LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 305 Chapter 304 The shock wave is ineffective on my crazy brother!

Chen Feng's words made Zhao Qianxi completely helpless.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of mentality this bastard had when he said this!

Is this still a person?

Asiba! ! !
After severely condemning Chen Feng in his heart, Zhao Qianxi finally chose to use Chen Feng's champion skin.

There is no other reason, it’s mainly because he really likes it.

It was exactly the skin of his dreams!
“Oh? We can see Beryl is using Creator’s champion skin from last year.

I have to say that the details and feel of this design are quite good.”

When I entered the game, I remember Le Hehe said this.

“Yes, according to gossip, for this skin, the Creator gave the designer a picture and asked him to make it according to the picture.

Rather than saying that the Creator has a good eye, it’s better to say that the designer has a deep foundation.”

After briefly talking about the skin problem, Guan Zeyuan quickly turned the topic to the lineups of both sides.

"Looking at the lineups of both teams, I feel that T1 is still solid enough.

Except for their poor team-building ability, they are pretty good in other aspects.

On the other hand, Top Esports started a lot of team fights, but they had almost no sustained output capability.

This Jackrabbit has the talent of Hail of Blades, so I guess he is planning to go for the Mana Cutting style."

After hearing what Guan Zeyuan said, I quickly responded, "In this case, I think the pressure will be on Creator's Irelia in the top lane.

In fact, I feel that Shen is a very good pick. When fighting in a team, I can use my ultimate to cooperate with my teammates to kill one of the enemies in one second."

"Maybe Creator thought that Yasuo would be pushed down by Jayce in the front, and Irelia would have a chance to kill Jayce!

We all saw it just now. Zeus first picked Jayce. What he meant was that he was telling you that my Jayce can beat all your heroes."

"This time it all depends on Creator Irelia's performance, after all, using Irelia as a hero is very risky.

He was able to solo laning later in the game, but the opponent's jungler was a nightmare, and solo laning was also very risky."

The two of them analyzed the situation one after another, and both sides had already entered the game.

Chen Feng has always maintained his good habits and was the first to control the Sword Girl to buy equipment and walk out of the fountain.

At level one, neither side had any ideas and just stood there defending.

But Zhao Qianxi is different. He is sure that T1 will not cause trouble, so he is zooming in to appreciate every detail of the Ice Champion skin.

However, when he pressed the return to city button and saw Han Bing returning to the city, he couldn't help but curse.

"Chen Feng, you really deserve to die!!!"

"Hehe..." Song Yijin laughed obscenely, "Qianxi, who the hell taught you to do this?"

"Yu Wenbo taught me..." Zhao Qianxi said this without hesitation for even a second.

Can it be said that it is justified! ?

Because he saw Chen Feng doing this often, he learned it naturally.

This made A Shuiren, who was standing by, dumbfounded.

It really is true that it is easy to learn bad things but hard to learn good things!!!

"Both sides were very careful at first. After all, it was the first game of the final. Whoever could win the first game would be of great help to the momentum in the following games."

As Guan Zeyuan was speaking, the camera suddenly moved to the road.

Relying on Jayce's long reach advantage at level 1, Zeus used the bushes to start a classic tug-of-war against Chen Feng.

I don't know how many Irelias I have defeated with my Jayce. How dare you, a guy who just switched to top lane this year, use this hero to fight against me?

Chen Feng had no choice but to accept this, because it was indeed difficult for Irelia to fight against Jayce at level 1.

Unless you can use the Q skill Blade Impact to quickly stack three layers of passive when the three melee soldiers are at low health, and then Q to Jayce to stack the full passive, only in this way can you have the strength to fight.

Otherwise you will basically just get beaten.

But as the top top laner of the new generation, Zeus will definitely not let Chen Feng use his skills to stack his passive so easily.
He controlled Jayce to stay in the bushes, and would come out immediately to steal as soon as Chen Feng approached.

So Chen Feng had no choice but to keep a distance from the opponent. Anyway, as long as the top laner did not lose experience, it would be fine.

Of course, this is also thanks to the fact that Zeus is an honest man. If Chen Feng was playing Jayce, he would have to push Irelia out of the experience zone even if he didn't last minions.

The main point is to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of your own, and it is acceptable if you can make a little profit.

Chen Feng's Irelia was secretly clicked three times by Zeus, and the people in the live broadcast room instantly became excited.

"As expected, he can only play against the few noob top laners in China. Once he meets the top top laners, his true colors are exposed."

"Don't be so hasty to shout. Isn't it normal for Irelia to be suppressed by Jayce at level 1?"

"If you don't understand, just ask. My crazy brother is a double champion. What champion is Zeus?"

"His double championship was won as a support. What does it have to do with top lane? He really thinks he is a genius just because he beat a few useless top laners, right?"

"Where is the zombie? They implied that the zombie king was a useless top laner, so isn't this targeting him?"

