Longevity starts with inheriting a friend's legacy

Chapter 190 The world buried in the sarcophagus!

After the star disk became ineffective, Fang Xu also lost his only means of escape. Seeing the Undertaker's attack coming, he felt a little panicked.

What should I do at this time?
Looking at the huge body of the undertaker and the corpse of Hu Lin dragged by the chain in his other hand, Fang Xu suddenly rushed out!

At the moment when the chain was about to lock him, he flew straight towards the back of the Undertaker!

Faced with such a terrifying existence, it is obviously impossible to escape now.

Fang Xu decided to do the opposite!

Since I can't escape, I'm going to jump on you and see what you can do.

Compared to the Undertaker's kilometer-tall body, Fang Xu was like an ant in front of him. He rushed out and landed directly on the huge sarcophagus behind the Undertaker!
The Undertaker had not expected Fang Xu to make such a choice, and the sarcophagus behind him seemed sacred and inviolable to him. Feeling that Fang Xu actually stepped on the sarcophagus at this time, the Undertaker became angry!

The terrifying body shook suddenly!
The invisible energy force directly caused Fang Xuzhen behind him to spit blood!

so horrible!

Fang Xu tightly grasped the huge iron chain that bound the sarcophagus and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The Undertaker's attack had already caused him serious injuries.

If the other party hits me again, I would probably be shocked to death!

But the problem is that I am now in a difficult situation.

He could feel that the undertaker was very angry at this moment.

It seemed that stepping on the sarcophagus was a serious blasphemy and the other party would never let him go.

Fang Xu was shocked when he felt the undertaker's body muscles contracting!

Attack again!
Fang Xu's figure instantly flew up from the iron chain and landed directly on the lid of the sarcophagus.

Just as he was preparing to deal with the Undertaker's attack with all his strength, he suddenly discovered that there was a crack in the huge sarcophagus.

And there seemed to be some strange fluctuations emanating from the gap.

Fang Xu hesitated for a moment, then finally gritted his teeth and went in.

The sarcophagus is huge, but the space inside is a bit small.

It was pitch black all around. After warriors reached the level of Martial Master, an ordinary night could no longer affect their vision.

But the darkness inside the sarcophagus is true darkness. Not only can the eyes not see anything around, but even the power of the soul cannot be extended here.

Fang Xu searched in the Qiankun Ring and finally found the most practical thing.

Fire starter.

Blowing the fire stick in his hand, he finally saw part of the scene inside the sarcophagus with the help of the faint light.

I feel like I am in a narrow corridor now.

Groping for the wall which was smooth on one side and carved with mysterious patterns on the other, Fang Xu moved forward cautiously.


This is not a corridor!
After walking for a while, he suddenly realized something was wrong!

The place where I am now is not a corridor at all!
The most realistic situation is that the sarcophagus outside is called the coffin, and the one inside that is carved with mysterious patterns is the real coffin.

This practice was also very popular in ancient times.

Coffin, coffin.

One layer of coffin and one layer of outer coffin.

What I previously thought was a corridor was actually the gap between the coffin and the outer coffin.

Realizing this, Fang Xu began to touch the top of the real sarcophagus inside.

Now he is very curious about what is buried in this coffin carried by the corpse of an ancient god?
With the help of the light from the tinder, Fang Xu groped towards the top of the coffin, while paying attention to the ancient carvings on the sarcophagus, hoping to find some information about the identity of the coffin owner.

However, these carvings are disorganized and very complex.

In addition, he couldn't see the whole picture, so it was difficult for him to understand the reason at once.

When he finally arrived in front of the real coffin lid, he was still confused.


When he reached the top of the coffin, Fang Xu was still worried. There was a gap in the outer coffin that allowed him to come in, and he could open the inner coffin by himself.

But when he saw a tiny crack at the top of the coffin lid, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

There is a crack in the outer coffin, and there is also a crack in the inner coffin?
Feeling the strange smell in the coffin becoming stronger and stronger, Fang Xu did not hesitate and went straight into the sarcophagus through the gap.

With the help of the faint light of the fire stick, Fang Xu frowned immediately after coming in.

Because what appeared before him was a scene similar to a corridor!

The only difference is that one side of the corridor is a smooth stone wall, while the other side is a bronze wall carved with exquisite patterns.

With previous experience, Fang Xu understood that the bronze wall inside might be the real coffin.

The two outer layers are coffins.

A three-layer coffin is indeed a rare situation.

