi Jin is a senior!" Zhao Qianxi explained casually.

You have to know that with Zhao Qianxi's seniority, he has to bow and nod every time he sees Song Yi Jin. But he has been in Top Esports for such a long time, and the other party doesn't follow the 80s style, so Zhao Qianxi's calling him Brother Yi Jin is quite sincere.

"Yu Wenbo, come here and don't move. They can't see you from that position."

As Zhao Qianxi spoke, he marked the area where the river was close to the wall, where there was a blind spot.

A Shui didn't ask any more questions and controlled Virus to walk towards the place marked by Zhao Qianxi.

Almost within two seconds after he walked in, Zhao Qianxi, transformed by Miko, walked out.

In Taobo’s eyes, they knew that it was Miko in disguise, but it was different in Jingdong’s eyes.

Especially A Shui likes to show off. During the game, he always appears in a puzzling position where AD should not be.

So given his many previous convictions, the people at JD had no doubts at all. After seeing Varus approaching, Kanavi in ​​the dragon pit controlled Centaur and pressed the E skill to rush out directly.

"Kanavi came on, he thought it was Jack's La Dance, but it was actually Beryl Miko. Top Esports played a trick of replacing the prince with a cat, and tricked Centaur into using his ultimate move." Guan Zeyuan shouted excitedly.

"But Miko is not a tank. He is also very fragile. Although he tricked Centaur into using his ultimate, he couldn't survive himself." Miller said from the side.

Seeing that he was being fooled, Kanavi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

But let Miko be Miko. It’s better to kill one than to do nothing. It’s better to compete with Top Esports in punishment and bet on that 50%!
Miko's body is as small as Varus's, and he was taken down by JD's people before he could even finish using his ultimate skill.

"Beryl fell, 369's Sword Demon refreshed, and chased after Top Esports's players. Missing's Nami used her ultimate to block their movement, Karsa and Sejuani used their ultimate to cover their teammates' retreat, but Uzi flashed forward and chased after them!!!"

Seeing Lucian's extraordinary bravery on the big screen, the people in the live broadcast room and even the Godzilla on the scene were all excited.

“Our God…

He is back!!!"


"No, what is this Lucian pretending to be?"

Seeing Lucian flash forward to chase him, A Shui immediately became unhappy.

Flashing forward is my tag, what gives you the right?
He controlled Varus to use his ultimate move, but unfortunately he was twisted away by Uzi's positioning.

Seeing how brave the AD was, the others naturally would not be afraid. They destroyed the refreshed Sword Demon, and all the soldiers who were still delayed in sprinting rushed forward.

As long as we can keep one more, the team battle can be won and the big dragon can be captured.

Faced with's pursuit, Top Esports naturally had to retreat. After all, their lineup was based on pulling and fighting, focusing on consumption. They could only start a team fight when the enemy's blood was exhausted. They would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent in a head-on confrontation.

A Shui flashed to create some distance and went into Top Esports' upper jungle area. Uzi seemed to be also excited. The opportunity to perform was right in front of him. He didn't think much about it and controlled Lucian to chase after him.

However, when he just got into the bushes, he was hit head-on by a shovel. Chen Feng, who had been teleported down earlier, controlled the Soul Shepherd and cooperated with Aguo to decisively fight back.

The commentator who had just been yelling at Uzi for his bravery, showing his filial piety, suddenly dropped his tone from heaven to earth.
"Oh no, Uzi is in danger, his face is in the bush.

It’s over, Uzi was killed instantly!!!

Uzi is annoying~"

The momentum of's pursuit was originally reversed with Uzi's classic face-first dive into the bush.

At this critical moment, Song Yi Jin's Zoe slept through the wall with Kanavi's troops, and then cooperated with other Top Esports players to kill them instantly.

The jungler was killed and no one followed 369 to rush to the front, which led to the great destruction. The Sword Demon, who was supposed to be so aggressive, now started to fight with the air under the control of 369.

At this time, Guan Zeyuan came on the scene.

"It's over, Kanavi is down,'s pursuit was a bit too reckless, and it caused problems!!!

Now it’s not using Baron to force Top Esports, but Top Esports can move Baron now! "

The sudden scene left everyone at a loss.

“I really like what Godzilla said, our God is back!!!”

"He's really back. The micro-operation of twisting Varus's ultimate just now really has the flavor of peak Uzi, but unfortunately, it's not just the operation that's back, but also the classic face-to-face bush exploration that makes people's brains bleed."