"Can you hide your profile when you are trying to lead the trend? It's really disgusting to see a dog taking a shower when I click on it."

"Godzilla is like this. If the gods don't have a game, they don't need to guard the house and can wander around freely."


Before Chen Feng's Irelia and Zeus' Jayce could do anything, the people in the live broadcast room started fighting first.

Chen Feng was in jail in the top lane, and the same was true for T1's bottom lane. The Jinxtam combination of Gumayusi and Keria was also under great pressure at level .

The dual Sharingan talents of Hanbing and Varus forced them to give up the line control.

However, T1's bottom lane just needs to develop honestly in this game. Jinx's development will not be affected, and she will have a great chance of harvesting by cooperating with teammates in team fights.

In the middle lane, Li Xianghe's Tsar faced Song Yijin's Syndra, and the two were evenly matched.


“It felt like both sides were very cautious in the beginning, trying their best to avoid being taken advantage of by the other side.

After all, both teams are very good at snowballing.”

I remember that as soon as I said this in the commentary booth, the camera moved to the top lane again.

At this time, Zeus's Jayce had almost pushed the line of troops to the tower of Chen Feng's Irelia.

This time and position are extremely dangerous. It goes without saying that the jungler is likely to visit at this time, and after Irelia reaches level three, it is even possible for her to kill alone.

Even though Zeus suppressed Chen Feng with five knives and was close to a wave of soldiers, it would be useless even if he didn't go home and convert his equipment.

At this time, you should set up a vision system to prevent the opponent's jungler from catching you.

But Zeus didn't. He was worried that by the time he put down the ward, Chen Feng's Irelia would have successfully eaten up this wave of soldiers and reached level three. He wanted to take advantage of Chen Feng's last hit to consume the soldiers.

"Crazy, be steady. I'll help you catch some later."

When Karsa saw that Chen Feng was having so much trouble on the top lane, he naturally wanted to help.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was rejected by Chen Feng

"No need, just stay in the middle lane and kill the Tsar."

"Okay, then be careful." Kasa didn't say much.

Because he has experienced the era of SKT's dominance, and he also knows how important Lee Sang-hyuk is to the four young people.

If the four little ones are just a sharp sword, then Li Xianghe is the sword holder.

If you press the person holding the sword to death, the sword will be confused and may hurt itself.


Faced with such fierce pressure from Jace, Chen Feng certainly would not sit still and wait for death.

Irelia vs Jayce, what can I say about these two heroes? Irelia is allowed to make mistakes, but if Jayce makes a mistake, he will basically be chased and beaten by Irelia. Seizing the right opportunity, Chen Feng controlled Irelia to use the Q skill to kill the low-health minions and stack the passive, while releasing the double blades towards Jayce.

Zeus reacted quickly as well, switching forms and trying to speed up to knock out Irelia's E skill, but he was still a little slow and was stunned on the spot.

"How did you get dizzy?" I remember exclaiming.

Because from a God's perspective, Irelia's twin blades appear to be impossible to hit.

"But there are only two levels of Creator. I can't seem to get on if I get dizzy."

As Guan Zeyuan was speaking, the Irelia who had stunned Jayce had already used her Q skill Blade Charge to launch an attack.

"Do you really want to do it?"

I remember being surprised, even Zeus felt the same way.

Facing the charging Irelia, Zeus certainly didn't back down and started to fight back directly.

He knew very well that Chen Feng's Irelia must be about to reach level three if she rushed up. Maybe she would level up during the fight, otherwise there was no reason for a level two Irelia to be so aggressive.

After all, the opponent just moved to the top lane, it’s not that he has a bad brain.

But even though he knew this, he still didn't distance himself immediately. After Zeus switched to cannon form and fired a set of attacks, he immediately pulled back.

Of course Chen Feng did not pursue hard, he just exchanged a wave of blood.

He starts out with a Doran's Shield, and can recover health by killing minions with his Q skill. His recovery method is much higher than that of Jayce who starts out with a Doran's Blade.

The main thing is that we don't know where the opponent's jungler is, and Jayce's ultimate is about to cool down. If we chase him, we will be beaten away, which is not worth it.

"The two players in the top lane exchanged blood and then pulled away, but the line of troops was still on Top Esports' side.

Creator can control the line and develop slowly. This line of soldiers will make Zeus very uncomfortable, and he must push the line forward immediately.

Otherwise, after Karsa finishes clearing the jungle, there will be a chance to catch him." Guan Zeyuan said.

As a young and energetic general, Zeus was not at all panicked by the current situation.

Now all he thinks about is how to gain advantage in the matchup, bombard three lanes, lead the team to win the MSI championship, and become famous all over the world!
"Youqi, remember to do the eye."

Li Xianghe in the middle lane gave a reminder. Even though his Tsar was facing Song Yijin and Syndra, he immediately reminded Zeus in the top lane.