Compared with the carvings on the second layer of the stone coffin, the pictures carved on this layer of bronze coffin are relatively simple.

There are also more connections between the lines.

But even so, Fang Xu couldn't figure out what these lines represented.

With curiosity about the identity of the owner of the bronze coffin in his heart, Fang Xu continued to touch towards the top.

When he was about to reach the top, an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Could this bronze coffin also have a layer of outer coffin?
After this thought came to his mind, his figure had already reached the top of the bronze coffin.

There is also a gap here.

At this moment, Fang Xu was a little confused, and a trace of fear rose in his heart.

The corpse of the ancient god was carrying a coffin, and inside the huge coffin there were already three layers of coffins.

The identity of the owner of this coffin must be no simple person.

But now, there is a gap in each layer of the coffin, which cannot be a coincidence.

When this happens, there are only two possibilities.

Either someone has entered this sarcophagus, or... something in the sarcophagus has come out!

The Undertaker's strength is so terrifying, if someone has entered there.

How terrifying must this person's strength be?

After all, he was able to come in because there was a gap between the layers of the sarcophagus, which was equivalent to someone clearing a way for him.

It is obviously impossible for the first person who enters to receive such treatment.

There was only one way for him to get in, and that was to force open the coffins layer by layer despite the terrifying attacks of the undertakers.

Fang Xu couldn't imagine such strength.

I just feel deep down that it's a little impossible.

If someone didn't get in through the gap in the coffin, then there was only one other possibility.

The contents of the coffin are out!
The mourner carries the sarcophagus on his back, and in a sense, he has great respect for what is inside the sarcophagus.

If the things inside wanted to come out, he would definitely not stop it.

But this doesn't seem right.

Since everything in the sarcophagus has already come out, why is the undertaker still wandering in the vast ocean with the coffin on his back?

Unable to figure it out, Fang Xu glanced at the gap in the bronze coffin, hesitated for a moment, and finally resolutely went in.

The moment his body passed through the gap, his pupils shrank slightly.

Another corridor!

The bronze coffin is also a coffin!

However, the coffin that appeared this time was still a green jade coffin.

The jade coffin is also carved with exquisite patterns.

At this moment, Fang Xu could finally roughly understand the meaning of these patterns.

There are some figures and some irregular lines.

Because it is a four-layer coffin, the length of the green jade coffin is now less than 500 meters.

Fang Xu held up the fire starter and quickly looked over the carvings on the entire jade coffin.

He suddenly discovered that the carvings on the jade coffin seemed to record some grand sacrificial scene. The figures included more than just humans. Fang Xu found many creatures with wings or with monster bodies and human heads in the pictures.

There are even some weird humanoid creatures.

The things these creatures use for sacrifice are all irregular lines.

There is no connection between these lines, so Fang Xu cannot figure out what they represent specifically.

After looking at the relief on the jade coffin, Fang Xu slowly raised his head and looked upwards.

Now he no longer thinks that this green jade coffin is a real coffin.

This green jade coffin is most likely also a coffin, and there is even another coffin inside.

In order to verify his guess, he came to the top of the jade coffin and found another crack here.

What was different from the previous gaps was that there was a faint light underneath this gap.

But the light was too weak, and he hadn't noticed it when he was browsing the relief below.

He went inside through the gap and found everything was just as he had expected.

The green jade coffin is also a coffin.

Another white jade coffin appeared inside.

At this time, the white jade coffin was only three hundred meters long, and it was still covered with various exquisite reliefs.

The fluorescence he had seen before was actually emitted by the white jade coffin.

The fifth floor.

Five layers of outer coffins and one layer of coffin. Could this white jade coffin be the real coffin?

Fang Xu extinguished the fire in his hand and began to browse the sculptures on the white jade coffin.

The sculptures on the white jade coffin are clearer than those on the green jade coffin.

The portraits of the people and various creatures above are also clearer.

What is recorded on the white jade coffin seems to be a war.

The protagonist of this war is a very vague figure, who seems to be leading many creatures to fight against some terrible existence.

According to the relief, the war was brutal, with countless lives lost, the earth cracked, and mountains and rivers collapsed. But in the end, the war seemed to be won.

Because Fang Xu saw the lines of the scene of all the spirits kneeling in prayer on the last relief painting, and also saw smiles on some of the characters' faces.

This is a heroic story...

After looking at these reliefs, Fang Xu guessed that the being who led all living things to win the war should be the owner of the sarcophagus.

