LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 30 What’s happening with this rat?

Chapter 30 What’s happening with this rat?
"He wanted to play, so you let him play?"

In the lounge of Top Esports, Guo Hao frowned and looked at Luo Sheng with a bad look when he just came back from BP.

"Brother Hao, this is not my fault.

You didn't see the look on that boy's face just now. He's simply entering his rebellious phase.

I guess he wouldn't listen to anything I said at that time. No matter what I asked him to pick, he would always pick this rat to play as a support."

Guo Hao didn't say anything. As a club manager, he knew that he was an outsider, so he never interfered in matters related to the game.

The profession has technical skills, and you only need to do the logistical support work.

But even if he doesn't understand, after watching it enough, he knows that the word "rat assistance" is outrageous!

"Anyway, the election has already been made. If he can't win, then he won't dare to rebel like this next time."

"There will be a next time?" Guo Hao curled his lips, "If you don't do well this time, there won't be a next time!"


"Mad man, why don't I understand what you are saying?"

On the playing field.

Ah Shui was completely confused by Chen Feng's words.

What do you mean I have to be careful when I'm alone in the bottom lane? Does that mean you, as a support, don't plan to come to the bottom lane?

"It's just that I may not go to the bottom lane in the front, so you have to be a little more stable. However, the Q skills of the two opponents are not hard control, and you have an EZ, so there shouldn't be any problems."

A water:"……"

Well, things are much worse than I thought.

Before, when Chen Feng and A Shui were playing duo row together and doing various scientific research, he had also tried to be assisted by another AD.

Although I’m not used to it, at least I’m still in the bottom lane.

How come even the bottom lane isn't coming now?
But he didn't say anything. Since the mouse had already been taken out, it seemed he had no choice but to play along.

"Crazy, play well, this game is very important to you." Big brother Karsa also reminded.

"Ok, I know."

Chen Feng responded and then controlled the mouse to move towards the middle road.

The purpose of mouse assistance is to find someone and target him disgustingly!
In this game, DRX's top laner Doran was playing like an Ornn, and 369's Crocodile was just playing casually in the laning phase, and the opponent was definitely prepared to let go and withstand the pressure, so Chen Feng didn't even consider targeting the top lane.

He set his target on Chovy's Akali in the middle lane. It wasn't because he was scared by what Karsa said before that the opponent's mid laner was very strong, but he was mainly worried that Left Hand's Clockwork could not beat the opponent.

Although it is easier for Clockwork to use his long arms to beat Akali with short arms when laning, everyone knows it, but Clockwork with left hand knows it.

He might be able to bully Akali in the beginning by taking advantage of his long arms, but once Akali's level reaches a certain level, he might be defeated immediately.

Chovy had no idea that he was being targeted. He just controlled Akali's position in the river, preparing to have a good fight against Left Hand.

Although he didn't get any advantage against Zuo Shou in the first round of the group stage, he wasn't suppressed too hard either. The two of them were pretty evenly matched.

The important thing is, after finishing the laning match with Zuo Shou that day, Chovy had a strange feeling in his heart for some reason.

Maybe this is the kind of mutual admiration between masters!

"Both junglers started the game with Blue Overlord, and Graves started the game by clearing the jungle from top to bottom.

After all, Topbo has a crocodile in the top lane, while his team has an Ornn.

If Pyosik also starts in the lower jungle, he may be easily invaded by Karsa's Nidalee when he is clearing the upper jungle, and Ornn will not be able to help at that time. "If you clear from top to bottom, it won't be too uncomfortable. The laning combination of Ashe and Lulu can easily gain lane control, which can also make his Graves play more comfortably."

Just as Guan Zeyuan was saying this, Jide, who was standing by, noticed something wrong.

"Wait a minute, what's going on with Creator Rat? The troops are about to meet, why hasn't he gone to the bottom lane yet?!"

I originally thought he was standing in the river, but now, it seems that things are not as simple as I imagined.

"He didn't even buy the support's salary equipment, so what should he do with his finances?" Rita added. You know, the salary equipment is the only source of income for the support.

It was hard to understand why he was just playing a support rat, and now he doesn’t even go to the bottom lane, which is even more incomprehensible.

"What did I say? This bastard is simply unhappy with his life and is here to take revenge on society!"

"Understand it. After all, he grew up without a father or a mother, so it is inevitable that his psychology will be somewhat distorted."

"He cheated on Xiaogou in the qualifying game and his teammates in the game, but Top Esports treated him like a treasure and didn't even let him apologize."

"Understand, this beast may have been used as a bullet by Guo Hao, that idiot!"

"When will Ah Shui's support function normally? Can you please stop screwing over my brother?"

"Don't scream, water ghost. Can you just tell me what my crazy brother's status is?"

"If we can't beat Godzilla, we can't beat you water ghosts? Gather the Fengjia army and let them see the strength of our subordinates under the Second God of the Void!"


Chen Feng's strange behavior caused many people to curse at him, not only the Godzilla group that targeted him, but even the fans of Top Esports and even Sister Shuigui couldn't help but curse at him.

The main reason is that what they did is really unbelievable. It could be just the mouse assistance, it could be black technology.

But as a support, you don’t even go to the bottom lane. What kind of technology are you stealing?

"Mad man, what do you want to do?"

Zuo Shou also couldn't help but ask a question, not understanding Chen Feng's thoughts.

"Just go online and fight him directly. If he retreats, chase him..."

After hearing Chen Feng’s explanation, Zuo Shou nodded.

Both of them have worked with PDD, so strictly speaking, they are brothers from the same school.

So when the troops of both sides gathered in the middle lane, he controlled Clockwork to use the advantage of his long arms to start consuming Chovy's Akali.

Chovy was also very steady. He knew that Akali was not very good at level 1, so he retreated quickly.

However, what he didn't expect was that this clockwork seemed to be a bit too arrogant. No matter how long your arms are, you can just use two normal attacks to defeat him.

How could he cross the line of soldiers and come to force his way in? This isn't the top lane!
This time Chovy has Doran's Shield and his talent is Swiftness. Compared to Clockwork who has no recovery, his recovery ability is good.

Since this Clockwork is so rude, Chovy certainly won't tolerate him.

No matter how long Clockwork's arms are, you can't possibly fight against six minions and Akali at level 1!

So Chovy decided to exchange blood with Left Hand. Anyway, he had Doran's Shield and Swiftness so he could recover slowly, while you, Clockwork, only had two bottles of medicine.

However, just as he used Akali's Q skill to slow down Clockwork and activated his passive to prepare to attack, he heard a harsh and hoarse voice next to him.


(End of this chapter)

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