LOL: I won the championship, what championship did you win?

Chapter 348 Don’t panic, wait for the gods to descend to earth!

"Heizi speak!!!"

"Is this another super top laner that Zombie created just to praise Zombie King? That's it!?"

"I can only say that he is worthy of being a super top laner. Another super top laner was killed by a crazy animal in the LPL league, and this super top laner was taught a lesson by a crazy animal in the world game!"

"No, this Kennen is a human? How can he be killed by the Sword Demon alone?"

"To be honest, I don't understand why Kenan dared to go out with the equipment and look down on my crazy brother so much?"

"There's nothing wrong with Extraction going out, the question is why Kennen was killed by a single person!"

"You dare to be so aggressive even though you didn't dodge? Do you really treat my crazy brother like a bathing dog?"

"The first generation of the Void God used heavy punches to attack internally and was filial to externally. The second Void God, regardless of internal or external, would fight until he was dissatisfied! This is the difference!"

"Just now I was wondering why my crazy brother didn't use his flash when he was caught. Do you understand why he didn't use his flash now?"

"Some people don't use flash in order to kill the opponent alone, while others don't use flash in order to have a fearless bath in the quarterfinals!"


With Chen Feng's solo kill, not only the people in the live broadcast room, but even Guan Zeyuan and others in the commentary booth were stunned.

Because it is so rare for Aatrox to kill Kennen alone. Even though he has an extra flash, it is almost invisible in the entire arena.

If Karsa and Sejuani grabbed the little dragon in the lower river, DK's rhythm would be affected a little.

Then Chen Feng's solo kill undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to DK.

Because strictly speaking, the DK lineup in the late game can only rely on Kennen to start a good team fight and use a good ultimate move.

But now Kennen was killed alone!

DK's side.

Niu Guli looked at his gray screen, took a deep breath, and quickly apologized to his teammates.

"It's okay, our rhythm is fine." Jin Jianfu said to comfort him.

Although he said so, he became extremely anxious when he saw the power of his own Kayn.

Red Kai will definitely become the one on the court. Although Blue Kai has high mobility and fast burst.

But they couldn't perform at all against Top Esports' lineup.

Just imagine that when you go through the wall and go around, if there is any mistake, Ashe, Varus or even Sejuani will use their ultimate skills and you can be easily killed instantly.

Although Red Kai also has this risk, its tolerance for error is at least much higher than Blue Kai, and the team also needs a front row.


The game continues.

Chen Feng's solo kill allowed him to suppress Kennen in the top lane.

Although Xu Xiu's Syndra's suppression power in the middle lane still exists, it is limited to this, because Tsar can drag back without pressure, but Syndra cannot.

So Xu Xiu had no choice but to roam around as much as possible to help his teammates.

Because of the problems that occurred earlier, Topbo did not get the advantage in the bottom lane, but Luna's combination had no way to deal with Varus and Ashe. Varus could almost clear the minion line by simply using his skills.

And this time.

The effect of ice is reflected.

Everyone is in the bottom lane as a support, but the hero Ashe can assist teammates to some extent through her E skill and ultimate.

Relying on his understanding of DK and his old teammates, Zhao Qianxi can always find Kayn's position using Ashe's E skill.

This made Jin Jianfu very nervous, because he really wanted to transform urgently, but if his position was exposed, Karsa's Pig Girl would rather suffer a loss than let him touch her.

Anyway, I am just a tool, and there is also a jungle compensation mechanism.

"Qian Xi, this bastard!!!"

Jin Jianfu couldn't help but complain,
He had no choice but to blame the management. After all, it was they who did not listen to the advice and let Zhao Qianxi go.

In addition to using the E skill Eagle Strike to search for the position of the opponent's jungler, Zhao Qianxi also used Frost's ultimate move to force Xu Xiu's Syndra to flash.

"Beryl is really good at playing with ice!"

When I saw this scene, I remember smiling and praising it.

“Although he was in the bottom lane, he seemed to have affected the entire battle situation.

If Syndra doesn’t flash, then Showmaker will have a hard time in the next Rift Herald fight or even the Dragon fight.”



The second Rift Herald of this game has spawned.

In order to ensure that they could take the Rift Herald, they destroyed the middle lane tower and freed Xu Xiu's Syndra, and DK sent the bottom lane duo over early.

“I feel like this wave of Taobo is too good, because Lucian is too strong!

Unless they can get rid of it right away, it’s easy to run into problems.”

Looking at the situation on both sides, I couldn't help but analyze it.

