NBA: Starting with Jokic template

Chapter 135: Unprecedented 40 assists in a single game, well-deserved AMVP

Chapter 135: Unprecedented 40 assists in a single game, well-deserved AMVP (55)

The current score is 135:127.

There is only an 8-point difference between the two sides, which is not a big difference.

According to All-Star convention, after three quarters, it's time for the two teams to really fight after this score difference.

This is also the moment that fans are most looking forward to.

Lin Chuan appeared on the court again, and his opponent became Tyson Chandler.

Smart choice.

Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows.

At present, the only center in the East who can interfere with Lin Chuan is this best defensive player in his prime.

The person in front of him was Lin Chuan, and Chandler couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

He rubbed his beard, clenched his fists and blew air into them.

It's like he's cheering himself up.

Then he reached down again, adjusted the position of his shorts a few times, and stuffed the blue jersey in repeatedly to relieve himself.

Seeing Chandler's strange behavior, Lin Chuan probably understood.
It seems that the shadow of the last time he was trained by himself and the key goal he scored in front of him has not disappeared.

In the current Western Conference, the point guard has been replaced by Paul and the power forward has been replaced by Duncan.

It can be seen that this is the strongest lineup in the West.

"Oh! The two strongest playmakers in the league are on the court together! Now let's see how the Eastern Conference will defend!"

The Eastern Conference All-Stars served first.

Irving faced Paul's defense and made a three-pointer with the help of a screen.

Western attack.

Paul dribbled across half court, Lin Chuan came up to set a screen, and Paul took the opportunity to break through.

Both of them are players who can pass and shoot, which is equivalent to two cups of poisoned wine.

For a moment, the defender looked around, hesitating about who to defend better.

But no matter what, the shooting percentage at the basket is ultimately higher.

Rondo quickly chases after Paul.

Paul performed a trick with one hand, jumped up and passed the ball to Lin Chuan at the top of the arc.

"Hey! It's not that the more assists the better the pass, man!"

Paul even spoke trash to Rondo, the current assist king, the moment he passed the ball in front of his defense.

You have to know that the reason why he can become an All-Star in the league with a height of over 1.8 meters is because his organization is the best in the league.

Rondo wanted to intercept his pass, but he was too inexperienced!
Chandler quickly made up for the defense, baring his teeth and claws like a giant octopus.

Being closely guarded at the top of the arc, Lin Chuan’s three-point shooting percentage was not very confident.

it's fine.

Holding the basketball high, Lin Chuan instantly found Kobe who was running back and avoiding the defender.

As soon as Kobe stood still, the ball was already in his hands.

Kobe Bryant shot smoothly without any adjustment and scored two points.

"29 assists! The biggest highlight today is no longer which side will win! But to what level Lin Chuan can refresh this assist record!"


Not too long, in the next round, Lin Chuan successfully got his 30th assist.

But this was far from the end for him.

The score gap has always been small.

The Eastern Conference All-Stars are also trying to catch up.


Others who enter the paint have a chance to score and close the score.

But once James rushed in with the basketball.

What awaits him is either a block or Lin Chuan's help from afar.

This also made him enjoy his hotpot.

He lay on the floor seven or eight times. Up to now, he had been attacking the inside line with his head, but he only made 12 of 2 shots.

The All-Stars had a lower shooting percentage than the regular season.

Later on, he was booed by the audience whenever he got the ball, and Spoelstra had to substitute him at a critical moment.

"LeBron James has been completely hated by the fans. As soon as he got the ball, we could hear the boos from the whole stadium even through the screen."

Zhang Weiping felt a little emotional.

"That's not anyone else's fault. In the past two years, he has greatly exhausted the image he had built up before. Now, fans in the United States and around the world have seen through him."

"We can all see it from the All-Star voting."

"As a two-time MVP, he didn't even win the division's vote count. He has completely lost the support of the people."

Ke Fan talked freely.

"People's will? The word you used is..."

After listening to Ke Fan's explanation, even Zhang Weiping, who was able to hold his composure, could hardly hold it anymore.

8 minute later.

The score is 157:146.

Lin Chuan turned his back to the basket.

Behind him is Joakim Noah.

The aggressive defense gave Lin Chuan visions of the playoffs.

There was little time left and the score was close.

Compared to Lin Chuan's assists, the Eastern Conference doesn't want him to take shots himself to continue to widen the score gap.

"About to commit a back-to-the-basket violation! Is there anyone stepping forward to receive the ball? Durant ran out and asked Lin Chuan for the ball!"

"Lin Chuan didn't pass it to him, but to Harden in the corner! Three-point shot!"

"Oh my god! The 38th assist! Lin Chuan is going to challenge the 40 assists in a single game that no one has ever achieved!"

"But I believe that, by now, no fan will doubt that Lin Chuan can really do this."

"Yes, I didn't expect to see such a performance in this Houston All-Star Game."

"Unheard of, a center breaking the assist record."

The commentators were filled with happiness. For them, being able to commentate on such a famous scene on the spot was something worth remembering for the rest of their lives.

In the final four minutes, even though the Eastern Conference All-Stars tried their best, they were unable to close the score until the very end.

The game finally ended.

172: 158.

The Western Conference All-Stars won by 14 points.

The AMVP was undisputedly given to Lin Chuan with 40+11+16.

These 40 are not points, but assists.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Lin Chuan held up the AMVP trophy.

The first Chinese player to win AMVP, the honor of the Star among Stars.

At this historic moment, cameramen and reporters were taking photos frantically to record this scene forever.

"Lin, as the first Chinese player to win the AMVP, and this time he got 40 assists, breaking the All-Star single-game record, what do you want to say?"

As soon as Lin Chuan took the photos, the reporter came up to interview him.

"Well, I just want to say that the fans at the scene and in front of the TV gave me so much cheering and encouragement. Thank them. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have played so well. And my teammates. My 40 assists were based on their goals. So, I thank them for their accurate shots. This AMVP award belongs to both the fans and my teammates!"

Lin Chuan accepted the interview with a smile and gave all the credit to everyone.

The humility in his words made the fans at the scene stand up and applaud for this half of their own players.

This All-Star Game came to an end with Lin Chuan winning the AMVP.

This also means that Lin Chuan’s precious vacation has come to an end.

Starting tomorrow, they will resume the final stage of the regular season.

But in this final regular season, they still have some goals.

(End of this chapter)

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