He should be the one buried here.

Following the wall of the white jade coffin, Fang Xu soon arrived at the coffin lid.

The expected gaps still exist.

Through the gap, the light inside the white jade coffin has become very strong.

It was so strong that when Fang Xu stretched his head to look over, he could only see a vast expanse of white and could not make out what was inside.

The strange feeling that had always attracted him became even stronger at this time.

Even Fang Xu could feel a faint calling.

"Come in... come in quickly..."

Feeling all this, he carefully followed the gap and came into the white jade coffin.

The moment his body passed through the white jade coffin, he suddenly felt a strange feeling.

This feeling seems to be similar to the previous time when I used the power of cracking to enter the stone gate world.

Before he could figure out what this feeling was, he was instantly stunned by the scene before him!

The dazzling white light in front of his eyes disappeared, and a huge world appeared in his sight!

The whole world is devastated and dilapidated!
The earth here is full of all kinds of shocking cracks, mountains have collapsed, rivers have dried up, and even the sun and moon above have been shattered and become a pile of fragments hanging in the sky.




Fang Xu strolled on this land, looking at the rotten corpses everywhere under his feet, his eyes full of curiosity.

What exactly is going on?

The corpse of an ancient god was given birth to intelligence and transformed into a mourner, carrying a huge sarcophagus on its back.

This sarcophagus has five layers of outer coffins and one layer of coffin. Is a dead world buried inside?

What is the relationship between this world and the corpse of the ancient god?
Fang Xu thought about this question as he walked.

Suddenly, his eyes caught a glimpse of a huge dead tree.

"So familiar..."

Looking at the dead tree, Fang Xu suddenly felt familiar.

But the dead tree had been burnt, with only half of its dry trunk standing alone among the broken walls.

and many more……

Fang Xu's pupils shrank, and he quickly came to a ruin next to the ancient tree where only a low courtyard wall remained.

A large tree that was also burnt, leaving only a low stump, a broken stone table, and a stone bench...

His pupils widened slightly as he looked at the familiar layout.

"How can it be!?"

"What exactly is going on!?"

Looking at the collapsed mountain range not far away, Fang Xu's face was full of disbelief.

That’s Tilan Mountain!
This ancient tree is exactly the thousand-year-old maple tree in Fenglin Town!
And the dilapidated courtyard beneath his feet was exactly his home in Fenglin Town!

Then this world... is the entire Tianxuan Realm! ?

His body soared high into the sky, and Fang Xu looked into the distance!
He saw Wangyue Mountain, the once glorious Zhongzhou Imperial City, and Huayang Mountain.

His body fell to the location of Huayang Mountain. Fang Xu saw that the Ascension Platform of the Ascension Conference had been destroyed, but there were still some familiar things around it.

The Star Palace on the top of the mountain, the Cliff Palace that hides the Cliff Immortal Scripture, and the huge iron sword that has been hidden deep in the Divine Weapon Hall...

But all these things in front of us have been destroyed by a powerful force!

Based on the signs around him, Fang Xu was shocked to find that the entire Huayang Mountain seemed to have been chopped into pieces by a single sword!

Looking around, Fang Xu's pupils shrank again.

It was a huge white ape corpse!

The white ape's body was cut open by a sword, the blood drained out, and its rotten internal organs were scattered on the ground!
Next to the white ape's body, there was a black five-clawed dragon lying!

However, at this time, the five-clawed dragon had been chopped into two pieces and died tragically on the spot!

Fang Xu looked pale.

He knew that those were the corpses of the old ape and the dragon!


They are both dead!
Fang Xu walked slowly to the bodies of the old ape and the dragon, and quietly stroked the dragon's almost shattered scales and broken horns.

Then he stroked the old ape's dull fur...


This is definitely a fantasy land!
Fang Xu kept telling himself in his mind that everything before him was an illusion.

But in the end, he couldn't deceive himself.

Because no matter what you see with your eyes or what you feel with your soul, everything here is so real.

what happened?

What happened in Tianxuan Realm?
Why is the entire Tianxuan Realm buried in this sarcophagus?
Who started this war?
Who is the enemy?
At this moment, he had no way to stay awake.

Could it be that what is revealed in the sarcophagus is the future of the Tianxuan Realm?

What about me? Where did I go?

With this suspicion, Fang Xu searched like crazy throughout the Tianxuan Realm for any clues about himself. (End of this chapter)

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