But for Top Esports, they definitely cannot give up the game. They are leading 2-0, so they can't play too timidly.

Based on the principle of not working overtime if possible, Chen Feng and his friends discussed it and decided to try a fight.

It's a pity that the bottom lane was suppressed too badly and lacked strong output in the current period. In addition, DK's Lucian and Syndra were both exerting their strength, and Ghost's small universe also exploded, so the two sides directly exchanged three for two in a team fight.

"I feel that this wave of Topbo was a bit reckless!" Looking at the retreating Sword Demon and Tsar, Guan Zeyuan said with some sigh.

"In fact, I feel that Top Esports can give in. Their lineup is not afraid of being dragged into the late game."

"Maybe he felt that he was leading by two games and had three match points, so there was no need to play so timidly." I remembered guessing.

Even though they lost a kill and the Rift Herald in this team fight, they still managed to give Jin Jianfu Kayn enough energy to transform.

However, it was still acceptable to Chen Feng because he got another kill.

Then even if we lose this game, we will have a reason.

My record is so good, it’s all because my brother is too weak to lead me!!!

After DK took down the Rift Herald, they were not in a hurry and just waited for the third dragon of the game.

If it weren't for Karsa's cooperation with A Shui to steal the dragon, DK would have already taken their own dragon.

Therefore, DK was determined to win the third dragon because they knew very well that their lineup could not drag on with Topbo. If it dragged on, as long as Topbo had a good vision and Kennen didn't have a good entry position, they would almost never win the team battle.

If it was anyone else, it would be fine, but the opponent's support was a teammate he had fought side by side with, and he knew him very well. At that time, it would naturally be more difficult for Kennen to go around him!

in a blink.

The little dragon has refreshed.

"DK put the Rift Herald in the middle lane. They want to use the Rift Herald to distract the middle lane, block the river in advance, and take down the little dragon!"

Looking at the picture on the big screen, Guan Zeyuan spoke slowly.

“But looking at Top Esports’ actions, they don’t want to give in. In fact, if it’s a four-on-four situation, Top Esports isn’t really afraid because they initiate a lot of team fights.

As long as we can control the enemy, the others can use their skills to kill them instantly, forming a situation where the majority can defeat the minority!"

"I think we can fight!" After Ji De's words fell, the two sides began to pull each other in the lower river.

Top Esports has the ability to consume the opponent's energy, so they are definitely not afraid of any tug-of-war.

Although DK was not afraid of Top Esports in team fights, they had no means to force a team fight. So, in order to not give Top Esports a chance to consume their energy crazily, they had no choice but to attack the little dragon directly.

Having learned the lesson just now, Jin Jianfu was very careful this time.

But Top Esports didn't care about that. When they saw that the little dragon's health was almost down, Zhao Qianxi's Ashe decisively used his ultimate and chose to start a team fight. Just like before, he wanted to harass the jungler, and then let Karsa's Sejuani go up to fight for punishment.

As long as we win, it doesn’t matter even if Kasa dies.

Exchanging a life for a little dragon is acceptable no matter how you look at it.

However, this time Jin Jianfu reacted quickly. Even though Zhao Qianxi was able to block his vision for a while, he was still able to dodge it with his flash.

"Canyon reacted very quickly, he flashed to avoid Ashe's ultimate, but as a result, Showmaker didn't dodge and got hit by the arrow!" Guan Zeyuan said quickly.

When seeing Syndra being hit by an arrow, Karsa's Sejuani decisively used the Q skill forward and threw out the ultimate skill to follow up with the control, wanting to focus fire on one of them first.

At the same time, Kellin also quickly manipulated Nami to zoom in to provide cover!

At this extremely critical moment, no one in the team battle on both sides noticed that a teleportation line lit up on the small map!
"Showmaker Syndra used all her skills before she died, but she could only touch Karsa's Sejuani, the effect was average!
In that case, if Top Esports kills one first, it looks like they’re going to win!”

As Guan Zeyuan said this, after dealing with Xu Xiu's Syndra, Karsa and the others began to press forward.

But at this moment, above the dragon pit, a Kennen bounced down with the explosive fruit, and then used the E skill to transform into a lightning ball, accelerating and then flashing!

"But Nuguri teleported down, my god, his electric shock was like a bolt of lightning!!!" Remember to roar.

The pursuit battle that originally belonged to Top Esports was instantly reversed due to the addition of Niu Guli and Kennen.

Except for Song Yijin's Tsar and Zhao Qianxi's Han Bing who escaped, all others were killed.