"Hmm..." Zeus responded, but he didn't show any intention of looking around.

He controlled Jayce and wanted to push the line of troops forward quickly and then take control of it back.

However, just as he was about to take action, Chen Feng controlled the Knife Girl to attack again.

The Twin Blades were released almost at the same time as Irelia's Q on the minions, and the precise E skill directly stunned Jayce on the spot.

"The fighting started again on the road!!!" Guan Zeyuan shouted excitedly. Perhaps because his movements were too big, Yu Shuang rolled her eyes.

"Creator Irelia was stunned again, he released both of his double blades so fast!

However, Zeus reacted quickly. After waking up from the dizziness, he switched forms and directly knocked Irelia away.

But Creator is saving his skills. He even used his W skill to prepare a springboard for the pursuit! "

in the big screen.

Everyone could see that Chen Feng's Irelia, who was beaten back, approached Jayce again with the help of the minions, and chased Zeus with her passive at full level and attacked him repeatedly.

Zeus did not just run away, he knew very well that running would only lead to death, but if he fought, there would still be a glimmer of hope.

My health is higher than that of Irelia, this is an opportunity!
So he decisively controlled Jace and started to fight back.

"It looks like both sides are going to fight to the end, but Jayce obviously can't beat Irelia."

I remember that as I was saying this, Zeus, who was approaching the bushes, decisively pressed his flash button while pulling A away.

While flashing into the bushes to block vision, Zeus, who is called the King of Jayce by many, has very quick hands.

He flashed into the bushes and immediately switched to cannon form, then strengthened the cannon and fired at the sword girl.


As Jace roared, the corners of Zeus' mouth began to rise.

The reason why he didn't dodge back to create distance before using skills was that he flashed into the bushes.

It was just to block the vision and prevent Chen Feng from flashing to avoid his own enhanced cannon, in order to create a poor vision.

As long as this shot can hit the target, he will win the duel!
However, the smile froze as soon as it appeared.

Because a golden light also appeared under the feet of the sword girl, and she just avoided the shock wave!

"My god, Creator reacted so quickly, dodging Jayce's attack with a quick dodge.

In this case, the first blood will be taken by Creator's Irelia!"

Following Guan Zeyuan's voice, Zeus wanted to struggle, but his enhanced cannon missed. The subsequent damage was not enough to threaten Irelia, and he had lost his flash, so he could only fall unwillingly in the top lane.

"First blood!"

A burst of blood!


The moment Jace fell, a smile appeared on Chen Feng's lips.

You want to use the bush to block my vision? When my buddy uses this set to stomp on the head and wash the dog, you don’t even know where you are!

Chen Feng had a premonition when he saw Zeus fighting and walking upwards just now.

If Jayce dodges downwards, it means the jungler is coming. If he dodges backwards, it means he wants to escape.

And if it flashes upwards, it means he still wants to take action!
So after Jayce flashed into the grass, Chen Feng's attention was very focused, and he used flash to avoid the fatal shock wave.

"I'm maxed out!!!"

Just as Chen Feng got the first blood and was showing off to his teammates.

The director also gave Chen Feng a shot in the player’s portrait frame in the lower right corner of the big screen.

Everyone could see that he was able to take the first blood in the camera with his extreme effort, and a smile just appeared on his face, but it lasted less than a second before he immediately restrained himself.

Because Oner's nightmare came, and he used flash directly without saving any skills. The main reason was that he was worried that saving flash would cause Irelia to force Jungle Sejuani to come and rescue him.

Without flash and skills, Chen Feng had no other choice. After destroying the artillery cart before he died, he could only accept his fate.

Even though Irelia was captured by Nightmare, the change of her face in less than a second, which even slow motion could not capture, left everyone dumbfounded.

"Is this a professional player? His expression changes so quickly!!!"

"They say they can play professionally, and their main feature is speed!"

"Suddenly I don't envy these professional players that much. After all, I'm known for being slow, and my main skill is to last a long time."

"Heizi speak!!!"

"King Jace? That's it? He can't even beat my crazy brother!"

"It's mainly because the enhanced cannon was dodged by the shuttle, which was too fatal. Otherwise, Jace would have had a chance."

"Don't waste your time on something that has already come to an end. If you can't win, you can't win."

"That's right, if what you said was true, then if my teammates weren't so bad and my opponents didn't know the ways of the world, my God would have won the championship a long time ago!"

"We can't help it. Crazy Beast has the S championship, so the shockwave from Jayce just now has no effect on him."


"It's a pity that Oner arrived just in time and helped T1 stop the loss, otherwise Creator could have saved a teleport." Jide in the commentary booth also sighed.

But there is no need to worry, because Irelia killed Jayce alone, so Jayce basically has no ability to fight alone in the following one-on-one.

Unless T1 keeps coming to help!

...(End of chapter)

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