"Haha, can Kuroko blame the AD for this? These useless teammates didn't even dare to rush forward to stop the enemy. They had to wait for the AD to flash forward before they dared to follow. They don't deserve to win!"

"No, what is Syndra playing? You haven't used your ultimate yet after the team fight, right? Go up and trade one for one with Varus!!!" "What is Pi9 playing? This is the first time I've seen a Sword Demon who uses his ultimate but doesn't rush forward and can use up his own ultimate!"


Faced with Top Esports starting to chase them, Zuoshou, 369 and Missing had no choice but to retreat, fearing that they would be left behind.

Many people almost had a cerebral hemorrhage after watching this.

It's come to this, and Syndra is still so cowardly. Go up and trade one for one with Varus, maybe she can stop the fight against the Baron!

However, Left Hand did not go up, and without the jungler and AD, the remaining three people of JD directly gave up the fight for the big dragon.

"What the hell, this guy must have bought it."

"Is it possible that he didn't buy it, but he is just a glutton and is afraid of taking the blame?"

"Okay, now the debate about who is the C in Top Esports has come to an end."


After driving away the three members of, Top Esports started to attack the big dragon without any hesitation.

The four of them were even very loyal. When the big dragon had only a little blood left, they deliberately waited for Zhao Qianxi who was about to be resurrected.

This made Zhao Qianxi extremely moved.

The best decision I, Zhao Qianxi, have ever made is to come to Top Esports...

Um? wrong!

It should be because of playing Genshin Impact. If it weren’t for Genshin Impact, I would never have known Chen Feng.

If it weren't for Chen Feng, I wouldn't have come to Topsports!!!
Therefore, I must reward Genshin Impact when I go back tonight and give him a hundred draws!


After taking down the Baron and returning to the city for supplies, Top Esports began a new round of advancement.

Chen Feng's Soul Shepherd continued to lead the way, while the others slowly pulled the team in the middle lane.

Anyway, if JD wants to stop Chen Feng's solo push now, it is impossible for one person to defend it no matter what, and even two people may not be able to defeat him.

When Chen Feng, the shepherd soul, leads the line to the top lane, it is often the time when problems are most likely to occur in the advancement, because JD will try to find an opportunity for a five-on-four wave as much as possible while the single push has not yet put pressure on them.

If they win the head-on battle, the pressure of single-lane will naturally be gone. Otherwise, when the pressure of single-lane comes, even if they can start a team battle head-on, they will probably lose all the high ground, and then Top Esports’ goal will be achieved.

However, when was looking for opportunities, Chen Feng's voice was heard again in Taobo's voice chat.

"You f*cking think we're going to win? If you don't have a flash, then stand back!"

Seeing Ashui's Verus so arrogant and appearing in a position where an AD shouldn't be, Chen Feng, who was leading the line in the top lane, certainly did not spare his passion at all.

Even as he spoke, he moved the mouse and made a mark under Ashuivirus' feet.

"What are you afraid of? They may not be able to win if they attack me."

Although Ah Shui said this, his body was still very honest and controlled Virus to stand back.

There was no opportunity to find one on the front line, and the Shepherd in the top lane was about to bring the troops to the highland tower. JD had no choice but to send people back to defend.

Karsa helped Chen Feng to provide vision and protection in the jungle area of ​​Jingdong. After all, the solo lane of this Soul Shepherd is very important, especially when there is a big dragon dominating the server, so there will definitely be no problem.

After seeing two people from appear in the field of vision, the other players from Top Esports immediately started to push forward in a group in the middle lane.

“JD didn’t find any opportunities in the front, so Kanavi and 369 went straight to the top lane to catch Creator.

However, Top Esports’ protection for him was very good, and he could already see JD’s top and jungle players.

Now Creator only needs to retreat a little bit, because the other members of Top Esports have already started to advance from the middle lane.

Kanavi's team must return to the front to defend, otherwise Top Esports can start a teamfight without restraint."

As soon as Miller's voice fell, Guan Zeyuan's voice rang out, "But Jingdong doesn't seem to be planning to defend the middle tower. They seem to be planning to give it up directly, so that their top and jungle can buy time to catch the Shepherd.

This is fine, after all, if they can kill Creator, they might only lose a tower in the middle lane.

But if the sheet is pulled like this, there is a possibility of more damage.”

"When Creator knew that the opponent's top and jungle were moving towards him, he did not retreat directly. He seemed to want to fight two at once, or in other words, he wanted to buy more time for the others to advance!"

