NBA: Starting with Jokic template

Chapter 158: Tooth for tooth, double return

Chapter 158: Tooth for tooth, double return (35)

"I'll let them know that it won't be that simple."

"This matter has gone beyond the basketball court."

Lin Chuan stared at the retreating Heat team, his tone gradually becoming heavier.

"Since he hurt our people, I will make him and the Heat pay back double!"

Westbrook on the side could already hear his anger.

He nodded,
"It's up to you, Lin Chuan."

The referee was wearing headphones in front of the technical table, constantly replaying the scenes that had just occurred.

In slow motion, they saw that James seemed to be able to brake the car at last, but still failed to slow down and crashed into the car.

A minute later, the referee walked towards the crowd and announced the result.

"First degree flagrant foul!"

As he spoke, the referee pointed his finger over there.

Give it to LeBron James!

The Thunder got two free throws!
"What?! Why!"

James immediately expressed his dissatisfaction, spreading his hands to explain to the referee.

"I didn't mean any harm! I just couldn't control my speed and crashed into him!"

The referee stared at James coldly and pushed away his arm that was about to hit his face.
"We have just watched the replay. You could have stopped at the end, but we didn't see you take any remedial measures until you hit Durant."

"By the way, if you keep complaining to me, I don't mind giving you another T."

After hearing the referee's words, James immediately stopped complaining.

In just a moment, he ended his appeal and turned around to retreat.

It’s like he can perform Sichuan opera face changing.

Because Durant was injured and left the game.

This time, Lin Chuan took his place and made the two free throws.

Lin Chuan stood on the free throw line, closed his eyes and took two deep breaths.

At this moment, many things flashed through Lin Chuan's mind.

After a few seconds, he slowly opened his eyes.

My heart gradually calmed down.

Since you, James, use this method, I have no choice but to beat you to death.

Both free throws were easily made.

During the free throws, the American Airlines Center rarely made any noise that interfered with the shots.

Maybe even their home fans know the rules of propriety and honor.

After making both free throws, the ball still belongs to the Thunder.

Ibaka served the ball, Lin Chuan ran a few steps to avoid Haslem's control and received the basketball.

Looking up, Lin Chuan saw the current score.

47: 35.

Originally the difference was only 10 points, but just now Lin Chuan made two free throws and the difference reached 12 points.

"12 points... What a coincidence. The difference in the Christmas game was exactly five times this. I wonder how big a score I should give them in this game..."

Lin Chuan murmured as he moved to the three-point line.

Haslem was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Lin Chuan was talking about.

Because Lin Chuan spoke this monologue in Chinese.

Lin Chuan shook his head and waved to Nick Collison to come forward and set a screen for him.

Collison ran forward quickly to cover Lin Chuan.

James, who was on the opposite side, also ran forward quickly.

Lin Chuan cannot be left open, his accuracy is no less than Durant's.

However, this is just a switching tactic.

After the screen, Lin Chuan did not choose to rush to the inside when there was a loophole in the defense, but waited for a moment and let Collison take Haslem away.

And the defense in front of him was switched to LeBron James.

Seeing that Lin Chuan was going to play one-on-one against him, James was a little confused.

“I have to say, although you are famous for the calling-out tactic, in this match, I am going to keep calling you out and beat you to pieces.”

Lin Chuan's voice was calm, but James seemed a little confused when he heard it.

He had not yet fought Curry in the finals and had never used this tactic.

Moreover, he didn't expect Lin Chuan to choose to switch defense and attack him.

"Do you know that I was the second best defensive player, and I was blacklisted by Gasol."

Lin Chuan sneered,
"What an idiot! I beat the best defensive player in the league. I beat all the centers. Do you really think you are such a great defender as a small forward with a power forward's body?"

Without waiting for James to reply, Lin Chuan continued,

"Forget it, I won't bully you."

"Let me fight you with my skills first, so that no one can't stand the loss and say I got physical after the game."

Lin Chuan dribbled the ball slowly in front of his body, seemingly casually, but James did not dare to rush to grab it rashly. He was very clear about Lin Chuan's control over the basketball.

Just concentrate your attention on Lin Chuan's movements.

"Don't be too nervous."

There were more than 9 seconds left in this offensive round. Lin Chuan said to James again,

"Now let me tell you how I will play this offensive round."

"It's right here, at the top of the arc."

Lin Chuan pointed at the ground and asked James to look carefully.

"I'll be right here, shooting a three-pointer."

After saying that, Lin Chuan ignored James and directly passed the ball.

James' eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe Lin Chuan's confidence.

"Try to defend it."

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he looked at the countdown above and saw that there were only three seconds left.




Lin Chuan counted down loudly.

James immediately jumped up to block the shot.

He didn't care whether what Lin Chuan said was true or false.

But there was only one second left and it was too late to pass the ball.

Lin Chuan must take a three-pointer!

That's right.

Lin Chuan was not trying to be cunning.

Whatever he said he would do, he would do it.

Lin Chuan ignored James's movements and forced his shot despite the fact that James was almost about to pounce on him!



"The thugs foul!"

Lin Chuan's trebuchet three-pointer is hard to interfere with even the center, let alone James.

Hearing the foul, Lin Chuan pushed James away with an expressionless face and walked to the free throw line.

After easily making the free throw, Lin Chuan stretched his muscles and quickly retreated.

The Heat attack.

After a pass, the basketball came into the hands of Ray Allen in the corner.

Seeing Lin Chuan rushing towards him, Ray Allen raised his hand expressionlessly.

Just like the thousands of corner three-pointers he had taken before.

He raised his hand without any fear, ready to take a three-point shot.

Lin Chuan pounced on Ray Allen.

But Ray Allen just raised his hand and the ball was still in his hand.

He made a time difference.

When Lin Chuan flew behind him.

Ray Allen then adjusted his posture again and prepared to shoot.

He stared at the basket expressionlessly.

Just like his nickname.

Killer Thunder.

The attack is as sharp as a knife.


A crisp sound.

The basketball has not been released yet.

But suddenly, before he was about to let go, a hand held him down tightly.

Ray Allen made a shooting gesture.

But the basketball stopped where it was.

He was caught by Lin Chuan.

Ray Allen's calm expression changed.

His eyes widened, seeming a little incredulous.

He created a time difference and attacked before Lin Chuan landed and could take off again.

But why was it still blocked?!
(End of this chapter)

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