"This wave is a bit of a pity for Top Esports!" I remember sighing, "Top Esports could have won the teamfight, but Kennen suddenly came down!"

"In this case, DK should be able to take down this little dragon easily."


Seeing Kennen coming down to help his teammates win the team battle, Chen Feng's Aatrox was still leisurely disconnected in the top lane. The haters in the live broadcast room certainly couldn't stand it.

"No, playing as a fucking sword demon can also bind spirits? Could it be that this guy thinks that his sword demon can save the world?"

"I sent it. I feel like I can play it again!"

"If you like to develop and play alone, why don't you play Fiora? If you play a hero that is better at teamfighting, and the opponent supports you, why don't you support him?"

"Are you guys really watching the game? You were only a few seconds away from teleporting just now, how can you support us?"

"Why didn't you interrupt Kennen's teleport? You really bought yourself a three-to-one advantage, didn't you?"

"Do you think the person on the other side is Silver? Teleporting right in front of you? How can I, a crazy brother, not interrupt if I can?"

"Don't panic, wait for the gods to come down to earth!"

"Is he worthy of being a god?"


"Xia Quan, the support is just in time!"

After successfully winning the team battle and the little dragon, Xu Xiu was also excited and praised.

In this way, the rhythm that was interrupted by the dragon being stolen can be reconnected.

If everything goes well, we will be able to fight with Top Esports for the Dragon Soul in around 26 minutes.

And that was when Luna was at her strongest.


Without resources, both sides once again entered into a boring development period.

DK directly let Luna in the bottom lane step on the middle line, and Xu Xiu's Syndra and Jin Jianshi's Kayn worked together.

Naturally, Top Esports had no choice but to change lanes as well.

Chen Feng's Aatrox went to the bottom lane to develop, and Karsa enthusiastically gave him the Stone Man in the bottom lane jungle.

After all, the main force in this team battle is Song Yijin's Tsar and Chen Feng's Sword Demon, so there is nothing wrong with getting more economic benefits.

Moreover, Chen Feng’s economic advantage is different from the vampire he met in RNG.

If you give him money, he can really be the C!!!
Of course, Kasa can only provide financial support to Chen Feng, and his actions are still mainly centered around Song Yijin's Tsar and A Shui's Verus.

One reason is that Tsar is the core of this game, and the other is that it is easy for A Shui to have problems, so he must be protected.

If you dare to ignore him, he will suddenly die in front of you. This is a painful lesson I have learned, so you must be careful.


Time passes minute by minute.

Although there is currently no friction between the two sides and they are developing very harmoniously, anyone with a discerning eye can see that DK is under great offensive pressure.

Top Esports could drag the game on, and even if they had three match points, they could accept losing this game.

But DK can't do that. Even though they have the advantage now, the pressure of being two games behind is too great, so no matter how advantageous they are, they will still be anxious.

However, the most stable rhythm for DK now is to wait for the little dragon. The most risky thing to do is to do the same as Top Esports and shoot for the big dragon when in doubt.

But for DK, one of these two things takes time, and the other involves great risks.

"Don't worry, wait for their AD to send it!" Xu Xiu comforted the others.

After all, we have played so many training games with Top Esports, so we naturally know who is more likely to be given opportunities.

at last.

God helps those who work hard. When Zhao Qianxi ran to get vision from Karsa, the mid laner A Shui was caught by DK.

"I knew it. I knew that when the situation reached a stalemate, my brother would always stand up!"

"No, how dare the Ice Emperor move forward?"

"He died so smoothly, like a piece of ..."

"Don't be so mean, my brother is the only one who can die in this wave, if it were anyone else, they might have survived."

"Is this a human? He could just keep steady, but he had to send a few to make things more difficult for his teammates, right?"

"I've said it so many times, Ice King is just a useless AD, only Water Ghost treats him like his daddy!"

"A mixed AD is also a champion, and is better than the uncrowned shockwave, please know this."


“It’s bad, Jack La Dancing has been caught.

DK gathered together and moved towards the Baron. What did they want to do?
Are you going to attack the dragon directly?"

"I think they want to force Topbo to fight with the big dragon. If it's a small dragon, since it's not a dragon soul, Topbo may choose to give it up directly.
Then DK still can't expand its economic advantage!"

While Guan Zeyuan and Jide were talking, DK also cleared the vision of the big dragon.

Their purpose is obvious, which is to force Top Esports to come over and fight! (End of this chapter)

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