As they were talking, the people and horses on the big screen had already accelerated and appeared on the road.

Facing the Centaur, Chen Feng was not at all panicked. He directly trapped the opponent with a precise W.

Although Centaur's E skill can pass through walls, you have to find a target when kicking. You have to attack the target to achieve the purpose of passing through the wall, just like Jayce's Q skill in hammer form, you have to have a target.

It’s a pity that Chen Feng didn’t give him enough distance to kick him, so the man who was rushing over was stunned in an instant!

Kanavi had no choice but to attack the Soul Shepherd's W skill first, but 369 on the side had already controlled the Sword Demon to use his ultimate and rush forward.

Only he knew how terrifying the Soul Shepherd he was facing was, and he couldn't save any skills at all!
But now because Chen Feng has been solo roaming and has consumed so much economic resources, he now has four and a half pieces of equipment, including shoes.

Iron Boots, Shipbreaker, Giant Nine and Father's Vest give him both armor and health. Even with the blessing of the Holy Sunder, he can restore his own health.

"Oh my god, this Soul Shepherd is too powerful. It seems that and his jungler can't kill him at all, and 369 will fall first!"

Accompanied by Wawa's slightly annoyed voice, 369 flashed to create some distance, but was followed by Chen Feng, who used his Q skill and a shovel to take the head off.

Seeing that the Soul Shepherd was able to kill one person in a two-on-one fight, and was not dead yet, and could even chase the centaur, everyone in the live broadcast room became excited.

Damn it, two against one and still got killed, do you know how to play! ?


When Jingdong's top and jungle surrounded Chen Feng and now they were being chased and beaten, Song Yijin and the other four quickly started to push the middle. Without two front rows, Uzi and Missing didn't dare to defend at all.

As for the left hand...

It has been invisible for a long time and can't be found!!!


Originally, they should have just defended honestly, leaving two defense towers in the middle lane and dragging the dragon past, but Jingdong just couldn't think straight and wanted to gank the top lane, which resulted in one death and one injury, and the middle lane was also pushed all the way to the high ground by Top Esports.

At this time, the four members of Top Esports were at the gates of the city, and they were ready to attack JD’s middle lane high ground as soon as the next wave of troops came.

Chen Feng's Shepherd completed a two-on-one fight and killed one of them. After that, he controlled the Shepherd to go to the middle lane to meet up with his teammates and helped the team destroy JD's middle lane high ground.

After destroying the high ground, according to Zhao Qianxi's thinking, he planned to go back and get his own dragon.

After taking the small dragon, wait for the next big dragon. After all, the middle lane high ground has been broken, and Jingdong’s military line will definitely be under pressure. After the next big dragon refreshes, let Chen Feng’s Soul Shepherd go to the bottom lane alone.

With such pressure on two fronts, Top Esports’ other players can naturally and steadily win the game with the Baron in their charge.

But Zhao Qianxi still underestimated, or he overestimated Uzi.

Because after leaving the push, several Top Esports players tried to hide in the jungle to see if they could find a suitable person, but they accidentally captured Uzi's Lucian!
Uzi, who was poking his head into the bushes just to see if Red Tyrant was there, was instantly killed by Top Esports's men who were waiting there. It can be said that his death was quite casual, just like a stray dog ​​on the roadside.

"Uzi was too careless and got ambushed by Top Esports again." Wawa's tone revealed his unhappiness. If you didn't know, you would think that JD was playing against teams from other regions.

"In that case, we can probably congratulate Top Esports for winning the second game in advance!"

Looking at the Soul Shepherd with a weak icon on his head, and then looking at Lucian under his feet who was killed instantly without even using his flash, Guan Zeyuan had already seen Top Esports' next decision.

“It feels a bit forced.”

Wawa held a different opinion, and even the Top Esports team voice chat expressed the same opinion.

Zhao Qianxi felt that this wave was risky. Although he would not be counterattacked, it would easily delay things. He still wanted to go back to get the dragon that was waiting for a card, and then use the soldiers to get the second big dragon, and finally win the game steadily.

But Chen Feng thought it was worth a try.

After discussing for a long time, the two original IG reckless men in the team stood on Chen Feng's side, while the conservative Karsa supported Zhao Qianxi.

Three to two, everyone decided to give it a try!
Everything happened just as Guan Zeyuan predicted. Lucian died, and the five players of Top Esports gathered together in the middle lane. They used the remaining tail of the big dragon to successfully flatten JD’s base!

...(End of chapter)

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